
Vocabulary (Review)

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Anthony: Welcome to chineseclass101, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Chinese.
Echo: Hi! 大家好, 我是Echo。 (Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
Anthony: And I am Anthony and today, we have our 16th lesson in our second season of our beginner series titled, The Most Expensive DVD in China.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: You know, one of the interesting things about living in China is the availability of cheap pirated DVDs.
Echo: Yeah. You can find DVD shops all over town.
Anthony: Or you can also find people selling them from cover boxes on the side of the street in front of shopping malls.
Echo: Or restaurants.
Anthony: Yeah.
Echo: And just like most things in China, you can bargain for the price.
Anthony: Yes. So in today’s dialogue, we listen in on a customer bargaining down the price of a DVD.
Echo: And we are also going to review numbers from 1 to 10.
Anthony: Yes and the great thing about Chinese is if you know 1 through 10, you can pretty much count to infinity. All right, before we go to the dialogue, if you are listening to us on iTunes, come to the website chineseclass101.com; sign up with your email address. Instantly, you will get access to a ton of lessons. You will be studying Chinese faster and learning more.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: Okay so with that said, let’s go on to the dialogue.
DVD多少钱? (DVD duō shǎo qián?)
8块。 (Bā kuài.)
8块?太贵了! (Bā kuài ? Tài guì le!)
你想付多少? (Nǐ xiǎng fù duōshǎo?)
6块。 (Liù kuài.)
7块怎么样? (Qī kuài zěnmeyàng?)
Anthony: One more time a little bit slower.
DVD多少钱? (DVD duō shǎo qián?)
8块。 (Bā kuài.)
8块?太贵了! (Bā kuài ? Tài guì le!)
你想付多少? (Nǐ xiǎng fù duōshǎo?)
6块。 (Liù kuài.)
7块怎么样? (Qī kuài zěnmeyàng?)
Anthony: One more time with English.
Echo: DVD多少钱? (DVD duō shǎo qián?)
Anthony: How much for the DVD?
Echo: 8块。 (Bā kuài.)
Anthony: Eight kuai.
Echo: 8块?太贵了! (Bā kuài ? Tài guì le!)
Anthony: Eight kuai? that’s really expensive!
Echo: 你想付多少? (Nǐ xiǎng fù duōshǎo?)
Anthony: How much do you want to pay?
Echo: 6块。 (Liù kuài.)
Anthony: Six kuai.
Echo: 7块怎么样? (Qī kuài zěnmeyàng?)
Anthony: How about seven kuai?
Anthony: Buyer beware. You get what you pay for in China.
Echo: Yeah but a lot of times, the quality of the DVDs are not very good like especially for newer DVDs.
Anthony: Yeah I had a bad experience buying a recent American movie that was a bootleg from Russia and it didn’t have any English subtitles.
Echo: Yeah but luckily, usually you can return this DVD to the store.
Anthony: Yes.
Echo: To where you bought it and like get a new one but make sure you keep the 发票, the receipt.
Anthony: Yeah keep your receipt but if you buy it from the person selling them from cover boxes, you just maybe out of luck.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: But you got to take your risks. So to effectively bargain in China, you need to have your numbers down pat.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: So in our vocabulary section, we are going to go through a quick review and we are also going to go over some essential bargaining phrases.
Echo: That’s right. So let’s go.
Anthony: Okay.
Anthony: And now the vocab section.
Echo: 多少钱 (duō shǎo qián)
Anthony: How much money?
Echo: 多少钱, 多少钱. 块 (duō shǎo qián, duō shǎo qián. kuài)
Anthony: Measure word for money.
Echo: 块, 块. 贵 (kuài, kuài. guì)
Anthony: Expensive.
Echo: 贵, 贵. 便宜 (guì, guì. piányì)
Anthony: Cheap.
Echo: 便宜, 便宜. 想 (piányì, piányì. xiǎng)
Anthony: To want.
Echo: 想, 想. 付 (xiǎng, xiǎng. fù)
Anthony: To pay.
Echo: 付, 付. (fù, fù.)
Anthony: Okay so as promised, we are going to go over the first ten numbers in Chinese.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: In rapid fire succession.
