Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap: Taxi/Transportation Terminology Week 2

In this series of mini-lesson tweets on Twitter, we go to the streets of China and give you some essential ‘getting around’ phrases for taking taxis, buses, and subways.  You’ll never get lost again (we hope!).  Here is the recap of this week’s phrases for your reference:

Taxi Terms – When you start to lose faith:  我们现在在哪儿?(Wǒmen xiànzài zài nǎr?) “Where are we now?”

Taxi Terms –  When you start to fear for your life:  小心(xiǎoxīn!)  “Be careful!”

Taxi Terms: When he’s gone too far- 过了。(Guò le.)   “(You) passed it.”

Taxi Terms:  You’ve reached the point:  到这儿吧(Dào zhèr ba.) “Here is fine.”

Taxi Terms:  Getting out:  靠边停。(Kào biān tíng.) “Stop here at the side.”

Taxi Terms: For the record: 我要发票.  (Wǒ yào fāpiào.)  “I need a receipt.”

Taxi Terms:  Paying the fare: 我没有零钱。(Wǒ méiyǒu língqián.) “I don’t have any change.”


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