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All the Basics You Need to Know About Chinese Weather


Sometimes the weather remains the same as it was yesterday, and sometimes it changes dramatically and affects everything you plan to do tomorrow. Indeed, weather is a part of a human’s daily life and often influences people’s moods and plans. China’s weather is no different.

However, no matter how ever-changing the weather is, you’ll always share the same piece of sky with the people around you, and that’s something we all have in common. Therefore, the weather has become an essential topic for starting conversations in many cultures. Not surprisingly, in China, people also enjoy smoothly opening up a conversation as they talk about the weather.

As a Chinese language learner, I’m sure you can’t wait to get the hang of this versatile conversation starter. If you’re planning to travel to China, then congrats! There’s another good reason to better prepare for your adventurous trip, as there’s a wide spectrum of regions in China that may possess different weather patterns. This provides you with an array of options and possibilities for describing weather in Chinese.

It’s not challenging to talk about the weather in Chinese like a native. It will definitely warm your conversation effectively, as long as you know the right phrases—and they’re all simple and easy to follow!

Ready to learn weather in Chinese? Let’s get right into our exploration of the seasons and weather in Chinese culture.

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Table of Contents

  1. Weather Terms in Chinese: Weather Words and Phrases
  2. Temperature and Seasons
  3. Common Sentence Patterns to Talk about Weather
  4. The Most Common Ways to Comment on the Weather in Chinese
  5. Useful Phrases for Weather
  6. How ChineseClass101 Can Help You Master Chinese Conversation

1. Weather Terms in Chinese: Weather Words and Phrases


Before you can start talking about weather in Chinese, you’ll need the most essential Chinese weather vocabulary under your belt. Here are the most common weather conditions in Chinese regions.

In English: sun
Pinyin: tài yáng
In Chinese: 太阳

In English: cloud
Pinyin: yún
In Chinese: 云

In English: rain
In Chinese: 雨

In English: snow
Pinyin: xuě
In Chinese: 雪

In English: wind
Pinyin: fēng
In Chinese: 风

In English: drizzle
Pinyin: máo máo yǔ
In Chinese: 毛毛雨

In English: hail
Pinyin: bīng báo
In Chinese: 冰雹

2. Temperature and Seasons

As you might imagine, as the seasons change, the small conversations that center around the four seasons change along the way. Different seasons possess different characteristics, which gives people particular activities to enjoy in accordance. The weather in Chinese culture plays a large role in how people go about their day-to-day lives throughout the year. Thus, it’s essential to know how to describe the weather in Chinese according to season.

In China, there’s catkin that’s blown along with the spring wind, there’s snow in winter, and sometimes you may even see hail in summer. You might ask: What’s the weather in China? But keep in mind before learning the types of weather in Chinese, that this may differ greatly depending on which part of China you’re in.

For example, like most other cultures, Chinese people love to go skiing during the winter, and children prefer building a snowman or having a snowball fight as well. Similarly, the Chinese are more inclined to go hiking or take a walk outside during the marvelous spring season, where flowers bloom in exuberance and the green spills over every corner.

Purple Flowers

Flowers are one of the best things that spring offers us!

However, Chinese people certainly have their own interpretation of appreciating beauty in different seasons. In spring, a highlight event would be 赏花 (shǎng huā), meaning “appreciating flowers,” an artistic habit that’s been around since the time of ancient China. If you’re interested in classical Chinese poetry, 古诗 (gǔ shī), you’ll find that there are many famous ancient poems which show the gist of this culture.

In summer, a staple food people prepare to make the heat more bearable is called 绿豆汤 (lǜ dòu tāng), a weapon that fights off heat stroke in Chinese culture. It’s a sweet mung bean soup which is easy to make.

The Chinese view the fall season as a golden harvest season due to the great production of various foods and fruits. Therefore, a typical event is to pick up some organic fruit or food from local gardens. Or they may choose to appreciate the blooming maple trees since it’s the symbolic flower for the beauty of fall.

Below, you’ll find more practical weather adjectives in Chinese based on season. Using these words, you’ll be able to craft sentences about adverse weather in Chinese, or strike up a conversation about how nice the weather is!

1- Spring

  • In English: warm
    Pinyin: nuǎn huo
    In Chinese: 暖和

    Usage in a Sentence
    In English: On such a warm day, I just really want to stay in my blanket all day long.
    Pinyin: Zài zhè me nuǎn huo de tiān qì lǐ, zhēn xiǎng zài bèi wō lǐ dāi yī zhěng tiān.
    In Chinese: 在这么暖和的天气里,真想在被窝里呆一整天。

  • In English: nice weather
    Pinyin: hǎo tiān qì
    In Chinese: 好天气

    Usage in a Sentence
    In English: Today’s nice weather somehow makes my mood bright as well.
    Pinyin: jīn tiān de hǎo tiān qì sì hū bǎ wǒ de xīn qíng yě biàn dé míng lǎng le.
    In Chinese: 今天的好天气似乎把我的心情也变得明朗了。

  • In English: rainy
    Pinyin: duō yǔ de
    In Chinese: 多雨的

    Usage in a Sentence
    In English: Spring is such a rainy season.
    Pinyin: Chūn jì kě zhēn shì gè duō yǔ de jì jiē.
    In Chinese: 春季可真是个多雨的季节。

2- Summer

  • In English: hot
    In Chinese: 热

    Usage in a Sentence
    In English: The weather is so hot that I feel like my body is going to melt.
    Pinyin: Tiān qì rè de ràng wǒ jué de zì jǐ hǎo xiàng kuài yào bèi róng huà le yī yàng.
    In Chinese: 天气热得让我觉得自己好像快要被融化了一样。

  • In English: scorching
    Pinyin: zhuó rè de
    In Chinese: 灼热的

    Usage in a Sentence
    In English: My eyes are unable to open in front of the scorching sun.
    Pinyin: Zài zhè zhuó rè de tài yáng miàn qián, wǒ de yǎn jīng dōu bèi cì de zhēng bù kāi le.
    In Chinese: 在这灼热的太阳面前,我的眼睛都被刺得睁不开了。

  • In English: humid
    Pinyin: mēn rè de
    In Chinese: 闷热的

    Usage in a Sentence
    In English: The humid weather is making it difficult for people to breathe.
    Pinyin: Zhè mēn rè de tiān qì zhēn ràng rén chuǎn bú guò qì lái.
    In Chinese: 这闷热的天气真让人喘不过气来。

3- Fall

  • In English: cool and refreshing
    Pinyin: liáng shuǎng
    In Chinese: 凉爽

    Usage in a Sentence
    In English: Every time the wind in fall blows through, a cool and refreshing feeling will come over my face.
    Pinyin: Měi dāng qiū fēng guā qǐ, yī zhèn liáng shuǎng de gǎn jué biàn huì yíng miàn ér lái.
    In Chinese: 每当秋风刮起,一阵凉爽的感觉便会迎面而来。

4- Winter

  • In English: freeze
    Pinyin: bīng dòng
    In Chinese: 冰冻

    Usage in a Sentence
    In English: My toes are freezing so much that they are getting numb.
    Pinyin: Wǒ de jiǎo zhǐ tóu dōu bèi bīng dòng de méi yǒu zhī jué le.
    In Chinese: 我的脚趾头都被冰冻得没有知觉了。

  • In English: cold
    Pinyin: hán lěng de
    In Chinese: 寒冷的

    Usage in a Sentence
    In English: Although it is a cold winter, my heart stays warm.
    Pinyin: Zài zhè gè hán lěng de dōng tiān, wǒ de xīn què shì nuǎn de.
    In Chinese: 在这个寒冷的冬天,我的心却是暖的。

3. Common Sentence Patterns to Talk about Weather


Here are some good phrases for weather in Chinese. Just follow the patterns laid out below, and you can talk about different types of weather in Chinese with ease!

1- Today it’s so + [adjective].

In English: It’s so [hot].
Pinyin: Jīn tiān kě zhēn [rè].
In Chinese: 今天可真[热]。

2- It’s [number] degrees.

In English: It’s [40] degrees.
Pinyin: Jīn tiān qì wēn yǒu [sì shí] dù.
In Chinese: 今天气温有[四十]度。

3- This weather suits [an event] so much!

In English: This weather suits [swimming] so much!
Pinyin: Jīn tiān tiān qì kě zhēn shì hé [yóu yǒng]!
In Chinese: 今天天气可真适合[游泳]!

4- It’d be nice to do [something] in such weather.

In English: It’d be nice to [go hiking] in such weather.
Pinyin: Zài zhè me hǎo de tiān qì xià qù [dēng shān] gāi duō hǎo a.
In Chinese: 在这么好的天气下去[登山]该多好啊。

4. The Most Common Ways to Comment on the Weather in Chinese

Here, you’ll learn how to talk about weather in Chinese based on the season. These common weather phrases in Chinese will greatly benefit you in a variety of weather conditions.

1- In Spring


In English: The weather is nice, let’s go take a walk outside!
Pinyin: Jīn tiān tiān qì zhēn hǎo, wǒ men chū qù zǒu zǒu ba!
In Chinese: 今天天气真好,我们出去走走吧!

In English: It would be such a waste if we didn’t go outside during such nice weather.
Pinyin: Zhè me hǎo de tiān bù chū qù zǒu zǒu zhēn shì làng fèi le.
In Chinese: 这么好的天不出去走走真是浪费了。

In English: The sun is nice today.
Pinyin: Jīn tiān tài yáng zhēn hǎo.
In Chinese: 今天太阳真好。

2- In Summer

In English: Be careful not to have a heat stroke during such a hot summer.
Pinyin: Dà xià tiān de xiǎo xīn bié zhòng shǔ le.
In Chinese: 大夏天的小心别中暑了。


Isn’t summer the perfect season for swimming?

In English: Let’s go swimming to get rid of the heat.
Pinyin: Wǒ men qù yóu yǒng jiě shǔ ba.
In Chinese: 我们去游泳解暑吧。

In English: It’s so hot, let’s get some watermelons to eat.
Pinyin: Tiān zhè me rè, zán men mǎi diǎn xī guā chī ba.
In Chinese: 天这么热,咱们买点西瓜吃吧。

3- In Fall


In English: The weather is so comfortable.
Pinyin: Zhè tiān qì kě zhēn shū fu.
In Chinese: 这天气可真舒服。

In English: It’s the harvest season again; maybe we should go pick some fruit.
Pinyin: Yòu dào le shōu huò de jì jié, yě xǔ wǒ men yīng gāi qù cǎi zhāi shuǐ guǒ.
In Chinese: 又到了收获的季节,也许我们应该去采摘水果。

4- In Winter

In English: It’s getting cold; remember to wear more clothes.
Pinyin: Tiān qì yuè lái yuè lěng le, jì dé duō chuān yī fu.
In Chinese: 天气越来越冷了,记得多穿衣服。

Skiier Who Has Fallen Over

Be careful if you are a beginner at skiing!

In English: It’s finally snowing, we can now go have a snowball fight / build a snowman / skiing.
Pinyin: Zhōng yú xià xuě le, wǒ men kě yǐ chū qù dǎ xuě zhàng / duī xuě rén / huá xuě le.
In Chinese: 终于下雪了,我们可以出去打雪仗 / 堆雪人 / 滑雪了。

5. Useful Phrases for Weather

In English: Where can I buy an umbrella?
Pinyin: Qǐng wèn nǎ lǐ yǒu mài sǎn de dì fāng?
In Chinese: 请问哪里有卖伞的地方?

In English: The rain is really heavy, can you please pick me up?
Pinyin: Yǔ xià de shí zài shì tài dà le, nǐ kě yǐ kāi chē lái jiē wǒ ma?
In Chinese: 雨下得实在是太大了,你可以开车来接我吗?

In English: The sun is too strong, I need to put on some sunscreen.
Pinyin: Tài yáng tài dà le, wǒ xū yào tú diǎn fáng shài shuāng.
In Chinese: 太阳太大了,我需要涂点防晒霜。

In English: The wind is blowing hard right now, let’s close all the windows.
Pinyin: Fēng xiàn zài guā de hǎo dà, zán men bǎ chuāng hù quán dōu guān shàng ba.
In Chinese: 风现在刮得好大,咱们把窗户全都关上吧。

In English: There is lots of snow outside, it’s not safe to drive.
Pinyin: Wài miàn de xuě tài duō le, kāi chē chū qù huì bù ān quán.
In Chinese: 外面的雪太多了,开车出去会不安全。

In English: It’s very likely to rain today; we’d better cancel our plans for today just in case.
Pinyin: Jīn tiān yǒu kě néng huì xià yǔ, wǒ men zuì hǎo hái shì qǔ xiāo jīn tiān de jì huà, yǐ fáng wàn yī.
In Chinese: 今天有可能会下雨,我们最好还是取消今天的计划,以防万一。

6. How ChineseClass101 Can Help You Master Chinese Conversation

Now that your knowledge of China’s weather has been enriched, you should better understand how to break the ice with the witty conversation starters we’ve just introduced to you.

ChineseClass101 will reveal to you the most efficient takeaways in the Chinese language while allowing you to embrace the art of language. Here, you’ll find almost everything you need to better understand Chinese culture and the language, with lessons crafted with you in mind. Hurry up, and find satisfaction for your curiosity. Continue exploring our website to start the adventure!

