Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap: Titles for People – Week 3

In this series of mini-lesson tweets, we teach you some  ‘titles’ you will frequently come across in Chinese.

This week we have some titles for random people.  Please note, if you are going to combine the person’s title with their name, in Chinese, the surname will come before the title, not after like English.

Titles for People:  Hey, little missy: 小姐  (xiǎojie) – Miss.

Titles for People:  Mr. mister:   先生 (xiānsheng) – Mr.

Titles for People:  One for the Mrs.:  太太  (tàitai) – Mrs.

Titles for People:  Calling the kiddies:  小朋友 (xiǎopéngyǒu) – the way to address children

Titles for People:  Mr. cab driver:  师傅(shīfu) – generic title you can use for your taxi driver, or any qualified worker

Titles for People:  Boss them around:  老板 (lǎobǎn) – title for ‘boss’; can also be used when speaking to a shopkeeper

Titles for People:  Everyone loves their title:  经理 (jīnglǐ) – title for a manager

Stay tuned daily for our tweets, and for those of you who haven’t started following us on Twitter, head there now and sign up!