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4 Reasons Why Chinese Slang Words Will Make You Fluent

Learn 4 honest reasons you need Chinese slang words and why they are so vital to truly learning and mastering the language.

Teachers may normally cringe at the thought of their students learning Chinese slang words. After all, slang words and phrases are typically defined as being grammatically incorrect. So why would your teacher want you to spend time learning the “wrong way” to speak Chinese? Here are 4 of the top reasons why you should study slang words and expressions when learning Chinese or any new language.

reasons to learn chinese slang words

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1. Native Speakers Use Slang Expressions in Everyday Conversation

If you are going to study a foreign language and plan to use it to speak with native speakers, then you have to learn slang words and expressions. Otherwise, just using formal expressions and grammar may alienate you from native speakers and make it more difficult to establish a real connection. So it is best to at least learn some common slang words and expressions if you’re planning to meet or speak socially with someone.

2. Slang Words Are Used All Throughout Chinese Culture

If you turn on any popular Chinese TV show, listen to any song, or watch any movie, you are quickly going to see the value of learning Chinese slang phrases. Just like everyday conversations between native speakers, Chinese culture is filled with slang phrases and expressions. Without at least some knowledge of the more common slang phrases, popular culture and most conversations will be very confusing and potentially alienating.

Want to Amaze Native Speaker? Be a Good Lover? Our Vocabulary Lists are Made for You!

3. Slang Expressions Help You Better Express Your True Thoughts and Feelings

Only relying on formal grammar and vocabulary is very limiting, especially in social situations. Just like in your native language, using the appropriate Chinese slang words can help you express a broader range of emotions, thoughts, and feelings.

4. Proper Use of Slang Makes You Sound More Natural

We’ve all met foreigners who technically used formal language perfectly but still sounded odd and well….foreign. But when you use the right slang words and expressions, you will sound more natural and like a true native speaker. If you notice, even most politicians include a sprinkling of slang expressions and words throughout their speeches to help them sound more natural and to better connect with the audience.

The Dark Side of Slang Expressions

Learning Chinese slang words can indeed help you sound more natural, better understand the people and culture, and make integration much easier. However, there is a dark side: using the wrong slang expressions can also make you look foolish, uneducated, and potentially disrespectful.

But how do you know which slang words or phrases to use and when?

The truth is that you can’t learn the most modern and appropriate slang words in textbooks or formal classroom settings. By the time the information gets incorporated into a formal curriculum, it’s already outdated and no longer in use by actual Chinese people. And while you can learn current slang expressions from Chinese TV shows, movies, songs, and games, you may not understand the context. If that happens, you may use the right Chinese slang words but in the wrong situation and still look like a fool or possibly even offend someone.

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So where can you learn current slang expressions and the right context in which to use them?

At ChineseClass101, native speaking instructors create audio and video lessons that can include slang expressions and words. Our instructors provide context and examples for all the Chinese slang words used in any lesson to make sure students understand the right time and place to use them.

Chinese slang words and expressions may be grammatically incorrect but they are vital to truly understanding and immersing yourself in the culture. In fact, it will be very difficult to fully understand any movie, TV show, song, game, or even 1-on-1 conversation without knowing a few of the more common slang expressions.

However, it is important to learn the proper context and use of even popular slang expressions or you may come across as confusing, disrespectful, or uneducated.
At ChineseClass101, you’ll learn how to use slang phrases and words to draw the right attention and avoid these problems.

Don’t forget to sign up for a Free Lifetime Account on to access tons of FREE lessons and features to become fluent in Chinese!

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free lifetime account chinesepod101 benefit

ChineseClass101 is not really free, is it?
Although there are paid plans, yes, it is FREE. Every single lesson that we have ever created has been free for a certain period of time. And every new audio and video lesson (we publish 3-5 lessons a week) is completely free to access for 3 weeks before going into our lesson library.

