
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Hello and welcome to chineseclass101.com where we state modern Chinese in the fun and educational way. I am David and I am joined in the studio here by
Echo: Echo! Hi! 大家好.(Dàjiā hǎo.)
David: Yeah absolute beginner, season 2, lesson 12.
Echo: We all scream for ice cream in China.
David: Echo what are we looking at today?
Echo: In this lesson, we will review two ways to tell people you want something.
David: Right, we’ve got a dialogue here that takes place outside a convenience store.
Echo: And it is between two best friends on a hot summer day.
David: Right. Things are going to hit the boiling point.
Echo: They are speaking casually about ice cream.
David: So we are going to go to the dialogue in a sec. Before we do, we want to remind you, come to chineseclass101.com and download our premium transcripts. So you can read along with this podcast.
Echo: That’s right. It’s a great way to review.
David: Right, with that though, let’s get to the dialogue.
A: 今天真热。(Jīntiān zhēn rè.)
B: 我要吃冰淇淋。(Wǒ yào chī bīngqílín.)
A: 我也想吃。(Wǒ yě xiǎng chī.)
B: 我请你。(Wǒ qǐng nǐ.)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
A: 今天真热。(Jīntiān zhēn rè.)
B: 我要吃冰淇淋。(Wǒ yào chī bīngqílín.)
A: 我也想吃。(Wǒ yě xiǎng chī.)
B: 我请你。(Wǒ qǐng nǐ.)
David: And now with the English.
A: 今天真热。(Jīntiān zhēn rè.)
A: Today is really hot.
B: 我要吃冰淇淋。(Wǒ yào chī bīngqílín.)
B: I want to eat ice cream.
A: 我也想吃。(Wǒ yě xiǎng chī.)
A: I also feel like eating ice cream.
B: 我请你。(Wǒ qǐng nǐ.)
B: I'll treat you.
David: Which is the best way to make friends?
Echo: Good.
David: It’s hot outside. Echo…
Echo: Yeah.
David: How about an ice cream?
Echo: 走(Zǒu)
David: I will treat you.
Echo: Let’s go now. Go.
David: Okay once the podcast is done.
Echo: Okay.
David: Any way, the magic words I will treat you.
Echo: 我请你(Wǒ qǐng nǐ)
David: Right very helpful. Anyway our vocab today is all about heat and the weather.
Echo: Right.
David: So let’s get right to that.
Echo: 好的(Hǎo de)
David: And now the vocab section.
Echo: 热(Rè) [natural native speed]
David: hot
Echo: 热(Rè) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 热(Rè) [natural native speed]
Echo: 冷(Lěng) [natural native speed]
David: cold
Echo: 冷(Lěng) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 冷(Lěng) [natural native speed]
Echo: 凉(Liáng) [natural native speed]
David: cool
Echo: 凉(Liáng) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 凉(Liáng) [natural native speed]
Echo: 暖和(Nuǎnhuo) [natural native speed]
Echo: 暖和(Nuǎnhuo) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 暖和(Nuǎnhuo) [natural native speed]
Echo: 闷(Mèn) [natural native speed]
David: humid; stuffy
Echo: 闷(Mèn) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 闷(Mèn) [natural native speed]
Echo: 冰淇淋(Bīngqílín) [natural native speed]
David: ice cream
Echo: 冰淇淋(Bīngqílín) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 冰淇淋(Bīngqílín) [natural native speed]
David: So our vocab today is all adjectives.
Echo: And it’s about the weather.
David: Right. So you might have the sentence the weather is hot.
Echo: 天气很热(Tiānqì hěn rè)
David: Right. So all of these words you can put in that sentence and that word actually is the first word in our vocab list.
Echo: 热(Rè)
David: Hot.
Echo: 热(Rè)
David: As in the sentence
Echo: 夏天很热(Xiàtiān hěn rè)
David: Summer is hot.
Echo: 夏天很热(Xiàtiān hěn rè)
David: Right. You might also hear people screaming
Echo: 好热呀(Hǎo rè ya)
David: It’s really hot right.
Echo: 好热呀(Hǎo rè ya)
David: So our next word is the opposite of hot.
Echo: 冷(Lěng)
David: Cold.
Echo: 冷(Lěng)
David: Once again, we are talking about the weather.
Echo: 冬天不太冷(Dōngtiān bù tài lěng)
David: The winter is not too cold.
Echo: 冬天不太冷(Dōngtiān bù tài lěng)
David: Winter isn’t that cold. And you want to get the PDF so you can see what these characters look like.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Because they are all so funny….
Echo: They are all funny.
David: In the shower.
Echo: Right.
David: So you can tell which is hot and which is cold. If it’s not cold though, it might still be cool.
Echo: 凉(Liáng)
David: Cool.
Echo: 凉(Liáng)
David: It might be the wind or it might be a drink.
Echo: 譬如说,我要凉的可乐(Pìrú shuō, wǒ yào liáng de kělè)
David: I want a cold soda.
Echo: 我要凉的可乐(Wǒ yào liáng de kělè)
David: Yeah literally I want a cool soda right. You might also use it to describe the weather.
Echo: 今天有点儿凉(Jīntiān yǒudiǎn er liáng)
David: It’s a bit cool today.
Echo: 今天有点儿凉(Jīntiān yǒudiǎn er liáng)
David: Right and you will remember that word for a bit.
Echo: 点儿(Diǎn er)
David: We covered that in the previous lesson. Our next word is warm.
Echo: 暖和(Nuǎnhuo)
David: Warm.
Echo: 暖和(Nuǎnhuo)
David: Yeah
Echo: 房间里很暖和(Fángjiān lǐ hěn nuǎnhuo)
David: It’s warm inside the room.
Echo: 房间里很暖和(Fángjiān lǐ hěn nuǎnhuo)
David: It’s warm inside the room although you are not going to get that down south where they don’t have central heating.
Echo: 对(Duì)
David: South of the Yangtze. In the south though, you are going to get something in the summer.
Echo: 闷(Mèn)
David: Humid.
Echo: 闷(Mèn)
David: Humid or stuffy.
Echo: 对,今天很闷(Duì, jīntiān hěn mèn)
David: Today it’s really stuffy.
Echo: 今天很闷(Jīntiān hěn mèn)
David: It’s really humid today. So five key words for describing weather.

