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Archive for the 'Chinese Lessons' Category

How to Say I Love You in Chinese – Romantic Word List

Do you often feel lonely and sad? Do you long for romance and are willing to do whatever it takes to meet that special person? Speaking another language could revolutionize your love life! So, why wait? Learning how to say ‘love’ in Chinese could be just what you need to find it. Or perhaps you were lucky, and have found your Chinese partner already. Fantastic! Yet, a cross-cultural relationship comes with unique challenges. Learning how to speak your lover’s language will greatly improve your communication and enhance the relationship. At ChineseClass101, our team will teach you all the words, quotes and phrases you need to woo your Chinese lover with excellence! Our tutors provide personal assistance, with plenty of extra material... Show more

How to Greet in Chinese – A Good Place to Start Learning Chinese!

China has always been known for its long-cultivated history and culture. It’s an old country that has built its own characteristics over time. Just like every other country, Chinese etiquette has absorbed the very heart of Chinese culture. By learning how to greet people in Chinese, you’ll be getting a good start in your study of the Chinese language while also becoming a bit more familiar with Chinese culture! Greetings are always one of the first things someone learns when studying a new language. They’re the key to ensuring the people you talk to have a good impression of you right from the beginning. A proper Chinese greeting can really open up the gate to a fuller, desired conversation. If you’re a beginner in learning Chinese,... Show more

How to Celebrate April Fools’ Day in Chinese

Most everyone is familiar with this day, as it is celebrated nearly everywhere the world. Yet, when exactly is April Fools’ Day? And where did April Fools come from? April Fools’ Day is observed on April 1st every year. This day of jokes and pranks is believed to have stemmed from the 16th-century calendar change in France, when New Year’s Day was moved from April 1 to January 1. This action was taken due to the adoption of the Gregorian calendar. However, a few people were resistant to the calendar change, so they continued to observe New Year’s Day on April 1st, rather than the new date. They were referred to as the “April Fools”, and others started playing mocking tricks on them. This custom endured, and is practiced to this day... Show more

5 Most Common Mistakes When Studying Chinese

This article is intended to go over some of the most common mistakes committed by students when trying to learn Chinese. The points listed here are based on my experience as a student and as the manager of a small Chinese Academy. 1. Neglecting to study Chinese characters One of the most complicated aspects of the Chinese language is without a doubt its writing system. Learning how to read and write characters is a difficult task that can discourage many students. Many students who are anxious to learn Chinese as quickly as possible decide to put aside studying writing to focus on learning how to speak Chinese through the phonetic system (pinyin). There is no doubt that learning Chinese exclusively through pinyin is the most... Show more

3 Reasons Why Successful Students Learn Chinese In the Car

Not only is it possible to learn Chinese in your car, there are 3 great benefits that will help you master the language faster and with less effort. With everyone so pressed for time these days, it might seem like a daydream to believe that you could learn Chinese in your car—but it’s not! Thanks to a wide range of new technologies and resources, learning a language in your car is easier than ever. Not only is it easy to learn a language while driving, there are actually a number of benefits, especially if the lessons are part of a structured learning program like ChineseClass101. Here are three specific benefits to learning Chinese or any other new language in your car. Create Your Free Account and Learn Chinese from the Very... Show more

4 Reasons Why Chinese Slang Words Will Make You Fluent

Learn 4 honest reasons you need Chinese slang words and why they are so vital to truly learning and mastering the language. Teachers may normally cringe at the thought of their students learning Chinese slang words. After all, slang words and phrases are typically defined as being grammatically incorrect. So why would your teacher want you to spend time learning the “wrong way” to speak Chinese? Here are 4 of the top reasons why you should study slang words and expressions when learning Chinese or any new language. Create Your Free Lifetime Account and Start Learning the whole Chinese Language from the Beginning! 1. Native Speakers Use Slang Expressions in Everyday Conversation If you are going to study a foreign... Show more

Mini Chinese Lesson: Titles for People

In this mini lesson, we teach you some  ‘titles’ you will frequently come across in Chinese. Some titles are used for family members.  The reference point for those older or younger is oneself.  Other titles are used for people with certain positions or occupations.  Others are more like terms of endearment.  This week we started with family members: In the family:  ‘lil bro:  弟弟  (dìdi) – younger brother In the family:  big bro:  哥哥  (gēge) – older brother In the family:   big sis:  姐姐  (jiějie) – older sister In the family:  ‘lil sis:  妹妹(mèimei) – younger sister In the family:  mommy dearest:  妈妈 (māma) - mom In the family:  dad knows best:  爸爸 (bàba) - dad In the family:  not kissing... Show more

Test Your China Knowledge

The focus of this lesson is to test your knowledge about China. This lesson will build your basic knowledge of China by quizzing you on 5 areas of Knowledge: Geography, Pop Culture, Travel, Economics and Myth Busting!! Are you ready? 1)What percentage of China's 1.3 billion people live in urban areas? A) 10%  B) 40% C) 50% D) 90% 2)China has the following number of provinces: A)22 B)23 C)34 3)Following are three famous Chinese people. One is a famous singer, one a politician, and one a sports star. Match the person with their profession: 王菲 刘翔 胡锦涛 (Liú Xiáng)(Wáng Fēi) (athlete)  (Hú Jǐntāo) (politician) (singer) 4) Rank in correct order the most popular travel destination in China: Shanghai Beijing Xi'an  5) What... Show more

Top 6 Must-Know Phrases (one for getting out of trouble…)

The following are 6 essential phrases guaranteed to be the best thing you ever learned in Chinese! 谢谢 (xièxie)  “Thanks.” The Chinese aren’t big on ‘please’, but they love thank you so much that they’ll often hit you with a barrage of it, ‘xiexiexiexiexiexiexiexie’. 听不懂 (tīngbùdǒng) “I don’t understand what you are saying.” This phrase is going to be your best friend, go-to and solace.  你好 (nǐhǎo) “hello” If you don’t know it yet, we don’t know where you’ve been. 不知道 (bù zhīdào) “I don’t know.” You may hear this phrase more than use it, however learn from the Chinese how to bu zhidao every situation you wish to evade, play dumb about, or avoid. 不好意思 (bùhǎoyìsi) “Sorry.”  Buhaoyisi literally means ‘bad feeling’, and can be used... Show more

Top 5 MUST-Know Chinese Phrases

The following are 5 essential phrases guaranteed to be the best thing you ever learned in Chinese! 谢谢 (xièxie)  “Thanks.” The Chinese aren’t big on ‘please’, but they love thank you so much that they’ll often hit you with a barrage of it, ‘xiexiexiexiexiexiexiexie’. 听 不懂 (tīngbùdǒng) “I don’t understand what you are saying.” This phrase is going to be your best friend, go-to and solace. 你好 (nǐhǎo) “hello” If you don’t know it yet, we don’t know where you’ve been. 不 知道 (bù zhīdào) “I don’t know.” You may hear this phrase more than use it, however learn from the Chinese how to bu zhidao every situation you wish to evade, play dumb about, or avoid. 不好意思 (bùhǎoyìsi) “Sorry.”  Buhaoyisi literally means ‘bad feeling’, and... Show more