Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap: (X) + 死了 (sǐ le) – Week Three

Here’s the wrap-up from this week of tweets on some ways to use the Chinese phrase:  <adjective or verb> +  死了 (sǐ le), literally ‘something’ to death.  It’s used just like the English ‘scared to death!’

Heart Sick:  伤心死了  (shāngxīn sǐ le) – for the broken hearted

Waiting in Vain:  等死了  (děng sǐ le) – for the impatient

Miss You Like Crazy: 想死了  (xiǎng sǐ le) – when absence makes the heart grow fonder

Parched:  渴死了  (kě sǐ le) – when you’re dying of thirst

Stuffed: 撑死了  (chēng sǐ le) – after that 12-course Chinese buffet

Burning up:  辣死了  (là sǐ le) – after a scary encounter with a Sichuan dish

More sour than sweet:  酸死了  (suān sǐ le) – for post grapefruit pucker


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