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4 Reasons Why Chinese Slang Words Will Make You Fluent

Learn 4 honest reasons you need Chinese slang words and why they are so vital to truly learning and mastering the language. Teachers may normally cringe at the thought of their students learning Chinese slang words. After all, slang words and phrases are typically defined as being grammatically incorrect. So why would your teacher want you to spend time learning the “wrong way” to speak Chinese? Here are 4 of the top reasons why you should study slang words and expressions when learning Chinese or any new language. Create Your Free Lifetime Account and Start Learning the whole Chinese Language from the Beginning! 1. Native Speakers Use Slang Expressions in Everyday Conversation If you are going to study a foreign... Show more

ChineseClass101 Free Lifetime Account: Is it really free?

You want to learn Chinese but you don't want to spend a cent. You don't want to lose time creating an account if they ask you for your credit card just after. For you Chinese learner, we tell you how you will access great resources for free for life and without card or having to pay. This is your unique path to fluency for free. ChineseClass101 is not really free, is it? Although there are paid plans, yes, it is FREE. Every single lesson that we have ever created has been free for a certain period of time. And every new audio and video lesson (we publish 3-5 lessons a week) is completely free to access for 3 weeks before going into our lesson library. What's a Free Lifetime Account? A Free Lifetime Account is – simply put – a... Show more

Top 20 Chinese Words and Phrases you need to survive the Apocalypse

Zombies are coming, and they speak Chinese! Do you have what it takes to survive? No? How lucky you are, we have exactly what you need. Here is the Top 20 Words and Phrases you need to survive this Apocalypse! Click here to listen how to pronounce those phrases! 感染 (n) gǎnrǎn infection 恐怖的 (adj) kǒngbù de scary 骷髅 (n) kūlóu skull 坟墓 (n) fénmù grave 你最喜欢的僵尸电影是什么? Nǐ zuì xǐhuān de jiāngshī diànyǐng shì shénme? What's your favorite zombie movie? Click here to access this lesson for free! 启示录 (n) qǐ shì lù apocalypse 从坟墓中复活. Cóng fénmù zhōng fùhuó rise from the grave 僵尸!快跑 Jiāngshī! Kuài pǎo! Zombies! Run! 如果有僵尸攻击,你会去哪里? Rúguǒ yǒu jiāngshī gōng jī, nǐ huì qù nǎlǐ? If there was a... Show more

How to Learn Chinese in Your Car?

Stuck in traffic? Losing time in your car? Have you ever felt that in all this wasted time, you could have watched the 750 episodes of One Piece, finished the last Super Mario ten times, or even better…you could have learned Chinese? Between family, friends and work, in addition to this time-consuming commute, it can become difficult to find time to properly learn Chinese. Fortunately, every problem has a solution, and what could be a better solution than turning that commute time into learning time? Stop passing the time mindlessly listening to the radio and try some of our best tips for mastering Chinese in your car! Click Here To Start Learning Chinese Right Now! You can learn Chinese in your car, hands free While... Show more

Top 10 Lines You Need for Introducing Yourself in Chinese

Click here to listen how to pronounce those phrases! 我的名字是廉。 Wǒ de míngzi shì Lián. My name is Lian. 我来自中国。 Wǒ láizì Zhōngguó. I'm from China. 我住在北京。 Wǒ zhù zài Běijīng. I live in Beijing. 我学习中文已经1年了。 Wǒ xuéxí Zhōngwén yǐjīng yī nián le. I’ve been learning Chinese for a year. 我在ChineseClass101.com网站学习中文。 Wǒ zài wǎngzhàn xuéxí Zhōngwén. I'm learning Chinese at 您好,很高兴见到您。 Nínhǎo , hěn gāoxìng jiàn dào nín. Hello, it's nice to meet you. 我27岁。 Wǒ èrshíqī suì. I'm 27 years old. 我是一名教师。 Wǒ shì yī míng jiàoshī. I'm a teacher. 读书是我的爱好之一。 dúshū shì wǒde àihào zhīyī. One of my hobbies is reading. 我喜欢听音乐。 Wǒ xǐhuān tīng yīnyuè. I enjoy listening to music. ... Show more

