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Master the Essential Chinese Questions and Answers

As a language-learner, it’s important to ask yourself: "Why am I even learning this language?" Many people learn a new language to interact with people from a different cultural background, in hopes of having a meaningful conversation. And questions are a fantastic tool for learning more about someone and their culture!  "Question" in Chinese is 问题 (wèn tí). Remember that you should never be afraid to ask a 问题 (wèn tí), even if you can’t ask it perfectly. Not being able to speak your mother tongue may be tough, but as long as you try your best to keep a conversation flowing with genuine questions and a smile on your face, most people will be friendly enough to lend you their ears and open their hearts to talk with you.  All in... Show more

How to Pass HSK 2.0, the Mandarin Chinese Proficiency Test

Are you curious about what level your Chinese is at? Would you like to be certified in your Chinese language abilities?  Are you thinking about applying for a job or a college program in China?  Do you need motivation to push your Chinese to the next level? If you've ever wondered about these questions, it's probably time for you to look into a Chinese proficiency test called the HSK 2.0 exam. Table of Contents Step 1: Knowing the HSK 2.0 Exam Step 2: Understanding the Six Levels and Finding Your Own Level Step 3: Drilling for the HSK 2.0 Exam Step 4: Using ChineseClass101.com to Help You Prepare for and Pass the HSK 2.0 Exam Conclusion Step 1: Knowing the HSK Exam 1- What is the HSK 2.0 exam? ... Show more

The 10 Most Useful Chinese Sentence Patterns

Language is an art, and learning one can become frustrating due to their complicated and flexible nature. We totally understand your pain as a new Chinese language learner! How about simplifying it a little bit, and applying some formulas like we do in math?  We’ve prepared these ten most basic and useful Chinese sentence patterns for you. Once you master them, you’ll be able to generate hundreds of natural sentences and converse with ease and confidence in any situation.  Now let’s get to the fun! Table of Contents Linking Two Nouns Using Adjectives to Describe Nouns Expressing "Want" Expressing "Need" Expressing "Like" Politely Asking Someone to Do Something Expressing Something in the Past Tense ... Show more

100 Chinese Adverbs You Need to Know

Have you ever wondered why your speech or writing is so dry? Maybe you just need a little guide on using different parts of speech, such as adverbs. Adverbs are very useful in creating an interesting and well-structured sentence. As a Chinese learner, I’m certain that you can’t wait to know more about Chinese adverbs. Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, and even other adverbs. Without their beautiful polish for your sentences, conversations can become raw and lifeless. Fortunately, you’re in the right place to learn some of the most useful Chinese adverbs to avoid this problem. In this article, we’ll talk about what an adverb is and how to use them, and provide you with a comprehensive Chinese adverbs list. Take good advantage... Show more

100 Classic Chinese Verbs in Daily Life

Verbs are an essential component of a sentence, and they’re at the core of our conversations as they provide key information. Everyone knows that a sentence isn’t complete without a verb! It’s not difficult to master the basic rules of common Chinese verbs as they don’t have any conjugation. However, there are additional phrases you can add to the sentence in order to indicate a certain time frame and make the sentence sound more natural. Now, let’s dive right into this simple introduction to common Chinese verbs! Table of Contents Physical Verbs vs. Mental Verbs Linking Verbs Helping Verbs Chinese Verbs and Essentials of Grammar Conclusion 1. Physical Verbs vs. Mental Verbs Some of the most useful Chinese... Show more

Personal Pronouns and More: A List of Chinese Pronouns

Quiz: Can you list all the pronouns you know? They don’t have to be Chinese pronouns; they can be in English or your native language.  Now, what would be the first five pronouns on your list?  Naturally, most of us first think of pronouns like "I," "me," "you," "he," and "they," which are all personal pronouns. We sometimes forget that the list of pronouns goes on.  There are possessive pronouns like "his" or "her," demonstrative pronouns like "this" or "that," interrogative pronouns like "what" or "where," and so on. Before we move on to this big, extensive, and complete list of all pronouns in Chinese, get a sneak peek at the essential list of the most useful pronouns on ChineseClass101.com to see how many you already know!  ... Show more

Chinese Grammar 101: Chinese Sentence Structures

"I heard Chinese grammar is very difficult. Is it true?" We often get this question from people who are attempting to learn Chinese. Well, the answer is yes and no. Take Chinese sentence structure and word order for example. Making basic sentences with a subject, verb, and object is super-easy, just like in English. But when there are more elements involved, such as adverbs and time phrases, things get a little more complicated. If you're an absolute beginner who would like to experience the joy of forming a perfect Chinese sentence on your own, or if you've ever been frustrated with the placement of words in sentences, this article is for you! Table of Contents Basic Chinese Language Word Order Advanced Sentence... Show more

The Ultimate Guide on How to Tell Time in Chinese

As a Chinese language-learner, one of the things you likely wonder about often is how to tell time in Chinese. Everything we do is seamlessly associated with time. We consume time every day and are always in a running competition with it. We care about time, and time has become one of the most important topics in our everyday lives. It’s important to stay on track with what you do, no matter where you are; further, you should do your best to be on time for certain events. This is why time in Chinese culture plays a big role. "Time" in Chinese is 时间 (shí jiān). The rules for telling the time in Mandarin Chinese are all straightforward and simple to follow, so let go of your fears and proceed with confidence. With ChineseClass101.com,... Show more

Asking for and Giving Directions in Chinese

Being able to ask for and give directions is one of the practical skills we need to learn in life. It’s also one of the survival skills we need to equip ourselves with before visiting a new place. If you don’t want to get lost in China, have a stressful time on your trip, or miss an excellent chance to communicate with locals and try out your Chinese speaking skills, you must read this survival guide on how to ask for and give directions in Chinese. Don’t have time to read all the details in this article? Not a problem. Check out the comprehensive vocabulary list on positions and directions on ChineseClass101.com! Table of Contents On the Map On the Road Landmarks Must-know Phrases for Asking for Directions ... Show more

100+ Common Nouns in Chinese for Beginners

Talking about nouns, everyone is familiar with them, because we talk about them every single day. It’s just such an active participant in our daily conversations that we can’t ignore them, especially as a diligent language learner. As a Chinese beginner, you’ve probably struggled with nouns in Chinese sentences and how to use them in Chinese grammar. The word “noun” in Chinese language is 名词 (míng cí). Nouns in Chinese grammar structures aren’t difficult to master, and they follow exactly the same rules as nouns do in English. As subjects, they’re placed before verbs; as objects, they’re placed after verbs. We’ve prepared a variety of Chinese nouns lists for you to enjoy, and each of these basic Chinese nouns is accompanied by example... Show more