August 2009 Newsletter – Last Chance to Win! DON’T Miss Your Chance to Learn Chinese for Free!

Today, August 31st 2009, is the final day to enter to WIN!

 1. Last Chance to Enter $10,100 Contest!

 There are less than 24 hours to get your chance to win! Our $10,100 Summer Giveaway, is almost over! We are giving away many, many, MANY free subscriptions – $10,100 worth of FREE Premium and 101 Basic subscriptions to be exact! And entering is a piece of cake!

 You can enter in’s $10,100 Giveaway, by doing one or ALL of the following:
Follow on Twitter
Become a fan of on Facebook
Subscribe to’s YouTube channel

 Sign up on ALL 3 for three chances to win – and remember we have TEN sites. Think BIG! If you sign up at all of them, that’s a total of 30 chances to win!

 2. 120 Million Dollar Challenge!

 Okay, okay, you’ve waited long enough – now for the best part! We believe in these methods of learning Chinese SO much that we are issuing you a challenge! If we reach one million TOTAL subscribers for Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube – we’ll give EVERYONE a FREE 6 month Premium subscription!!! Each subscription is worth $120 – and you can take part in the 120 MILLION dollar value for FREE just by following us on Twitter, becoming a fan on Facebook, or subscribing on YouTube.

 3. Top 3 Most Downloaded Lessons

 1. Beginner Lesson #30 – Office Sabotage

 2. Elementary Lesson #31 – Pet Store Horrors

 3. Culture Class #5 – Amber and Victor’s Chinese Buffet: The Sweet and the
Sour – Rules in China


Best of luck!
The Team