Prove Us Wrong and We’ll Pay You and Your Friends $120 Million!

That’s right; we said it! We don’t think you can do it! Oh, don’t get us wrong, we believe you can do anything you set your mind to here at… but how hard will you really try to bleed us of our money? Hmm… I guess we’ll see at the end of August. What are we talking about?

Our $10,100 Summer Giveaway, that’s what! And what is THAT, you say? Well, first of all, we are giving away many, many, MANY free subscriptions – $10,100 worth of FREE Premium and 101 Basic subscriptions to be exact! And entering is a piece of cake!

You can enter in’s $10,100 Giveaway, by doing one or ALL of the following:

 Follow on Twitter

 Become a fan of on Facebook

 Subscribe to’s YouTube channel

Sign up on ALL 3 for three chances to win – and remember we have TEN sites. Think BIG! If you sign up at all of them, that’s a total of 30 chances to win!

One click – THAT’S IT! Yes, it really is that easy! And we still haven’t told you the best part! Our Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube accounts contain a rapidly growing amount of incredible original content you won’t find anywhere else!

Our Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube pages are such wonderful ways to reinforce your Chinese speaking skills, practice speaking Chinese, and meet and communicate with others that share your love of Chinese.

Okay, okay, you’ve waited long enough – now for the best part! We believe in these methods of learning Chinese SO much that we are issuing you a challenge! If we reach one million TOTAL subscribers for Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube – we’ll give EVERYONE a FREE 6 month Premium subscription!!! Each subscription is worth $120 – and you can take part in the 120 MILLION dollar value for FREE just by following us on Twitter, becoming a fan on Facebook, or subscribing on YouTube.

Can you think of a better time or reason to get your friends and family signed up right now?! But you better hurry – as with all things good, it must come to an end, and this sweepstakes will run until the end of August.