10 Monthly Goals to become fluent in Chinese

Hey Chinese Learner! Shortcuts for learning and tips to remember Chinese words are useful but it's even also important to fix objectives to reach every month! What Is Your Language Learning Goal for the Month? In your journey to become fluent and conversational here are 10 monthly goals you can go after! Click Here To Start Learning Chinese Right Now! 1) I'll finish Survival Phrases series on by listening to two lesson a day. 2) I'll give a 3 minute introductory speech in Chinese to my Chinese friends. 3) I'll finish reading one Chinese book by reading 10 pages a day. 4) I'll pass my Chinese test. 5) I'll write 10 postcards in Chinese to my Chinese friends. 6) I'll memorize 5 Chinese songs. ... Show more

How to be a Good Lover in China

Click here to listen how to pronounce those lovely words! 我爱你。 Wǒ ài nǐ. I love you. 你真漂亮。 Nǐ zhēn piàoliang. You're so beautiful. 你好帅。 Nǐ hǎo shuài . You're so handsome. 我喜欢你。 Wǒ xǐhuān nǐ . I've got a crush on you. 你让我想变得更好。 Nǐ ràng wǒ xiǎng biàn de gènghǎo . You make me want to be a better man. 让所有你做的事都充满爱。 Ràng suǒyǒu nǐ zuò de shì dōu chōngmǎn ài . Let all that you do be done in love. 你是我的阳光,我的爱。 Nǐ shì wǒ de yángguāng, wǒ de ài. You are my sunshine, my love. 无法用言语来形容我对你的爱。 Wúfǎ yòng yányǔ lái xíngróng wǒ duì nǐ de ài. Words can't describe my love for you. 我们是命中注定要在一起。 Wǒmen shì mìngzhōng zhùdìng yào zài yìqǐ . We were meant to be together. 如果你读这篇文章时想着某个人,你一定是恋爱了。 Rúguǒ nǐ dú zhè piān... Show more

Top 15 tips to remember words when learning Chinese

Hey Chinese learner! We recently gave you some shortcuts to learn Chinese. In your journey to become fluent and conversational in less time that is needed to say “Gotta catch 'em all”, we will this time give you the Top 15 tips to remember words! 1. Use repetition: reading, writing and speaking words over and over again. 2. Associate words with drawings, pictures and funny scenes. 3. Try to use the language routinely in the context of daily life. 4. Reading as much as possible, especially the newspaper, helps you to remember words. Click Here To Start Learning Chinese Right Now! 5. Learn about the roots of words and how different words are related to each other. 6. Speak as often as possible with native... Show more

The Top 5 Shortcuts To Learning Chinese!

Hey Listeners! So you've decided to study Chinese, now what? Chances are you're looking to become fluent and conversational as fast as possible, right? Well then, look no further! This is the list for you! Without further ado, here are the top 5 shortcuts to learning Chinese! Click Here To Start Learning Chinese Right Now! 1. Create A Study Schedule And Set Some Goals: This one may seem obvious, but you'd be surprised how many unorganized language learners there are in the world! Creating a schedule allows you to manage your time wisely, enabling you to free up time to study consistently. Goals are also a key component of learning Chinese. These give you motivation and something to strive for. 2. Make It Fun: You... Show more

The Top 10 Chinese Words & Phrases For Going On A Date

Hey Listeners! Summer is here and love is in the air! But are you going to be able to go on that date with that special someone... who only speaks Chinese?! Step up your game with our Top 10 Chinese words and phrases for going on a date! And don't forget to sign up for a FREE (Yes, it's a FREE account) lifetime account at to further your skills even more! 1. Kiss 吻 (wěn) 2. Girlfriend 女朋友 (nǚ péngyǒu) 3. Chocolate 巧克力 (qiǎokèlì) Click Here To Sign Up For A FREE Lifetime Account & Start Learning Chinese In Minutes! 4. Rose 玫瑰 (méiguī) 5. Boyfriend 男朋友 (án péngyǒu) 6. Romance 恋爱 (liàn'ài) 7. Date 约会 (yuēhuì) 8. Heart 心 (xīn) Want More? Click Here To Sign Up For FREE... Show more