Are seasons and weather talk similar in your own country, or different? Let us know in the comments! And while you’re at it, why not practice what you’ve learned by writing us a weather description in Chinese? 😉

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Top 100 Must-know Chinese Adjectives

What is an adjective in Chinese? You may have wondered as a beginner in Chinese, considering adjectives’ ability to help you shine in conversation or writing. Without effective Chinese adjectives, a conversation can become dull, and you may easily lose the interest of your listeners.

By the end of this article, you’ll be able to describe your personality in Chinese, talk about the weather in Chinese, and even understand Chinese adjective placement so you can speak fluently. Everything you need can be found in our guide to the top 100 common Chinese adjectives we’ve customized just for you. Now, don’t worry; we’ve prepared some basic Chinese adjectives that can bring your speech to another level!

Adjectives in Chinese modify 名词 (míng cí), nouns. But where do adjectives go in Chinese sentences?

Before we continue to our Chinese adjectives list, keep in mind these two rules you should follow for structuring a sentence with common Chinese adjectives:

  1. Chinese subjective + very + adjective
  2. Adjective + of + noun

With a little bit more knowledge about Chinese adjectives grammar, you’re now ready to go and learn Chinese adjectives. Let’s get straight into our Chinese adjectives list that everyone should master, whether you want to become a skillful talker or an excellent storyteller!

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Table of Contents

  1. Describing Dimensions, Sizes, Distance, Number, Frequency, etc.
  2. Describing Value
  3. Describing Feeling & Sense
  4. Personalities and Human Behaviors
  5. Describing Speed, Difficulty, Importance, etc.
  6. Describing Colors in Chinese
  7. Describing Shapes & Textures in Chinese
  8. Describing Weather in Chinese
  9. Chinese Food Adjectives for Describing Taste
  10. Adjectives in Chinese for Describing a Situation
  11. Describing Physical Traits or Physical Conditions
  12. Describing Appearance in Chinese
  13. How Can You Go Beyond Common Chinese Adjectives?

1. Describing Dimensions, Sizes, Distance, Number, Frequency, etc.

Most Common Adjectives

1- 大的 (dà de) vs. 小的 (xiǎo de)

Meaning: Big

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Today is my birthday; my parents bought a big birthday cake for me.
Pinyin: Jīn tiān shì wǒ de shēng rì, bà ba mā ma gěi wǒ mǎi le yí gè hěn dà de shēng rì dàn gāo.
In Chinese: 今天是我的生日,爸爸妈妈给我买了一个很大的生日蛋糕。

Meaning: Small / Little

Usage in a sentence:

In English: I saw a little cat in my yard today.
Pinyin: Jīn tiān wǒ zài zì jiā yuàn zi li kàn jiàn le yì fzhī xiǎo māo.
In Chinese: 今天我在自家院子里看见了一只小猫。

2- 窄的 (zhǎi de) vs. 宽阔的 (kuān kuò de)

Meaning: Narrow

Usage in a sentence:

In English: This corner is too narrow to get our car through.
Pinyin: Zhè ge guǎi jiǎo tài zhǎi le, wǒ men de chē shì guò bú qù de.
In Chinese: 这个拐角太窄了,我们的车是过不去的。

Meaning: Wide

Usage in a sentence:

In English: The park near my house is very wide and big; many kids love to go there and play.
Pinyin: Wǒ jiā fù jìn de gōng yuán hěn kuān kuò, hěn duō hái zi dōu xǐ huān qù nà lǐ wán shuǎ.
In Chinese: 我家附近的公园很宽阔,很多孩子都喜欢去那里玩耍。

3- 高的 (gāo de) vs. 矮的 (ǎi de)

Meaning: Tall

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Every time I get taller, my parents are happy for me because it is the mark of me growing up.
Pinyin: Měi cì wǒ zhǎng gāo fù mǔ dōu hěn wèi wǒ gāo xìng, yīn wèi zhè shì wǒ chéng zhǎng de yìn jì.
In Chinese: 每次我长高父母都很为我高兴,因为这是我成长的印记。

Meaning: Short

Usage in a sentence:

In English: My friend is very short, but he is very good at shooting a basketball.
Pinyin: Suī rán wǒ péng you hěn ǎi, dàn tā tóu lán fēi cháng zhǔn.
In Chinese: 虽然我朋友很矮,但他投篮非常准。

4- 重的 (zhòng de) vs. 轻的 (qīng de)

Meaning: Heavy

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Because we needed to move today, I had to carry a lot of heavy furniture.
Pinyin: Yīn wèi jīn tiān yào bān jiā, wǒ bù dé bù bān le hěn duō hěn zhòng de jiā jù.
In Chinese: 因为今天要搬家,我不得不搬了很多很重的家具。

Meaning: Light

Usage in a sentence:

In English: My sister is only three years old; she is very light and easy to carry.
Pinyin: Wǒ mèi mei cái sān suì, bào qǐ lai hěn qīng, háo bú fèi lì.
In Chinese: 我妹妹才三岁,抱起来很轻,毫不费力。

5- 高的 (gāo de) vs. 低的 (dī de)

Meaning: High

Usage in a sentence:

In English: During my trip, I had a ride on a hot air balloon, and it went up high.
Pinyin: Lǚ xíng qī jiān wǒ zuò le rè qì qiú, shēng dào le hěn gāo de dì fang.
In Chinese: 旅行期间我坐了热气球,升到了很高的地方。

Additional notes: In Chinese, tall and high are the same thing, which actually makes it easier to remember. So don’t freak out when you see them used for different meanings in English!

Meaning: Low

Usage in a sentence:

In English: The expert said that the risk of this stock is relatively low.
Pinyin: Zhuān jiā shuō zhè zhī gǔ piào fēng xiǎn jiào dī.
In Chinese: 专家说这只股票风险较低。

6- 近的 (jìn de) vs. 远的 (yuǎn de)

Meaning: Close

Usage in a sentence:

In English: The supermarket is very close to my house; it only takes me five minutes to walk there.
Pinyin: Chāo shì lí wǒ jiā fēi cháng jìn, zǒu lù wǔ fèn zhōng jiù dào.
In Chinese: 超市离我家非常近,走路五分钟就到。

Meaning: Far

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Today is my grandmother’s birthday, so no matter how far away she is, we’ll make it to her birthday party.
Pinyin: Jīn tiān shì lǎo lao de shēng rì, suǒ yǐ jiù suàn lí de zài yuǎn, wǒ men yě yào qù wèi tā qìng shēng.
In Chinese: 今天是姥姥的生日,所以就算离得再远,我们也要去为她庆生。

7- 一些 (yì xiē)

Meaning: Some

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Yesterday, my friend taught me how to bake some bread, and I’m going to bring some home and let mom taste them.
Pinyin: Zuó tiān péng you jiāo wǒ zuò le yì xiē miàn bāo, wǒ dǎ suàn ná huí jiā gěi mā ma cháng chang.
In Chinese: 昨天朋友教我做了一些面包,我打算拿回家给妈妈尝尝。

8- 任何的 (rèn hé de)

Meaning: Any

Usage in a sentence:

In English: I won’t allow any of my friends to get hurt.
Pinyin: Wǒ bú huì yǔn xǔ rèn hé yí gè wǒ de péng you bèi shāng hài.
In Chinese: 我不会允许任何一个我的朋友被伤害。

9- 几个 (jǐ gè)

Meaning: A few

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Although I don’t have that many friends, there are always a few of them whom I can confide in.
Pinyin: Suī rán wǒ de péng you méi yǒu nà me duō, dān zǒng yǒu jǐ gè shì hé wǒ jiāo xīn de.
In Chinese: 虽然我的朋友没有那么多,但总有几个是和我交心的。

10- 很多的 (hěn duō de)

Meaning: Many

Usage in a sentence:

In English: I heard that this restaurant is very good; there are always so many people waiting in line.
Pinyin: Wǒ tīng shuō zhè jiā cān tīng hěn hǎo chī, zǒng shì yǒu hěn duō rén zài pái duì.
In Chinese: 我听说这家餐厅很好吃,总是有很多人在排队。

11- 很少的 (hěn shǎo de)

Meaning: Little / Few

Usage in a sentence:

In English: I waited a long time in line just to buy a certain flavor of ice cream, but when it was my turn, there were only a few choices left.
Pinyin: Wèi le mǎi zhè kuǎn bīng jī líng, wǒ pái le hěn cháng shí jiān de duì. Dàn děng dào wǒ de shí hou, zhǐ shèng xia hěn shǎo de xuǎn zé.
In Chinese: 为了买这款冰激凌,我排了很长时间的队。但等到我的时候,只剩下很少的选择。

2. Describing Value

1- 好的 (hǎo de)


Let’s give good people a thumbs-up!

Meaning: Good

Usage in a sentence:

In English: My younger sister is a very good child; she especially loves to take care of little animals.
Pinyin: Wǒ mèi mei shì gè hěn hǎo de hái zi, tā tè bié ài hù xiǎo dòng wù.
In Chinese: 我妹妹是个很好的孩子,她特别爱护小动物。

2- 糟糕的 (zāo gāo de)

Meaning: Terrible

Usage in a sentence:

In English: I lost my favorite toy, and I am in a terrible mood right now.
Pinyin: Wǒ bǎ xīn ài de wán jù diū le, xiàn zài xīn qíng fēi cháng zāo gāo.
In Chinese: 我把心爱的玩具丢了,现在心情非常糟糕。

3- 棒的 (bàng de)

Meaning: Amazing

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Today, I went to watch a theater show at my school, and all the actors’ performances were amazing.
Pinyin: Jīn tiān wǒ qù kàn le xué xiào de huà jù yǎn chū, yǎn yuán men de biǎo xiàn dōu bàng jí le.
In Chinese: 今天我去看了学校的话剧演出,演员们的表现都棒极了。

4- 差的 (chà de)

Meaning: Bad

Usage in a sentence:

In English: During a teacher-parent conference, my teacher explained to my mom why my grade has been bad recently.
Pinyin: Jiā zhǎng huì shang, lǎo shī xiàng mā ma jiě shì le wǒ zuì jìn chéng ji jiào chà de yuán yīn.
In Chinese: 家长会上,老师向妈妈解释了我最近成绩较差的原因。

3. Describing Feeling & Sense

1- 凉的 (liáng de) vs. 热的 (rè de)

Meaning: Cold

Usage in a sentence:

In English: The pastry that mom baked was already cold when I got home.
Pinyin: Děng wǒ huí jiā de shí hou, mā ma zuò hǎo de diǎn xīn yǐ jīng liáng le.
In Chinese: 等我回家的时候,妈妈做好的点心已经凉了。

Meaning: Hot

Usage in a sentence:

In English: My mom told me to eat the freshly made bun while it’s still hot.
Pinyin: Mā ma shuō ràng wǒ chèn rè bǎ gāng zuò hǎo de bāo zi chī le.
In Chinese: 妈妈说让我趁热把刚做好的包子吃了。

2- 烫的 (tàng de)

Meaning: Burning

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Coffee can be burning (hot) when it’s freshly brewed.
Pinyin: Kā fēi gāng zhǔ hǎo de shí hou hěn tàng.
In Chinese: 咖啡刚煮好的时候很烫。

3- 温暖的 (wēn nuǎn de)

Book Whose Pages Are Making a Heart

Do you ever feel a certain way, but don’t know the right adjective to describe it in Chinese? We will show you the way!

Meaning: Heartwarming

Usage in a sentence:

In English: My teammates are so united that this whole team feels like one big heartwarming home.
Pinyin: Wǒ de duì yuán men dōu fēi cháng tuán jié, zhè ràng wǒ men de duì wu jiù xiàng yí gè wēn nuǎn de dà jiā tíng yí yàng.
In Chinese: 我的队员们都非常团结,这让我们的队伍就像一个温暖的大家庭一样。

4- 暖和的 (nuǎn huo de)

Meaning: Warm

Usage in a sentence:

In English: The room finally started to get warm after the heater was turned on.
Pinyin: Nuǎn qì dǎ kāi zhī hòu, fáng jiān lǐ zhōng yú nuǎn huo qǐ lai le.
In Chinese: 暖气打开之后,房间里终于暖和起来了。

5- 柔软的 (róu ruǎn de)

Meaning: Soft

Usage in a sentence:

In English: I like to lean on my dog; his hair is very soft and comfortable to be leaned on.
Pinyin: Wǒ hěn xǐ huan kào zài wǒ jiā de gǒu shēn shang, tā de pí máo hěn róu ruǎn, kào qǐ lai hěn shū fu.
In Chinese: 我很喜欢靠在我家的狗身上,他的皮毛很柔软,靠起来很舒服。

6- 舒服的 (shū fu de)

Meaning: Comfortable

Usage in a sentence:

In English: My favorite thing is lying on the beach while enjoying the feeling of the wind blowing through my face; it just feels so comfortable.
Pinyin: Wǒ zuì xǐ huān tǎng zài hǎi tān shàng, xiǎng shòu hǎi fēng yíng miàn chuī lái de gǎn jué, shū fu jí le.
In Chinese: 我最喜欢躺在海滩上,享受海风迎面吹来的感觉,舒服极了。

7- 疼的 (téng de)

Meaning: Painful

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Tomorrow, I will have to get my teeth pulled. Hopefully it won’t be that painful.
Pinyin: Wǒ míng tiān jiù yào qù bá yá le, xī wàng bú huì hěn téng.
In Chinese: 我明天就要去拔牙了,希望不会很疼。

8- 痛苦的 (tòng kǔ de)

Meaning: Bitter

Usage in a sentence:

In English: The dog that’s been with me ever since I was little just passed away. This makes me feel extremely bitter.
Pinyin: Wǒ cóng xiǎo dào dà yǎng de gǒu qù shì le, zhè ràng wǒ gǎn dào shí fēn tòng kǔ.
In Chinese: 我从小到大养的狗去世了,这让我感到十分痛苦。

4. Personalities and Human Behaviors

Papers with Happy and Sad Faces On Them

How do you describe your personality in Chinese? Here are the answers!

