
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Frank: Hey, everyone.
Echo: Da jia hao!
Frank: Welcome back to ChineseClass101.com, Season 1, Lesson 22 in our Beginner series.
Echo: 二十二课。(Èrshí'èr kè.)
Frank: I’m your host, Frank Fradella, and I’m joined in the studio today, as always, by my fantastic co-host, Echo.
Echo: 谢谢(Xièxiè),我是(Wǒ shì)Echo
Frank: Today’s dialogue is between our old friends.
Echo: Zhang Fei和(Hé) Ma Li.
Frank: They’re on the phone and they are talking casually. Just every day speech you can use.
Echo: Right.
Frank: Let’s go ahead and listen to that dialogue now.
Echo: But before we do…
Frank: But before we do, you know what, you guys have a ton of vocabulary at this point and there’s no better way to drive it home than to head up to ChineseClass101.com, try those flashcards out.
Echo: Yeah. Review those words.
Frank: Fantastic way to learn and a lot of fun too. Let’s get on to the dialogue now.

Lesson conversation

马丽:你有空吗?(MǍ LÌ: Nǐ yǒu kòng ma?)
张飞:什么事儿?(ZHĀNG FĒI: Shénme shìr?)
马丽:你可以帮我吗?(MǍ LÌ: Nǐ kěyǐ bāng wǒ ma?)
张飞:当然可以。(ZHĀNG FĒI: Dāngrán kěyǐ.)
马丽:谢谢你。(MǍ LÌ: Xièxiè nǐ.)
张飞:不客气。(ZHĀNG FĒI: Bú kèqì.)
Frank: Now one more time, just a little slower.
马丽:你有空吗?(MǍ LÌ: Nǐ yǒu kòng ma?)
张飞:什么事儿?(ZHĀNG FĒI: Shénme shìr?)
马丽:你可以帮我吗?(MǍ LÌ: Nǐ kěyǐ bāng wǒ ma?)
张飞:当然可以。(ZHĀNG FĒI: Dāngrán kěyǐ.)
马丽:谢谢你。(MǍ LÌ: Xièxiè nǐ.)
张飞:不客气。(ZHĀNG FĒI: Bú kèqì.)
Frank: All right, Echo. I think Ma Li has forgiven him. What do you think?
Echo: Maybe. Well, I think Ma Li…
Frank: Have you forgiven him? That’s really what I want to know.
Echo: No. I just don’t like him. I just don’t like him.
Frank: I can tell. Well, we’ll try to keep that out of the translation as we go forward.
Echo: He’s not a good guy. He’s not sweet. No. He’s not a gentleman.
Frank: He’s my boy. I pull it for him. Let’s get on to the dialogue now.
马丽:你有空吗?(MǍ LÌ: Nǐ yǒu kòng ma?)
Frank: Do you got some free time?
张飞:什么事儿?(ZHĀNG FĒI: Shénme shìr?)
Frank: What's the matter?
马丽:你可以帮我吗?(MǍ LÌ: Nǐ kěyǐ bāng wǒ ma?)
Frank: Can you help me?
张飞:当然可以。(ZHĀNG FĒI: Dāngrán kěyǐ.)
Frank: Of course I can.
马丽:谢谢你。(MǍ LÌ: Xièxiè nǐ.)
Frank: Thank you.
张飞:不客气。(ZHĀNG FĒI: Bú kèqì.)
Frank: You’re welcome.
Frank: Now look how nice she is. She’s like, “Of course I can help!” I totally think he’s off-the-hook at this point. One bad night, a couple of beers…
Echo: I don’t know.
Frank: You’re done with him. Okay. We’re not getting any support here from Echo, folks. Ready to move on. Let’s go ahead and get the vocab.
Male: Now the vocab section.
Echo: 有空(yǒu kòng) [natural native speed].
Frank: To have free time.
Echo: 有空(yǒu kòng)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 有空(yǒu kòng)[natural native speed].
Echo: 事儿(shìr) [natural native speed].
Frank: A matter or a problem.
Echo: 事儿(shìr)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 事儿(shìr)[natural native speed].
Echo: 帮(bāng) [natural native speed].
Frank: To help.
Echo: 帮(bāng)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 帮(bāng)[natural native speed].
Echo: 当然(dāngrán) [natural native speed].
Frank: Of course.
Echo: 当然(dāngrán)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 当然(dāngrán)[natural native speed].
Echo: 不客气(bùkèqi) [natural native speed].
Frank: You are welcome.
Echo: 不客气(bùkèqi)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 不客气(bùkèqi)[natural native speed].
Frank: The first thing we want to cover in today’s vocab section is…
Echo: 有(Yǒu)
Frank: “To have”, as in “to have free time.”
Echo: 有空(yǒu kòng)
Frank: To have an issue or a problem.
Echo: 有事儿(Yǒushì er)
Frank: Let’s hear some sample sentences. “I have free time now.”
Echo: 我现在有空。(Wǒ xiànzài yǒu kòng.)
Frank: It’s Zhang Fei on the phone. Do you have time?
Echo: 张飞在打电话(Zhāng fēi zài dǎ diànhuà),你有空吗?(Nǐ yǒu kòng ma?)
Frank: Do you have a problem?
Echo: 你有事儿吗?(Nǐ yǒushì er ma?)
Frank: I’m free. You got anything?
Echo: 我有空。你有事儿吗?(Wǒ yǒu kòng. Nǐ yǒushì er ma?)

