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Mini Chinese Lesson: Titles for People

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In this mini lesson, we teach you some  ‘titles’ you will frequently come across in Chinese.

Some titles are used for family members.  The reference point for those older or younger is oneself.  Other titles are used for people with certain positions or occupations.  Others are more like terms of endearment.  This week we started with family members:

  • In the family:  ‘lil bro:  弟弟  (dìdi) – younger brother
  • In the family:  big bro:  哥哥  (gēge) – older brother
  • In the family:   big sis:  姐姐  (jiějie) – older sister
  • In the family:  ‘lil sis:  妹妹(mèimei) – younger sister
  • In the family:  mommy dearest:  妈妈 (māma) – mom
  • In the family:  dad knows best:  爸爸 (bàba) – dad
  • In the family:  not kissing cousins:  表哥(biǎogē) – older male cousin

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