Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap: Titles for People – Week 2

In this series of mini-lesson tweets, we teach you some  ‘titles’ you will frequently come across in Chinese.

This week, we learned some more titles that are used within the family, and a couple for your buddies as well.

In the family:  more cousins:  表姐  (biǎojiě) – older female cousin

In the family:  more cousins:  表弟  (biǎodì) – younger male cousin

In the family:  and more cousins:   表妹(biǎomèi) – younger female cousin

In the family:  say ‘uncle’:  叔叔(shūshu) – generic all-round term for uncle or older man

In the family, or not:  Your auntie, housekeeper, next door neighbor; basically any random lady older than you that you don’t know how to address – 阿姨  (āyí)

Buddies:  the Chinese rough equivalent of ‘dude’:   哥们儿(gēmenr) – ‘bro’

Buddies:  your ‘big brother’:  大哥(dàgē) – for guy friends older than you

Stay tuned daily for our tweets, and for those of you who haven’t started following us on Twitter, head there now and sign up!