September 11, 2009
Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap: Taxi/Transportation Terminology Week 1
In this series of mini-lesson tweets on Twitter, we go to the streets of China and give you some essential ‘getting around’ phrases for taking taxis, buses, and subways. You’ll never get lost again (we hope!). Here is the recap of this week's phrases for your reference:
Taxi Terms - The taxi driver gets to the (destination) point: 去哪儿? (Qù nǎr?) "Where do you want to go?"
Taxi Terms - Get where you need to go: 去______。(Qù _____.) "I'm going to (the street/location)."
Taxi Terms - Avoid getting the run around: 请打表。(Qǐng dǎbiǎo.) “Please use the meter.”
Taxi Terms - Help for disoriented drivers: 这里右转。 (Zhèlǐ yòu zhuǎn.) "Turn right here."
Taxi Terms - Further help for disoriented drivers: 这里左转。(Zhèlǐ zuǒ zhuǎn.) "Turn left... Show more
September 6, 2009
2009 Contest Ends, and Everyone Wins!
Our $10,100 contest came to an end on August 31st,
and the winners were announced!
The contest was such an overwhelming success...
we feel everyone should be rewarded. :)
In total, almost 30,000 people participated!
160 won FREE subscriptions, but
we were so happy with the turnout,
we wanted to do something extra. So...
here is a special coupon to say "Thank you!"
Save 25% OFF any Basic or Premium subscription
with coupon code: CONTEST2009
Get an INSTANT 25% OFF by clicking here if you're a member or click here to sign up with the discount.
Again, it's our way of saying thank you.
Were you one of the 160 Winners?
Find... Show more
September 4, 2009
Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap: (X) + 死了 (sǐ le) – Week Four
Here’s the wrap-up from this week of tweets on some ways to use the Chinese phrase: <adjective or verb> + 死了 (sǐ le), literally ‘something’ to death. It’s used just like the English ‘scared to death!’
Post-yoga class: 疼死了 (téng sǐ le) – this is worse than sore
Getting the itch: 痒死了 (yǎng sǐ le) – after a run-in with an MSG allergy
Go, go, go: 急死了 (jí sǐ le) – when you’re racing for that bus, train, plane
Making a racket: 吵死了 (chǎo sǐ le) – for complaining about the neighbor’s party you didn’t get invited to
Bored to tears: 闷死了 (mèn sǐ le) – when you’re feeling stuffy, depressed, contained, bored… you get the idea
Happy camper: 高兴 死 了 (gāoxìng sǐ le) – more ‘so happy you could die’
Bored to tears: ... Show more
August 31, 2009
August 2009 Newsletter – Last Chance to Win! DON’T Miss Your Chance to Learn Chinese for Free!
Today, August 31st 2009, is the final day to enter to WIN!
1. Last Chance to Enter $10,100 Contest!
There are less than 24 hours to get your chance to win! Our $10,100 Summer Giveaway, is almost over! We are giving away many, many, MANY free subscriptions - $10,100 worth of FREE Premium and 101 Basic subscriptions to be exact! And entering is a piece of cake!
You can enter in's $10,100 Giveaway, by doing one or ALL of the following:
Follow on Twitter
Become a fan of on Facebook
Subscribe to's YouTube channel
Sign up on ALL 3 for three chances to win - and remember we have TEN sites. Think BIG! If you sign up at all of them, that's a total of 30... Show more
August 28, 2009
Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap: (X) + 死了 (sǐ le) – Week Three
Here’s the wrap-up from this week of tweets on some ways to use the Chinese phrase: <adjective or verb> + 死了 (sǐ le), literally ‘something’ to death. It’s used just like the English ‘scared to death!’
Heart Sick: 伤心死了 (shāngxīn sǐ le) – for the broken hearted
Waiting in Vain: 等死了 (děng sǐ le) – for the impatient
Miss You Like Crazy: 想死了 (xiǎng sǐ le) – when absence makes the heart grow fonder
Parched: 渴死了 (kě sǐ le) – when you’re dying of thirst
Stuffed: 撑死了 (chēng sǐ le) – after that 12-course Chinese buffet
Burning up: 辣死了 (là sǐ le) – after a scary encounter with a Sichuan dish
More sour than sweet: 酸死了 (suān sǐ le) – for post grapefruit pucker
Stay tuned daily for our tweets, and for those of you... Show more
August 21, 2009
Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap: (X) + 死了 (sǐ le) – Week Two
Here’s the wrap-up from this week of tweets on some ways to use the Chinese phrase: <adjective or verb> + 死了 (sǐ le), literally ‘something’ to death. It’s used just like the English ‘scared to death!’
