Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap: Titles for People – Week 4

This week we have some more titles for random people.  Please note, if you are going to combine the person’s title with their name, in Chinese, the surname will come before the title, not after like English.

Titles for People:  Make sure to yell it loud:  服务员! (fúwùyuán!) – Waiter!

Titles for People:  Doctor it up:  医生 (yīshēng) – to address your doctor

Titles for People:  Nurse you to health:  护士 (hùshi) – to address a nurse

Titles for People:  Call the teacher:  老师 (lǎoshī) – to address your teacher

Titles for People:  Fellow students:  师哥 (shīgē)  /  师姐  (shī jiě) – for a schoolmate that is in a year ahead of you (male / female, respectively)

Titles for People:  师弟 (shīdì)  /  师妹 (shīmèi) – for a schoolmate that is in a year under you (male / female, respectively)

Titles for People:  Call the Professor:  教授 (jiàoshòu) – to address a professor

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