Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap: (X) + 死了 (sǐ le) – Week Four

Here’s the wrap-up from this week of tweets on some ways to use the Chinese phrase:  <adjective or verb> +  死了 (sǐ le), literally ‘something’ to death.  It’s used just like the English ‘scared to death!’

Post-yoga class:  疼死了  (téng sǐ le) – this is worse than sore

Getting the itch:  痒死了  (yǎng sǐ le) – after a run-in with an MSG allergy

Go, go, go:  急死了  (jí sǐ le) – when you’re racing for that bus, train, plane

Making a racket:   吵死了  (chǎo sǐ le) – for complaining about the neighbor’s party you didn’t get invited to

Bored to tears:  闷死了  (mèn sǐ le) – when you’re feeling stuffy, depressed, contained, bored… you get the idea

Happy camper:  高兴 死 了  (gāoxìng sǐ le) – more ‘so happy you could die’

Bored to tears:  无聊 死 了  (wúliáo sǐ le)  – for tedium to the extreme

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