How to use Twitter

To keep you updated on our lessons and better communicate with you, ChineseClass101 now has a Twitter account.  We hope you open one too!  In case you’re confused about what Twitter is, or don’t know how or why you would use Twitter, we’ve made a simple FAQ & guide just for you.

What is “Twitter”?

Twitter is a “micro-blogging” service. Each post is limited to 140 characters so that each post, called a “tweet”, is short and to the point.

This makes it perfect quickly sharing internet links, messages or ideas with others.

To see automatic updates of others’ tweets, you go to their page and then “follow” them. If they want to see your tweets, they’ll follow you.

1. Start your own account

To start using Twitter, go to the official web page, and register for an account. The sign up process is very easy to do and there is a lot of help on the official Twitter website.

2. Install the Chinese Input pack

Don’t know how to read and write Chinese on your Windows PC?

Install the Chinese Language Guide

And here is the Writing in Chinese Guide

 3. Follow us

After starting an account and making sure you can read and write Chinese characters on your computer, start following us to see our tweets automatically. Click this link here: and click “Follow”.