What’s a Free Lifetime Account?
A Free Lifetime Account is – simply put – a free membership at ChineseClass101.

What do I get with this Free Account? How can I learn for free for life?
Here’s how you learn every day without paying a cent at ChineseClass101. You have access to all of these features for life:

  • New audio and video lessons every week – 3-5 new, free lessons a week
  • The first 3 lessons of every single series – 100+ lessons in total
  • New Daily Dose of Chinese lessons – a new free lesson every day
  • Chinese Word of the Day lessons – a new free lesson every day
  • Throwback Thursday lessons – a free random lesson every Thursday
  • The Innovative Language 101 App for the Android, iPhone and iPad
  • The 100 Most Common Words List to get a head-start on learning vocabulary
  • Vocabulary and phrase lists for topics, themes and holidays
  • Bonus resources and mobile apps in the Chinese resources section

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    To sum-up, you create a free account only with your email address, you’ll get a 7-day trial to experience Premium access to ChineseClass101, and after this period you will stay on as a “Free” member accessing all our tool and resources mentioned before. So what are you waiting for?

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  • Top 20 Chinese Words and Phrases you need to survive the Apocalypse

    Zombies are coming, and they speak Chinese! Do you have what it takes to survive? No?
    How lucky you are, we have exactly what you need. Here is the Top 20 Words and Phrases you need to survive this Apocalypse!

    top Chinese words and phrases to survive zombies apocalypse

    Click here to listen how to pronounce those phrases!

    感染 (n)

    恐怖的 (adj)
    kǒngbù de

    骷髅 (n)

    坟墓 (n)

    Nǐ zuì xǐhuān de jiāngshī diànyǐng shì shénme?
    What’s your favorite zombie movie?

    Click here to access this lesson for free!

    启示录 (n)
    qǐ shì lù

    Cóng fénmù zhōng fùhuó
    rise from the grave

    Jiāngshī! Kuài pǎo!
    Zombies! Run!

    Rúguǒ yǒu jiāngshī gōng jī, nǐ huì qù nǎlǐ?
    If there was a zombie attack, where would you go?

    超自然的 (adj)
    chāo zìrán de

    食品供应 (n)
    shípǐn gōngyìng
    food supply

    xíng shī zǒu ròu
    walking dead

    jīpí gēda
    goose bumps

    想像 (n)
    xiǎng xiàng

    流行文化 (n)
    liúxíng wénhuà
    pop culture

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    민물 (n)
    fresh water

    遗体 (n)

    令人毛骨悚然的 (adj)
    lìng rén máogǔsǒngrán de

    隐藏 (v)
    yǐn cáng

    墓地 (n)
    mù dì

    Want to amaze zombies? Become their friends? Learn Chinese with our vocabulary lists!

    More sample sentences, vocabulary, audio and video lessons when you sign up for free at

    How to Learn Chinese in Your Car?

    How to Learn Chinese in Your Car? Learn language in car

    Stuck in traffic? Losing time in your car? Have you ever felt that in all this wasted time, you could have watched the 750 episodes of One Piece, finished the last Super Mario ten times, or even better…you could have learned Chinese? Between family, friends and work, in addition to this time-consuming commute, it can become difficult to find time to properly learn Chinese.

    Fortunately, every problem has a solution, and what could be a better solution than turning that commute time into learning time? Stop passing the time mindlessly listening to the radio and try some of our best tips for mastering Chinese in your car!

    Click Here To Start Learning Chinese Right Now!

    You can learn Chinese in your car, hands free
    While driving, it’s important that you keep your focus on the road, so this is why our top tips won’t require you to use your hands!

    Listening to Chinese audio content in the car is a good way to learn
    This is because it is a fun and efficient way to learn. With podcasts, you will be able to discover Chinese culture through topics about everyday life. Instead of the radio, listen to a Chinese podcast adapted to your level, from Absolute Beginner to Advanced, and you will make progress sooner that you would expect!