Lesson focus

David: Our grammar point is all about describing what you want. Today, we are going to review two ways to say to want.
Echo: 想(Xiǎng) and 要(Yào)
David: Right. These both have the meaning of to want but they are used a bit differently.
Echo: Right.
David: For instance
Echo: 要(Yào)
David: Is much more forceful. It doesn’t only mean to want, it means will.
Echo: Right.
David: You are going to use it when something is definitely going to happen. For example
Echo: 我要去北京(Wǒ yào qù běijīng)
David: I want to go to Beijing.
Echo: 我要去北京(Wǒ yào qù běijīng)
David: I want to go to Beijing and that suggests definitely we are going to go. I have made up my mind. It’s going to happen. If you are not really sure or if you don’t know how you are going to get there.
Echo: You can use 想(Xiǎng) instead.
David: Right. That means to wish.
Echo: Right 想(Xiǎng) like 我想去北京(Wǒ xiǎng qù běijīng)
David: I want to go to Beijing.
Echo: 我想去北京(Wǒ xiǎng qù běijīng)
David: Right. A lot of the time Chinese people will use
Echo: 想(Xiǎng)
David: Instead of
Echo: 要(Yào)
David: Because it sounds less selfish. It also – it sounds less forceful. It’s softer you know. I wish to do this as opposed to 要 which is it’s going to happen.
Echo: Right.
David: In our dialogue though, we heard this.
Echo: 我要吃冰淇淋(Wǒ yào chī bīngqílín)
David: Right. I want to eat ice cream.
Echo: 因为太热了(Yīnwèi tài rèle)
David: It’s so hot. It’s going to happen. Okay so these are two words that confuse a lot of students.
Echo: 想(Xiǎng)
David: To wish
Echo: And 要(Yào)
David: To want but you don’t need to be confused and best of all I think if you are just starting out, get in the habit of using 想(Xiǎng)
Echo: Right.


David: So that just a bit does it for today. Before we leave you, we want to remind you, drop by chineseclass101.com and pick up the lesson PDFs.
Echo: That’s right. It’s very useful.
David: Right. We’ve got a transcript of the conversation, samples sentences and the grammar explanation, review it the day after you listen to whole podcast and it’s going to help it stick.
Echo: 没错.(Méi cuò)
David: For now though, from Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是(Wǒ shì)Echo.
David: Thanks a lot for listening and we will see you on the site.
Echo: 网上见,拜拜.(Wǎngshàng jiàn, bàibài.)

