New Chinese Phrase List for Absolute Beginners!

Hi there Listener,

Your first Chinese phrase.

It’s the first step to speaking Chinese

Basic phrases like “How are you,” “Thank you,” and “Where’s the bathroom!?” are what beginners learn first. And since you’ll use them daily in China, mastering these phrases is a must.

Learn the Essential Phrases with the Chinese Key Phrases List!

The Chinese Key Phrase List is free and the newest addition to the Chinese Resources Corner. You learn the most commonly used phrases of the Chinese language with this list. Each phrase comes with the native audio pronunciation, English translation, transliteration, and an illustration to make it memorable.

Mastering these basic phrases takes minutes!

Just browse through the list, play and repeat to rapidly improve your listening and speaking skills. That’s it! Premium members can add these phrases to the WordBank, Spaced Repetition Flashcards, and review with AutoPlay.

Access the Chinese Key Phrase List in the Chinese Resources of the main menu at ChineseClass101 or by clicking on the link below!

Click Here To Learn The Most Common Chinese Phrases!