    You can listen to Chinese music in the car
    Did you know that you can learn Chinese by singing while driving? Listen to songs from cartoon or drama and try to identify some words you learned.

    Challenge yourself! Use the Chinese you’ve studied up to this point and see how much you understand! Making the jump to real-life Chinese is a scary one, but friendly children’s songs are a great place to start!

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    You can learn alone in your car
    When you’re driving alone, you can be as loud as you want – there is nothing better for remembering your Chinese lessons than repeating loudly, again and again. Next time you see a driver who seems to be talking alone, you will know he or she is just learning Chinese!

    You can learn through repetition with your passengers
    If there are passengers in the car, it can be more stimulating to learn together. You can set a role play with Chinese dialogues. With, you can download all the lessons transcript including the dialogues, as a PDF. Print it out and have some fun speaking in Chinese!

    One of the passengers can answer the quiz available on each of our lessons, while another can correct that person. Listening to someone at a more advanced level of Chinese or a better accent is positive and helps you improve.

    You can learn Chinese offline
    Do you have a poor connection or are unable to use the Internet? It’s not a problem for learning Chinese! Before you start your commute, use our App to download the lessons you want to study and the podcast you want to listen to in your car, and you will be able to enjoy your lessons offline. Entering a tunnel won’t be a problem anymore. What a pleasure to listen to audio content without having the host freezing every 5 seconds!

    Click here to download the App and learn offline!

    You can learn every day at your own pace
    One of the best approaches for learning a language is little by little and often. It’s not efficient to take in a huge amount of information at one time. What you need is to study on a regular basis – a little bit of Chinese every day. You commute several days a week, and that is all time you can take advantage of!

    You have the freedom to choose the lessons and podcasts you want to focus on, at your own rhythm. You may want to do a little revision or discover how to talk about a new topic. And if you’re wondering what to learn next, you can use the new Learning Paths, which is our customized pathway feature that gives you a step-by-step way to learn Chinese without getting lost!

    Click here to access Learning Paths at ChineseClass101!

    If you don’t have a car and commute by another method, these tips are still valid! Learning Chinese is no longer limited to the classroom or your house; there are so many benefits to learning in your car or elsewhere. Reaching a conversational level will take you less time than you could ever have imagined! Don’t forget to sign up for your Free Lifetime Account and enjoy our content!

    Top 10 Lines You Need for Introducing Yourself in Chinese

    Click here to listen how to pronounce those phrases!

  • 我的名字是廉。
    Wǒ de míngzi shì Lián.
    My name is Lian.

  • 我来自中国。
    Wǒ láizì Zhōngguó.
    I’m from China.

  • 我住在北京。
    Wǒ zhù zài Běijīng.
    I live in Beijing.

  • 我学习中文已经1年了。
    Wǒ xuéxí Zhōngwén yǐjīng yī nián le.
    I’ve been learning Chinese for a year.

  • 我在ChineseClass101.com网站学习中文。
    Wǒ zài wǎngzhàn xuéxí Zhōngwén.
    I’m learning Chinese at

  • 您好,很高兴见到您。
    Nínhǎo , hěn gāoxìng jiàn dào nín.
    Hello, it’s nice to meet you.

  • 我27岁。
    Wǒ èrshíqī suì.
    I’m 27 years old.

  • 我是一名教师。
    Wǒ shì yī míng jiàoshī.
    I’m a teacher.

  • 读书是我的爱好之一。
    dúshū shì wǒde àihào zhīyī.
    One of my hobbies is reading.

  • 我喜欢听音乐。
    Wǒ xǐhuān tīng yīnyuè.
    I enjoy listening to music.

    Make friends? Want to impress native speakers?
    Learn Chinese with our other vocabulary lists!

  • 10 Monthly Goals to become fluent in Chinese

    Hey Chinese Learner!

