
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Anthony: Welcome to chineseclass101. I am Anthony.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是Echo. (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
Anthony: Today we have our fifth lesson in our second season of our beginner series titled, The Tastiest Drink in China. This dialogue is taking place in a restaurant. It is an exchange between a customer and a waiter and the waiter is asking the customer, what do you want to drink?
Echo: Yep.
Anthony: This is a really casual dialogue and I actually have one of my favorite words at the end of this. We will go into that later.
Echo: Yep.
Anthony: Before we go to the dialogue however, I want to tell you about my favorite part of chineseclass101 and that is the video vocab lessons.
Echo: Why is that?
Anthony: Video vocab lessons combine a word with a picture. That’s how my brain works and that’s how I remember new vocabulary. With that said, let’s go to the dialogue.
你想喝什么?(Nǐ xiǎng hē shénme?)
要冰吗?(Yào bīng ma?)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
你想喝什么?(Nǐ xiǎng hē shénme?)
要冰吗?(Yào bīng ma?)
David: One more time, with English.
你想喝什么?(Nǐ xiǎng hē shénme?)
What do you want to drink?
要冰吗?(Yào bīng ma?)
Do you want ice?
Anthony: Echo, this is a great dialogue. However I have one problem.
Echo: What?
Anthony: Nobody has ever asked me if I want ice.
Echo: In China.
Anthony: In China.
Echo: Yeah because in China, we prefer you know warm drinks.
Anthony: I know. I love cold drinks though. Anyways, we have a bunch of vocabulary that’s going to be dealing with all about drinks.
Echo: Yep.
Anthony: So let’s get right to it.
Anthony: And now the vocab section.
Echo: 喝 (hē)
Anthony: To drink.
Echo: 喝, 喝. 可乐 (hē, hē. kělè)
Anthony: Cola.
Echo: 可乐, 可乐. 雪碧 (kělè, kělè. xuěbì)
Anthony: Sprite.
Echo: 雪碧, 雪碧. 冰 (xuěbì, xuěbì. bīng)
Anthony: Ice.
Echo: 冰, 冰. 果汁 (bīng, bīng. guǒzhī)
Anthony: Juice.
Echo: 果汁, 果汁. 水 (guǒzhī, guǒzhī. shuǐ)
Anthony: Water
Echo: 水, 水. 咖啡 (shuǐ, shuǐ. kāfēi)
Anthony: Coffee.
Echo: 咖啡, 咖啡. 茶 (kāfēi, kāfēi. chá)
Anthony: Tea
Echo: 茶, 茶. 啤酒 (chá, chá. píjiǔ)
Anthony: Beer.
Echo: 啤酒, 啤酒. 随便 (píjiǔ, píjiǔ. suíbiàn)
Anthony: Whatever.
Echo: 随便, 随便. (suíbiàn, suíbiàn.)
Anthony: In today’s vocab focus, we are going to be talking about different types of drinks and Echo, I’ve been telling you that I have a new, New Year’s resolution.
Echo: Yes.
Anthony: And that is to drink more healthy.
Echo: Sounds good.
Anthony: So today we made two lists. One on list are healthy drinks, on the other are unhealthy drinks.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: So what I am going to do is try to stay true to my New Year’s resolution.
Echo: Okay.
Anthony: So our first drink is cola.
Echo: 可乐 (kělè)
Anthony: One more time
Echo: 可乐 (kělè)
Anthony: And that’s a third tone, fourth tone.
Echo: 可乐 (kělè)
Anthony: I don’t want to drink cola because it’s bad for you. So I will say I don’t want to drink cola.
Echo: 我不想喝可乐。 (Wǒ bùxiǎng hē kělè.)
Anthony: A healthier alternative is water.
Echo: 水 (shuǐ)
Anthony: Third tone.
Echo: 水 (shuǐ)
Anthony: I want to drink water.
Echo: 我想喝水。 (Wǒ xiǎng hē shuǐ.)
Anthony: Another unhealthy drink even though I like drinking it a lot is beer.