1) Personalities

When you introduce yourself during an interview, or when you talk about personality traits with friends, have you ever wondered how to describe your personality in Chinese Mandarin? Here are the most common Chinese personality adjectives that you can use!

1- 善良的 (shàn liáng de)

Meaning: Kind

Usage in a sentence:

In English: My sister is an extremely kind person; she always tries her best to help others.
Pinyin: Jiě jie shì gè shí fēn shàn liáng de rén, tā zǒng shì huì jié jìn quán lì qù bāng zhù bié rén.
In Chinese: 姐姐是个十分善良的人,她总是会竭尽全力去帮助别人。

2- 开明的 (kāi míng de)

Meaning: Open-minded

Usage in a sentence:

In English: My parents are very open-minded people; they never intervene with my own decisions.
Pinyin: Wǒ de fù mǔ dōu shì fēi cháng kāi míng de rén, tā men cóng lái dōu bú huì gān shè wǒ de jué dìng.
In Chinese: 我的父母都是非常开明的人,他们从来都不会干涉我的决定。

3- 幽默的 (yōu mò de)

Meaning: Hilarious

Usage in a sentence:

In English: My English teacher’s class is so hilarious that I can’t help but crack up.
Pinyin: Wǒ yīng yǔ lǎo shī de kè shí zài shì tài yōu mò le, wǒ zǒng shì rěn bú zhù hā hā dà xiào qǐ lái.
In Chinese: 我英语老师的课实在是太幽默了,我总是忍不住哈哈大笑起来。

4- 友好的 (yǒu hǎo de)

Meaning: Friendly

Usage in a sentence:

In English: She is very friendly and easy to get along with.
Pinyin: Tā shì yí gè fēi cháng yǒu hǎo bìng qiě hǎo xiāng chǔ de rén.
In Chinese: 她是一个非常友好并且好相处的人。

5- 疯狂的 (fēng kuáng de)

Man Screaming

Just admit it, we all get crazy sometimes!

Meaning: Crazy

Usage in a sentence:

In English: There are always some crazy and strange ideas in my younger brother’s head.
Pinyin: Wǒ dì di de nǎo dài li zǒng yǒu hěn duō fēng kuáng gǔ guài de xiǎng fǎ.
In Chinese: 我弟弟的脑袋里总有很多疯狂古怪的想法。

6- 开朗的 (lěng jìng de) vs. 内向的 (nèi xiàng de)

Meaning: Outgoing

Usage in a sentence:

In English: He is very popular among people, and everyone likes how outgoing he is.
Pinyin: Tā de rén yuán tè bié hǎo, rén rén dōu xǐ huān tā kāi lǎng de xìng gé.
In Chinese: 他的人缘特别好,人人都喜欢他开朗的性格。

Meaning: Introverted

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Even though she seems to be very introverted, once she is acquainted with you, she will become especially talkative.
Pinyin: Suī rán tā kàn qǐ lai shí fēn nèi xiàng, dàn yí dàn hé nǐ shú luò qǐ lai, tā jiù huì yí xià zi biàn de huà tè bié duō.
In Chinese: 虽然她看起来十分内向,但一旦和你熟络起来,她就会一下子变得话特别多。

2) Feelings

1- 快乐的 / 开心的 (kuài le de / kāi xīn de)

Meaning: Happy

Usage in a sentence:

In English: My friends and I were all very happy at our senior prom last night.
Pinyin: Zài zuó wǎn de bì yè wǔ huì shang, wǒ hé wǒ de péng you men dōu wán de hěn kāi xīn.
In Chinese: 在昨晚的毕业舞会上,我和我的朋友们都玩得很开心。

2- 烦躁的 (fán zào de)

Meaning: Agitated

Usage in a sentence:

In English: I feel so agitated because I am not sure whether I did well on the test or not.
Pinyin: Yīn wèi wǒ bú què dìng zì jǐ dào dǐ kǎo méi kǎo hǎo, suǒ yǐ gǎn jué yì cháng fán zào.
In Chinese: 因为我不确定自己到底考没考好,所以感觉异常烦躁。

3- 沮丧的 (jǔ sàng de)

Meaning: Upset

Usage in a sentence:

In English: I thought I was capable of acing this interview, but I can’t believe it turned out this badly. It makes me so upset.
Pinyin: Wǒ běn yǐ wéi zì jǐ duì zhè gè miàn shì hěn yǒu bǎ wò, méi xiǎng dào fā huī de zhè me chà, zhè ràng wǒ gǎn dào shí fēn jǔ sàng.
In Chinese: 我本以为自己对这个面试很有把握,没想到发挥得这么差,这让我感到十分沮丧。

4- 伤心的/难过的 (shāng xīn de)

Meaning: Sad

Usage in a sentence:

In English: My younger sister dropped her cake on the floor by accident, and she got so sad that she started to cry.
Pinyin: Mèi mei yí bù xiǎo xīn bǎ dàn gāo diào dao le dì shang, shāng xīn de kū le qǐ lai.
In Chinese: 妹妹一不小心把蛋糕掉到了地上,伤心的哭了起来。

5- 孤单的 (gū dān de)

Meaning: Lonely

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Ever since I went to study abroad, I often feel very lonely.
Pinyin: Lái dao guó wài liú xué zhī hòu, wǒ jīng cháng gǎn dào shí fēn gū dān.
In Chinese: 来到国外留学之后,我经常感到十分孤单。

6- 百感交集的 (bǎi gǎn jiāo jí de)

Meaning: Emotional

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Every night when everything gets quiet around me, I become emotional and start to overthink things.
Pinyin: Měi dāng wǎn shang yè shēn rén jìng de shí hou, wǒ jiù huì biàn de bǎi gǎn jiāo jí, kāi shǐ xiǎng hěn duō bù gāi xiǎng de shì qíng.
In Chinese: 每当晚上夜深人静的时候,我就会变得百感交集,开始想很多不该想的事情。

7- 冲动的 (chōng dòng de) vs. 冷静的 (lěng jìng de)

Meaning: Impulsive

Usage in a sentence:

In English: We should not make a decision when we are being impulsive.
Pinyin: Wǒ men bù yīng gāi zài chōng dòng de shí hou zuò jué dìng.
In Chinese: 我们不应该在冲动的时候做决定。

Meaning: Calm

Usage in a sentence:

In English: I’m trying to put her at ease and make her calm.
Pinyin: Wǒ shì zhe ān fǔ tā, hǎo ràng tā lěng jìng xià lai.
In Chinese: 我试着安抚她,好让她冷静下来。

5. Describing Speed, Difficulty, Importance, etc.

Improve Pronunciation

1- 快的 (kuài de) vs. 慢的 (màn de)

Meaning: Fast

Usage in a sentence:

In English: I can’t believe how fast the bus arrived once I got to the bus stop.
Pinyin: Wǒ bù gǎn xiàng xìn zì jǐ gāng dào gōng jiāo chē zhàn, gōng jiāo chē jiù fēi cháng kuài de dào zhàn le.
In Chinese: 我不敢相信自己刚到公交车站,公交车就非常快地到站了。

Meaning: Slow

Usage in a sentence:

In English: A sloth is probably the slowest animal in the world.
Pinyin: Shù lǎn dà gài shì shì jiè zuì màn de dòng wù zhī yī le.
In Chinese: 树懒大概是世界最慢的动物之一了。

2- 简单的 (jiǎn dān de)

Meaning: Simple

Usage in a sentence:

In English: I just want a simple life and I don’t want to always overthink.
Pinyin: Wǒ zhǐ xiǎng yào yí gè jiǎn dān de shēng huó, bù xiǎng zǒng shì xiǎng nà me duō.
In Chinese: 我只想要一个简单的生活,不想总是想那么多。

3- 容易的 (róng yì de) vs. 困难的 (kùn nán de)

Meaning: Easy

Usage in a sentence:

In English: This math question is too easy for a highschool student.
Pinyin: Zhè dào shù xué tí duì yí gè gāo zhōng shēng ér yán shí zài shì tài róng yì le.
In Chinese: 这道数学题对一个高中生而言实在是太容易了。

Meaning: Difficult

Usage in a sentence:

In English: It is very difficult for someone who is not confident to perform on stage.
Pinyin: Duì yú yí gè bú zì xìn de rén lái shuō, shàng tái biǎo yǎn shì fēi cháng kùn nán de.
In Chinese: 对于一个不自信的人来说,上台表演是非常困难的。

4- 重要的 (zhòng yao de) vs. 无关紧要的 (wú guān jǐn yào de)

Meaning: Important

Usage in a sentence:

In English: A passport is a very important document; make sure to check your backpack again for your passport before you leave for the airport.
Pinyin: Hù zhào shì hěn zhòng yào de zhèng jiàn, qù jī chǎng zhī qián yí dìng yào zài jiǎn chá yí biàn hù zhào shì fǒu zài bāo lǐ.
In Chinese: 护照是很重要的证件,去机场之前一定要再检查一遍护照是否在包里。

Meaning: Trivial

Usage in a sentence:

In English: It’s okay if your money is stolen; you can make more as long as you are safe. Compared to one’s safety, everything else seems trivial.
Pinyin: Qián bèi tōu méi yǒu guān xì, hái kě yǐ zài zhèng, zhǐ yào nǐ rén shēn ān quán méi yǒu chū wèn tí jiù hǎo, bǐ qǐ ān quán qí tā dōu shì wú guān jǐn yào de shì qíng.
In Chinese: 钱被偷没有关系,还可以再挣,只要你人身安全没有出问题就好,比起安全其他都是无关紧要的事情。

6. Describing Colors in Chinese

1- 红色的 (hóng sè de)

Meaning: Red

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Most roses are red.
Pinyin: Dà duō shù méi guī dōu shì hóng sè de.
In Chinese: 大多数玫瑰都是红色的。

2- 蓝色的 (lán sè de)

Meaning: Blue

Usage in a sentence:

In English: The sky is very blue today.
Pinyin: Jīn tiān de tiān kōng yí piàn wèi lán.
In Chinese: 今天的天空一片蔚蓝。

3- 绿色的 (lǜ sè de)

Meaning: Green

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Grass becomes extra green after a rain.
Pinyin: Xià guò yǔ zhī hòu, xiǎo cǎo men biàn de gé wài de lǜ.
In Chinese: 下过雨之后,小草们变得格外得绿。

4- 黄色的 (huáng sè de)

Meaning: Yellow

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Bananas are yellow.
Pinyin: Xiāng jiāo shì huáng sè de.
In Chinese: 香蕉是黄色的。

5- 黑色的 (hēi sè de)

Meaning: Black

Usage in a sentence:

In English: I wish to have hair that is black and pretty.
Pinyin: Wǒ xiǎng yǒu yì tóu wū hēi piāo liang de tóu fa.
In Chinese: 我想有一头乌黑漂亮的头发。

6- 白色的 (bái sè de)

Meaning: White

Usage in a sentence:

In English: In fairytales, angels wear white clothes.
Pinyin: Chuán shuō zhōng tiān shǐ chuān zhe bái sè de yī fu.
In Chinese: 传说中天使穿着白色的衣服。

7- 深色的 (shēn sè de)

Meaning: Dark-colored

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Every time the moon rises, it throws light on the dark sky.
Pinyin: Měi dāng yuè liang shēng qǐ, shēn sè de tiān kōng biàn yǒu le yì mǒ guāng máng.
In Chinese: 每当月亮升起,深色的天空便有了一抹光芒。

8- 浅色的 (qiǎn sè de)

Meaning: Light-colored

Usage in a sentence:

In English: It would look better if you match these clothes with light-colored shoes.
Pinyin: Zhè jiàn yī fu pèi qiǎn sè de xié gèng hǎo kàn.
In Chinese: 这件衣服配浅色的鞋更好看。

7. Describing Shapes & Textures in Chinese

1- 圆形的 (yuán xíng de)

Meaning: Round

Usage in a sentence:

In English: The bottom of the pillar is round.
Pinyin: Zhè ge zhù zi de dǐ bù shì yuán xíng de.
In Chinese: 这个柱子的底部是圆形的。

2- 环形的 (huán xíng de)

Meaning: Circular

Usage in a sentence:

In English: If the road is too circular, it would be hard for a beginning driver.
Pinyin: Rú guǒ dào lù guò yú huán xíng de huà, duì yú xīn shǒu sī jī huì bǐ jiào yǒu nán dù.
In Chinese: 如果道路过于环形的话,对于新手司机会比较有难度。

3- 光滑的 (guāng huá de) vs. 粗糙的 (cū cāo de)

Meaning: Smooth

Usage in a sentence:

In English: My skin became especially smooth after I put on some lotion.
Pinyin: Tú wán hù shǒu shuāng zhī hòu wǒ de pí fū biàn de yì cháng guāng huá.
In Chinese: 涂完护手霜之后我的皮肤变得异常光滑。

Meaning: Tough

Usage in a sentence:

In English: These clothes feel very tough on the outside; it doesn’t seem to have good quality.
Pinyin: Zhè jiàn yī fu wài miàn mō qǐ lai shí fēn cū cāo, zhì liàng kàn qǐ lai bú shì hěn hǎo.
In Chinese: 这件衣服外面摸起来十分粗糙,质量看起来不是很好。

8. Describing Weather in Chinese

1- 晴朗的 (qíng lǎng de)

Meaning: Sunny

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Today it’s very sunny; it’d be good to take a walk outside.
Pinyin: Jīn tiān de tiān qì shí fēn qíng lǎng, hěn shì hé chū qù sàn sàn bù.
In Chinese: 今天的天气十分晴朗,很适合出去散散步。

2- 闷热的 (mēn rè de)

Meaning: Humid

Usage in a sentence:

In English: I don’t like humid weather; it makes people feel like it’s hard to breathe.
Pinyin: Wǒ bù xǐ huan mēn rè de tiān qì, huì gǎn jué ràng rén chuǎn bú guò qì lai.
In Chinese: 我不喜欢闷热的天气,会感觉让人喘不过气来。

3- 多风的 (duō fēng de)

Meaning: Windy

Usage in a sentence:

In English: It’s been very windy recently. The trees outside always make noise while being blown around.
Pinyin: Zuì jìn tiān qì hěn duō fēng, wài miàn de shù jīng cháng bèi chuī de dà shēng xiǎng.
In Chinese: 最近天气很多风,外面的树经常被吹得大声响。

4- 多雨的 (duō yǔ de)

Meaning: Rainy

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Recently, California has been very rainy.
Pinyin: Jiā zhōu zuì jìn shí fēn duō yǔ.
In Chinese: 加州最近十分多雨。

5- 多云的 (duō yún de)

Meaning: Cloudy

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Today is very cloudy; it seems like it’s going to rain.
Pinyin: Jīn tiān tiān qì duō yún, kàn qǐ lai hǎo xiàng yào xià yǔ.
In Chinese: 今天天气多云,看起来好像要下雨。

Additional notes: For more weather words in Chinese, check out our Chinese weather article!

