
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Frank: Hey, everyone.
Echo: Da jia hao!
Frank: Welcome back to ChineseClass101.com, Season 1, Lesson 14 in our Beginner series.
Echo: Yeah.
Frank: I’m your host, Frank Fradella, and I’m joined in the studio today by my co-host, the outstanding Echo.
Echo: Da jia hao! It’s Echo.
Frank: Today’s lesson is about ordering your drink.
Echo: Important.
Frank: Very important stuff. We’ve got a dialogue between a waitress and a customer.
Echo: They are in a café.
Frank: The waitress is speaking politely.
Echo: And both of them are speaking casual speech.
Frank: Exactly. Let’s go ahead and listen to the dialogue and then we’ll translate it for you.
Echo: Yeah. But before we do…
Frank: Before we do, we want to remind you to head up to ChineseClass101.com, check out that voice recording tool.
Echo: Yeah,
Frank: You could actually record your own voice and compare it to a native Mandarin speaker and see how you’re doing
Echo: Exactly.
Frank: It’s awesome stuff. Let’s go ahead and listen to that dialogue right now.
Echo: Let’s go.

Lesson conversation

服务员:您想喝什么?(FÚWÙYUÁN: Nín xiǎng hē shénme?)
张飞:有没有红茶?(ZHĀNG FĒI: Yǒu méiyǒu hóngchá?)
服务员:有。(FÚWÙYUÁN: Yǒu.)
张飞:请给我一杯。(ZHĀNG FĒI: Qǐng gěi wǒ yī bēi.)
服务员:好。(FÚWÙYUÁN: Hǎo.)
Frank: One more time, a little slower.
服务员:您想喝什么?(FÚWÙYUÁN: Nín xiǎng hē shénme?)
张飞:有没有红茶?(ZHĀNG FĒI: Yǒu méiyǒu hóngchá?)
服务员:有。(FÚWÙYUÁN: Yǒu.)
张飞:请给我一杯。(ZHĀNG FĒI: Qǐng gěi wǒ yī bēi.)
服务员:好。(FÚWÙYUÁN: Hǎo.)
Frank: Okay, we’re back. Echo, this is really a great stuff here.
Echo: Right. Because when you ordered drinks, there are no picture menu for it.
Frank: That’s right. Now as I mentioned last time, the big menus have a little pictures for the food…
Echo: Right.
Frank: …but not the drinks. So you got to know your stuff.
Echo: Right.
Frank: We’re here to teach it to you. Let’s go ahead and do that.
Echo: Okay.
服务员:您想喝什么?(FÚWÙYUÁN: Nín xiǎng hē shénme?)
Frank: What do you want to drink?
张飞:有没有红茶?(ZHĀNG FĒI: Yǒu méiyǒu hóngchá?)
Frank: Have you got any black tea?
服务员:有。(FÚWÙYUÁN: Yǒu.)
Frank: Yes, we have.
张飞:请给我一杯。(ZHĀNG FĒI: Qǐng gěi wǒ yī bēi.)
Frank: Please bring me a cup.
服务员:好。(FÚWÙYUÁN: Hǎo.)
Frank: Okay.
Frank: Okay, Echo. In the States, we’ve got like Lipton tea and that kind of thing and they’re technically called black teas. We used this in the dialogue. We say, “Can I have some black tea?” But literally translated, what are they asking for?
Echo: 红茶。(Hóngchá.)
Frank: Exactly. It means red tea. We just want to flag it for you so that you’re aware of it.
Echo: Yeah.
Frank: Let’s go on to the vocab now.
Echo: Let’s go.
Male: Now the vocab section.
Echo: 喝(hē) [natural native speed]
Frank: To drink.
Echo: 喝(hē) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 喝(hē) [natural native speed].
Echo: 有沒有(yǒu méiyǒu) [natural native speed]
Frank: To have.
Echo: 有(Yǒu) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 有(Yǒu)[natural native speed].
Echo: 有没有(yǒu méiyǒu)
Frank: To have or not to have.
Echo: 有没有(yǒu méiyǒu)
Echo: 红茶(hóngchá) [natural native speed].
Frank: Black tea.
Echo: 红茶(hóngchá) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 红茶(hóngchá) [natural native speed].
Echo: 杯(bēi) [natural native speed].
Frank: A cup.
Echo: 杯(bēi) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 杯(bēi) [natural native speed].
Frank: Okay. That’s the core vocab.
Echo: Right.
Frank: It’s important that you have it and we wanted to move beyond it.
Echo: Right.
Frank: We want to give you a little bit more. This way, you can go into a restaurant and order anything you want. So the way that you ask to drink something, “I would like to drink…”
Echo: 我想喝。(Wǒ xiǎng hē.)
Frank: Thank you. One more time.
Echo: 我想喝。(Wǒ xiǎng hē.)
Frank: Means, “I would like to drink.” Then you could put anything you want after that, anything from coke to beer. Let’s go ahead and run through a list of these things and you can flag your favorites and memorize them.
Frank: Black tea.
Echo: 紅茶(hóngchá) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 我想喝红茶。(Wǒ xiǎng hē hóngchá.)
Echo: 綠茶(lǜchá) [natural native speed].
Frank: Green tea.
Echo: 綠茶(lǜchá) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 我想喝绿茶。(Wǒ xiǎng hē lǜchá.)
Frank: Coffee.
Echo: 咖啡。我想喝咖啡。(Kāfēi. Wǒ xiǎng hē kāfēi.)
Echo: 牛奶(niúnǎi) [natural native speed].
Frank: Milk.
Echo: 牛奶(niúnǎi) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 我想喝牛奶。(Wǒ xiǎng hē niúnǎi.)
Echo: 啤酒 (píjiǔ)[natural native speed].
Frank: Beer.
Echo: 啤酒(píjiǔ) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 我想喝啤酒。(Wǒ xiǎng hē píjiǔ.)
Echo: So Frank, 你想喝啤酒吗?(Nǐ xiǎng hē píjiǔ ma?)
Frank: At the moment, I can go for a coke though, Coca Cola.
Echo: 可口可乐(kěkǒu kělè) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 我想喝可口可乐。(Wǒ xiǎng hē kěkǒukělè.)
Frank: Diet coke.
Echo: 健怡可樂(jiànyí kělè) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 我想喝健怡可乐。(Wǒ xiǎng hē jiàn yí kělè.)
Frank: Sprite.
Echo: 雪碧(xuěbì) [natural native speed]. 我想喝雪碧。(Wǒ xiǎng hē xuěbì.)
Frank: Orange juice.
Echo: 橙汁(chéngzhī) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 我想喝橙汁。(Wǒ xiǎng hē chéngzhī.)
Frank: Water
Echo: 水(shuǐ) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 我想喝水。(Wǒ xiǎng hē shuǐ.)
Echo: But it’s complex. You got to be careful of it because it depends on if you want a cup of water or you want a bottle of water.
Frank: Very good point. That introduces the measure point on these things. So if you wanted a cup of water, you would say…
Echo: 一杯水。(Yībēi shuǐ.)
Frank: And if you wanted a bottled water….
Echo: 一瓶水。(Yī píng shuǐ.)
Frank: It’s also worth noting that if you ask for a cup of water here in China, you’re going to get hot water.
Echo: Right.
Frank: It’s usually boiled and then brought to the table. That brings us right to our grammar section. Let’s get on to it.
Echo: Okay.