    Shortcuts for learning and tips to remember Chinese words are useful but it’s even also important to fix objectives to reach every month! What Is Your Language Learning Goal for the Month?
    In your journey to become fluent and conversational here are 10 monthly goals you can go after!

    Click Here To Start Learning Chinese Right Now!

    1) I’ll finish Survival Phrases series on by listening to two lesson a day.

    2) I’ll give a 3 minute introductory speech in Chinese to my Chinese friends.

    3) I’ll finish reading one Chinese book by reading 10 pages a day.

    4) I’ll pass my Chinese test.

    5) I’ll write 10 postcards in Chinese to my Chinese friends.

    6) I’ll memorize 5 Chinese songs.

    7) I’ll finish memorizing 350 words with Flashcards on

    8 ) I’ll fully understand one Chinese movie by watching it every day.

    9) I’ll learn how to talk about past, present and future events.

    10) I’ll master 150 words by memorizing 5 words a day.

    No money, no credit card required, just you and the ton of lessons!

    If you follow those monthly goals, you will be sure to make some amazing progress. And remember, if you’re really interested in getting on the fast-track to fluency, sign up for a FREE lifetime account at!

    How to be a Good Lover in China

    Click here to listen how to pronounce those lovely words!

    Wǒ ài nǐ.
    I love you.

    Nǐ zhēn piàoliang.
    You’re so beautiful.

    Nǐ hǎo shuài .
    You’re so handsome.

    Wǒ xǐhuān nǐ .
    I’ve got a crush on you.

    Nǐ ràng wǒ xiǎng biàn de gènghǎo .
    You make me want to be a better man.

    Ràng suǒyǒu nǐ zuò de shì dōu chōngmǎn ài .
    Let all that you do be done in love.

    Nǐ shì wǒ de yángguāng, wǒ de ài.
    You are my sunshine, my love.

    Wúfǎ yòng yányǔ lái xíngróng wǒ duì nǐ de ài.
    Words can’t describe my love for you.

    Wǒmen shì mìngzhōng zhùdìng yào zài yìqǐ .
    We were meant to be together.

    Rúguǒ nǐ dú zhè piān wénzhāng shí xiǎngzhe mǒu gèrén , nǐ yídìng shì liànài le .
    If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you’re definitely in love.

    Nǐ yuànyì yǔ wǒ gòngdù Qíngrénjié ma ?
    Will you be my Valentine?

    Àiqíng jiù shì àiqíng , chánglǐ wúfǎ jiěshì .
    Love is just love. It can never be explained.

    Nǐ duì wǒ éryán rúcǐ zhòngyào .
    You mean so much to me.

    Wǒ rènwéi nǐ bù jǐnjǐn zhǐ shì yí gè péngyǒu.
    I think of you as more than a friend.

    Yìbǎi kē xīn yě bù zúyǐ chéngzài wǒ duì nǐ de ài .
    A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you.

    Break up? Want to impress friends? Learn Chinese with our other vocabulary lists!

    Top 15 tips to remember words when learning Chinese

    Hey Chinese learner!

    We recently gave you some shortcuts to learn Chinese.
    In your journey to become fluent and conversational in less time that is needed to say “Gotta catch ’em all”, we will this time give you the Top 15 tips to remember words!

    1. Use repetition: reading, writing and speaking words over and over again.

    2. Associate words with drawings, pictures and funny scenes.

    3. Try to use the language routinely in the context of daily life.

    4. Reading as much as possible, especially the newspaper, helps you to remember words.

    Click Here To Start Learning Chinese Right Now!

    5. Learn about the roots of words and how different words are related to each other.

    6. Speak as often as possible with native speakers.

    7. Categorize new words with other related words that you already know.

    8. Be persistent in practicing everyday by talking to your family or your dog, even though they don’t understand you.

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    9. Say words out loud so that you can actually hear them.

    10. Associate new words with words that sound similar in your native language.

    11. Listen to songs and memorize the lyrics.

    12. Often watch TV or YouTube videos that are designed for young children.

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    13. Associate new words with stories, games or movies.

