Why learn Chinese? Here are 10 motivating reasons.


Time is precious. 

There are a couple dozen other things you could be doing right now, but you’re here reading this article. And of course, we do everything for a reason! 

Since you’re here, you probably want to learn Chinese or have recently started doing so. Trust me—it will definitely be one of the most worthwhile investments you’ll ever make.  

So why learn Chinese? 

Learning a language is never as simple as it sounds, and sometimes we need to know deep down why we chose this journey. Be it excellence in academia, opening our eyes to another culture, added convenience when traveling, or gaining a new skill for more career opportunities, there are many potential benefits in learning Chinese.

Below, we’ll outline the top 10 reasons to learn Chinese. Feel free to return to this list next time you’re feeling discouraged or uncertain of your language learning journey!

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  1. Chinese is the world’s most spoken language.
  2. It’s perfect for travelers who plan to visit China.
  3. China has a fascinating culture.
  4. You’ll really get to know the delicious Chinese food.
  5. You can boost your brain power.
  6. You’ll be able to connect with Chinese people and make more friends.
  7. China’s booming economy brings great career opportunities.
  8. The Chinese language isn’t as hard as you think.
  9. Learning Chinese can be a great new hobby.
  10. It’s even more fun when there’s something new to learn!
  11. Conclusion

1. Chinese is the world’s most spoken language.

In case you don’t know already, one-fifth of the world population speaks Chinese and over 1.28 billion people reside in China. That makes it the most popular language on Earth. Keeping this in view, you know you’ll inspire admiration once you master this language!

2. It’s perfect for travelers who plan to visit China.

You’ll find Chinese speakers in a number of countries: China (of course), Singapore, Vietnam, and other Asian nations. China, in particular, is a large country that’s home to a variety of landscapes that are sure to amaze you.

If you ever plan to travel to these places, you’re sure to nail your trip if you learn the language in advance. Knowing the Chinese language will make it so much easier to ask locals for help and will help you connect with locals at a deeper level!

3. China has a fascinating culture.

Someone Playing a Traditional Chinese Instrument

China’s culture has been cultivated over thousands of years; you won’t regret learning more about it.

Accumulating over 5000 years of rich history and culture, China is one of the most ancient and culturally influential countries in the world. Whether it’s the world-famous Chinese ceramics, calligraphy, opera, poetry, or the unique philosophy and religions, you’re sure to find something that’s just your cup of tea.

Disney even made the movie Mulan based on real Chinese history! If you’re interested, go check it out. Watching movies can be an amazing way to get to know the Chinese culture and to become more familiar with the language.

Whether you’re passionate about urbanized cities with advanced technology and bustling streets, an enthusiast about the natural wonders, or a history buff who’s interested in unique local culture, China has it all for you! 

4. You’ll really get to know the delicious Chinese food.

There are plenty of reasons to learn Mandarin, but none are as tantalizing as the variety of traditional Chinese dishes you’ll get to learn more about. Have you ever heard of these famous Chinese staples? 

  • Dumplings
  • Hot pot
  • Mapo Tofu
  • Kung Pao chicken 

What? Just hearing these makes your mouth water? Then you’ll be even more amazed when you start learning more about Chinese food in the native language! 

If you’re a foodie, learning Chinese could be quite a treat! 

China has a wide spectrum of food, including not only the traditional Chinese food dating back thousands of years, but also all kinds of fusion food tailored to local people’s taste with innovative deliciousness that will be waiting for you! If you ever visit China, speaking Chinese would allow you to order whatever you want on the menu.

5. You can boost your brain power.

According to many studies, learning languages is a great way to boost your brain power at any age. Languages as comprehensive as Chinese are sure to help your brain adapt to a whole new linguistic system, sharpen your motor skills over time, and make it easier for you to learn a third or fourth language later on!

6. You’ll be able to connect with Chinese people and make more friends.

Four Friends Chatting with Coffee

Wouldn’t it be amazing to meet people from different cultures?

Language is the basic tool of communication for humans. We rely on it to express ourselves and to share our thoughts in daily life. When you learn another language, you’re doing so much more than exposing yourself to the culture—you’ll soon realize it’s all about the people.

Why learn Chinese? The ultimate reason is simple: communication. Chinese is a language to be utilized, rather than pursued as only a skill or an interest. Only when you integrate the Chinese language into your daily life will you be able to truly master it. 

People from different countries have different perspectives on life, and making friends with such people will definitely add some color to your life! Chinese people have their unique traits. To name a few, they are hospitable, hardworking, and sincere. 

Don’t be shy. Once you know some basic Chinese, get out there and try to make some local Chinese friends either online or offline. They’ll be a great addition to your circle of friends! 

7. China’s booming economy brings great career opportunities.

A Businessman Shaking Hands with a Woman in a Job Interview

Explore your business opportunities with the Chinese language!

Now that we’ve talked about the “soft” reasons why learning Chinese is important, here’s a very practical one: The Chinese language can bring you great career opportunities that lead to a bright future!

