Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap: Taxi/Transportation Terminology Week 3

In this series of mini-lesson tweets on Twitter, we go to the streets of China and give you some essential ‘getting around’ phrases for taking taxis, buses, and subways.  You’ll never get lost again (we hope!).  Here is the recap of this week’s phrases for your reference:

Public Transit Survival:

Hop on the bus:    公交车站在哪儿?(Gōngjiāo chē zhàn zài nǎr?) “Where is the bus stop?”

The not-so-velvet underground:  地铁在哪儿?(Dìtiě zài nǎr?) “Where is the subway?”

Don’t need to discuss much:  去南京路坐哪辆车?(Qù Nánjīng lù zuò nǎ liàng chē?) “Which bus goes to Nanjing Road?”

Line ‘em up:  请排队上车。(Qǐng páiduì shàng chē)

You’re faring well, so far:    车票多少钱?(Chēpiào duōshǎo qián?) “How much is the bus fare?”

Mid-ride crowded bus check-in:  这是哪一站?(Zhè shì nǎ yī zhàn? )  “Which stop is this?”

Planning your escape:  我们在哪儿下车?(Wǒmen zài nǎr xiàchē?)  “Where should we get off?”

Stay tuned daily for our tweets, and for those of you who haven’t started following us on Twitter, head there now and sign up!