Echo: Let’s go 一 (Yī)
Anthony: One.
Echo: 二 (Èr)
Anthony: Two.
Echo: 三 (Sān)
Anthony: Three
Echo: 四 (Sì)
Anthony: Four.
Echo: 五 (Wǔ)
Anthony: Five.
Echo: 六 (Liù)
Anthony: Six.
Echo: 七 (Qī)
Anthony: Seven.
Echo: 八 (Bā)
Anthony: Eight.
Echo: 九 (Jiǔ)
Anthony: Nine.
Echo: 十 (Shí)
Anthony: Ten. Okay that was the reverse countdown. Numbers 1 through 10 are done. Now let’s use the numbers in the rest of our vocabulary section.
Echo: 多少钱 (duō shǎo qián)
Anthony: How much money.
Echo: 多少钱 (duō shǎo qián)
Anthony: Yeah.
Echo: 这个多少钱? (Zhègè duō shǎo qián ?)
Anthony: How much money is this one?
Echo: 这个多少钱?块。 (Zhège duō shǎo qián? Kuài.)
Anthony: The measure word for money.
Echo: 块。 (Kuài.)
Anthony: Okay now this is a perfect opportunity to put those numbers to use.
Echo: 十块钱。 (Shí kuài qián.)
Anthony: $10.
Echo: 十块钱。 or 九块钱。 (Shí kuài qián. Or jiǔ kuài qián.)
Anthony: $9.
Echo: 九块钱。四块钱。 (Jiǔ kuài qián. Sì kuài qián.)
Anthony: $4
Echo: 四块钱。 (Sì kuài qián.)
Anthony: Now some things, say $100 we would label that as
Echo: Yeah 贵 (Guì)
Anthony: Expensive.
Echo: Yeah 贵。 (Guì.) So 五块不贵。 (Wǔ kuài bù guì.)
Anthony: 5 quay is not expensive.
Echo: 五块不贵。 (Wǔ kuài bù guì.)
Anthony: Yeah but if you get that DVD for 5 quay, don’t be surprised if it’s not the best quality DVD.
Echo: Yeah that’s right 便宜 (Piányí)
Anthony: Cheap.
Echo: 便宜。DVD很便宜。 (Piányí.DVD hěn piányí.)
Anthony: Yes the DVD is very cheap.
Echo: DVD很便宜。想 (DVD hěn piányí. Xiǎng)
Anthony: This is the verb to want.
Echo: 想 (Xiǎng)
Anthony: For example
Echo: 我想要两张。 (Wǒ xiǎng yào liǎng zhāng.)
Anthony: I want two DVDs.
Echo: 我想要两张。 (Wǒ xiǎng yào liǎng zhāng.)
Anthony: So our next vocabulary word.
Echo: 付 (fù)
Anthony: And this means to pay, it could be money or it could be…
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: Any sort of thing that you have to give in exchange for something.
Echo: 我付一半。 (Wǒ fù yíbàn.)
Anthony: I will pay half.
Echo: 我付一半。 (Wǒ fù yíbàn.)
Anthony: Or you can say you know, we will split the bill.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: All right. So that does it for our vocab section. We’ve gone over numbers.
Echo: Yep.
Anthony: We’ve also gone over cheap and expensive
Echo: Yeah. Some very important vocabulary when you are bargaining.
Anthony: Yes and especially if you come to Beijing and you go to silk market, you want to review this stuff before you go there.
Echo: Yes.
Anthony: Or else you get eaten alive. All right, so that’s it for our vocab section. Now let’s go on to the grammar point.
Echo: Okay.

Lesson focus

Anthony: The focus of today’s grammar point is the verb to want.
Echo: 想 (Xiǎng)
Anthony: And this also functions as a co-verb which means you can put another verb after it.
Echo: Right. When 想 (Xiǎng) is followed by another verb, the meaning changes from to want, to want to do something.
Anthony: Right. So for instance, in the dialogue, we heard this sentence
Echo: 你想付多少? (Nǐ xiǎng fù duōshǎo?)