Anger Management: 气死了 (qì sǐ le) - when you’re road raging mad
Dead Tired: 累死了(lèi sǐ le) – when you’re so tired you could croak
Sleepyhead: 困死了(kūn sǐ le) – when it’s time for some z’s
&@#($(%#: 烦死了(fán sǐ le) – when you’re driven crazy
On Top of the World 开心死了(kāixīn sǐ le) – when you’re full of glee
Down in the Dumps难过死了(nánguò sǐ le) – when you’re out of sorts
I hate that! 讨厌死了(tǎoyàn sǐ le) – when you hate their guts
Stay tuned daily for our tweets, and for those of you who haven’t started... Show more
August 14, 2009
Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap: (X) + 死了 (sǐ le) – Week One
Hey Followers! Hopefully all of you have started following ChineseClass101 on Twitter, where we tweet one free mini-lesson a day!
There are times when nothing but an exclamation will do. Our next series of Twitter mini-lessons will feature the Chinese phrase <adjective or verb> + 死了 (sǐ le); literally ‘something’ to death. It’s used just like the English ‘scared to death!’ Here’s the wrap-up from this week’s tweets, for your review!
Heat Wave: 热死了 (rè sǐ le) - when you’re roasting in one of the five fiery furnaces of China
Cold Front: 冷死了(lěng sǐ le) – when you’re freezing in a Shanghai winter
Freezer Burn: 冻死了(dòngsǐ le) – when you’re freezing in a Beijing winter
Eat a Horse: 饿死了(è sǐ le) – when you’re... Show more
August 12, 2009
Week Four – Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap
Hey Followers! Hopefully all of you have started following ChineseClass101 on Twitter, where we tweet one free mini-lesson a day!
Here’s the wrap-up from this week of tweets on measure words, for your review! Stay tuned daily for our tweets, and for those of you who haven’t started following us on Twitter, head there now and sign up!
22) Rice is nice 一碗饭 (yī wǎn fàn)
碗 measure word for a bowl of something
23) See you in the movies 一部电影 (yī bù diànyǐng)
部 measure word for films
24) Man’s/Woman’s best friend 一只狗 (yī zhīgǒu)
只 measure word for dogs, cats, animals
25) Drive you out of town 一辆车 (yī liàng chē)
辆 measure word for vehicles
We hope you all are using your newfound measure word wealth! This is... Show more
August 7, 2009
Week Three – Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap
Hey Followers! Hopefully all of you have started following ChineseClass101 on Twitter, where we tweet one free mini-lesson a day!
Here’s the wrap-up from this week's tweets on measure words, for your review! Stay tuned daily for our tweets, and for those of you who haven’t started following us on Twitter, head there now and sign up!
15) Guy smiley 一副笑脸 (yī fù xiàoliǎn)
副 (fù) measure word for facial expressions
16) Chinese take-out 一份炒饭 (yī fèn chǎofàn)
份 (fèn) measure word for portions of food
17) Three meals a day 三顿饭 (sān dùn fàn)
顿 (dùn) measure word for meals
18) Who wants to be a millionaire 一百块钱 (yī bǎi kuài qián)
块 (kuài) measure word for basic Chinese monetary unit
19) Lucky number ... Show more
July 31, 2009
Week Two – Twitter Mini-Lesson Recap
Hey Followers! Hopefully all of you have started following ChineseClass101 on Twitter, where we tweet one free mini-lesson a day!
Here’s the wrap-up from this, our second week of tweets on measure words, for your review! Stay tuned daily for our tweets, and for those of you who haven’t started following us on Twitter, head there now and sign up!
8) Just for bookworms 五本书 (wǔ běn shū)
本 (běn) measure word for books, bound items
9) Match made in heaven 一对夫妻 (yī duì fūqī)
对 (duì) measure word for couples
10) The postman rings twice 两封信 (liǎng fēng xìn)
封 (fēng) measure word for letters
11) The earth laughs in flowers 一朵花 (yī duǒ huā)
朵 (duǒ) measure word for bouquets of flowers, clouds
12) Flight of... Show more