Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap: (X) + 死了 (sǐ le) – Week One

Hey Followers!  Hopefully all of you have started following ChineseClass101 on Twitter, where we tweet one free mini-lesson a day!

There are times when nothing but an exclamation will do.  Our next series of Twitter mini-lessons will feature the Chinese phrase <adjective or verb> +  死了 (sǐ le); literally ‘something’ to death.  It’s used just like the English ‘scared to death!’  Here’s the wrap-up from this week’s tweets, for your review!

Heat Wave:    热死了 (rè sǐ le)  – when you’re roasting in one of the five fiery furnaces of China

Cold Front:   冷死了(lěng sǐ le) – when you’re freezing in a Shanghai winter

Freezer Burn:  冻死了(dòngsǐ le) – when you’re freezing in a Beijing winter

Eat a Horse:   饿死了(è sǐ le) – when you’re so hungry you actually could eat ‘horse’

Stay tuned daily for our tweets, and for those of you who haven’t started following us on Twitter, head there now and sign up!