Echo: 啤酒 (píjiǔ)
Anthony: That’s a second tone and third tone.
Echo: 啤酒 (píjiǔ)
Anthony: I don’t want to drink beer.
Echo: 我不想喝啤酒 (Wǒ bùxiǎng hē píjiǔ)
Anthony: And I know Echo, there is one drink that you really like and that’s tea.
Echo: 茶 (chá)
Anthony: And that’s a second tone.
Echo: 茶 (chá)
Anthony: Echo wants to drink tea.
Echo: Echo想喝茶。 (Echo xiǎng hē chá.)
Anthony: Now if I want to ask you Echo what do you want to drink, how are you going to respond?
Echo: Whatever 隨便。 (Suíbiàn.)
Anthony: Echo doesn’t have New Year’s resolution.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: So she is free to drink whatever she wants.
Echo: 沒錯,隨便。 (Méicuò, suíbiàn.)
Anthony: So that’s our vocab section. Now on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Anthony: In the dialogue, we heard this sentence.
Echo: 你想喝什么? (Nǐ xiǎng hē shénme?)
Anthony: What do you want to drink?
Echo: 你想喝什么? 想 (Nǐ xiǎng hē shénme? Xiǎng)
Anthony: That’s third tone and here it’s functioning as to want.
Echo: 想 (Xiǎng)
Anthony: I want to drink tea.
Echo: 我想喝茶。 (Wǒ xiǎng hē chá.)
Anthony: I want to drink tea.
Echo: 我想喝茶。 (Wǒ xiǎng hē chá.)
Anthony: All you are doing is putting a simple verb after the verb
Echo: 想 (Xiǎng)
Anthony: Let’s try a few other simple examples with simple verbs. I want to eat.
Echo: 我想吃 (Wǒ xiǎng chī)
Anthony: I want to eat Sichuan food.
Echo: 我想吃四川菜。 (Wǒ xiǎng chī sìchuān cài.)
Anthony: He wants to go.
Echo: 他想去。 (Tā xiǎng qù.)
Anthony: He wants to go to the park.
Echo: 他想去公園。 (Tā xiǎng qù gōngyuán.)
Anthony: We want to see.
Echo: 我們想看。 (Wǒmen xiǎng kàn.)
Anthony: We want to see a movie.
Echo: 我們想看電影。 (Wǒmen xiǎng kàn diànyǐng.)
Anthony: She wants to listen.
Echo: 她想聽。 (Tā xiǎng tīng.)
Anthony: She wants to listen to music.
Echo: 她想聽音樂。 (Tā xiǎng tīng yīnyuè.)
Anthony: That’s very simple, right Echo?
Echo: Very simple.
Anthony: All you are doing is taking the verb
Echo: 想 (Xiǎng)
Anthony: And then putting a simple verb after it.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: Another one is, they want to speak.
Echo: 他們想說。 (Tāmen xiǎng shuō.)
Anthony: They want to speak Chinese.
Echo: 他們想說中文。 (Tāmen xiǎng shuō zhōngwén.)
Anthony: So all you are doing when you are saying you want to do something is using a pronoun such as I
Echo: 我 (Wǒ)
Anthony: Then the verb
Echo: 想 (Xiǎng)
Anthony: And then what you want to do.
Echo: Like “to eat” 吃 (Chī)
Anthony: So Echo, you have one more sentence.
Echo: 我想說。 (Wǒ xiǎng shuō.)
Anthony: I want to say
Echo: 我想說再見。 (Wǒ xiǎng shuō zàijiàn.)
Anthony: I want to say goodbye.


Anthony: And with that, that’s our podcast. Before we go, we would like to suggest if you have any questions or comments, come to chineseclass101.com
Echo: And we are all ready to reply all your questions.
Anthony: Any time of the day.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: From Beijing, I am Anthony.
Echo: 我是Echo。 (Wǒ shì Echo.)
Anthony: Thanks for listening and see you next week.
Echo: 下周见吧,(Xià zhōu jiàn ba,) Bye bye.
Anthony: Bye bye.

