Week Four – Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap

Hey Followers!  Hopefully all of you have started following ChineseClass101 on Twitter, where we tweet one free mini-lesson a day!

Here’s the wrap-up from this week of tweets on measure words, for your review!  Stay tuned daily for our tweets, and for those of you who haven’t started following us on Twitter, head there now and sign up!

22)    Rice is nice  一碗饭 (yī wǎn fàn)
碗 measure word for a bowl of something

23)    See you in the movies   一部电影 (yī bù diànyǐng)
部 measure word for films

24)    Man’s/Woman’s best friend  一只狗  (yī zhīgǒu)
只 measure word for dogs, cats, animals

25)    Drive you out of town  一辆车 (yī liàng chē)
辆 measure word for vehicles
We hope you all are using your newfound measure word wealth!  This is the end of the 25 Measure Word Mini-Lesson set.  But it’s not the end!  Stay tuned for our new Twitter series, starting tomorrow!