China’s economy is booming year after year. As a large trading partner with countries all over the world, China is getting economically stronger. (I’m sure you’ve seen, for example, the “Made in China” tag on different products you’ve purchased.) This economic growth means that there are more and more career opportunities, both in China and outside of China where there are international Chinese businesses. This is because businesses that have dealings in multiple countries often prefer to hire people who speak more than one language.

Moreover, as more and more Chinese people are relocating to countries around the globe, you’ll have more opportunities to network with many successful Chinese professionals if you know the language. This, in turn, will allow you to expand your business horizons and explore even more future career opportunities.

Last but not least, as China is gaining more partnerships with businesses abroad, Chinese people are passionate about learning English and other second languages. If you’re able to master Chinese and have strong proficiency in your native language, you could consider becoming a second-language teacher in China (or even online, with our amazing modern technology) to earn some extra income. 

8. The Chinese language isn’t as hard as you think.

A Man Studying a Textbook with Coffee Late at Night

As long as you work hard, nothing can get in your way.

You may have heard some rumors about how difficult it is to learn Chinese and gotten cold feet. But did you know that Chinese really isn’t that much harder to learn than other languages? In fact, all languages around the world share some similar traits as they are all used to establish communication. Once you become familiar with the ways in which a language is similar and different from your own, you can establish a systematic way of learning that best fits you and master the language in no time! 

Here are some things about Chinese that are relatively easy for English speakers to pick up on: 


The basic sentence structure is exactly the same as that used in English: Subject – Verb – Object. This means that you can still express things in the same manner you’re used to, just in another language.


Chinese has very flexible and casual rules for grammar, far less strict than those of English or other Western languages. The grammar may be confusing at first, but once you get used to it, you’ll find that there are many ways you can utilize it to your benefit.


Unlike other languages, Chinese has no verb conjugations. In other words, you don’t have to spend a large amount of time memorizing an excruciating number of verb tenses! Instead, all tenses are either implied through the context or indicated by adding “time words.”


In Chinese, it’s very simple to make a noun plural. All you need to do is put 们 (men) right after the noun.


Finally, Chinese has very few prepositions compared to English. These Chinese prepositions are fairly easy to memorize and can be applied to many different contexts. All you have to do is master certain sets of prepositions, learn when to use them, and you’re good to go! 

9. Learning Chinese can be a great new hobby.

Discovering a new language can be a beyond-excruciating learning process, but it can become meaningful and fun when you look at it with a new mindset. Yes, it can even become a hobby that helps you grow everyday as a person. For every obstacle you meet along the way, you’ll find a solution and be proud of your achievement. Over time, you’ll realize that you’re actually more than what you expect yourself to be.

10. It’s even more fun when there’s something new to learn!

Three Business People Running to a Finish Line

The harder something is, the prouder you are when you’re finally able to achieve it!

Now that we’ve talked about the similarities you’ll find between Chinese and English, it’s time to check out the unique traits of the Chinese language that make it even more fun to learn! Just accept the challenge and start embracing the new perspectives!


Chinese is a tonal language. There are four different tones for each word in general, and the pronunciation changes the meaning of a given word. 


Based on the unique Chinese culture, the language has some untranslatable words whose concepts may be hard to comprehend for people who are accustomed to another culture. To learn these words, you’ll need to stay patient and try your hardest to immerse yourself in Chinese culture. This will help you understand why such words were invented and what they’re trying to convey.


The Chinese writing system is incredibly hard to memorize for someone who is used to an alphabet language. The Chinese writing system evolved from the complicated drawings of real-world objects, which is how our Chinese ancestors were taught to memorize things. However, as long as one has the willpower, one can overcome the difficulty of learning these eventually. Sometimes, it’s the challenge that makes things interesting.


The Chinese language has some unique particles that are typically used at the end of a sentence. These particles include: 吗 (ma), 呢 (ne), 了(le) and 呀 (ya). Although they don’t possess a specific meaning of their own, using them can still result in dramatic changes in how the sentence is perceived. There are general guidelines on how to use them, but their usage can be very flexible depending on the context. All in all, practice makes perfect! I believe that, over time, your intuition will guide you through the complication as you begin to use and comprehend them little by little in daily conversations.

After getting to know the challenges that you may face when learning Chinese, are you getting excited about your learning journey with tons of courage? Or are you getting cold feet? In either case, ChineseClass101 has got your back! 

11. Conclusion

Now, ask yourself again: Why learn the Mandarin Chinese language? Do you have an answer yet? By now, you’re probably aware of all kinds of amazing payoffs associated with learning Chinese, and it’s truly a reward of a lifetime no matter your reason for learning it.

Learning a new language may be challenging, but now you know that there are lots of fun and rewarding benefits awaiting you! Think about it: Why do you learn Chinese? Make sure of the reasons in your heart and always reflect on them whenever you feel stuck in your Chinese-learning journey.

If you’re determined enough to start, it’s time to gain some new perspectives with ChineseClass101 today!

ChineseClass101 can help you learn the language more effectively with thousands of fun and engaging lessons. Whatever your current proficiency level or language learning goals, we promise to satisfy all of your needs here. Sign up today and start learning one of the best languages in the world!

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