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Archive for the 'Newsletter' Category

May 2010 Newsletter

1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY 20% Off Basic & Premium Subscriptions Coupon Code: 1YEAR | Redeem Now! May 2010 In this month's newsletter: 1. 5 New Innovative Language Sites are coming! What new languages will we be adding to the 101.com family?Click here to find out... 2. ChineseClass101.com 1 Year Anniversary! Join us for another exciting year of Chinese lessons and tips! Get 20% OFF any subscription! Click here claim your discount.  3. BONUS Chinese Audio Lesson!  We're back with another free audio lesson just for you! Click here to download and listen... Welcome to the ChineseClass101.com newsletter. We've been really busy gearing up for summer and Innovative Language Learning has a lot of news to share! Stay posted... Show more

April 2010 Newsletter

1. 101 Million Downloads Reached!  On April 12th, ChineseClass101.com and Innovative Language Learning reached 101 million lesson downloads! Thanks to all the listeners for supporting us! The winners from our 101 Million Download contest have been picked and posted. Click here to see if you're a winner! 2. Respect your elders! Honor your ancestors during the Qing Ming Festival. Click here to read how its done in China... 3. BONUS Chinese Audio Lesson!  We're back with another free audio lesson just for you! We're going green with this month's theme. Click here to download and listen... Welcome to the ChineseClass101.com newsletter. Spring is here and the warm weather has been inspiring us with fun new lesson ideas!... Show more

March 2010 Newsletter

In this month's newsletter: 1. Knocking on 101 MILLION! ChineseClass101.com and our sister sites at Innovative Language Learning are fast approaching a big milestone - 101 MILLION lesson downloads! You could win a Premium LIFETIME Subscription! Best of all, you're already entered to win! Click here to find out more... 2. I Am Woman! March 8th was International Women's Day and is an official public holiday in China! Click here to read how it is celebrated in China! 3. Best Lessons and Blog Entries for March! Find out what’s popular this month! The blog has great content for you to see. Welcome to the ChineseClass101.com newsletter. Spring is coming and we are ready to welcome in the new season with fun and exciting... Show more

November 2009 Newsletter

1. Get serious about Chinese with The Ultimate Getting Started Chinese Package - Limited Time Offer! Stop by ChineseClass101.com/ULTIMATE to find out more. 2. Happy Thanksgiving! We want to say "Thank you" for listening to ChineseClass101.com! Use coupon code THANKS09 by November 26th and save 26% off any basic or premium subscription today! Click here to redeem this incredible, limited time offer today! 3. Best Lessons and Blog Entries for November!  - Find out what’s popular this month! The blog has some great content for you to see. Welcome to the ChineseClass101.com newsletter. These periodic newsletters will deliver  to  you  all  the  exciting developments that are going on at ChineseClass101.com.  With  each ... Show more

October 2009 Newsletter

Introduction Awesome new upgrade available for the iPhone/iPod Touch application - WordPower Chinese and now available for Android (the Google phone). Social Networking Monthly Giveaways! - Every month, ChineseClass101.com will give away one 3-month Premium Subscription, one 3-month Basic Subscription, and two of our phenomenal iPhone applications. Become a subscriber to ChineseClass101's YouTube account, follow us on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook, or have a free lifetime account at ChineseClass101 to be eligible to win! Best Lessons and Blog Entries for October! - Find out what’s popular this month! The blog has some great content for you to see. Welcome to the ChineseClass101.com newsletter. These periodic newsletters will... Show more

[ IMPORTANT ] Back to School Special – ChineseClass101 September 2009 Newsletter

SAVE 15% OFF! Back to School Special is Back for 2 days! Save 15% OFF Any Basic or premium subscription! Introduction Save an INSTANT 15% OFF Any Basic or Premium Subscription! Back to School Special is here for 48 hours only! Claim your discount now. Secets to Learning Chinese Secrets to learning Chinese REVEALED! Best Lessons and Blog Entries for September! - Find out what's popular this month! The blog has some great content for you to see. Welcome to the ChineseClass101.com newsletter. These periodic newsletters will deliver to you all the exciting developments that are going on at ChineseClass101.com. With each issue, you will receive the latest announcements, promotional offers, blog news, and forum... Show more

August 2009 Newsletter – Last Chance to Win! DON’T Miss Your Chance to Learn Chinese for Free!

Today, August 31st 2009, is the final day to enter to WIN!  1. Last Chance to Enter $10,100 Contest!  There are less than 24 hours to get your chance to win! Our $10,100 Summer Giveaway, is almost over! We are giving away many, many, MANY free subscriptions - $10,100 worth of FREE Premium and 101 Basic subscriptions to be exact! And entering is a piece of cake!  You can enter in ChineseClass101.com's $10,100 Giveaway, by doing one or ALL of the following: Follow ChineseClass101.com on Twitter Become a fan of ChineseClass101.com on Facebook Subscribe to ChineseClass101.com's YouTube channel  Sign up on ALL 3 for three chances to win - and remember we have TEN sites. Think BIG! If you sign up at all of them, that's a total of 30... Show more

Learn Chinese Direct from Beijing with ChineseClass101.com

Dear Chinese Students, Today we're pleased to announce the launch of ChineseClass101.com. This is a joint project between Popup Chinese and the folks at Innovative Language Learning. If you're familiar with the Innovative Language approach to teaching, you'll know the strength of their materials has always been tight, step-by-step progressive lessons for beginners. At Popup Chinese, we've historically geared our materials towards more advanced students, so when we had the chance to cooperate with the Innovative team and work together to build something that could take advantage of the powerful system they've already built we leapt at the chance, and began work designing a focused and stepwise program for Mandarin instruction. ... Show more