This Week’s Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap

Hey Followers!  Hopefully all of you have started following ChineseClass101 on Twitter, where we tweet one free mini-lesson a day!

Here’s the wrap-up from this week’s tweets on measure words, for your review!  Stay tuned daily for our tweets, and for those of you who haven’t started following us on Twitter, head there now and sign up!

1)    Quench your thirst   一杯水 (yī bēi shuǐ)
杯 (bēi) measure word for a glass of something

2)    Wear the pants 一条裤子 (yī tiáo kùzi)
条 (tiáo) measure word for pants, skirts, or long things

3)    That’s the ticket  一张票  (yī zhāng piào)
张 (zhāng) measure word for paper, flat objects

4)    Read all about it  一份报纸 (yī fèn bàozhǐ)
份 (fèn) measure word for newspapers

5)    Read more all about it  一篇文章  (yì piān wénzhāng)
篇 (piān) measure word for articles, essays

6)    Jack of all measure words   一个人 (yī gè rén)
个 (gè) The most common measure word. It can take the place of many measure words, when in doubt

7)    The way the cookie crumbles 一包饼干  (yī bāo bǐnggān)
包 (bāo) measure word for packages, bundles of things
More to come next week…!