Week Two – Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap

Hey Followers!  Hopefully all of you have started following ChineseClass101 on Twitter, where we tweet one free mini-lesson a day!

Here’s the wrap-up from this, our second week of tweets on measure words, for your review!  Stay tuned daily for our tweets, and for those of you who haven’t started following us on Twitter, head there now and sign up!

8)    Just for bookworms 五本书 (wǔ běn shū)
本 (běn) measure word for books, bound items

9)    Match made in heaven 一对夫妻 (yī duì fūqī)
对 (duì) measure word for couples

10)    The postman rings twice 两封信 (liǎng fēng xìn)
封 (fēng) measure word for letters

11)      The earth laughs in flowers  一朵花  (yī duǒ huā)
朵 (duǒ) measure word for bouquets of flowers, clouds

12)    Flight of the measure words 下一班飞机 (xià yī bān fēijī)
班 (bān) measure word for scheduled transportation services

13)    Shop till you drop  那家商店 (nà jiā shāngdiàn)
家 (jiā)  measure word for shops, restaurants, hotels

14)    Get your hotdogs  一根香肠 (yī gēn xiāngcháng)
根 (gēn) measure word for long objects

And more to come next week…!