Lesson focus

Frank: In today’s lesson, we heard someone asked for help. This seems like a great place to teach you some other helpful words in case you need them.
Echo: Right.
Frank: Like the word for “police.”
Echo: 警察(jǐngchá) [natural native speed].
Frank: How about the word for “police station”?
Echo: 派出所(pàichūsuǒ) [natural native speed].
Frank: If you needed a doctor, you’d say this…
Echo: 醫生(yīshēng) [natural native speed].
Frank: How about a “hospital”?
Echo: 醫院(yīyuàn) [natural native speed].
Frank: And last but not least, if you need help and know on certain terms, here’s the word for help.
Echo: 救命(jiùmìng) [natural native speed].
Frank: Let’s hear that one more time, Echo.
Echo: 救命(jiùmìng) [natural native speed].
Frank: You could shout this in middle of the street and people will rush to your aid. It’s great. Let’s hear some sample sentences now. “I want to go to a police station”.
Echo: 我想去派出所。(Wǒ xiǎng qù pàichūsuǒ.)
Frank: Give the police a telephone call.
Echo: 给警察打电话。(Gěi jǐngchá dǎ diànhuà.)
Frank: Where is the hospital?
Echo: 医院在哪儿?(Yīyuàn zài nǎ'er?)
Frank: Is there a doctor?
Echo: 医生在吗?(Yīshēng zài ma?)
Frank: One more time, “help!”
Echo: 救命。(jiùmìng)
Frank: It’s worth noting that if you’re not staying in a hotel, you have to visit a police station within your first 48 hours inside of China. So you’re actually going to need to know this phrase, “where is the police station?”
Echo: 派出所在哪?(Pàichūsuǒ zài nǎ?)
Frank: Great. Now let’s head on to grammar.
Male: It’s grammar time.
Frank: We wanted to take a quick look at the phrases we reviewed just in our vocab section a second ago. Let’s hear them again. “To have free time.”
Echo: 有空(Yǒu kòng)
Frank: To have a problem.
Echo: 有事儿(Yǒushì er)
Frank: Now remember, when making most verbs negative, you can use…
Echo: 不(Bù)
Frank: But with…
Echo: 有(Yǒu)
Frank: …the negative of all of these is made using this.
Echo: 没(Méi)
Frank: Or…
Echo: 没有(Méiyǒu)
Frank: Exactly. So, for example, “Sorry, I’m busy and I don’t have time.”
Echo: 对不起(Duìbùqǐ),我很忙(Wǒ hěn máng),我没空。(Wǒ méi kōng.)
Frank: There’s nothing wrong here.
Echo: 这儿没事儿。(Zhè'er méishì er.)
Frank: We don’t have coffee.
Echo: 我们没有咖啡。(Wǒmen méiyǒu kāfēi.)
Frank: In an earlier lesson, we learned how to ask questions about what you have using..
Echo: 有(Yǒu)
Frank: Do you have beer?
Echo: 你有啤酒吗?(Nǐ yǒu píjiǔ ma)
Frank: Are you okay?
Echo: 你有事儿吗?(Nǐ yǒushì er ma?)
Frank: We can also ask these sort of questions using the same repetition of verbs.
Echo: 有没有(Yǒu méiyǒu)