Lesson focus

Male: It’s grammar time!
Frank: In our previous lesson, we taught you how to say “to have”.
Echo: 有(Yǒu.)
Frank: We also taught you how to say “not to have”.
Echo: 没有(méiyǒu)
Frank: We taught you how to ask a question using these words as in, “Do you have a boyfriend?”
Echo: 你有男朋友吗?(Nǐ yǒu nán péngyǒu ma?)
Frank: But it’s taking the question marker…
Echo: 吗(Ma)
Frank: …at the end of the sentence.
Echo: Right.
Frank: In today’s lesson, we’re teaching you another way to ask that question, “to have or not to have”. We’re taking the positive and negative forms of that verb…
Echo: 有没有(yǒu méiyǒu)
Frank: …and just sticking them right together like that, and that’s how you ask the question. Let’s use some sample sentences. Do you have a boyfriend?
Echo: 你有没有男朋友?(Nǐ yǒu méiyǒu nán péngyǒu?)
Frank: Do you have a beer?
Echo: 有没有啤酒?(Yǒu méiyǒu píjiǔ?)
Frank: Do you have coffee?
Echo: 有没有咖啡?(Yǒu méiyǒu kāfēi?)
Frank: Have you got a coke?
Echo: 有没有可乐?(Yǒu méiyǒu kělè?)
Frank: Do you have a diet coke?
Echo: 有没有健怡可乐?(Yǒu méiyǒu jiàn yí kělè?)
Frank: Do you have orange juice?
Echo: 有没有橙汁?(Yǒu méiyǒu chéngzhī?)
Frank: Like any producer so once and off, we have Fanta.
Echo: 有没有芬达?(Yǒu méiyǒu fēn dá?)
Frank: What we really want to know is if you guys have become premium subscribers yet. Head on up to ChineseClass101.com, check out all of the great features that come with being a premium subscriber to our service.
Echo: Right.
Frank: You’ve got the downloadables, the PDFs, the voice recording tool, tests, all kinds of great stuff.
Echo: Subscribe now.
Frank: Absolutely! We’ll see you there. But for now, from Beijing, I’m Frank Fradella.
Echo: 我是(Wǒ shì) Echo.
Frank: …and we’ll see you next time. 再见。(Zàijiàn.)
Echo: Bye-bye.