    14. Try to use the new word in a simple sentence so you learn whole phrases, not just individual words.

    15. Try to think in Chinese, so it becomes natural to your thought process.

    No money, no credit card required, just you and the ton of lessons!

    If you follow all those tips, you will be a step closer to reach your goal. And remember, if you’re really interested in getting on the fast-track to fluency, sign up for a FREE lifetime account at!

    The Top 5 Shortcuts To Learning Chinese!

    Click Here To Start Learning Chinese!

    Hey Listeners!

    So you’ve decided to study Chinese, now what?

    Chances are you’re looking to become fluent and conversational as fast as possible, right? Well then, look no further! This is the list for you!

    Without further ado, here are the top 5 shortcuts to learning Chinese!

    Click Here To Start Learning Chinese Right Now!

    Click Here To Start Studying Chinese!

    1. Create A Study Schedule And Set Some Goals:
    This one may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many unorganized language learners there are in the world! Creating a schedule allows you to manage your time wisely, enabling you to free up time to study consistently. Goals are also a key component of learning Chinese. These give you motivation and something to strive for.

    2. Make It Fun:
    You may roll your eyes at this one, but it’s true! If you learn how to make your study time enjoyable, chances are you’ll be more inclined to study! Try changing it up every now and then with something new. Watch a TV show in Chinese or listen to some Chinese music! The sky is the limit!

    3. Find A Language Partner:
    This is one surefire way to improve your conversational skills. Having a language partner allows you to practice your target language in a conversational manner. This will help you gain fluency even faster!

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    4. Use Word Lists To Build Up A Solid Vocabulary:
    This is a great way to build up your fluency, one word at a time. At ChineseClass101, you can use one of our many word lists. Choose whichever topic you want to study and go!

    5. Make Mistakes:
    Lastly, don’t be afraid to make mistakes! In fact, make a lot of them! Nothing helps you improve more than correcting your own errors. If you catch yourself saying something wrong, you’re likely to remember it the next time around. So just remember, everyone makes mistakes! Learn from them!

    Get On the Fast-Track To Speaking Chinese Now! Click Here!

    Again, there is no magical, overnight way to learn Chinese. However, doing a few or all of these will help you out substantially. And remember, if you’re really interested in getting on the fast-track to fluency, sign up for a FREE lifetime account at now!

    The Top 10 Chinese Words & Phrases For Going On A Date

    The Top 10 Words You'll Need For A Date!

    Hey Listeners!

    Summer is here and love is in the air! But are you going to be able to go on that date with that special someone… who only speaks Chinese?!

    Step up your game with our Top 10 Chinese words and phrases for going on a date! And don’t forget to sign up for a FREE (Yes, it’s a FREE account) lifetime account at to further your skills even more!

    Start Learning Chinese Today!

    1. Kiss

    2. Girlfriend
    女朋友 (nǚ péngyǒu)

    3. Chocolate
    巧克力 (qiǎokèlì)

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    4. Rose
    玫瑰 (méiguī)

    5. Boyfriend
    男朋友 (án péngyǒu)

    Click Here To Learn Chinese!

    6. Romance
    恋爱 (liàn’ài)

    7. Date
    约会 (yuēhuì)

    8. Heart

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    9. I love you.
    我爱你。 (Wǒ ài nǐ.)

    10. I have a crush on you.
    我喜欢你。(Wǒ xǐhuān nǐ .)

    Still Want More? You’ll Find It All On Our Site! Sign Up For A FREE Lifetime Account Here! Yes. FREE, FREE, FREE!

    P.S. If you are in a really lovey dovey mood, check out some of these related word lists!
    1. In Your Wallet
    2. 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day
    3. Must-Know Valentine’s Day Vocabulary
    4. The Top 10 Phrases You Always Want To Hear
    5. The Top 10 Conversational Phrases In Chinese