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Asking for and Giving Directions in Chinese

Being able to ask for and give directions is one of the practical skills we need to learn in life. It’s also one of the survival skills we need to equip ourselves with before visiting a new place. If you don’t want to get lost in China, have a stressful time on your trip, or miss an excellent chance to communicate with locals and try out your Chinese speaking skills, you must read this survival guide on how to ask for and give directions in Chinese. Don’t have time to read all the details in this article? Not a problem. Check out the comprehensive vocabulary list on positions and directions on ChineseClass101.com! Table of Contents On the Map On the Road Landmarks Must-know Phrases for Asking for Directions ... Show more

100+ Common Nouns in Chinese for Beginners

Talking about nouns, everyone is familiar with them, because we talk about them every single day. It’s just such an active participant in our daily conversations that we can’t ignore them, especially as a diligent language learner. As a Chinese beginner, you’ve probably struggled with nouns in Chinese sentences and how to use them in Chinese grammar. The word “noun” in Chinese language is 名词 (míng cí). Nouns in Chinese grammar structures aren’t difficult to master, and they follow exactly the same rules as nouns do in English. As subjects, they’re placed before verbs; as objects, they’re placed after verbs. We’ve prepared a variety of Chinese nouns lists for you to enjoy, and each of these basic Chinese nouns is accompanied by example... Show more

Learn the 20+ Most Useful Compliments in Chinese

Most people like hearing compliments, and they allow you to express your liking for someone and provide an opportunity for people to open up to each other. When they’re heard in a sincere manner, people feel appreciated. With that being said, when you have the opportunity to compliment someone, do it. It’s the key to their heart! There are many kinds of compliments in Chinese, and they need to be used in different situations. In addition, there’s a wide spectrum of tones and ways to say them. Don’t worry, though; they’re not difficult at all. As long as you follow our guide, you can become a master of giving Chinese compliments! Table of Contents Complimenting Someone's Look Complimenting Someone's Work Complimenting Someone's... Show more

儿童节: Celebrating International Children’s Day in China

Do you remember being a kid? Growing up, I always looked forward to a day off from school (and dreaded most days not off school…). Well, Children’s Day in China is a day off from school that children can look forward to all year long; it’s a holiday filled with fun and excitement for the little ones! In this article, you’ll explore how children and parents celebrate International Children’s Day, pick up some vocab, and learn the Chinese phrase for someone who’s still a child at heart. Let’s get started. 1. What is Children’s Day? International Children’s Day, celebrated in many countries around the world, is a holiday dedicated to honoring and protecting children; it’s also a day for the little ones to have fun and 逃学... Show more

The Anger Game: Phrases for Getting Angry in Chinese

Question: If ordering food, asking for directions, and exchanging contact information are only beginner-level language skills, what makes an advanced-level Chinese learner? Here's my answer: Using the perfect Chinese phrases to express your anger. If you've experienced the frustration of not being able to defend yourself in a heated conversation because of your limited vocabulary, you know what I'm talking about. In this article, you'll find over thirty phrases and expressions to use in intense situations. These will help you understand what that angry Chinese man might be yelling about, as well as expand your vocabulary to help you express your own feelings and emotions more freely. Before we proceed, I'd like to assure you that... Show more

International Labor Day: China’s Travel Holiday

On International Labor Day, China is known for its large number of travelers and tourists, massive sales, and other fun events. In this article, you’ll learn more about the Labor Day holiday, what to expect in China during this time, and some useful vocabulary! Let’s get started. 1. What is Labor Day? You’re most likely familiar with International Labor Day. This is a special 假日 (jiàrì), or "holiday," weekend during which workers and employees are allowed to take a 假期 (jiàqī), or "vacation," from work. But how did it get started? Labor Day History Labor Day got its start in the United States in 1882. There’s some debate as to who came up with the idea, but in 1894, then-President of the U.S., Grover Cleveland, made it... Show more

China Life Event Messages: Happy New Year in Chinese & More

Sometimes, a single sentence can allow humans to easily connect with each other, especially wishes phrases that everyone wants to hear. There are some unique life events, and different ways of celebrating them, in every single country even between the local people, and that’s where they share the same values and embrace each other’s traditions. So how do you wish someone well in Chinese? And what can you gain from learning how to say Happy New Year in Chinese, and other holiday greetings? As a language learner, such events can establish a great communication channel with native speakers and provide a better look at the local culture so you can really be a part of it. In China, you can have a variety of opportunities to get involved, as... Show more

All the Basics You Need to Know About Chinese Weather

Sometimes the weather remains the same as it was yesterday, and sometimes it changes dramatically and affects everything you plan to do tomorrow. Indeed, weather is a part of a human’s daily life and often influences people’s moods and plans. China’s weather is no different. However, no matter how ever-changing the weather is, you’ll always share the same piece of sky with the people around you, and that’s something we all have in common. Therefore, the weather has become an essential topic for starting conversations in many cultures. Not surprisingly, in China, people also enjoy smoothly opening up a conversation as they talk about the weather. As a Chinese language learner, I’m sure you can’t wait to get the hang of this versatile... Show more

Top 100 Must-know Chinese Adjectives

What is an adjective in Chinese? You may have wondered as a beginner in Chinese, considering adjectives’ ability to help you shine in conversation or writing. Without effective Chinese adjectives, a conversation can become dull, and you may easily lose the interest of your listeners. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to describe your personality in Chinese, talk about the weather in Chinese, and even understand Chinese adjective placement so you can speak fluently. Everything you need can be found in our guide to the top 100 common Chinese adjectives we’ve customized just for you. Now, don’t worry; we’ve prepared some basic Chinese adjectives that can bring your speech to another level! Adjectives in Chinese modify 名词 (míng... Show more

Celebrating National Tree Planting Day in China

On 国际植树节 (guójì zhíshù jié), or International Arbor Day, China puts a special emphasis on the importance of caring for the environment. Volunteers from all over the country spend the day planting trees, and many people enjoy doing outdoor activities. In this article, you’ll learn all about China’s National Tree Planting Day, from its origins to modern-day observations. Are you ready? Let’s get started! 1. What is Arbor Day? Arbor Day is formally established as a national tree-planting campaign. As people become more aware of how important it is to protect the environment, they also realize the significance of National Tree Planting Day. Since the 1980s, the Chinese people have voluntarily planted more than 35 billion... Show more