Week Three – Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap

Hey Followers!  Hopefully all of you have started following ChineseClass101 on Twitter, where we tweet one free mini-lesson a day!

Here’s the wrap-up from this week’s tweets on measure words, for your review!  Stay tuned daily for our tweets, and for those of you who haven’t started following us on Twitter, head there now and sign up!

15)    Guy smiley  一副笑脸  (yī fù xiàoliǎn)
副 (fù) measure word for facial expressions

16)    Chinese take-out   一份炒饭 (yī fèn chǎofàn)
份 (fèn) measure word for portions of food

17)    Three meals a day  三顿饭 (sān dùn fàn)
顿 (dùn) measure word for meals

18)    Who wants to be a millionaire 一百块钱 (yī bǎi kuài qián)
块 (kuài) measure word for basic Chinese monetary unit

19)    Lucky number   八月八号 (bā yuè bā hào)
号 (hào) measure word for days of the month, numbers in series

20)    Give me a minute  一分钟 (yī fēn zhōng)
分 (fēn)  measure word for minutes

21)    Give me an hour  三点钟 (sān diǎn zhōng)
点 (diǎn) measure word for giving the time
More to come next week!