
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome back to chineseclass101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Chinese. Hi everyone, I am David.
Echo: 嗨!大家好,我是Echo.(Hāi! Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
David: And welcome to chineseclass101.com. Today we are here with intermediate series, season 1, Lesson 15.
Echo: A Tall, Tall Tale.
David: Right. This is a lesson about lying and we’ve got a dialogue that takes place
Echo: On a university campus.
David: Between two students who may have caught their teacher out in a bit of a lie.
Echo: Right. They are speaking casually as usual.
David: Right. So we are going to take you to the dialogue in a sec. Before we do that, we want to remind you that we’ve got a great one on one elite package. This can cost you as little as 80 bucks a month and it provides you with an hour of one-on-one teaching every week.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: So if you are looking for a much more convenient way to learn Chinese, then like us. This is a really, really great package. Okay with that though, let’s go to the dialogue.
Echo: 好的。 (Hǎo de.)
咱们历史老师真是疯子!(zánmen lìshǐ lǎoshī zhēnshì fēngzi!)
他讲的都是自己编造的历史。(tā jiǎng de dōu shì zìjǐ biānzào de lìshǐ)
比如说呢?(bǐrú shuō ne?)
恐龙不是史前灭绝的,而是在德国赢了二战之后。(kǒnglóng bù shì shǐqián mièjué de, érshì zài déguó yíng le èrzhàn zhīhòu)
不是吧?这太夸张了。(bù shì ba? zhè tài kuāzhāng le.)
你也觉得疯狂吧?(nǐ yě juéde fēngkuáng ba?)
恐龙明明是30年前圣诞老人当总统的时候灭绝的。(kǒnglóng míngmíng shì sānshí nián qián shèngdànlǎorén dāng zǒngtǒng de shíhou mièjué de.)
David: One more time, a little bit slower.
咱们历史老师真是疯子!(zánmen lìshǐ lǎoshī zhēnshì fēngzi!)
他讲的都是自己编造的历史。(tā jiǎng de dōu shì zìjǐ biānzào de lìshǐ)
比如说呢?(bǐrú shuō ne?)
恐龙不是史前灭绝的,而是在德国赢了二战之后。(kǒnglóng bù shì shǐqián mièjué de, érshì zài déguó yíng le èrzhàn zhīhòu)
不是吧?这太夸张了。(bù shì ba? zhè tài kuāzhāng le.)
你也觉得疯狂吧?(nǐ yě juéde fēngkuáng ba?)
恐龙明明是30年前圣诞老人当总统的时候灭绝的。(kǒnglóng míngmíng shì sānshí nián qián shèngdànlǎorén dāng zǒngtǒng de shíhou mièjué de.)
David: And now with the English translation.
咱们历史老师真是疯子!(zánmen lìshǐ lǎoshī zhēnshì fēngzi!)
Our history teacher is crazy.
他讲的都是自己编造的历史。(tā jiǎng de dōu shì zìjǐ biānzào de lìshǐ)
He just makes history up in lectures.
比如说呢?(bǐrú shuō ne?)
What's an example?
恐龙不是史前灭绝的,而是在德国赢了二战之后。(kǒnglóng bù shì shǐqián mièjué de, érshì zài déguó yíng le èrzhàn zhīhòu.)
Dinosaurs didn't go extinct ages ago, but after the Germans won WWII.
不是吧?这太夸张了。(bù shì ba? zhè tài kuāzhāng le.)
You kidding? That's totally stretching it.
你也觉得疯狂吧?(nǐ yě juéde fēngkuáng ba?)
Yeah, you think it's crazy too, eh?
恐龙明明是30年前圣诞老人当总统的时候灭绝的。(kǒnglóng míngmíng shì sānshí nián qián shèngdànlǎorén dāng zǒngtǒng de shíhou mièjué de.)
Dinosaurs clearly went extinct thirty years ago when Santa Claus was president.
David: I think whoever wrote this dialogue wanted revenge on their history teacher.
Echo: 不是我写的。(Bùshì wǒ xiě de.)
David: I think it was Nicole actually.
Echo: 哎哟,我真不知道Nicole那么讨厌她的历史老师。(Āiyō, wǒ zhēn bù zhīdào Nicole nàme tǎoyàn tā de lìshǐ lǎoshī.)
David: I didn’t know she studied history. Anyway, I think you terrorized students in different ways.
Echo: Umm 谁?(Shéi?)
David: I don’t want to crack the whip. Anyway, we’ve got a vocab section today that’s filled with words to describe teachers like Echo. Let’s get to that.
Echo: OK,听他的。(Tīng tā de.)
Echo: 咱们 (Zánmen)
David: We.
Echo: 咱们,咱们。历史 (Zánmen, zánmen. Lìshǐ)
David: History.
Echo: 历史,历史。比如 (Lìshǐ, lìshǐ. Bǐrú)
David: For instance.
Echo: 比如,比如。编造 (Bǐrú, bǐrú. Biānzào)
David: To make up.