9. Chinese Food Adjectives for Describing Taste

1- 甜的 (tián de)

Meaning: Sweet

Usage in a sentence:

In English: My favorite fruits are grapes, because they taste perfectly sweet.
Pinyin: Wǒ zuì xǐ huān de shuǐ guǒ jiù shì pú tao, chī qǐ lai tián tián de.
In Chinese: 我最喜欢的水果就是葡萄,吃起来甜甜的。

2- 咸的 (xián de)

Meaning: Salty

Usage in a sentence:

In English: I still remember the very first time I tried to cook, I used lots of salt because I thought it was sugar, so the final dish was extremely salty.
Pinyin: Wǒ hái jì de zì jǐ dì yī cì zuò fàn de shí hou, bǎ yán dāng chéng le táng fàng jìn le cài li, dǎo zhì zuì hòu chéng pǐn hěn xián.
In Chinese: 我还记得自己第一次做饭的时候,把盐当成了糖放进了菜里,导致最后成品很咸。

3- 酸的 (suān de)

Meaning: Sour

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Pregnant women typically prefer sour food.
Pinyin: Huái yùn de nǚ rén yì bān bǐ jiào xǐ huān chī suān de shí wù.
In Chinese: 怀孕的女人一般比较喜欢吃酸的食物。

4- 苦的 (kǔ de)

Meaning: Bitter

Usage in a sentence:

In English: My younger sister hates taking medicine because it tastes too bitter for her.
Pinyin: Wǒ mèi mei fēi cháng tǎo yàn chī yào, yīn wèi shí zài shì tài kǔ le.
In Chinese: 我妹妹非常讨厌吃药,因为实在是太苦了。

5- 辣的 (là de)

Meaning: Spicy

Usage in a sentence:

In English: I can’t handle spicy food, even though I was born in Sichuan.
Pinyin: Wǒ bìng bú shì hěn néng chī là de shí wù, jìn guǎn wǒ shì zài sì chuān chū shēng de.
In Chinese: 我并不是很能吃辣的食物,尽管我是在四川出生的。

6- 麻的 (má de)

Meaning: A pungent flavor that makes your mouth feel numb

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Sichuan pepper can make your tongue go numb.
Pinyin: Sì chuān de huā jiāo kě yǐ ràng nǐ de shé tou fā má.
In Chinese: 四川的花椒可以让你的舌头发麻。

10. Adjectives in Chinese for Describing a Situation

1- 危险的 (wēi xiǎn de)

Meaning: Dangerous

Usage in a sentence:

In English: It’s very dangerous to go out alone as a kid when it’s dark outside.
Pinyin: Zuò wéi yí gè xiǎo hái, tiān hēi zhī hòu yí gè rén chū mén shì hěn wēi xiǎn de.
In Chinese: 作为一个小孩,天黑之后一个人出门是很危险的。

2- 好玩的 (hǎo wán de)

Meaning: Fun

Usage in a sentence:

In English: This amusement park is such a fun place to go.
Pinyin: Zhè ge yóu lè yuán zhēn shì yí gè hǎo wán de dì fang.
In Chinese: 这个游乐园真是一个好玩的地方。

3- 有趣的 (yǒu qù de) vs. 无聊的 (wú liáo de)

Meaning: Interesting

Usage in a sentence:

In English: This storybook is so interesting. I already can’t wait to see what happens in the next chapter.
Pinyin: Zhè běn gù shì shū kě zhēn yǒu qù, wǒ yǐ jīng pò bù jí dài xiǎng yào zhī dào xià yì zhāng huì fā shēng shén me le.
In Chinese: 这本故事书可真有趣,我已经迫不及待想要知道下一章会发生什么了。

Meaning: Boring

Usage in a sentence:

In English: All my roommates are out traveling; being by myself is so boring.
Pinyin: Shì yǒu dōu chū qù lǚ xíng le, yí gè rén shēng huó de rì zi hǎo wú liáo a.
In Chinese: 室友都出去旅行了,一个人生活的日子好无聊啊。

4- 刺激的 (cì jī de)

Meaning: Exciting

Usage in a sentence:

In English: It is so exciting to be on a roller coaster!
Pinyin: Zuò guò shān chē shí zài shì tài cì jī le!
In Chinese: 坐过山车实在是太刺激了!

11. Describing Physical Traits or Physical Conditions


Here are some adjectives in Mandarin Chinese to talk about physical traits or conditions. These are essential for describing people in Chinese!

1- 老的 (lǎo de) vs. 年轻的 (nián qīng de)

Meaning: Old

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Bodies can turn old, but hearts can always remain young.
Pinyin: Shēn tǐ kě yǐ biàn lǎo, dàn xīn kě yǐ yǒng yuǎn bǎo chí nián qīng.
In Chinese: 身体可以变老,但心可以永远保持年轻。

Meaning: Young

Usage in a sentence:

In English: When we are young, we should be brave and pursue our dreams.
Pinyin: Chèn zhe wǒ men hái nián qīng, jiù yào yǒng gǎn de qù zhuī mèng.
In Chinese: 趁着我们还年轻,就要勇敢地去追梦。

2- 强壮的 (qiáng zhuàng de) vs. 弱小的 (ruò xiǎo de)

Meaning: Strong

Usage in a sentence:

In English: He always exercises at the gym, so his body is very strong.
Pinyin: Tā jīng cháng qù jiàn shēn fáng duàn liàn, suǒ yǐ shēn tǐ fēi cháng qiáng zhuàng.
In Chinese: 他经常去健身房锻炼,所以身体非常强壮。

Meaning: Weak

Usage in a sentence:

In English: I heard that she always gets sick and isn’t very healthy, so no wonder she appears to be very weak.
Pinyin: Tīng shuō tā jīng cháng shēng bìng, shēn tǐ hěn bù hǎo, guài bu de kàn qǐ lai nà me ruò xiǎo.
In Chinese: 听说她经常生病,身体很不好,怪不得看起来那么弱小。

3- 病的 (bìng de)

Meaning: Sick

Usage in a sentence:

In English: I had to stay in bed and rest the whole day today, because I was sick.
Pinyin: Wǒ jīn tiān yì zhěng tiān dōu zài chuáng shàng tǎng zhe xiū xi, yīn wèi wǒ bìng le.
In Chinese: 我今天一整天都在床上躺着休息,因为我病了。

4- 敏捷的 (mǐn jié de)

Meaning: Agile

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Rabbits are very agile animals; their size is small, but they run very fast.
Pinyin: Tù zi shì fēi cháng mǐn jié de dòng wù, suī rán tǐ xíng xiǎo, dàn què pǎo de hěn kuài.
In Chinese: 兔子是非常敏捷的动物,虽然体型小,但却跑得很快。

12. Describing Appearance in Chinese

1- 漂亮的 (piào liang de)

Meaning: Pretty

Usage in a sentence:

In English: The dress that model is wearing looks so pretty, even though it’s overpriced.
Pinyin: Nà ge mó tè chuān de qún zi zhēn piāo liang, suī rán jià gé guò gāo le.
In Chinese: 那个模特穿的裙子真漂亮,虽然价格过高了。

2- 丑陋的 (chǒu lòu de) vs. 美丽的 (měi lì de)

Meaning: Ugly

Usage in a sentence:

In English: An ugly appearance is born with, but an ugly heart is caused by ourselves.
Pinyin: Chǒu lòu de wài biǎo kě yǐ shì tiān shēng de, dàn chǒu lòu de nèi xīn què shì wǒ men zì jǐ zào chéng de.
In Chinese: 丑陋的外表可以是天生的,但丑陋的内心却是我们自己造成的。

Meaning: Beautiful

Usage in a sentence:

In English: The nature here is so beautiful that I can’t take my eyes off it.
Pinyin: Zhè lǐ de zì rán fēng jǐng shí zài shì tài guò měi lì le, yǐ zhì yú wǒ gēn běn wú fǎ jiāng mù guāng zhuǎn yí dào bié de dì fang.
In Chinese: 这里的自然风景实在是太过美丽了,以至于我根本无法将目光转移到别的地方。

3- 胖的 (pàng de) vs. 瘦的 (shòu de)

Meaning: Fat

Usage in a sentence:

In English: Although he looks a bit fat, he can run really fast.
Pinyin: Suī rán tā kàn qǐ lai yǒu xiē pàng, dàn tā pǎo bù fēi cháng kuài.
In Chinese: 虽然他看起来有些胖,但他跑步非常快。

Meaning: Thin

Usage in a sentence:

In English: She looks so incredibly thin that I think she barely eats.
Pinyin: Tā kàn qǐ lai shí zài shì guò yú shòu le, yǐ zhì yú wǒ jué de tā jī hū dōu bù zěn me chī dōng xi.
In Chinese: 她看起来实在是过于瘦了,以至于我觉得她几乎都不怎么吃东西。

4- 苗条的 (miáo tiao de)

Meaning: Skinny

Usage in a sentence:

In English: She is on a diet right now because she wants to get skinny.
Pinyin: Tā yīn wèi xiǎng yào biàn shòu, xiàn zài zhèng zài jiē shí zhōng.
In Chinese: 她因为想要变瘦,现在正在节食中。

5- 好看的 (hǎo kàn de)

Meaning: Good-looking

Usage in a sentence:

In English: It’s good to have a good-looking appearance, but it’s even more important to have a kind heart on the inside.
Pinyin: Yōng yǒu yí gè hǎo kàn de wài biǎo gù rán shì hǎo de, dàn yōng yǒu yì kē shàn liáng de nèi xīn gèng wéi zhòng yào.
In Chinese: 拥有一个好看的外表固然是好的,但拥有一颗善良的内心更为重要。

6- 可爱的 (kě ài de)

Meaning: Adorable

Usage in a sentence:

In English: All the little animals in the zoo are so adorable!
Pinyin: Dòng wu yuán li de xiǎo dòng wu men dōu hǎo kě ài ya!
In Chinese: 动物园里的小动物们都好可爱呀!

7- 有魅力的 (yǒu mèi lì de)

Meaning: Attractive

Usage in a sentence:

In English: This young actor is so attractive.
Pinyin: Zhè wèi nián qīng de nán yǎn yuán kě zhēn yǒu mèi lì.
In Chinese: 这位年轻的男演员可真有魅力。

8- 贫穷的 (pín qióng de) vs. 富有的 (fù yǒu de)

Meaning: Poor

Usage in a sentence:

In English: I wish I could help those poor people who can’t afford food.
Pinyin: Wǒ zhēn xī wàng zì jǐ kě yǐ bāng zhù nà xiē qióng de chī bu qǐ fàn de rén men.
In Chinese: 我真希望自己可以帮助那些穷得吃不起饭的人们。

Meaning: Rich

Usage in a sentence:

In English: I hope to become a rich person in the future.
Pinyin: Wǒ xī wàng yǐ hòu huì chéng wéi yí gè fù yǒu de rén.
In Chinese: 我希望以后会成为一个富有的人。

9- 有气质的 (yǒu qì zhi de)

Woman in a Fancy Red Dress

What kind of adjective would you use to describe this model? Let’s learn it!

Meaning: To have an attractive air

Usage in a sentence:

In English: This model seems to have an attractive air to her.
Pinyin: Zhè ge mó tè kàn qǐ lai hěn yǒu qì zhi.
In Chinese: 这个模特看起来很有气质。

Additional notes: For all the Chinese Mandarin adjectives we mentioned above, we primarily put them in dictionary form with 的 (de), meaning “of” in English. However, while structuring actual sentences, this can often be omitted to make it sound more natural. That’s why you often see 的 in the dictionary, but don’t hear it in daily talks.

