
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to chineseclass101.com. I am David.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是(Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì)Echo。
David: And we finally made it to lesson 25 in our first intermediate series.
Echo: Airport Adventure in China.
David: This is another adventure that you can have at the airport.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Airport security.
Echo: 对, 不知道你会不会喜欢。(Duì, bù zhīdào nǐ huì bù huì xǐhuān.)
David: So we’ve got a dialogue that takes place at airport security and it’s between a security guard and someone who is just trying to get to his flight.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: Right. Why the fuss! So we are going to take you to the dialogue in a sec. Before we do, we want to remind you. It’s the end of our first intermediate series. Things are getting really tricky. So if you are having difficulty with this, make sure to check out those premium PDFs. They’ve got everything written down.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Okay. That being said, let’s go to the dialogue.
请把包过安检。(Qǐng bǎ bāoguò ānjiǎn.)
还需要过安检?(Hái xūyào guò ānjiǎn?)
把兜里的手机,钥匙,打火机之类的全掏出来。(Bǎ dōu lǐ de shǒujī, yàoshi, dǎhuǒjī zhīlèi de quán tāo chūlái.)
好吧,没办法。(Hǎo ba, méi bànfǎ.)
请把腰带解了再过一次。(Qǐng bǎ yāodài jiě le zài guò yī cì.)
请你配合一下,不然您是登不了机的。(Qǐng nǐ pèihéyīxià, bùrán nín shì dēng bù liǎo jī de.)
我。。。好吧。(Wǒ... hǎo ba.)
你腰上怎么放了这么多钱?(Nǐ yāo shàng zěnme fàng le zhème duō qián?)
我。。。我就是不想报关才。。。唉!(Wǒ... Wǒ jiùshì bù xiǎng bàoguān cái... āi!)
David: One more time, a little bit slower.
请把包过安检。(Qǐng bǎ bāoguò ānjiǎn.)
还需要过安检?(Hái xūyào guò ānjiǎn?)
把兜里的手机,钥匙,打火机之类的全掏出来。(Bǎ dōu lǐ de shǒujī, yàoshi, dǎhuǒjī zhīlèi de quán tāo chūlái.)
好吧,没办法。(Hǎo ba, méi bànfǎ.)
请把腰带解了再过一次。(Qǐng bǎ yāodài jiě le zài guò yī cì.)
请你配合一下,不然您是登不了机的。(Qǐng nǐ pèihéyīxià, bùrán nín shì dēng bù liǎo jī de.)
我。。。好吧。(Wǒ... hǎo ba.)
你腰上怎么放了这么多钱?(Nǐ yāo shàng zěnme fàng le zhème duō qián?)
我。。。我就是不想报关才。。。唉!(Wǒ... Wǒ jiùshì bù xiǎng bàoguān cái... āi!)
David: And now with the English translation.
请把包过安检。(Qǐng bǎ bāoguò ānjiǎn.)
A: Please put your bag through the security check.
还需要过安检?(Hái xūyào guò ānjiǎn?)
B: Do I need to?
把兜里的手机,钥匙,打火机之类的全掏出来。(Bǎ dōu lǐ de shǒujī, yàoshi, dǎhuǒjī zhīlèi de quán tāo chūlái.)
A: Take your cell phone, keys and other things out of your pocket.
好吧,没办法。(Hǎo ba, méi bànfǎ.)
B: Okay. If I have to.
请把腰带解了再过一次。(Qǐng bǎ yāodài jiě le zài guò yī cì.)
A: Take your belt off and try again.
B: But...
请你配合一下,不然您是登不了机的。(Qǐng nǐ pèihéyīxià, bùrán nín shì dēng bù liǎo jī de.)
A: Please cooperate. Otherwise you can't board the plane.
我。。。好吧。(Wǒ... hǎo ba.)
B: I...ok.
你腰上怎么放了这么多钱?(Nǐ yāo shàng zěnme fàng le zhème duō qián?)
A: Why do you have so much money around your waist?
我。。。我就是不想报关才。。。唉!(Wǒ... Wǒ jiùshì bù xiǎng bàoguān cái... āi!)
B: I...I just didn't want to report it at customs...
Echo: So David, 我听说你有一个很有意思的安检经历。(Wǒ tīng shuō nǐ yǒu yīgè hěn yǒuyìsi de ānjiǎn jīnglì.)
David: I’ve never done this despite the rumors on the internet. Who would put money around their waist?
Echo: No 不是这个事情,但是你有一个很有意思的。(Bùshì zhège shìqíng, dànshì nǐ yǒu yīgè hěn yǒuyìsi de.)
