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Archive for the 'Chinese Holidays' Category

Learn Chinese from the Chinese National Anthem

Just like the Chinese national flag, Chinese national anthems have great symbolic meanings that have a special place in every Chinese person's heart. The Chinese national anthem 《义勇军进行曲》Yìyǒngjūn jìnxíngqǔ is translated to "March of the Volunteers" in English. It's a "fight song" in its essence. Both the tune and the lyrics are uplifting, motivating, and powerful. Keep reading, and you'll get a chance to hear the Chinese national anthem, study the Chinese lyrics and the English lyrics, see the sheet music, and find out the history and some of the "surprising" facts behind the Chinese national anthem! Table of Contents The Tune and the Lyrics The Occasions The Facts The Final Words 1. The Tune and the Lyrics Here is... Show more

The Magic of Chinese Culture

China is an old country with thousands of years of history. This rich background has created an enchanting Chinese culture and civilization that attracts nearly 1.5-million tourists in a given year.  You might have heard of such Chinese traditions as Kung Fu and the Chinese opera...but how much do you really know about them? The more you learn about Chinese culture and traditions, the more profound and fascinating they’ll become to you!  Language is always a huge component of a country’s culture, so becoming familiar with the culture of China is crucial in mastering the Chinese language. In this guide, we’ll lift the cultural curtain from one of the greatest countries in the world—and trust us, we won’t fail to amaze you! Table... Show more

National Single’s Day in China

Holidays are one of the most essential embodiments of a region’s culture. Some traditional holidays have brewed throughout history, while some modern holidays are indicating the new emerging facets of culture. If you’re a Chinese language learner, you must have heard of some traditional Chinese holidays such as the Chinese New Year. However, today we’re going to introduce an off-the-beaten-path holiday called Singles’ Day. What? You’ve only heard of Valentine’s Day? Well, now you’re going to open your eyes. China’s Singles’ Day became a fad in recent years, originally in an attempt to celebrate single people. Now, it has evolved into a big shopping holiday.  Want to know more about it? No problem. We’ve got everything you need... Show more

儿童节: Celebrating International Children’s Day in China

Do you remember being a kid? Growing up, I always looked forward to a day off from school (and dreaded most days not off school…). Well, Children’s Day in China is a day off from school that children can look forward to all year long; it’s a holiday filled with fun and excitement for the little ones! In this article, you’ll explore how children and parents celebrate International Children’s Day, pick up some vocab, and learn the Chinese phrase for someone who’s still a child at heart. Let’s get started. 1. What is Children’s Day? International Children’s Day, celebrated in many countries around the world, is a holiday dedicated to honoring and protecting children; it’s also a day for the little ones to have fun and 逃学... Show more

International Labor Day: China’s Travel Holiday

On International Labor Day, China is known for its large number of travelers and tourists, massive sales, and other fun events. In this article, you’ll learn more about the Labor Day holiday, what to expect in China during this time, and some useful vocabulary! Let’s get started. 1. What is Labor Day? You’re most likely familiar with International Labor Day. This is a special 假日 (jiàrì), or "holiday," weekend during which workers and employees are allowed to take a 假期 (jiàqī), or "vacation," from work. But how did it get started? Labor Day History Labor Day got its start in the United States in 1882. There’s some debate as to who came up with the idea, but in 1894, then-President of the U.S., Grover Cleveland, made it... Show more

Celebrating National Tree Planting Day in China

On 国际植树节 (guójì zhíshù jié), or International Arbor Day, China puts a special emphasis on the importance of caring for the environment. Volunteers from all over the country spend the day planting trees, and many people enjoy doing outdoor activities. In this article, you’ll learn all about China’s National Tree Planting Day, from its origins to modern-day observations. Are you ready? Let’s get started! 1. What is Arbor Day? Arbor Day is formally established as a national tree-planting campaign. As people become more aware of how important it is to protect the environment, they also realize the significance of National Tree Planting Day. Since the 1980s, the Chinese people have voluntarily planted more than 35 billion... Show more

Celebrating the Magical Chinese Lantern Festival

The Chinese Lantern Festival celebration is one of China’s most exciting and traditional holidays, and it’s certainly an experience you don’t want to miss out on! Often labeled "Chinese Valentine’s Day," the Lantern Festival is a time of getting together with family and loved ones and enjoying the beautiful lantern displays. In this article, you’ll learn all about this almost magical Chinese Lantern Festival, from its traditional meaning to modern-day celebrations. Are you ready? Let’s get started! 1. What is the Lantern Festival? It’s said that in ancient times, the Lantern Festival, or 元宵节 (Yuánxiāo Jié), played a similar role to Valentine’s Day. This is because, in ancient times, young girls in China were usually not... Show more

Dōngzhì Festival: Celebrate Winter Solstice in China

The Dōngzhì Festival in China, also called the Chinese Winter Solstice Festival, is one of the most important and popular holidays in China. Some argue it’s actually more important than the Chinese New Year! In this article, you’ll learn about Chinese Winter Solstice traditions and why this holiday was significant in the past. Are you ready? Let’s get started! 1. What is the Winter Solstice? Essentially, the Chinese Winter Solstice is a time to prepare for the New Year and spend time with family and loved ones. In Chinese tradition, there’s a saying that says Winter Solstice is more important than the Lunar New Year. That is because ancient China was an agricultural community, and cultivation had to be done according... Show more

How to Celebrate Single’s Day in China: You’re not alone!

Holidays are one of the most essential embodiments of a region’s culture. Some traditional holidays have brewed throughout history, while some modern holidays are indicating the new emerging facets of culture. If you’re a Chinese language learner, you must have heard of some traditional Chinese holidays such as the Chinese New Year. However, today we’re going to introduce an off-the-beaten-path holiday called Singles’ Day. What? You’ve only heard of Valentine’s Day? Well, now you’re going to open your eyes. China’s Singles’ Day became a fad in recent years, originally in an attempt to celebrate single people. Now, it has evolved into a big shopping holiday. Want to know more about it? No problem. We’ve got everything you need here... Show more

The Chinese Double Ninth Festival

Each year, the Chinese celebrate the age-old Double Ninth Festival, which is sometimes referred to as the Chongyang Festival or Senior Day. Few Chinese holidays reach as far back into history as this one does, with origins in the Han Dynasty. Further, the Double Ninth Festival reflects many of the values and beliefs most dear to the Chinese people, such as respect for ancestors and the elderly. In this article, you’ll learn all about the Double Ninth Festival in Chinese culture, including its most notable traditions. As any successful language-learner can tell you, understanding a country’s culture is a vital step in mastering the language. And at ChineseClass101.com, we hope to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both... Show more