13. How Can You Go Beyond Common Chinese Adjectives?

Now, let me ask you this question again: What is adjectives’ meaning in Chinese? Is the word 形容词 etched in your memory now? Did our Chinese adjectives list enrich your vocabulary? I’m certain the answer is positive.

These 100 common Chinese adjectives may sound overwhelming at first, but always keep in mind that practice makes perfect! To practice your knowledge, tell us about yourself in the comments below using some of these Chinese adjectives!

Whether you wish to get more Chinese adjectives PDF or wish to get more enchanted in the wonder of Chinese language other than Chinese mandarin adjectives, remember that you are only one click away from getting the magic from our amazing resourceful website We are here waiting for your arrival so you can join our journey together in studying Chinese!

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Celebrating National Tree Planting Day in China

On 国际植树节 (guójì zhíshù jié), or International Arbor Day, China puts a special emphasis on the importance of caring for the environment. Volunteers from all over the country spend the day planting trees, and many people enjoy doing outdoor activities.

In this article, you’ll learn all about China’s National Tree Planting Day, from its origins to modern-day observations.

Are you ready? Let’s get started!

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1. What is Arbor Day?

Arbor Day is formally established as a national tree-planting campaign. As people become more aware of how important it is to protect the environment, they also realize the significance of National Tree Planting Day.

Since the 1980s, the Chinese people have voluntarily planted more than 35 billion trees. China is currently conducting six strategic forestry projects, including:

  • Windbreak construction in the “Three Norths” (northwest China, north China, and northeast China) and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River
  • Restoration of farmland to forests
  • Construction of wildlife reserves
  • Protection of natural forests

The forest coverage rate in China rose from 8.6% in the early periods of the PRC to 16.5% at the end of 2000. For more recent estimates, check out this page on China’s forest coverage on

2. When is National Tree Planting Day?

Chinese Arbor Day Takes Place in March

The date of Arbor Day in modern China has changed three times over the years.

Because of the tradition of planting willows on Tomb Sweeping Day, during the early periods of the Republic of China, Tomb Sweeping Day served as Arbor Day. In order to commemorate Sun Yat-sen, who passed away on March 12, 1925, the Nationalist Government changed Arbor Day to March 12. After the People’s Republic of China was established, March 12 was recognized as Arbor Day at the suggestion of Deng Xiaoping.

Today, Arbor Day still takes place on this date in 三月 (sān yuè), or “March.”

3. Chinese Tree Planting Day Observations

A Group of People Working Together to Plant Trees

On Tree Planting Day, China hosts a range of widely organized tree-planting activities. Usually, universities, middle schools, elementary schools, and state-owned enterprises organize students or employees to plant trees in the suburbs. By planting seedlings, fertilizing, and watering, people learn to appreciate reforestation and further become aware of the environment in the process.

In China, Tree Planting Day has become such an important holiday that, in recent years, the “Internet Trees Planting” system has become popular. This system was initiated by the United Nations Environment Programme, China Population Welfare Foundation, and China Green Foundation. By simply logging onto the official website and clicking, people can donate one tree.

远足爬山 (yuǎnzú páshān), or “hiking and climbing,” is another popular way to observe International Arbor Day in China. Getting outside in the fresh air is a great way to internalize the importance of caring for the 环境 (huánjìng), or “environment.”

4. Sun Yat-sen

Do you know which politician in modern China first advocated reforestation and promoted the establishment of Arbor Day in China?

In China’s modern history, Sun Yat-sen was the first to realize the importance of forests and to advocate planting trees. The Nationalist Government set the day of his death to be Arbor Day.

5. Must-Know Vocabulary for Tree Planting Day in China

A Group of People Hiking in the Mountains

Ready to review some of the vocabulary words from this article? Here’s a list of the most important words and phrases for Arbor Day in China!

  • 志愿者 (zhìyuànzhě) — “volunteer”
  • 森林 (sēnlín) — “forest”
  • 树 (shù) — “tree”
  • 种植 (zhòng zhí) — “plant”
  • 三月 (sān yuè) — “March”
  • 环境 (huánjìng) — “environment”
  • 国际植树节 (guójì zhíshù jié) — “International Arbor Day”
  • 绿化 (lǜ huà) — “afforest”
  • 远足爬山 (yuǎnzú páshān) — “hiking and climbing”
  • 树苗 (shù miáo) — “sapling”

To hear the pronunciation of each word, and to read them alongside relevant images, be sure to check out our Chinese Arbor Day vocabulary list!

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed learning about Arbor Day in China with us. Do you celebrate Arbor Day in your country? Have you ever planted trees with your community? We look forward to hearing from you!

If you would like to learn more about Chinese culture and holidays, you may find the following pages on useful:

Whatever your reasons for developing an interest in Chinese culture or the language, know that is the best way to expand your knowledge and improve your skills. With tons of fun lessons for learners at every level, there’s something for everyone!

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Learn Chinese from Great Shows & Chinese Movies on Netflix


This is probably one of the nicest ways to start your Friday night: Crawling into your soft bed with a comfortable blanket, watching some of the best Chinese movies on Netflix, and maybe indulge in some pizza or a scoop of ice cream? Right. Who doesn’t want this while still not falling behind on other priorities? After all, watching shows can be time-consuming.

Well, did you know that as a language-learner, you can have both? With a little more focus and effort, you can definitely turn your show-watching time into valuable learning time. If you really want to learn Chinese, Netflix can actually be a very valuable learning tool!

From the classic ancient battle scenes that flood your vision with vivid imagery to a bittersweet romantic love story that evokes your nostalgia for youth, here we have a list of the best Chinese shows on Netflix (and a couple of the best Chinese movies on Netflix) that will guide you straight to success in your Chinese learning. At least one of these best Chinese Netflix series or films will be your cup of tea.

Can’t wait to start another obsession and begin the binge-watching? Ready to learn Chinese on Netflix?

We’ve prepared a short guide to our favorite Netflix Chinese titles. Let’s jump right into our list of the best Chinese movies on Netflix and other great shows to help you enrich your Chinese skills!

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Table of Contents

  1. 致我们单纯的小美好 – A Love So Beautiful
  2. 画皮 2 – Painted Skin: The Resurrection
  3. 喜欢你 – This is Not What I Expected
  4. 西游记之孙悟空三打白骨精 – The Monkey King 2
  5. 香蜜沉沉烬如霜 – Ashes of Love
  6. 流星花园 – Meteor Garden
  7. 甄嬛传 – Empresses in the Palace
  8. 白夜追凶 – Day and Night
  9. 温暖的弦 – Here to Heart
  10. 天盛长歌 – The Rise of Phoenixes
  11. Conclusion

1. 致我们单纯的小美好 – A Love So Beautiful

A Love So Beautiful is a show based on Zhao Ganqian’s novel of the same name. This Netflix Chinese drama tells the story of Chen Jiang’s and Xiaoxi Chen’s journey of growing up together over the past nineteen years. Although it always seemed to be unrequited love, Xiaoxi never gives up on this love-pursuing journey with great perseverance and hope. Starting from an innocent childhood, the love story ends beautifully after all the ups and downs of life.

If you’re curious about how a school romance is in China, this Popular Chinese Netflix show is the perfect pick for you. Relive the golden years of youth along with the main characters in this lighthearted and relaxing show.

In this Chinese Netflix drama, you’ll learn some popular phrases that young Chinese people like to use; they’re casual and useful for daily life. Remember to take some notes!

  • In Chinese: 一辈子那么长,我才不会只喜欢你一个人;一辈子那么长,没想到我真的只喜欢你一个人。
    Pinyin: Yí bèi zi nà me cháng, wǒ cái bú huì zhǐ xǐ huān nǐ yí gè rén; yí bèi zi nà me cháng, méi xiǎng dào wǒ zhēn de zhǐ xǐ huān nǐ yí gè rén.
    In English: A lifetime is so long, I won’t only like you. A lifetime is so long, I can’t believe I really did only like you.
  • In Chinese: 感谢
    Pinyin: gǎn xiè
    In English: appreciate
  • In Chinese: 勇气
    Pinyin: yǒng qì
    In English: courage
  • In Chinese: 吵架
    Pinyin: chǎo jià
    In English: argue

2. 画皮 2 – Painted Skin: The Resurrection

Xiaowei is a yokai who is on a quest to receive a heart to become human, while Princess Jing is desperate to recover her ruined appearance to keep her lover, Huo Xin. When they’re all on the edge of death, the power of love awakens. Will a miracle happen to give the characters a happy ending?

This unique Chinese fantasy on Netflix depicts the concept of yokai in Asian culture. If you’re interested in such a mythical creature, be sure to check this one out!

  • In Chinese: 没有了心,我会怎样?
    Pinyin: Méi yǒu le xīn, wǒ huì zěn yàng?
    In English: What would I become without a heart?
  • In Chinese: 心
    Pinyin: xīn
    In English: heart
  • In Chinese: 相信
    Pinyin: xiàng xìn
    In English: believe
  • In Chinese: 换
    Pinyin: huàn
    In English: exchange

3. 喜欢你 – This is Not What I Expected

Gu Shengnan is an amazing chef who secretly has a relationship with the manager of the hotel. After being dumped, she becomes desperate and encounters a sophisticated and sharp guy named Lu Jin, who was on his way to buy the hotel. Although they have completely different personalities, the two of them eventually find their unique bond and happily hold hands together. If you want to enrich your expectation for relationships, this Netflix Chinese drama is a must-watch.

This show is also great if you’re a foodie. You can learn some food phrases in Chinese so that you’ll be a master while ordering food in a restaurant in China!

  • In Chinese: 爱情是不期而遇的,你不能计划这件事,碰到之后就自己说了算。
    Pinyin: Ài qíng shì bù qī ér yù de, nǐ bù néng jì huá zhè jiàn shì, pèng dào zhī hòu jiù zì jǐ shuō le suàn.
    In English: Love is always out of expectations, you cannot plan it, but you are your own boss once you encounter it.
  • In Chinese: 职位
    Pinyin: zhí wèi
    In English: position (for work)
  • In Chinese: 普通
    Pinyin: pǔ tōng
    In English: ordinary
  • In Chinese: 讨厌
    Pinyin: tǎo yàn
    In English: hate

4. 西游记之孙悟空三打白骨精 – The Monkey King 2

Have you ever heard of the classic literary work Journey to the West? The answer is probably yes, and this Chinese fantasy on Netflix is ready for you to watch now! In this movie, the original plot retains its character. The Monkey King’s priority is to protect the traveling monk from the evil White Bone Spirit, who seeks immortality through killing the monk and eating his flesh.

This is one of the best Chinese Netflix movies and is an interesting version of the classic. Watch this lovely piece to experience the gist of one of the most classic literary works in Chinese history. You won’t be disappointed!

  • In Chinese: 不要用你心中的对与错去衡量别人的对与错。
    Pinyin: Bú yào yòng nǐ xīn zhōng de duì yǔ cuò qù héng liàng bié rén de duì yǔ cuò.
    In English: Do not judge other people’s right or wrong based on your own standards.
  • In Chinese: 一世
    Pinyin: yī shì
    In English: a lifetime
  • In Chinese: 对
    Pinyin: duì
    In English: the right
  • In Chinese: 错
    Pinyin: cuò
    In English: fault

5. 香蜜沉沉烬如霜 – Ashes of Love

This is another great Chinese fantasy on Netflix that you definitely can’t miss! The Flower Goddess predicts that her daughter, Jin Mi will be tortured a great deal as she experiences love in the future, just like her own bitter experience. Determined to stop this tragedy, she gives Mi the Loveless Pill to prevent her from falling in love. And that’s how everything starts. This is a bittersweet love tale that depicts the struggles and love between Mi and Xufeng for three lifetimes in reincarnations.

The cultural aspect of this show is fascinating. You’ll be amazed by the concept of Xian (仙), which is an immortal being who lives above the sky in Chinese culture. This show reveals a glimpse of these interesting figures, as well as some poetic phrases about love to impress your other half with! Here’s some vocabulary for one of the best Chinese dramas on Netflix!

  • In Chinese: 遇我,在你懂爱之前。爱我,在你伤我之后。
    Pinyin: Yù wǒ, zài nǐ dǒng ài zhī qián. Ài wǒ, zài nǐ shāng wǒ zhī hòu.
    In English: You met me before you know love. You love me after you hurt me.
  • In Chinese: 爱
    Pinyin: ài
    In English: love
  • In Chinese: 伤害
    Pinyin: shāng hài
    In English: hurt
  • In Chinese: 曾经
    Pinyin: céng jīng
    In English: the past

6. 流星花园 – Meteor Garden

This is one of the most classic Netflix Chinese dramas of all time. Shancai is an ordinary girl, but with great perseverance to achieve something at her dream university. Unfortunately, it wasn’t easy at the very beginning. She was excluded by other rich students who looked down on her. Due to some misunderstandings, Shancai has made a terrible impression on four of the most popular guys at school. But later, as she shows her true character, one of the guys (Dao Mingsi), falls for her and starts to create an incredible bond with her.

Always fancying your own romantic relationship? Feeling nostalgic for your first love? Then you’re on the right track! This show will not only let you relive your youth, but also includes a variety of helpful daily phrases in Chinese for you to learn!

