April 14, 2010
Touchdown! 101,000,000 Lessons Downloaded
A BIG Thank you to all our listeners.
101 Lifetime Premium Subscriptions winners have been selected. Did you win? If you entered to win on our site, Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube, please check the winners lists here.
Second Prize - EVERYONE GETS a second prize - Double Your Subscription for ONLY 101 pennies! This is a Very limited offer though. Please click here to see if it is still available for you.
March 30, 2010
Are You a Winner? March 2010 Social Media Contest Winners!
Every month, we are giving away great ChineseClass101.com prizes to 4 lucky listeners. Sign up to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or ChineseClass101.com to be eligible to win. Increase your chances of winning by following us on all four sites!
Here are March’s winners:
Facebook: Jeza Esmeralda Espiso
Youtube: wouter_leeuwen
Twitter: tokyodave66
ChineseClass101: go_sea_eagles
See your name here? Email us at contactus@chineseclass101.com to claim your prize. Check back next month for April's winners!
March 25, 2010
March 2010 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
1. Knocking on 101 MILLION! ChineseClass101.com and our sister sites at Innovative Language Learning are fast approaching a big milestone - 101 MILLION lesson downloads! You could win a Premium LIFETIME Subscription! Best of all, you're already entered to win! Click here to find out more...
2. I Am Woman! March 8th was International Women's Day and is an official public holiday in China! Click here to read how it is celebrated in China!
3. Best Lessons and Blog Entries for March! Find out what’s popular this month! The blog has great content for you to see.
Welcome to the ChineseClass101.com newsletter. Spring is coming and we are ready to welcome in the new season with fun and exciting... Show more
March 10, 2010
Learn the Chinese Writing System
Today's All About Chinese lesson focuses on the origins of written Chinese--the only writing system that has been in use continuously for over 3,000 years.
All characters are made up of smaller 'picture' elements within the character. Some of these smaller pictures within the character give a hint as to meaning and pronunciation (though not always). The first Chinese characters were simple objects like "human", "hand", "foot", "mountain", "sun", "moon" and "tree". Then logical combinations of the simple characters followed. These simple characters also sometimes serve as the root of a more complex character, and are called "radicals".
Most linguists believe that writing was invented in China during the latter half of the 2nd... Show more
March 3, 2010
Learn Chinese Grammar (It’s simple!)
Chinese Verbs
Chinese verbs are not inflected... meaning that they don't change form. Only one form of each verb exists; there is no conjugation. It doesn't matter who is talking, when they are talking about, or who they are talking to, the verb is the same.
Word Order
Since there is no conjugation of verbs in Chinese, Word order is often your only clue to figuring out who is doing what. The good news is, in normal Chinese declarative sentences, word order is the same as that we use in normal English declarative sentences, being:subject - verb - object
Negation of Verbs
Negation occurs before the verb and any prepositional phrase, just add a negation word, 不 'bu4', in front of the verb.
Expressing Tense
Chinese... Show more
March 1, 2010
February 2010 Social Media Contest Winners!
Every month, we are giving away great ChineseClass101.com prizes to 4 lucky listeners. Sign up to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or ChineseClass101.com to be eligible to win. Increase your chances of winning by following us on all four sites!
Here are February's winners:
Facebook: Abby Maynard
Youtube: AiriDancer
Twitter: brandonclawson
ChineseClass101: funsweetheart
See your name here? Email us at contactus@chineseclass101.com to claim your prize. Check back next month for March`s winners!
February 24, 2010
Top 5 Reasons to Study Chinese
In today's All About Chinese we take years of Chinese learning experience and China life experience and boil it down to bring you the top 5 reasons to learn Chinese.
There are numerous different reasons to learn Chinese, below some of the more important reasons are listed.
Chinese is the language of nearly one-quarter of the world's population. Speakers of Chinese are spread throughout the globe.
Unlike most languages, Chinese has a unique writing system, which provides visual comprehensibility and is considered by some to be an art form.
Chinese grammar is easy!
When you learn Chinese you also learn how the Chinese think. The structure of Chinese is not only logical, but also pragmatic, and very related to the... Show more
January 26, 2010
January 2010 Social Media Contest Winners!
Every month, we are giving away great ChineseClass101.com prizes to 4 lucky listeners. Sign up to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or ChineseClass101.com to be eligible to win. Increase your chances of winning by following us on all four sites!
Here are January's winners:
Facebook: Zizi Adel
Youtube: tatsrus
Twitter: kamalkamara
ChineseClass101: michelle2010
See your name here? Email us at contactus@ChineseClass101.com to claim your prize. Check back next month for February's winners!
December 25, 2009
December Social Networking Contest Winners!
Every month, we are giving away great ChineseClass101.com prizes to 4 lucky listeners. Sign up to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or ChineseClass101.com to be eligible to win. Increase your chances of winning by following us on all four sites!
Here are December's winners:
Facebook: Sara Schaub
Youtube: o0ohihi418o0o
Twitter: drowcliffe
ChineseClass101: FrankHerfert
See your name here? Email us at contactus@ChineseClass101.com to claim your prize. Check back next month for January's winners!
November 26, 2009
November Social Media Contest Winners!
Every month, we are giving away great ChineseClass101.com prizes to 4 lucky listeners. Sign up to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or ChineseClass101.com to be eligible to win. Increase your chances of winning by following us on all four sites!
Here are November's winners:
Facebook: Andrés Odio
Youtube: vanekawaii
Twitter: michaelchannon
ChineseClass101: wellbelove
See your name here? Email us at contactus@ChineseClass101.com to claim your prize. Check back next month for December's winners!