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Archive for the 'Chinese Online' Category

Classic Chinese Quotes You Need to Know

How many times have you used a popular quote to express something? Being able to apply someone else’s words to our own lives is just so convenient! But quotes hold so much more potential when you learn them in another language. Studying Chinese quotes can be an excellent way to improve your language skills, gain cultural insight, and learn to see the world through other people’s eyes. In China, people love to use Chinese quotes and proverbs in their daily conversations. Using one effectively can convey the heart of one’s thoughts, making any conversation a little more meaningful. The Chinese quotes we’ve listed in this article will not only enrich your conversations, but also help you think a little deeper and advise you on your own... Show more

Chinese Business Phrases: How to Talk Like a Professional

Whether you’re a student seeking the opportunity to live and work in China, an international company employee who has been transferred to the branch office in China, a specialist who deals with clients or partners in China, or simply a Chinese language enthusiast who’s eager to expand your vocabulary, knowing some essential business phrases in Chinese will benefit you professionally, socially, and financially. In this article, we’ll present you with fifty common Chinese business phrases and patterns (with examples, key vocabulary, and notes) to use in different business circumstances in China. Be it a job interview, a business meeting, or a chat with coworkers and clients, you’ll be prepared to handle it in smooth business Chinese.  ... Show more

Learn Chinese: YouTube Channels to Help You Thrive

YouTube: A paradise full of creative content to relax your brain.  But did you know you can also learn Chinese on YouTube? Who wouldn’t want to learn a language the fun way, especially when you could educate yourself on the culture, too?  You’re in luck! We’ve done the research for you and narrowed down the top ten Chinese YouTube channels for learners of the language. We’ve included channels on a variety of topics, so you can immerse yourself in the language and culture while watching something that really interests you! It’s time to switch up your study method and tune into some fun videos! Binge on these Chinese YouTube channels, and you’ll find yourself making incredible progress without studying so hard. However, we... Show more

Chinese Final Particles: Signals for Tone of Voice

Let's take a look at these three sentences: 你坐啊。(Nǐ zuò a.)你坐吧。(Nǐ zuò ba.)你坐嘛。(Nǐ zuò ma.) They all have the same "sentence stem," which is made up of the subject 你 (nǐ),  or "you," and the action verb 坐 (zuò), meaning "to sit." The last word in each sentence (a/ba/ma) is a particle, which doesn’t carry referential meaning, and therefore has no direct translations. Literally, these three sentences could all translate as: "You sit."  However, the Chinese particles at the end of each sentence drastically change the speaker's mood and attitude. Final particles in Chinese can, for example, express that the speaker is feeling excited, making a polite suggestion, or being a little pushy and forceful. Particles at the end of a... Show more

How to Say Goodbye in Chinese in Any Situation

We come across so many people throughout the course of our human journey, where so many hellos and goodbyes take place. These phrases may seem basic, but they play a significant role in starting and ending things properly. The good news is that, as a language-learner, you’ve probably mastered how to say hello in Chinese by now (if not, check out our article and start learning today)! But knowing how to say goodbye in Chinese is just as important. Choosing the best Chinese word for goodbye in a given situation will make your communication smoother, make you sound more like a native speaker, and improve the quality of your relationships. In Chinese culture, we have a variety of ways to say goodbye depending on how formal/casual the... Show more

Is Chinese Hard to Learn? (And How to Love it Anyway)

You're interested in learning Mandarin Chinese, but rumor has it that it's the most difficult language in the world. You start to have second thoughts.  You’re not alone. To a lot of people, especially those who speak a Romance language, the Chinese language not only "sounds Greek," but worse. The mysterious symbols, the absence of an alphabet, the hard-to-pronounce sounds, the Yin and Yang, and the ancient philosophies behind the language...the list goes on.  Is Chinese hard to learn? Maybe. But should it keep you from moving forward?  Definitely not!  Chinese is a beautiful language. Imagine if the Chinese language were a woman—stunning, exotic, seemingly distant. You want to pursue her, but there's a voice whispering in your... Show more

A Collection of Common Chinese Mistakes Made by Learners

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." -Albert Einstein Now every mistake in Chinese you've made is justified. They’re little trophies from taking on a challenge and trying something new: a new language (and a difficult one, at that)!  In this article, we'll cover all the trophies (a.k.a. mistakes), that you and other Chinese learners have made or may end up making. From the most common pronunciation mistakes to grammar mistakes that new learners need to watch out for, ChineseClass101.com will cover it all! We’ll also show you how to make good use of your mistakes. Table of Contents Common Chinese Pronunciation Mistakes Common Chinese Grammar Mistakes A Learner's Regret Turn Mistakes into Tools... Show more

Master the Essential Chinese Questions and Answers

As a language-learner, it’s important to ask yourself: "Why am I even learning this language?" Many people learn a new language to interact with people from a different cultural background, in hopes of having a meaningful conversation. And questions are a fantastic tool for learning more about someone and their culture!  "Question" in Chinese is 问题 (wèn tí). Remember that you should never be afraid to ask a 问题 (wèn tí), even if you can’t ask it perfectly. Not being able to speak your mother tongue may be tough, but as long as you try your best to keep a conversation flowing with genuine questions and a smile on your face, most people will be friendly enough to lend you their ears and open their hearts to talk with you.  All in... Show more

How to Pass HSK 2.0, the Mandarin Chinese Proficiency Test

Are you curious about what level your Chinese is at? Would you like to be certified in your Chinese language abilities?  Are you thinking about applying for a job or a college program in China?  Do you need motivation to push your Chinese to the next level? If you've ever wondered about these questions, it's probably time for you to look into a Chinese proficiency test called the HSK 2.0 exam. Table of Contents Step 1: Knowing the HSK 2.0 Exam Step 2: Understanding the Six Levels and Finding Your Own Level Step 3: Drilling for the HSK 2.0 Exam Step 4: Using ChineseClass101.com to Help You Prepare for and Pass the HSK 2.0 Exam Conclusion Step 1: Knowing the HSK Exam 1- What is the HSK 2.0 exam? ... Show more

The 10 Most Useful Chinese Sentence Patterns

Language is an art, and learning one can become frustrating due to their complicated and flexible nature. We totally understand your pain as a new Chinese language learner! How about simplifying it a little bit, and applying some formulas like we do in math?  We’ve prepared these ten most basic and useful Chinese sentence patterns for you. Once you master them, you’ll be able to generate hundreds of natural sentences and converse with ease and confidence in any situation.  Now let’s get to the fun! Table of Contents Linking Two Nouns Using Adjectives to Describe Nouns Expressing "Want" Expressing "Need" Expressing "Like" Politely Asking Someone to Do Something Expressing Something in the Past Tense ... Show more