  • In Chinese: 如果道歉有用的话,还要警察干嘛啊?
    Pinyin: Rú guǒ dào qiàn yǒu yòng de huà, hái yào jǐng chá gàn ma ā?
    In English: If an apology is helpful, why would we need police officers?
  • In Chinese: 学校
    Pinyin: xué xiào
    In English: school
  • In Chinese: 上课
    Pinyin: shàng kè
    In English: go to class
  • In Chinese: 喜欢
    Pinyin: xǐ huān
    In English: like

7. 甄嬛传 – Empresses in the Palace

When it comes to Chinese history, Netflix has some great stuff, like this fascinating Netflix Chinese historical drama.

This is a story that highlights feminism. It successfully portrays the Royal Concubines in the Qing Dynasty, who have dedicated their entire youth and beauty inside the Forbidden City, and are in a constant struggle regarding battles of love, power, and wealth. One such woman is the main character Zhenhuan, who grows from an innocent young girl to a sophisticated woman in the pursuit of the queen of the kingdom.

If you’re obsessed with history, this will be a fabulous opportunity for you to understand how history played its role in feminism during the Qing dynasty, as well as the complexity of Chinese empires. You may hear some ancient phrases throughout the show, but most of the dialogue will be in modern language. Watch this show to learn how to speak with elegance and professionalism.

  • In Chinese: 人是活给自己看的,不是他人的一句话就能左右自己,让自己活出潇洒自我。
    Pinyin: Rén shì huó gěi zì jǐ kàn de, bú shì tā rén de yī jù huà jiù néng zuǒ yòu zì jǐ, ràng zì jǐ huó chū xiāo sǎ zì wǒ.
    In English: We live for ourselves, not for being manipulated by something that other people say, let yourself live like a free soul.
  • In Chinese: 少女
    Pinyin: shǎo nǚ
    In English: girl
  • In Chinese: 皇帝
    Pinyin: huáng dì
    In English: emperor
  • In Chinese: 结局
    Pinyin: jié jú
    In English: the end

8. 白夜追凶 – Day and Night

Guan Hongfeng, the head of the Criminal Investigation Department, solves a variety of complex cases to help his twin brother who has been accused of murder. If you’re a big fan of suspense and criminal shows, you’ll definitely fall in love with this show and always wonder what’s gonna happen next.

The intense and eye-catching scenes will give your eyes a feast! Don’t miss this show if you love Sherlock Holmes and other detective stories. Enjoy learning the most native Chinese while immersing yourself in the suspenseful atmosphere!

  • In Chinese: 人都是习惯的奴隶。
    Pinyin: Rén dōu shì xí guàn de nú lì.
    In English: Humans are the slave of habits.
  • In Chinese: 哥哥
    Pinyin: gē ge
    In English: older brother
  • In Chinese: 弟弟
    Pinyin: dì di
    In English: younger brother
  • In Chinese: 孪生
    Pinyin: luán shēng
    In English: twin

9. 温暖的弦 – Here to Heart

Best Ways to Learn

In the mood for a Netflix Chinese romance drama? Check this one out!

Wennuan, an accomplished professional woman, without hesitance quits her high-paying job in England to work as an assistant under CEO Zhan Nanxian Zhan, who was once her lover, in the determination to rekindle the love once shared. After going through all the struggles in the current dynamic market, they not only end up together with more connection and understanding in their relationship, but also improve the whole high-tech industry to thrive under a healthier environment.

The business background is a plus for this show if you’re interested in the field. Don’t hesitate to watch it and learn some professional phrases. Take advantage of this free lesson, and you’ll improve your career in both Chinese language and business fields!

  • In Chinese: 人遇到挫折,其实有的时候,是一件好事情,只有当你遇到挫折的时候,才会知道,谁对你不离不弃,一直陪在你身边。
    Pinyin: Rén yù dào cuò zhé, qí shí yǒu de shí hòu, shì yī jiàn hǎo shì qíng, zhǐ yǒu dāng nǐ yù dào cuò zhé de shí hòu, cái huì zhī dào, shuí duì nǐ bú lí bú qì, yī zhí péi zài nǐ shēn biān.
    In English: It’s actually a good thing to encounter setbacks because only when that happens, you will be able to know who will always stand by your side and never leave you alone.
  • In Chinese: 温暖
    Pinyin: wēn nuǎn
    In English: warm
  • In Chinese: 离开
    Pinyin: lí kāi
    In English: leave
  • In Chinese: 公司
    Pinyin: gōng sī
    In English: company

10. 天盛长歌 – The Rise of Phoenixes

Ning Yi, the ambitious sixth prince of the ruling kingdom, is used to putting his inner struggles and sadness behind a mask. Feng Zhiwei has tasted the bitterness of life and aspired to thrive in the empire. The two have battled against each other through love and hatred. Will Zhiwei eventually take revenge against her enemies—including her lover, Ning Yi—or will she decide to embrace the precious love she finally encounters?

This is an exciting and well-plotted Chinese action Netflix show based on the novel Huang Quan. Once you’ve started, you won’t stop wondering what twist the show will prepare for you. Of course, while enjoying the show, don’t forget to take notes on the well-crafted lines! It’ll boost your eloquence in speech to another level.

  • In Chinese: 向前看和放弃,是有区别的。
    Pinyin: Xiàng qián kàn hé fàng qì, shì yǒu qū bié de.
    In English: There is a difference between moving on and giving up.
  • In Chinese: 权利
    Pinyin: quán lì
    In English: power
  • In Chinese: 改变
    Pinyin: gǎi biàn
    In English: change
  • In Chinese: 国
    Pinyin: guó
    In English: country

11. Conclusion

Improve Pronunciation

By now, you must’ve found a show or movie you’re excited to watch! You should also have a better idea of what to expect from Netflix Chinese content, and how to use it for your benefit. Remember to take advantage of all these valuable Chinese shows on Netflix, and with some effort, you’ll find yourself absorbing the language at an incredibly fast pace. How better to master the language than to learn Chinese with Netflix?

What? You’ll finish them in an instant? Don’t worry. Stay hungry and visit us at to acquire more fun resources and lessons for a thrilling journey of studying Chinese! This will be your paradise!

Until next time, let us know which of these Chinese language Netflix shows or movies do you want to see first, and why? We’re curious. 😉

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Celebrating the Magical Chinese Lantern Festival

The Chinese Lantern Festival celebration is one of China’s most exciting and traditional holidays, and it’s certainly an experience you don’t want to miss out on! Often labeled “Chinese Valentine’s Day,” the Lantern Festival is a time of getting together with family and loved ones and enjoying the beautiful lantern displays.

In this article, you’ll learn all about this almost magical Chinese Lantern Festival, from its traditional meaning to modern-day celebrations.

Are you ready? Let’s get started!

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1. What is the Lantern Festival?

It’s said that in ancient times, the Lantern Festival, or 元宵节 (Yuánxiāo Jié), played a similar role to Valentine’s Day. This is because, in ancient times, young girls in China were usually not allowed to go outdoors, but the Lantern Festival was an exception. It was a great opportunity for single young people to meet each other, and it wasn’t uncommon for lovers to reunite with each other.

While this romantic connotation has lessened over time, the Lantern Festival is still a major holiday in China and is lots of fun for everyone involved!

2. Chinese Lantern Festival Dates

Red Paper Lanterns for Chinese Lantern Festival

The Lantern Festival is celebrated each year on the fifteenth day of the first month in the lunar calendar, or 正月十五 (Zhēngyuè Shíwǔ) in Chinese. For your convenience, here’s a list of this holiday’s date on the Gregorian calendar for the next ten years.

  • 2020: February 8
  • 2021: February 26
  • 2022: February 15
  • 2023: February 5
  • 2024: February 24
  • 2025: February 12
  • 2026: March 3
  • 2027: February 20
  • 2028: February 9
  • 2029: February 27

3. Most Common Chinese Lantern Festival Traditions

There’s an old saying that “food is the paramount necessity of the people.” During the Chinese Lantern Festival, food is a huge deal. When we talk about the Lantern Festival, we can’t forget to mention the tradition of eating 汤圆 (tāngyuán), or Yuanxiao (which, as you may recall, is also eaten during the Winter Solstice).

Yuanxiao is a type of dessert made of glutinous rice with or without filling. Some common fillings include black sesame, bean paste, sugar, and hawthorn. There are various ways to make Yuanxiao, including boiling, sautéing, deep-frying, and steaming.

Glutinous rice balls are called Yuanxiao in the North, while in the South, they’re called Tangyuan. There are slight differences in making Yuanxiao and Tangyuan.

In Beijing, Yuanxiao is best characterized by its filling. People first prepare the dough with the filling and then put it in a machine. The machine gradually shapes the dough into a ball, and it’s a little bit like making a snowball. However, in the South, making Tangyuan is quite similar to making dumplings; they’re both molded and shaped by hand. Making good Tangyuan requires glutinous rice flour that is of high quality because it’s not easy to keep them fresh.

Besides eating, of course, there’s also playing. Popular traditional activities for the Lantern Festival include going to the fair, lighting lanterns, and guessing riddles. The fair is an open market held near a temple or in a park. You can taste traditional snacks from different areas of China and enjoy various folk performances.

As its name suggests, lighting lanterns involves lighting and hanging various types of beautiful lanterns. Guessing riddles also originated from lighting lanterns. People write riddles on the lanterns, and visitors can guess the answer when they pass by. At the fair, the first person who successfully solves the riddle may receive a prize.

During this holiday, you can not only eat delicious Yuanxiao, but you can also enjoy the traditional Chinese Lantern Festival lion dances, called 舞狮 (wǔshī). Dancers hide themselves in a lion costume, then roll up and down and move left and right to imitate a lion, which is very interesting to see. There are also Chinese Lantern Festival dragon dances, though the lion dances tend to be more popular.

4. Chinese Love Stories

Chinese Man Hanging Lantern with Grandson

How many people through the ages have looked toward the sky at night, hungering for love, and imagining their own future? And how many writers through the ages have wanted to express the genuine feelings of being human?

Some people say that Chinese people aren’t very romantic by nature. However, some of the most beautiful love stories come from Chinese culture and folklore.

Two of the most popular Chinese love stories are those of the Butterfly Lovers and of the Cowherd and the Weaver. Why not read up on these yourself?

5. Must-Know Vocabulary for the Chinese Lantern Festival

Chinese Dragon Dance Being Performed

Are you ready to review some of the Chinese vocabulary words and phrases we saw in this article? Here’s a list of the most essential vocabulary for this holiday!

  • 舞狮 (wǔshī) — lion dance
  • 灯笼 (dēnglong) — paper lantern
  • 舞龙 (wǔlóng) — dragon dance
  • 花灯 (huādēng) — colorful lantern
  • 月圆之夜 (yuèyuán zhī yè) — full moon night
  • 汤圆 (tāngyuán) — glutinous rice ball
  • 挂灯笼 (guà dēnglong) — hang lantern
  • 元宵灯会 (yuánxiāo dēnghuì) — Lunar New Year Lantern Carnival
  • 猜灯谜 (cāi dēngmí) — solve riddles that are written on lanterns
  • 正月十五 (Zhēngyuè Shíwǔ) — the fifteenth day of the first month in the lunar calendar
  • 元宵节 (Yuánxiāo Jié) — Lantern Festival

To hear the pronunciation of each vocabulary word, and to read them alongside relevant images, be sure to check out our Chinese Lantern Festival vocabulary list!

Final Thoughts

As you can see, the Lantern Festival is an essential component of Chinese culture, and it provides flavorful insight into the history of her people. We hope that you learned some new Chinese Lantern Festival facts with us, and gained valuable insight along the way.

Do you want to have a Chinese Lantern Festival experience for yourself? Is there a Valentine’s Day celebration in your own country? Let us know in the comments!

If you’re interested in learning more about Chinese holidays, you may find the following pages useful:

And for more information on Chinese culture in general, check out these pages:

Whatever your reasons for developing an interest in Chinese culture or wanting to study the language, know that is the best place to expand your knowledge and improve your skills. With tons of lessons for learners at every level, there’s something for everyone!

What are you waiting for? Create your free lifetime account today, and start learning Chinese like never before.

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Master the Most Useful Chinese Grammar Conjunctions


What’s the secret weapon to achieving more fluent Chinese?

You must have struggled with Chinese grammar as a beginner. But after all that sweat and hard work, you may have reached a higher level in Chinese grammar now and are eagerly looking for something more exciting to perfect your sentences. One of the keys is to utilize Chinese grammar conjunctions.

Conjunctive adverbs are a significant part of every language in both writing and speaking. They allow you to connect ideas, make comparisons, string together sentences, and most importantly, make your speech flow more smoothly and naturally. Without proper conjunctions, your speech may not function as effectively as it should. This makes Chinese conjunctions for intermediate language-learners a can’t-miss lesson!

Don’t panic just yet! Conjunctions in the Chinese language function just like English conjunctions. They indicate to the listener about different relationships between subclauses to help you better understand the sentence. Now, we’ve prepared for you a Chinese conjunction words list.

Let’s go straight to them, and enhance your Chinese learning!

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Table of Contents

  1. What is a Conjunction?
  2. Chinese Conjunctions to Correlate Similar Thoughts
  3. Chinese Conjunctions to Express Condition
  4. Chinese Conjunctions to Express Cause (Chinese Causal Conjunctions)
  5. Chinese Conjunctions to Express Opposition
  6. Chinese Conjunctions to Express Purpose
  7. Final Thoughts

1. What is a Conjunction?

Sentence Patterns

A conjunction is a phrase that’s used to connect ideas or related sentences to make them join smoothly together. In Chinese grammar, conjunctions are very similar to English conjunctions, although there are some special ones that don’t make much sense in English but are considered common Chinese conjunctions.