David: Oh yes. I once took a server through customs.
Echo: 对,一个大黑箱子。(Duì, yīgè dà hēi xiāngzi.)
David: A giant metal steel box with a red and yellow wires sticking around inside. This was China and the security check consisted of what is that to which the answer was it’s a server and they said oh okay, well take it on.
Echo: 他们很(Tāmen hěn) Nice.
David: They were very nice. They were lovely. Anyway, our vocab here is all about
Echo: 安检(Ānjiǎn)
David: It’s all about security. So let’s get to it. And now the vocab section.
Echo: 安检(Ānjiǎn)
David: Security check.
Echo: 安检,安检。淘(Ānjiǎn, ānjiǎn. Táo)
David: To fish out.
Echo: 淘,淘。解(Táo, táo. Jiě)
David: To untie.
Echo: 解,解。配合(Jiě, jiě. Pèihé)
David: To coordinate with.
Echo: 配合,配合。登机(Pèihé, pèihé. Dēng jī)
David: To board a plane.
Echo: 登机,登机。报关(Dēng jī, dēng jī. Bàoguān)
David: To declare.
Echo: 报关,报关。兜儿(Bàoguān, bàoguān. Dōu er)
David: Pocket.
Echo: 兜儿,兜儿。腰带(Dōu er, dōu er. Yāodài)
David: Belt.
Echo: 腰带,腰带。(Yāodài, yāodài.)
David: So the first word is obviously the word for security check.
Echo: 安检(Ānjiǎn)
David: Security check.
Echo: 安检,其实它的意思就是“安全检查”。(Ānjiǎn, qíshí tā de yìsi jiùshì “ānquán jiǎnchá”.)
David: So it’s a condensed word.
Echo: 对,安全检查。(Duì, ānquán jiǎnchá.)
David: Security inspection.
Echo: 比如说,上飞机前,乘客们都要安检。(Bǐrú shuō, shàng fēijī qián, chéngkèmen dōu yào ānjiǎn.)
David: Before boarding the plane, passengers must go through a security check. They are actually getting more and more serious about it in China. I don’t know if I would get away with the server these days.
Echo: No 我觉得不可能。(Wǒ juédé bù kěnéng.)
David: But I’ve got a question for you. In the dialogue, we heard a line that was please cooperate.
Echo: 对,请配合一下。(Duì, qǐng pèihé yīxià.)
David: That’s not the word we’ve heard for cooperate before.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: In previous lessons, we’ve learned the cooperate is
Echo: 合作。我们在这里也可以说“合作”:请你合作一下。但是“配合”有种更强的语气。(Hézuò. Wǒmen zài zhèlǐ yě kěyǐ shuō “hézuò”: Qǐng nǐ hézuò yīxià. Dànshì “pèihé” yǒu zhǒng gèng qiáng de yǔqì.)
David: It’s more to accord with our regulations. You’ve got to matchup to the requirements.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: So that’s a casual translation but you are going to run into this in situations where you are asked to follow the rules.
Echo: 对。请您配合一下我们的工作。(Duì. Qǐng nín pèihé yīxià wǒmen de gōngzuò.)
David: Please comply with really the requirements for our job.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: So the gentleman empties out his pockets and his belt kinda gives him a way too but there is that verb there where he is fishing stuff out of his pockets.
Echo: 掏(Tāo)
David: To fish out.
Echo: 掏(Tāo)
David: And literally this means to kind of use your hands and just scoop.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: A big circular swipe. So you are really putting your hand all the way into your pocket at the bottom and then picking stuff out.
Echo: 对,没错没错。就是这个。(Duì, méi cuò méi cuò. Jiùshì zhège.)
David: So we’ve got a sample sentence for this as well.
Echo: 他从兜里掏出一枚硬币。(Tā cóng dōu lǐ tāo chū yī méi yìngbì.)
David: He pulled the coin out of his pocket and the feeling there is that you really, really kind of reached in and then had to find it down at the bottom.
Echo: 对,没错。(Duì, méi cuò.)
David: Otherwise they wouldn’t let him board the plane.
Echo: 登机(Dēng jī)
David: To board a plane.
Echo: 登机(Dēng jī)
David: And that’s useful because we’ve also got the word boarding gate.
Echo: 登机口(Dēng jī kǒu)
David: Which we covered in our last lesson and which you were going to hear all the time at the airport.
