
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Frank: Hey, everyone!
Echo: Da jia hao!
Frank: Welcome back to ChineseClass101.com, Season 1, Lesson 33 in our Beginner series.
Echo: 第三十三课。(Dì sānshísān kè.) 
Frank: Today’s dialogue takes place between our good friend…
Echo: Zhang Fei.
Frank: And his boss.
Echo: Ma Li.
Frank: That’s right. Our old friend is reunited at last.
Echo: Yeah.
Frank: Now they are talking casually and they are in an office setting. Let’s go ahead and get on to the dialogue.
Echo: But before we do…
Frank: Oh, before we do, we want to remind you, folks, to head up to ChineseClass101.com. Sign up for your free lifetime account.
Echo: Yeah. Within a couple of seconds.
Frank: That’s right. It just takes a couple of seconds to do that and you’ll be on your way. On to the dialogue now.

Lesson conversation

老板:张飞,这是马经理。(LǍOBǍN: Zhāng Fēi, zhè shì Mǎ jīnglǐ.)
张飞:嗯?马丽!(ZHĀNG FĒI: én? Mǎ Lì!)
老板:你们认识吗?(LǍOBǍN: Nǐmen rènshi ma?)
张飞:对,我们是好朋友。(ZHĀNG FĒI: Duì, wǒmen shì hǎo péngyǒu.)
Frank: Now one more time, just a little slower.
老板:张飞,这是马经理。(LǍOBǍN: Zhāng Fēi, zhè shì Mǎ jīnglǐ.)
张飞:嗯?马丽!(ZHĀNG FĒI: én? Mǎ Lì!)
老板:你们认识吗?(LǍOBǍN: Nǐmen rènshi ma?)
张飞:对,我们是好朋友。(ZHĀNG FĒI: Duì, wǒmen shì hǎo péngyǒu.)
Frank: Echo…
Echo: Yes?
Frank: It’s a sterling revelation. We haven’t seen this two together in a couple of lessons now.
Echo: Yeah. They just met again unexpectedly.
Frank: Unexpectedly. The plot begins. We knew we haven’t seen the last of them. Let’s go ahead and translate this line-by-line.
老板:张飞,这是马经理。(LǍOBǍN: Zhāng Fēi, zhè shì Mǎ jīnglǐ.)
Frank: Zhang Fei, this is Manager Ma.
张飞:嗯?马丽!(ZHĀNG FĒI: én? Mǎ Lì!)
Frank: Huh? Ma Li!
老板:你们认识吗?(LǍOBǍN: Nǐmen rènshi ma?)
Frank: You two know each other?
张飞:对,我们是好朋友。(ZHĀNG FĒI: Duì, wǒmen shì hǎo péngyǒu.)
Frank: Yes, we're good friends.
Frank: Now Echo, is that the way you would categorize their relationship? Are they just good friends?
Echo: Well, I guess. This sentence must be sad by Zhang Fei, not by Ma Li.
Frank: Obviously not by Ma Li. I agree. She’s very upset last time that he didn’t love her.
Echo: Yeah, she should.
Frank: Yeah. I think he played her a little bit there. I think he’s getting us come up until now.
Echo: Yeah. But it’s great that Ma Li is Zhang Fei’s boss.
Frank: I know. We’ll see how that develops. Let’s go ahead and get on to the vocab.
Echo: 好。(Hǎo)
Male: Now, the vocab section.
Echo: 经理(jīnglǐ) [natural native speed].
Frank: Manager.
Echo: 经理(jīnglǐ) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 经理(jīnglǐ) [natural native speed].
Echo: 认识(rènshi) [natural native speed].
Frank: To be acquainted with.
Echo: 认识(rènshi) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 认识(rènshi) [natural native speed].
Echo: 对(duì) [natural native speed].
Frank: Correct
Echo: 对(duì)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 对(duì) [natural native speed].
Echo: 好朋友(hǎo péngyǒu) [natural native speed].
Frank: Good friend.
Echo: 好朋友(hǎo péngyǒu) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 好朋友(hǎo péngyǒu) [natural native speed].
Frank: Okay, there’s not much new vocab, isn’t it Echo?
Echo: Uh-hmm. But it’s very important vocabulary. 很重要.特别是经理。(Hěn zhòngyào. Tèbié shì jīnglǐ.) The most important is 经理.(jīnglǐ.)
Frank: Right, because it’s a special type of address. In Chinese, it’s really important to know to address people. In the dialogue, we heard this line:
Male: 张飞,这是马经理。(Zhāng Fēi, zhè shì Mǎ jīnglǐ.)
Female: 张飞,这是马经理。(Zhāng Fēi, zhè shì Mǎ jīnglǐ.)
Frank: Listen again to how they said her name.
Male: 马经理(Mǎ jīnglǐ)
Frank: We heard that last bit in our vocab section.
Echo: 经理。(jīnglǐ.)
Female: That means “manager”. What’s interesting is that it comes after the name in Chinese.
Echo: 马经理。(Mǎ jīnglǐ.)
Frank: Manager Male: .
Male: 张飞,这是马经理。(Zhāng Fēi, zhè shì Mǎ jīnglǐ.)
Echo: In Chinese, 中文里(Zhōngwén lǐ) all addresses come after names. There are a lot of things you can call people.
Frank: Absolutely right. Such as, Mr. Zhang.
Echo: 张先生。(Zhāng xiānshēng.)
Frank: Teacher Echo.
Echo: Echo 老师。(lǎoshī.)
Frank: Master Li.
Echo: 李师傅。(Lǐ shīfù.)
Frank: And Ms. Ma.
Echo: 马小姐。(Mǎ xiǎojiě.)
Frank: Now we’re getting the hang of this, let’s try putting them with some fancy sentences.
Echo: 好。(Hǎo.)
Frank: Master Li knows Kung Fu.
Echo: 李师傅会功夫。(Lǐ shīfù huì gōngfū.)
Frank: That’s Bruce Lee for those of you. Or maybe some guy driving a taxi cab named Li. That’s a polite form of address that you can use for anyone who’s providing you with a service.
Echo: 没错。师傅。(Méi cuò. Shīfù.)
Frank: Right. That last sentence brings us right into our grammar point.
Echo: Let’s go.