2. Chinese Conjunctions to Correlate Similar Thoughts

The most common conjunctions in Chinese are those that correlate similar thoughts. In this Chinese conjunctions list, you’ll find all the words and information you need to do so smoothly!

1- With / And

Person Hiking

Would you like to go hiking with your friends?

Meaning #1:

In English: With
Pinyin: hé / gēn / yǔ / tóng
In Chinese: 和 / 跟 / 与 / 同

Usage in a sentence:
In English: The weather today is very nice, so I decided to hike with my best friend.

Pinyin: Jīn tiān tiān qì hěn hǎo, yú shì wǒ jué dìng hé / gēn / yǔ / tóng zuì hǎo de péng yǒu chū qù dēng shān.

In Chinese: 今天天气很好,于是我决定和 / 跟 / 与/ 同最好的朋友出去登山。

Grammar Explanation:
In this case, the word indicates being accompanied by someone or something.

Meaning #2:

In English: And
Pinyin: hé / gēn / yǔ / tóng
In Chinese: 和 / 跟 / 与 / 同

Usage in a sentence:
In English: My sister and I went shopping yesterday.

Pinyin: Wǒ hé jiě jie zuó tiān yì qǐ qù guàng jiē le.

In Chinese: 我和姐姐昨天一起去逛街了。

Grammar Explanation:
In this case, it’s used to connect words that share the same part of speech.

Additional Notes:
These four words are basically the same, and can be replaced by each other. However, a slight difference between them is that 和 () and 跟 (gēn) are used more often in speech, while 与 () and 同 (tóng) are more suitable for writing and sound more formal.

2- Or

Pair of Baby Bottles with Mother and Child in Background

Drinking milk everyday is a good habit!

In English: Or
Pinyin: huò / huò zhě
In Chinese: 或 / 或者

Usage in a sentence:
In English: I like to add sugar or honey in my milk.

Pinyin: Wǒ xǐ huān zài niú nǎi lǐ jiā táng huò / huò zhě fēng mì.

In Chinese: 我喜欢在牛奶里加糖或 / 或者蜂蜜。

Grammar Explanation:
Here, the word is used to connect alternative words or clauses.

Additional Notes:
There isn’t really a huge difference between 或 (huò) and 或者 (huò zhě). However, 或 (huò) is used more frequently for connecting small words since it’s a simpler version of 或者 (huò zhě), while 或者 (huò zhě) can be used for a longer alternative clause.

3- As well as

Remember to wear formal clothing at a job fair!

In English: As well as
Pinyin: yǐ jí
In Chinese: 以及

Usage in a sentence:
In English: When you go to a job fair, it’s necessary to wear formal clothing and bring your notebook and pens, as well as the most important thing which is your resume.

Pinyin: Nǐ qù cān jiā zhāo pìn huì shí wù bì yào shēn zhuó zhèng zhuāng, dài shàng bǐ jì běn hé bǐ, yǐ jí zuì zhòng yào de jiǎn lì.

In Chinese: 你去参加招聘会时务必要身着正装,带上笔记本和笔,以及最重要的简历。

Grammar Explanation:
Here, the word simply means “additionally.”

4- Also

Cupcake with Sparkler In It

Do you like making wishes at your birthday party?

In English: Also
Pinyin: bìng qiě
In Chinese: 并且

Usage in a sentence:
In English: I am very sick today, I am afraid I cannot make it to your birthday party, also the time doesn’t allow either.

Pinyin: Wǒ jīn tiān bìng de hěn lì hài, qù bù liǎo nǐ de shēng rì pài duì le, bìng qiě shí jiān yě lái bù jí le.

In Chinese: 我今天病得很厉害,去不了你的生日派对了,并且时间也来不及了。

Grammar Explanation:
This word means “in addition to.”

5- What’s more

Flights That Are Cancelled

The schedule can be tight when you need to catch a flight!

In English: What’s more
Pinyin: hái yǒu
In Chinese: 还有

Usage in a sentence:
In English: You have to remember to bring your passport before you head to the airport. What’s more, leave a little bit early just in case.

Pinyin: Zài qù jī chǎng zhī qián nǐ yī dìng yào jì dé dài shàng zì jǐ de hù zhào, hái yǒu jì dé zǎo diǎn chū fā, yǐ fáng wàn yī.

In Chinese: 在去机场之前你一定要记得带上自己的护照,还有记得早点出发,以防万一。

Grammar Explanation:
To add something that has a greater degree of importance.

Additional Notes:
Unlike how we use this conjunction in English, remember to avoid putting a comma after 还有.

6- Both

Person Sitting On the Edge of a Cliff

Do you plan to travel to somewhere as beautiful as this?

In English: Both
Pinyin: dōu
In Chinese: 都

Usage in a sentence:
In English: Both my friend and I are looking forward to our trip this year on summer break.

Pinyin: Wǒ péng yǒu hé wǒ dōu fēi cháng qī dài jīn nián shǔ jià de lǚ yóu.

In Chinese: 我朋友和我都非常期待今年暑假的旅游。

Grammar Explanation:
This conjunction in Chinese is used to describe two subjects or objects that are identified in the same way.

7- Not only … but also …

In English: Not only … but also…
Pinyin: bú dàn…ér qiě… / bù jǐn…hái …
In Chinese: 不但……而且…… / 不仅……还……

Usage in a sentence:
In English: I not only enjoy eating delicious food but also love how proud I feel while cooking.

Pinyin: Wǒ bú dàn / bù jǐn xiǎng shòu chī měi shí de kuài gǎn, ér qiě / hái rè ài xià chú shí de chéng jiù gǎn.

In Chinese: 我不但 / 不仅享受吃美食的快感,而且 / 还热爱下厨时的成就感。

Grammar Explanation:
This Chinese conjunction is used to express ideas in parallelism, although the second conjunction usually indicates a more important idea.

Additional Notes:
The two sets of conjunctions mean exactly the same thing and can be used the same way. However, in English, we usually don’t put a comma between the two conjunctions; remember to put a comma between the two clauses that the two Chinese conjunctions lead, to make it sound more smooth.

3. Chinese Conjunctions to Express Condition

Improve Listening

The next Chinese language conjunctions we’ll look at are those used to express condition. This is an essential skill to have for fluent speech and writing!

1- If

In English: If
Pinyin: rú guǒ / tǎng ruò / yào shì / jiǎ rú
In Chinese: 如果 / 倘若 / 要是 / 假如

Usage in a sentence:
In English: If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, let’s have a picnic at the park.

Pinyin: Rú guǒ / tǎng ruò / yào shì / jiǎ rú míng tiān bú xià yǔ, wǒ men jiù qù gōng yuán yě cān ba.

In Chinese: 如果 / 倘若 / 要是 / 假如明天不下雨,我们就去公园野餐吧。

Grammar Explanation:
This Chinese conjunction is used to express a hypothesis.

Additional Notes:
These four words all mean the same thing and they can substitute one another.

2- As long as

In English: As long as
Pinyin: zhǐ yào
In Chinese: 只要

Usage in a sentence:
In English: As long as you promise not to tell anyone, I will share this secret with you.

Pinyin: Zhǐ yào nǐ bǎo zhèng bù gēn bié rén shuō, wǒ jiù bǎ zhè gè mì mì gào sù nǐ.

In Chinese: 只要你保证不跟别人说,我就把这个秘密告诉你。

Grammar Explanation:
This conjunction is only used when a particular situation is provided.

3- If not / Otherwise

In English: If not / Otherwise
Pinyin: bù rán / fǒu zé
In Chinese: 不然 / 否则

Usage in a sentence:
In English: I think she must be sick; if not / otherwise, she would never skip a class according to her hardworking personality.

Pinyin: Wǒ jué de tā yī dìng shì shēng bìng le, bù rán / fǒu zé yǐ tā qín fèn de xìng gé shì bú huì quē kè de.

In Chinese: 我觉得她一定是生病了,不然 / 否则以她勤奋的性格是不会缺课的。

Grammar Explanation:
This conjunction is used if a different condition is brought up than what was mentioned.

Additional Note:
Just like in English, these words indicate almost the same meaning. However, 否则 (fǒu zé) sounds more serious.

4- Only…then…

In English: Only…then…
Pinyin: zhǐ yǒu… cái…
In Chinese: 只有……才……

Usage in a sentence:
In English: Only when you develop confidence in yourself, then other people will recognize how good you are.

Pinyin: Zhǐ yǒu nǐ zì jǐ duì zì jǐ xiān yǒu le xìn xīn, bié rén cái néng rèn kě nǐ de yōu xiù.

In Chinese: 只有你自己对自己先有了信心,别人才能认可你的优秀。

Grammar Explanation:
This conjunction is used in a unique situation, where only in one particular condition can a specified result occur.

5- No matter

In English: No matter
Pinyin: bù guǎn
In Chinese: 不管

Usage in a sentence:
In English: No matter what happens, my friends will always stand by me.

Pinyin: Bù guǎn fā shēng shén me, wǒ de péng yǒu zǒng shì jiān dìng de zhàn zài wǒ shēn biān.

In Chinese: 不管发生什么,我的朋友总是坚定地站在我身边。

Grammar Explanation:
This conjunction can also mean “in spite of” or “despite.”

6- Unless

In English: Unless
Pinyin: chú fēi
In Chinese: 除非

Usage in a sentence:
In English: You are not allowed to park here, unless you are disabled.

Pinyin: Nǐ bù kě yǐ zài zhè lǐ tíng chē, chú fēi nǐ shì cán jí rén.

In Chinese: 你不可以在这里停车,除非你是残疾人。

Grammar Explanation:
This can also mean “except for the fact that…”

7- However

In English: However
Pinyin: wú lùn rú hé
In Chinese: 无论如何

Usage in a sentence:
In English: However, I can’t let you risk this.

Pinyin: Wú lùn rú hé wǒ yě bù néng ràng nǐ mào zhè gè xiǎn.

In Chinese: 无论如何我也不能让你冒这个险。

Grammar Explanation:
This can also mean “no matter what happens.”

4. Chinese Conjunctions to Express Cause (Chinese Causal Conjunctions)

Improve Listening Part 2

1- Thus

In English: Thus
Pinyin: yīn cǐ
In Chinese: 因此

Usage in a sentence:
In English: Yesterday the rain was incredibly heavy, thus I could not visit my grandmother as promised.

Pinyin: Zuó wǎn yǔ xià de shí zài tài dà le, yīn cǐ wǒ bìng méi yǒu rú yuē qù bài fǎng wài pó.

In Chinese: 昨晚雨下得实在太大了,因此我并没有如约去拜访外婆。

Grammar Explanation:
This can also mean “as a result” or “because of which was mentioned.”

2- Because…so…

In English: Because…so…
Pinyin: yīn wèi…suǒ yǐ…
In Chinese: 因为……所以……

Usage in a sentence:
In English: Because my brother is sick today, I had to stay at home and take care of him.

Pinyin: Yīn wèi dì di jīn tiān shēng bìng le, suǒ yǐ wǒ bù dé bù liú zài jiā lǐ zhào gù tā.

In Chinese: 因为弟弟今天生病了,所以我不得不留在家里照顾他。

Grammar Explanation:
This can also mean “for the reason of … which leads to…”

Additional Notes:
Unlike English conjunctions, we usually need to use “because” and “so” at the same time to make a reasonable sentence and explain the relationship more clearly.

3- Because of

In English: Because of
Pinyin: yóu yú
In Chinese: 由于

Usage in a sentence:
In English: Because of my personal mistake, it made our whole team lose the opportunity to be in the first position.

Pinyin: Yóu yú wǒ yī gè rén de shī wù, dǎo zhì le wǒ men zhěng gè duì wǔ shī qù le qǔ dé dì yī de jī huì.

In Chinese: 由于我一个人的失误,导致了我们整个队伍失去了取得第一的机会。

Grammar Explanation:
This can also mean “it comes from the thing that…” or “the reason of something particular.”

4- The reason why…it’s because…

In English: The reason why…it’s because…
Pinyin: zhī suǒ yǐ…shì yīn wèi…
In Chinese: 之所以……是因为……

Usage in a sentence:
In English: The reason why I couldn’t make my sister’s wedding, it’s because I just had a surgery a little while ago and had to rest at the hospital for some days.

Pinyin: Wǒ zhī suǒ yǐ méi néng qù jiě jie de hūn lǐ, shì yīn wèi zài bù jiǔ zhī qián wǒ zuò le yī chǎng shǒu shù, bù dé bú zhù yuàn xiū xi yī duàn shí jiān.

In Chinese: 我之所以没能去姐姐的婚礼,是因为在不久之前我做了一场手术,不得不住院休息一段时间。

Grammar Explanation:
The conjunction itself is pretty straightforward. The set of conjunctions introduce the result first, and then introduce the reason that caused the former clause.

5. Chinese Conjunctions to Express Opposition

1- But

In English: But
Pinyin: dàn shì
In Chinese: 但是

Usage in a sentence:
In English: I planned to learn how to cook a western meal today, but I forgot to buy the necessary ingredients.

Pinyin: Wǒ jīn tiān běn lái jì huá xué xí zuò yī dùn xī cān, dàn shì wàng jì mǎi xū yào de shí cái le.

In Chinese: 我今天本来计划学习做一顿西餐,但是忘记买需要的食材了。

Grammar Explanation:
This conjunction is used to introduce something that contrasts with what was mentioned before.

2- Yet

In English: Yet
Pinyin: kě shì
In Chinese: 可是

Usage in a sentence:
In English: My dad really wants me to become a doctor just like him in the future, yet it’s not what I’m passionate about.