Echo: 没错,比如说我们可以听到这个句子:通过安检以后,乘客可以到登机口登机。(Méi cuò, bǐrú shuō wǒmen kěyǐ tīng dào zhège jùzi: Tōngguò ānjiǎn yǐhòu, chéngkè kěyǐ dào dēng jī kǒu dēng jī.)
David: After passing through security, passengers can go to the boarding gate to board the plane.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: Right. You are going to hear
Echo: 登机,登机口(Dēng jī, dēng jī kǒu)
David: Everywhere in the airport.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Okay. That being said, our grammar point is about conjugation, actually three conjunctions.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: That you can use almost everywhere.

Lesson focus

David: Okay our grammar point today is a treat. We have not one, not two.
Echo: 我们有三个!(Wǒmen yǒusān gè!)
David: Yes we have three useful conjunctions. The first one comes from this line in our dialogue.
Echo: 请你配合一下,不然您是登不了机的。(Qǐng nǐ pèihé yīxià, bùrán nín shì dēng bùliǎo jī de.)
David: Please cooperate. Otherwise you can’t board the plane. What’s that word for otherwise?
Echo: 不然(Bùrán)
David: Otherwise.
Echo: 不然,不然。你最好快点走,不然你会迟到的。(Bùrán, bùrán. Nǐ zuì hǎo kuài diǎn zǒu, bùrán nǐ huì chídào de.)
David: You better go a bit faster. Otherwise you will be late. So this is almost identical to the English word otherwise.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: You set up the first condition and you better do this or else
Echo: Yeah.
David: The second condition is going to hold.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: What we want to point out is that there are two other ways of saying this that are basically identical.
Echo: 没错。第二个是:要不然(Méi cuò. Dì èr gè shì: Yào bùrán)
David: Or else
Echo: 要不然(Yào bùrán)
David: As in the sentence,
Echo: 明天我还有别的事儿,要不然我肯定陪你去。(Míngtiān wǒ hái yǒu bié de shì er, yào bùrán wǒ kěndìng péi nǐ qù.)
David: I’ve got something else tomorrow, otherwise I definitely go with you.
Echo: 所以它们两个是,完全可以互相换的。(Suǒyǐ tāmen liǎng gè shì, wánquán kěyǐ hùxiāng huàn de.)
David: Right. Let’s hear that again.
Echo: 明天我还有别的事儿,要不然我肯定陪你去。(Míngtiān wǒ hái yǒu bié de shì er, yào bùrán wǒ kěndìng péi nǐ qù.)
David: Right. So we can take
Echo: 不然(Bùrán)
David: And we can replace that with
Echo: 要不然(Yào bùrán)
David: And it’s exactly the same meaning.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: And I’d even say, it’s exactly the same feeling in tone.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: Right.
Echo: 没有区别。(Méiyǒu qūbié.)
David: They are just as formal, just as informal. Our third is a bit more colloquial.
Echo: 要不(Yào bù)
David: Or else.
Echo: 要不(Yào bù)
David: As in the sentence
Echo: 我实在没钱了,要不我还能不给你买?(Wǒ shízài méi qiánle, yào bù wǒ hái néng bù gěi nǐ mǎi?)
David: I really don’t have money. Otherwise I’d buy it for you.
Echo: 对,我怎么能不给你买?我肯定会给你买。(Duì, wǒ zěnme néng bù gěi nǐ mǎi? Wǒ kěndìng huì gěi nǐ mǎi.)
David: How can I not buy it for you.
Echo: 我实在没钱了,要不我还能不给你买?(Wǒ shízài méi qiánle, yào bù wǒ hái néng bù gěi nǐ mǎi?)
David: And that’s really colloquial. So three ways of saying otherwise.
Echo: 不然,要不然(Bùrán, yào bùrán)
David: And
Echo: 要不(Yào bù)
David: All three are essentially interchangeable. The third one is a bit more colloquial.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: But a lot of people especially at the intermediate level will kind of pick one conjunction and just latch on to it. Try to experiment with all three of these to make your language sound more natural.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)


David: Okay. So that’s our grammar point for today and that’s our lesson for today. And with this, it brings us to the end of our first intermediate series.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: We have plenty more lessons on the site though including tons of great advanced audio blogs and more intermediate stuff coming up. So if you have not yet, don’t forget to go to chineseclass101.com
Echo: Sign up for your free lifetime account
David: And get access to all of this great stuff.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: That said, we are done for the day. From Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是(Wǒ shì)Echo。
David: Thanks a lot for listening and we will see you on the site.
Echo: 网上见 (Wǎngshàng jiàn)Bye bye.
David: Bye.