Lesson focus

Male: It’s grammar time.
Frank: Okay, we’re back.
Echo: So what does 师傅(shīfu) have to do with our grammar point?
Frank: Not 师傅.(shīfu.) The last sentence we had was “Master Li knows Kung Fu.”
Echo: Right. 李师傅会功夫。(Lǐ shīfù huì gōngfū.) But Frank, what does it have to do with our grammar point?
Frank: Our grammar point today is…
Echo: I don’t understand.
Frank: …about different ways to translate the verb “to know into Chinese”.
Echo: Oh. 我知道了。(Wǒ zhīdàole.)
Frank: Right. In our dialogue, we had this line…
Echo: 你们认识吗?(Nǐmen rènshi ma?)
Male: 你们认识吗?(Nǐmen rènshi ma?)
Frank: Do you know each other?
Echo: They have history.
Frank: Right. So we use…
Echo: 认识。(rènshi.)
Frank: When we mean “to be acquainted with someone.”
Echo: 没错。我知道。(Méi cuò. Wǒ zhīdào.)
Frank: That’s the second verb. It means “to have knowledge”. 我知道。(Wǒ zhīdào.) again.
Echo: This still has nothing to do with Bruce Lee.
Frank: No, it does because our sentence says that he knew Kung Fu.
Echo: 会(Huì) Kung Fu.
Frank: Right. That’s our third verb.
Echo: We use 会(Huì) for skills people learn. We already taught this.
Frank: Yes. But you already speak Chinese, Echo. Consider it a review for everyone else.
Echo: 好吧好吧。(Hǎo ba hǎo ba.)
Frank: Okay. Enough fun time, it’s game time.
Echo: I love this.
Frank: What we’re going to do is we’re going to give you a sentence in English. You already know the three verbs. We just gave them to you. We’re going to give you a sentence in English. We’ll give you a couple of seconds to translate it on your own, and then Echo is going to give us the Chinese to see how you’re doing.
Echo: 加油!(Jiāyóu!)
Frank: Let’s do it.
Frank: I know.
Echo: 我知道。(Wǒ zhīdào.)
Frank: I know you know.
Echo:  我知道你知道。(Wǒ zhīdào nǐ zhīdào)
Frank: I know you know he knows.
Echo: 我知道你知道他知道。(Wǒ zhīdào nǐ zhīdào tā zhīdào.)
Frank: He knows Kung Fu.
Echo: 他会功夫。(Tā huì gōngfū.)
Frank: I know he knows Kung Fu.
Echo: 我知道他会功夫。(Wǒ zhīdào tā huì gōngfū.)
Frank: He knows I know Chinese.
Echo: 他知道我会中文。(Tā zhīdào wǒ huì zhōngwén.)
Frank: I know her.
Echo: 我认识她。(Wǒ rènshì tā.)
Frank: She knows he knows me.
Echo: 她知道他认识我。(Tā zhīdào tā rènshì wǒ.)
Frank: There you go. How did you do?
Echo:  好难呀!(Hǎo nán ya!)
Frank: A little bit confusing? A little bit challenging? Let us know. We want to hear from you up at ChineseClass101.com. Leave us a comment on the site. Let us know what you got right, what you got wrong, what you need reviewed.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
Frank: We’re here to help you. But for now, from Beijing, I’m Frank Fradella.
Echo: 我是(Wǒ shì)Echo.
Frank: …and we’ll see you next time.
Echo: 下次见吧。(Xià cì jiàn ba.)
Frank: 再见。(Zàijiàn.)


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