Echo: 编造,编造。疯子 (Biānzào, biānzào. Fēngzi)
David: Mad man.
Echo: 疯子,疯子。恐龙 (Fēngzi, fēngzi. Kǒnglóng)
David: Dinosaur.
Echo: 恐龙,恐龙。明明 (Kǒnglóng, kǒnglóng. Míngmíng)
David: Clearly, evidently.
Echo: 明明,明明。疯狂 (Míngmíng, míngmíng. Fēngkuáng)
David: Crazy.
Echo: 疯狂,疯狂。夸张 (Fēngkuáng, fēngkuáng. Kuāzhāng)
David: To exaggerate.
Echo: 夸张,夸张。二战 (Kuāzhāng, kuāzhāng. Èrzhàn)
David: World War II.
Echo: 二战,二战。灭绝 (Èrzhàn, èrzhàn. Mièjué)
David: To go extinct.
Echo: 灭绝,灭绝。 (Mièjué, mièjué.)
David: Okay. Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of these words and phrases.
Echo: 第一个:编造 (Dì yī gè: Biānzào)
David: To make up.
Echo: 编造 (Biānzào)
David: To make up.
Echo: 在对话里我们听到的是这一个:他讲的都是自己编造的历史。(Zài duìhuà li wǒmen tīng dào de shì zhè yīgè: Tā jiǎng de dōu shì zìjǐ biānzào de lìshǐ.)
David: Right. He just makes up history in class.
Echo: 自己编造的历史。 (Zìjǐ biānzào de lìshǐ.)
David: Right and that’s literally the history that he makes up himself. So this word is actually a combination of two other words, right?
Echo: 是“编制” (Shì “biānzhì”)
David: Which is to edit.
Echo: 和”创造“ (Hé” chuàngzào “)
David: Just to create.
Echo: 编造。你也可以简单的说是“编的”,口语里可以说“编的”。(Biānzào. Nǐ yě kěyǐ jiǎndān de shuō shì “biān de”, kǒuyǔ lǐ kěyǐ shuō “biān de”.)
David: Hmm okay. So what’s that sentence again?
Echo: 他讲的都是自己编造的历史。我们听另外一个例子吧:历史是真实记录发生的事实的,是不容编造的。(Tā jiǎng de dōu shì zìjǐ biānzào de lìshǐ. Wǒmen tīng lìngwài yīgè lìzi ba: Lìshǐ shì zhēnshí jìlù fāshēng de shìshí de, shì bùróng biānzào de.)
David: History is a documentary record of what really happened and can’t just be made up.
Echo: 历史是真实记录发生的事实的,是不容编造的。(Lìshǐ shì zhēnshí jìlù fāshēng de shìshí de, shì bùróng biānzào de.)
David: Right and there is another word worth highlighting in there too.
Echo: 不容 (Bùróng)
David: Which means it can’t be.
Echo: 对,就是不容许,不容编造。(Duì, jiùshì bùróngxǔ, bù róng biānzào.)
David: Yeah you can’t make it up. If you do make it up though, right. The history teacher in our dialogue, you are clearly a mad man.
Echo: 疯子。 (Fēngzi.)
David: Mad man.
Echo: 疯子。 (Fēngzi.)
David: Now we’ve run into the word for crazy before.
Echo: 疯了 (Fēngle)
David: Right and that’s a verb. Right, to have gone crazy.
Echo: 疯了 (Fēngle)
David: And later in our dialogue, we actually hear this as an adjective.
Echo: 疯狂 (Fēngkuáng)
David: So now we have the noun
Echo: 疯子 (Fēngzi)
David: The verb
Echo: 疯了 (Fēngle)
David: And the adjective
Echo: 疯狂。但是大家要小心这个“疯狂”有一点正式,所以你不想随便的就是在日常的生活中说“他很疯狂”。(Fēngkuáng. Dànshì dàjiā yào xiǎoxīn zhège “fēngkuáng” yǒu yīdiǎn zhèngshì, suǒyǐ nǐ bùxiǎng suíbiàn de jiùshì zài rìcháng de shēnghuó zhōng shuō “tā hěn fēngkuáng”.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 有一点奇怪。 (Yǒu yīdiǎn qíguài.)
David: Yeah but we do hear people turn this into an adverb a lot.
Echo: 对,你可以加一个“的”:疯狂的。(Duì, nǐ kěyǐ jiā yīgè “de”: Fēngkuáng de.)
David: Yeah to say that someone is madly doing something.
Echo: 比如说:他疯狂的编造了一个谎言。(Bǐrú shuō: Tā fēngkuáng de biānzàole yīgè huǎngyán.)
David: He crazily makes up lies.
Echo: 他疯狂的编造了一个谎言。(Tā fēngkuáng de biānzàole yīgè huǎngyán.)
David: Right and that’s another word we want to highlight for you, the word for “lie”.
Echo: 谎言,谎言。(Huǎngyán, huǎngyán.)
David: Now, in our dialogue, we didn’t hear the word “lie”.