Frank: For example, “Do you have free time?”
Echo: 你有没有空?(Nǐ yǒu méiyǒu kòng?)
Frank: Do you have diet cola?
Echo: 你有没有健怡可乐?(Nǐ yǒu méiyǒu jiàn yí kělè?)
Frank: Do you have hot pot?
Echo: 有没有火锅?(Yǒu méiyǒu huǒguō?)
Frank: Next stop, two verbs that mean “can”. The first, we heard in today’s dialoge.
Echo: 可以(Kěyǐ)
Frank: Now as we mentioned before, this is used primarily when asking or granting permission to do something. For example, “can you give me a call?”
Echo: 你可以给我打电话吗?(Nǐ kěyǐ gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà ma)
Frank: Can we pay the bill?
Echo: 我们可以买单吗?(Wǒmen kěyǐ mǎidān ma?)
Frank: Can I have a look at your computer?
Echo: 我可以看看你的电脑吗?(Wǒ kěyǐ kàn kàn nǐ de diànnǎo ma?)
Frank: Great. Now the other verb that we want to remind you of was this verb:
Echo: 会。(Huì.)
Frank: This also indicates an ability to do something, but in this case you’re usually talking about an acquired skill.
Echo: Exactly.
Frank: Like playing the piano or speaking Chinese. So let’s hear some sample sentences using that. Can you speak Chinese?
Echo: 你会说中文吗?(Nǐ huì shuō zhōngwén ma?)
Frank: Can you play piano?
Echo: 你会弹钢琴吗?(Nǐ huì dàn gāngqín ma?)
Frank: Okay. Now using only these two verbs, let’s play a little game. It’s game time. I’ll say a phrase in English and give you a second to try your hand at it in Chinese. Even if you can’t form the whole sentence yet, see if you can figure out which verb you’ll need.
Echo: Okay.
Frank: We’ll give you a second or two to figure it out, and then Echo will give us the translation. Are you ready?
Echo: Let’s go.
Frank: Let’s go. “Can you speak German?”
Echo: 你会说德语吗?(Nǐ huì shuō déyǔ ma?)
Frank: Can you give me that?
Echo: 你可以给我那个吗?(Nǐ kěyǐ gěi wǒ nàgè ma)
Frank: Can I see the menu?
Echo: 我可以看看菜单吗?(Wǒ kěyǐ kàn kàn càidān ma?)
Frank: Can you sing?
Echo: 你会唱歌吗?(Nǐ huì chànggē ma?)
Frank: How did you do, guys? I bet you did it right. Those weren’t too challenging, I think. There’s a pretty clear distinction between those two verbs, and I think you guys get the hang of it.
Echo: Right.
Frank: Now we do want to know if you can sing our phrase up at ChineseClass101.com. We want to see you comment, and then comment some more.
Echo: Yes.
Frank: We want you to comment until Chuck Norris himself comes to your house and tells you to stop. Until then, in Beijing I’m Frank Fradella….
Echo: 我是(Wǒ shì) Echo.
Frank: …and we’ll see you next time. 再见。(Zàijiàn.)
Echo: 下次见。(Xià cì jiàn.)


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