Anthony: How much do you want to pay?
Echo: 你想付多少? 付 (Nǐ xiǎng fù duōshǎo? Fù) as a verb means to pay.
Anthony: Now when we put them together, it becomes
Echo: 想付 (Xiǎng fù)
Anthony: Yes, “to want to pay”. Let’s take a look at a few more sample sentences.
Echo: Okay. 我想去。 (Wǒ xiǎng qù.)
Anthony: I want to go.
Echo: 我想去。 (Wǒ xiǎng qù.) The verb 去 (Qù) to go directly follows the co-verb 想 (Xiǎng)
Anthony: How much do you want?
Echo: 你想要多少? (Nǐ xiǎng yào duōshǎo?)
Anthony: And the two verbs here?
Echo: 想 (Xiǎng) of course and then it followed by 要 (Yào)
Anthony: Yes to want. Just simply to want.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: The next sentence
Echo: 他想吃什么? (Tā xiǎng chī shénme?)
Anthony: What does he want to eat?
Echo: 他想吃什么? (Tā xiǎng chī shénme?)
Anthony: So Echo, whenever I ask you this question, what do you want to eat, I already know the answer.
Echo: 我想吃四川菜。 (Wǒ xiǎng chī sìchuān cài.)
Anthony: Yes Echo always wants to eat Szechuan food.
Echo: Yeah 我想吃四川菜。 (Wǒ xiǎng chī sìchuān cài.)
Anthony: Okay so our next sample sentence.
Echo: 他们想看电影。 (Tāmen xiǎng kàn diànyǐng.)
Anthony: They want to watch a movie.
Echo: 他们想看电影。 (Tāmen xiǎng kàn diànyǐng.)
Anthony: Okay and the co-verbs here are
Echo: 想看 (Xiǎng kàn)
Anthony: To want to watch.
Echo: 他们想看电影。 (Tāmen xiǎng kàn diànyǐng.)
Anthony: Okay. Our next example.
Echo: 你想找谁? (Nǐ xiǎng zhǎo shéi?)
Anthony: Who are you looking for or who do you want to find.
Echo: 你想找谁? (Nǐ xiǎng zhǎo shéi?) This is very useful like no matter you are on the phone with someone.
Anthony: Yeah so if somebody comes to your door, you don’t know who they are or what they want, you can ask them this sentence.
Echo: Yeah 你想找谁? (Nǐ xiǎng zhǎo shéi?)
Anthony: Who are you looking for?
Echo: Or like if you are on the phone with someone you don’t know, you can ask 你想找谁? (Nǐ xiǎng zhǎo shéi?)
Anthony: Yeah who do you want to find, who do you want to talk to. Right, okay and our last sample sentence.
Echo: 我想玩电脑。 (Wǒ xiǎng wán diànnǎo.)
Anthony: I want to play games on the computer.
Echo: Yeah 我想玩电脑。 (Wǒ xiǎng wán diànnǎo.)
Anthony: All right great. So let’s go through a quick review.
Echo: We know that 想 (Xiǎng) is a co-verb.
Anthony: That’s right and when we place a verb after 想, (Xiǎng,) the meaning changes from “to want” to “to want to do something”.
Echo: Right and the formula we use is 想 (Xiǎng) plus a simple verb plus an object.
Anthony: Right. So Echo, take us through one more sample sentence.
Echo: Okay I love to. 我想学中文。 (Wǒ xiǎng xué zhōngwén.)
Anthony: I want to study Chinese.
Echo: 我想学中文。 (Wǒ xiǎng xué zhōngwén.)
Anthony: And if you want to study Chinese, where should you go?
Echo: Chineseclass101.com
Anthony: That’s right. The best way to learn Chinese.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: There you can find PDF lesson notes, a voice recorder tool, line by line audio and transcripts. You are not going to beat that.
Echo: Right.


Anthony: Okay so with that, from Beijing, I am Anthony
Echo: 我是Echo。 (Wǒ shì Echo.)
Anthony: Thanks for listening and we will see you next time.
Echo: 下次见,(Xià cì jiàn,) Bye bye.
Anthony: Bye bye.