Echo: 我们听到的是“夸张” (Wǒmen tīng dào de shì “kuāzhāng”)
David: To exaggerate.
Echo: 夸张。在对话里我们听到的是“这太夸张了”。(Kuāzhāng. Zài duìhuà li wǒmen tīng dào de shì “zhè tài kuāzhāngle”.)
David: Yeah. That’s very 口语 (Kǒuyǔ), that’s too exaggerated. So to review, we’ve covered a few ways of describing various kinds of craziness. We’ve got the noun
Echo: 疯子 (Fēngzi)
David: The verb
Echo: 疯了 (Fēngle)
David: And an adjective.
Echo: 疯狂 (Fēngkuáng)
David: We’ve learned not to tell lies.
Echo: 谎言 (Huǎngyán)
David: But it’s sometimes, you can exaggerate a bit.
Echo: 夸张 (Kuāzhāng)

Lesson focus

David: It’s grammar time. Let’s move on to the grammar section.
Echo: 好的。今天我们的语法点是“不是...而是...”(Hǎo de. Jīntiān wǒmen de yǔfǎ diǎn shì “bùshì... Ér shì...”)
David: Yeah. This is a structure and we saw it in the dialogue in the following sentence.
Echo: 恐龙不是史前灭绝的,而是在德国赢了二战之后。(Kǒnglóng bùshì shǐqián mièjué de, ér shì zài déguó yíngle èrzhàn zhīhòu.)
David: Dinosaurs didn’t go extinct ages ago but after the Germans won World War II.
Echo: 恐龙不是史前灭绝的,而是在德国赢了二战之后。(Kǒnglóng bùshì shǐqián mièjué de, ér shì zài déguó yíngle èrzhàn zhīhòu.)
David: It’s not X, it’s Y.
Echo: 不是...而是... (Bùshì... Ér shì...)
David: We are creating and emphasizing contrast.
Echo: 比如说:我不是不愿意帮你忙,而是没有钱。(Bǐrú shuō: Wǒ bùshì bù yuànyì bāng nǐ máng, ér shì méiyǒu qián.)
David: Yeah. It’s not that I don’t want to help, it’s that I don’t have the money.
Echo: 我不是不愿意帮你忙,而是没有钱。(Wǒ bùshì bù yuànyì bāng nǐ máng, ér shì méiyǒu qián.)
David: Our contrast here is between the two elements.
Echo: 愿意帮你忙 (Yuànyì bāng nǐ máng)
David: And
Echo: 没有钱 (Méiyǒu qián)
David: Let’s take a look at another example.
Echo: 我们学的不是西班牙语,而是中文。(Wǒmen xué de bùshì xībānyá yǔ, ér shì zhōngwén.)
David: That which we are studying, it isn’t Spanish, it’s Chinese.
Echo: 我们学的不是西班牙语,而是中文。(Wǒmen xué de bùshì xībānyá yǔ, ér shì zhōngwén.)
David: Now there are two important points we want to make here. The first is that sometimes we are going to see
Echo: 不是 (Bùshì)
David: Come in front of a verb or a verb phrase.
Echo: 对,比如说:我不是不愿意帮你忙
David: But it doesn’t need to be. Sometimes
Echo: 不是 (Bùshì)
David: Is actually going to be the main verb in the sentence.
Echo: 对,我们学的不是西班牙语 (Duì, wǒmen xué de bùshì xībānyá yǔ)
David: Yeah. That which we are studying, it’s not Spanish. Now the second point here is that when that happens. When
Echo: 不是 (Bùshì)
David: Is actually our main verb, it’s very, very common for Chinese speakers to front the sentence.
Echo: 我们学的不是西班牙语,而是中文。(Wǒmen xué de bùshì xībānyá yǔ, ér shì zhōngwén)
David: Right fronting is really common in Chinese. That’s why we put our subject right at the front for extra emphasis.
Echo: 我们学的不是西班牙语,而是中文。(Wǒmen xué de bùshì xībānyá yǔ, ér shì zhōngwén.)
David: That which we are studying, it isn’t Spanish, it’s Chinese.
Echo: 或者说,历史不是编造的,而是真实的。(Huòzhě shuō, lìshǐ bùshì biānzào de, ér shì zhēnshí de.)
David: History. It isn’t something you make up, it’s real.
Echo: 对。 (Duì.)


David: So that just about does it for today.
Echo: 希望大家都不要编造历史哟! (Xīwàng dàjiā dōu bùyào biānzào lìshǐ yō!)
David: Right. Okay that just about does it for today.
Echo: Ready to test what you just learned.
David: We’ve got flashcards on the site and there is a reason everyone uses them.
Echo: They work.
David: They do and they really do help with memorization.
Echo: Yeah.
David: So you can test yourself on this vocab and all of the other vocab for our lessons.
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.)
David: While coming to the premium learning center at chineseclass101.com. Okay with that though, from our studios in Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是Echo。(Wǒ shì Echo.)
David: Thanks a lot for listening and we will see you on the site.
Echo: Bye bye.


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