Archive for the 'Learn Chinese' Category
May 11, 2016
How to be a Good Lover in China
Click here to listen how to pronounce those lovely words!
Wǒ ài nǐ.
I love you.
Nǐ zhēn piàoliang.
You're so beautiful.
Nǐ hǎo shuài .
You're so handsome.
Wǒ xǐhuān nǐ .
I've got a crush on you.
Nǐ ràng wǒ xiǎng biàn de gènghǎo .
You make me want to be a better man.
Ràng suǒyǒu nǐ zuò de shì dōu chōngmǎn ài .
Let all that you do be done in love.
Nǐ shì wǒ de yángguāng, wǒ de ài.
You are my sunshine, my love.
Wúfǎ yòng yányǔ lái xíngróng wǒ duì nǐ de ài.
Words can't describe my love for you.
Wǒmen shì mìngzhōng zhùdìng yào zài yìqǐ .
We were meant to be together.
Rúguǒ nǐ dú zhè piān... Show more
April 28, 2016
Top 15 tips to remember words when learning Chinese
Hey Chinese learner!
We recently gave you some shortcuts to learn Chinese.
In your journey to become fluent and conversational in less time that is needed to say “Gotta catch 'em all”, we will this time give you the Top 15 tips to remember words!
1. Use repetition: reading, writing and speaking words over and over again.
2. Associate words with drawings, pictures and funny scenes.
3. Try to use the language routinely in the context of daily life.
4. Reading as much as possible, especially the newspaper, helps you to remember words.
Click Here To Start Learning Chinese Right Now!
5. Learn about the roots of words and how different words are related to each other.
6. Speak as often as possible with native... Show more
April 1, 2016
3 Tactics For Boosting Your Chinese Listening Skills at ChineseClass101
Hello Listeners,
When it comes to listening to and understanding Chinese, most beginners struggle. They hear the few words they know. And the rest just fly in one ear and out the other. Does this happen to you too?
In this post, you’re going to learn about 3 tactics that are guaranteed to sharpen your listening comprehension skills!
1. Try Our Listening Comprehension Series
Click Here To Check Out Our Absolute Beginner Videos!
This is a complete lesson series dedicated purely to testing and improving your listening skills. You can find all of the videos from this series in the “Bonus Video Lessons” section of our site! In the video lesson, you’ll hear a dialogue in your target language. Then, you’ll be asked to answer... Show more
October 26, 2015
Mini Chinese Lesson: Titles for People
In this mini lesson, we teach you some ‘titles’ you will frequently come across in Chinese.
Some titles are used for family members. The reference point for those older or younger is oneself. Other titles are used for people with certain positions or occupations. Others are more like terms of endearment. This week we started with family members:
In the family: ‘lil bro: 弟弟 (dìdi) – younger brother
In the family: big bro: 哥哥 (gēge) – older brother
In the family: big sis: 姐姐 (jiějie) – older sister
In the family: ‘lil sis: 妹妹(mèimei) – younger sister
In the family: mommy dearest: 妈妈 (māma) - mom
In the family: dad knows best: 爸爸 (bàba) - dad
In the family: not kissing... Show more
September 17, 2015
5 Ways To Improve Your Chinese Speaking Skills
Speaking is usually the #1 weakness for all Chinese learners. This is a common issue among language learners everywhere. The reason for this is obvious: When language learners first start learning a language, they usually start with reading. They read online articles, books, information on apps and so on. If they take a class, they spend 20% of their time repeating words, and 80% of the time reading the textbook, doing homework or just listening to a teacher. So, if you spend most of your time reading instead of speaking, you might get better at reading but your speaking skills never grow. You get better at what you focus on.
So if you want to improve you speaking skills, you need to spend more of your study time on speaking. Here are... Show more
August 26, 2015
Sneak Peek: Review More Chinese with This Feature, Badges & Your 26% OFF
Hello Listener,
You’ll want to know about these 2 new Chinese learning tools and features. They’re great for reviewing, motivation and progress. One is an unofficial sneak peek.
So what are they? The brand new Achievement Badges and the Word Bank! And... if you want to master Chinese, unlock our proven learning system at 26% OFF and get a Bonus 6.5-hour Audiobook!
In this month’s newsletter:
72 Hours Left! Click here to get 26% OFF + FREE 6.5-Hour Audiobook
New Feature! Achievement Badges Now Available for Premium PLUS
Sneak Peek: Save & Review Vocab with this Study Tool
1. Ends Friday! Learn Chinese with 26% OFF & a FREE Audiobook!
No school. No stress. Learn Chinese at your pace and start speaking in... Show more
August 25, 2015
6 Reasons to Learn a Language Before You Travel
There are plenty of destinations where you can get by with English, but sometimes you want to do better than just ‘get by’. Here are 6 reasons you should learn the basics of the language of your next trip destination.
1. You will be able to discover your destination better than other tourists.
Getting by is one thing, but actually experiencing a trip abroad is quite another. No amount of guidebooks and online research can compensate for a basic lack of language ability. Speaking the language of your destination permits you to explore that destination beyond the regular tourist traps. Your language skills will not only allow you to dig into all the hidden gems of your destination, but they will also allow you to mingle with the... Show more
August 17, 2015
You’re Too Cool for School: Master Chinese at 26% OFF & Get a FREE Audiobook
Hello Listener,
Did you start this year out with a resolution to learn Chinese? Haven’t found time to make it happen yet? Well, with students everywhere going back to school this month... Now’s a perfect time to renew your dream of truly learning Chinese.
Even if you’re a complete beginner. Even if you’re out of school...
You can and will learn Chinese with 180+ hours of lessons from real teachers. The Too Cool for School Sale at ChineseClass101 starts today:
Click here to get 26% OFF & a free Audiobook!
Start speaking Chinese from your very first lesson and get our entire Chinese learning system at 26% OFF! That’s just $2.96/month with Basic or $7.40/month with Premium and up to $62.40 in savings. So if you upgrade... Show more
July 29, 2015
3 Consistent Ways You’ll Learn Chinese Fast: All New Lessons, Word Lists & 29% OFF!
Hi there Listener,
When you’re learning Chinese and want real progress...look for the consistent method. One that’s non-stop and keeps you going. What’s a good one? ChineseClass101 Lessons – free audio and video lessons, every week. In fact, a new season of lessons has started this month that you can grab. Anything else? Vocab lists, where you learn new words and phrases all the time. And don’t forget that our 29% OFF Summer of Chinese Sale ends Friday!
In this month’s newsletter...
Sale Ends Friday! Click Here to Get 29% OFF Basic or Premium!
A New Season Has Started: New, Free, Weekly Chinese Lessons
Free Feature Alert: Speak More Chinese With Word & Phrase Lists
1. Summer of Chinese Sale ends Friday! Get a HOT... Show more
July 20, 2015
Your Summer of Chinese Starts Now! Get 29% OFF Lessons from Chinese Teachers
Hello Listener,
The Summer of Chinese is in full swing at ChineseClass101. That means we’re helping thousands of people like you to learn Chinese this summer! Yes, we are helping to make your dream of learning Chinese easier and more affordable with a LIMITED TIME 29% OFF Basic and Premium.
Up to $69.60 in savings! Click here to get a BIG 29% OFF!
Ready to learn Chinese? During our Summer of Chinese Sale, you gain full access to our ENTIRE learning system – 180+ hours of Chinese audio and video lessons from real Chinese teachers, exclusive apps, plus loads of additional study tools and resources for just...
$7.10/Month for Full Access to Our Premium Plan
$2.84/Month for Full Access to Our Basic Plan
But you might be... Show more