Pinyin: Bà ba fēi cháng xī wàng wǒ néng xiàng tā yī yàng jiāng lái chéng wéi yī míng yī shēng, kě shì zhè bìng bú shì wǒ rè ài de zhí yè.

In Chinese: 爸爸非常希望我能像他一样将来成为一名医生,可是这并不是我热爱的职业。

Grammar Explanation:
This can also mean “but at the same time.”

3- However

In English: However
Pinyin: rán ér
In Chinese: 然而

Usage in a sentence:
In English: I thought there would be a happy ending for this TV show, however, it was not like I imagined.

Pinyin: Wǒ yǐ wéi zhè gè diàn shì jù zuì hòu yī dìng shì gè xǐ jù jié wěi, rán ér bìng bú shì wǒ xiǎng de nà yàng.

In Chinese: 我以为这个电视剧最后一定是个喜剧结尾,然而并不是我想的那样。

Grammar Explanation:
This conjunction is used to indicate a turning point or a different result from what was expected.

Additional Notes:
A comma can be used after this conjunction, if the sentence after it is long and there is a natural pause in speaking. If the sentence after it is short and there’s no pause needed in speaking, don’t use a comma after this conjunction.

6. Chinese Conjunctions to Express Purpose

1- So that

In English: So that
Pinyin: yǐ biàn
In Chinese: 以便

Usage in a sentence:
In English: I will put the backup key underneath the carpet by the door so that you can come in when I’m not home.

Pinyin: Wǒ huì bǎ bèi yòng yào shi fàng zài mén qián de tǎn zi xià miàn, yǐ biàn wǒ bú zài jiā shí nǐ kě yǐ jìn lái.

In Chinese: 我会把备用钥匙放在门前的毯子下面,以便我不在家时你可以进来。

Grammar Explanation:
This is used when describing how you’re going to make it convenient for something, or to serve a purpose for something.

7. Final Thoughts

If you’ve developed a great understanding of these Mandarin Chinese conjunctions, then congratulations! You’re officially an intermediate learner in Chinese now. If you’re still not content with what you’ve learned so far, and are desperate to enrich your Chinese skills, feel free to check out our website at

We offer a variety of fun Chinese lessons, both about interesting Chinese local culture and professional language teaching. You’ll find it extremely difficult to be disappointed with your Chinese learning when using our website.

We hope you enjoyed learning about conjunctions with us, and that you were able to take away something valuable. Which of these conjunctions do you plan on practicing soon? Were our Chinese conjunctions examples helpful, or are you still struggling to understand some of these Chinese conjunctions? Let us know in the comments!

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Everything to Know About Chinese Business Etiquette and More

We’re all social animals, and we all interact with each other in a certain way in order to achieve the most harmony possible, depending on our cultural background and generational differences. Every country has a set of rules about etiquette for its own unique culture. China, a country that evolved over thousands of years of history, of course has its secrets for developing the great civilization it hosts today.

But what is Chinese etiquette?

Chinese etiquette (especially Chinese business etiquette!) can differ greatly from that of western countries. Some Chinese etiquette rules may be exactly the opposite, so don’t be surprised when you hear them. These unspoken Chinese etiquette customs help Chinese people build their respect, bonds, and understanding between each other. Some of the modern Chinese etiquette we’re going to introduce here is the heart of Chinese society, so be careful and keep them in mind so that you don’t embarrass yourself!

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Table of Contents

  1. How to Discuss Etiquette
  2. Chinese Table Manners and Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts for Dining
  3. Do’s and Don’ts for Sightseeing
  4. Do’s and Don’ts for Greetings
  5. Do’s and Don’ts for Visiting a House
  6. Do’s and Don’ts When Riding Public Means of Transportation
  7. Do’s and Don’ts for Business Occasions
  8. Do’s and Don’ts for Celebrations
  9. Let ChineseClass101 Help You Master the Language & Culture!

1. How to Discuss Etiquette

If you’re wondering how to learn Chinese etiquette, first things first. Let’s have a little warm-up and start with the most useful phrases for discussing basic Chinese etiquette. Mastering these phrases is a wonderful place to start your learning journey in Chinese etiquette.

    • When talking about DON’Ts, use this sentence pattern:

      In Chinese: 你不应该[动词] -> 你不应该擤鼻涕。
      Pinyin: Nǐ bù yīng gāi [dòng cí] -> Nǐ bù yīng gāi xǐng bí tì.
      In English: Don’t [verb] -> Don’t blow your nose.


  • When talking about DO’s:

    In Chinese: 你应该[动词] -> 你应该带个礼物过来。
    Pinyin: Nǐ yīng gāi [dòng cí] -> Nǐ yīng gāi dài gè lǐ wù guò lái.
    In English: You should [verb] -> You should bring a present.

2. Chinese Table Manners and Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts for Dining



  • Do join the toasts or initiate one at the table.

    In Chinese etiquette, dining usually requires toasts at the table, especially when it’s a formal occasion where you’re eating with elders or people you need to show respect to. If you’re new to the Chinese dining table, you’ll probably feel overwhelmed by the number of toasts Chinese people do. However, toasts in Chinese table etiquette is a tradition, and a way to show your respect and kindness to the people you’re eating with. While initiating a toast, you can simply say (the wishing words may be altered):

    In Chinese: 我来敬您一杯酒,祝您万事如意。
    Pinyin: Wǒ lái jìng nín yī bēi jiǔ, zhù nín wàn shì rú yì.
    In English: Let me raise a glass of wine to you and wish that all your wishes will come true.

  • Do show that you’re willing to try all the food.

    If a Chinese person is passionately inviting you to try the dishes, do feel free to try them to show that you’re embracing his hospitality.


    • Do not stick your chopsticks perpendicularly on rice.

      In Chinese etiquette, chopsticks shouldn’t be put in the rice this way. This is considered bad etiquette in China, and is thought to bring bad fortune. Although it sounds superstitious, many traditional Chinese people do pay attention to details like this.


    • Do not mind sharing food on the same plate.

      Unlike in western restaurants, most of the Chinese dishes in Chinese restaurants are shared among everyone, which is the family style. Thus, be prepared for this when you’re eating with Chinese people. You’ll have to pick dishes that will please both you and your dining partners. Also, remember to always leave the last piece of a dish for other people to show your kindness.


  • Do not mind when others (especially elders) get food for your plate.

    Most Chinese elders are likely to have the habit of getting food for you with their chopsticks, sometimes even despite your own preferences. When this happens, remember not to refuse their kindness and just pretend that you’re glad to have the dishes.

3. Do’s and Don’ts for Sightseeing

Bad Phrases

Sightseeing is an area where Chinese culture social etiquette is important to keep in consideration. Here are a few Chinese etiquette tips to help you go sightseeing in a polite and respectful manner.


    • Do walk on your right side.

      As most countries do, Chinese people prefer to walk on the right side of the road to provide convenience for other people who walk in the opposite direction.


  • Do always stay in lines when it’s necessary.

    As you all know, China is a crowded country. As a tourist, it may be time-consuming to wait in line for things. However, it’s a basic Chinese social etiquette rule to do so. People who cut in line are considered extremely rude in China.


  • Do not throw trash as you want.

    Considering that China is having a severe environmental problem right now, throwing trash on the road is especially prohibited. Choosing to litter anyway is totally against Chinese culture customs and etiquette today.

  • Do not touch property if it’s not allowed.

    China is a country full of ancient properties and a long history. Many properties are protected stringently to preserve their historical beauty. Remember to be careful when you touch a property, and treat them gently.

4. Do’s and Don’ts for Greetings

Shaking Hands is a Very Basic Manner When You Greet Someone In China.

When it comes to Chinese etiquette, greetings are an important aspect of the culture to keep in mind. Here are some Chinese introduction etiquette rules that you should follow when greeting.


    • Do shake hands, especially when you meet someone for the first time.

      In Chinese body language etiquette, shaking hands is a basic way of greeting someone you’re not very familiar with.


  • Do bow when it’s needed.

    Bowing is viewed as a formal way of greeting people who you show special respect to. For example, in China, students sometimes bow to their teachers.


    • Do not ask people about age or income.

      In Chinese etiquette, money (income) and age are considered extremely personal topics. If these happen to be a taboo for the person you’re greeting, you may cause embarrassment for them and yourself.


  • Do not hug someone you’re not close with as a way of greeting.

    Hugging someone is very common in western culture, even when meeting people for the first time. Nevertheless, there is a huge difference here between China and western countries. In China, hugging is not a common way of greeting. If you hug someone who’s not close to you, your enthusiasm may overwhelm the person who’s not used to this method of greeting.

5. Do’s and Don’ts for Visiting a House


Next up in our guide on Chinese etiquette: visiting friends. Here are some tips for how to act when visiting someone’s home in China.


    • Do bring a gift if you’re visiting someone important.

      It’s a great way to show your kindness by bringing a little gift when invited to visit a house.


  • Do arrive on time.

    Being on time is a way to show your level of respect for the person you’re visiting. This is also considered Chinese professional etiquette, so do keep punctuality in mind.


    • Do not feel frightened if the family is hosting you with too much hospitality.

      Chinese people are very hospitable. You may never know how much preparation they’ve done for your arrival. They may buy lots of additional food and clean the house thoroughly just to welcome you warmly.


  • Do not go into bedrooms without an invitation.

    In China, it’s considered rude to visit the bedrooms in a house without the homeowner’s permission or invitation.

Remember that a Bedroom is the Most Private Place in a House.

6. Do’s and Don’ts When Riding Public Means of Transportation


    • Do care for elders, pregnant women, disabled people, and kids, by giving your seat to them if necessary.

      It’s a custom in China to give your seat to people who need more care when on a bus or subway. Elders, pregnant women, disabled people, and young children are all considered as such.


  • Do stay in line while waiting for a bus.

    There are usually bus numbers written on the ground for people who are waiting for different buses. Be careful to wait by the right numbers and stay politely within the line.


    • Do not push other people when the place is crowded.

      Sometimes the public transportation in China can get incredibly crowded due to China’s huge population. When this happens, remain calm and try not to push people around by stabilizing yourself.


  • Do not lean against the doors on a bus.

    You’ll see this reminder on most of the buses in China because it’s extremely dangerous when the door opens. If you don’t follow this rule, it will not only put you in danger, but may also cause inconvenience for people who need to get on the bus.

7. Do’s and Don’ts for Business Occasions


Now it’s time for Chinese business etiquette tips. If you plan on working in China, or are visiting for work-related purposes, knowing basic Chinese etiquette for business is essential.


    • Do prepare a business card.

      Although this is a digital era, in China, a business card is still of high value during a business occasion. Be sure to bring a professional business card that represents your personal expert profile.


  • Do dress professionally.

    If you notice, Chinese people have a focus on appearance in many things. A professional look will definitely serve as a crutch to help you succeed during a business occasion.


    • Do not cross your legs while sitting down.

      When it comes to Chinese etiquette, businesses are often uncomfortable with you crossing your legs (even if most people in casual situations are totally comfortable with this). During a business occasion, it’s considered bad-looking and rude.


  • Do not overly use Internet slang.

    Many people in modern society may be used to speaking with Internet slang in daily life. However, it’s extremely unprofessional to do so during a business occasion and may damage your professional profile.

8. Do’s and Don’ts for Celebrations

Don’t Forget to Remain Good-Mannered While Enjoying a Fabulous Celebration!

Even when celebrating, there’s some Chinese traditional etiquette that you need to be mindful of. Here are the do’s and don’ts for celebrations in China.


    • Do pay great attention to how you present the package for a gift.

      Chinese people place heavy importance on the presentation of a gift. When you prepare a gift, be sure to wrap it carefully enough.


  • Do give out some money to the newly married couple when you’re invited to a wedding.

    Giving out money is a traditional gift for weddings in China. Even though you’ve prepared a gift already, the money as a gift for the newly married couple is still essential!


    • Do not open your gifts in front of the giver.

      This is another huge cultural difference between western countries and China. In western countries, it’s considered good manners to show people how much you’re pleased with the gift by opening it in front of the giver. However, in China, it’s not appropriate to open a gift immediately in front of the giver (unless the person asks you to do so).


  • Do not accept a red packet without refusing it first.

    You may have the opportunity to visit people during the Chinese New Year. As a tradition, elders may give red packets that include money inside to youngsters as a way to celebrate the new year. In western cultures, it’s rude to refuse a gift, so this may surprise you. But it’s actually rude to accept a red packet immediately from the elders. To show respect, you’ll have to ask them to take it back, which is very unlikely for them to do so. But refusing the gift is still a necessary process before finally accepting it.

9. Let ChineseClass101 Help You Master the Language & Culture!

It’s great that you’ve made it through the whole article! I’m certain you’re now well-informed and almost an expert on basic Chinese etiquette. As long as you follow the guidelines in this article, you’ll most likely excel in performing your best of manners.

If you still don’t feel confident enough, why not try our lessons at to gain more interesting knowledge related to Chinese culture and obtain professional teaching? You’re only one click away from the real adventure!

But before you go, let us know in the comments if you learned any new Chinese etiquette facts! What are they? Are there any situations we missed? We look forward to hearing from you. 🙂

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Anyone Can Master Chinese Dates and the Chinese Calendar


Each day is filled with events, big and small, that are worth being remembered; every day of our lives can be unique and special. If you’ve just gotten started learning Chinese, there might be times when you wish to express dates in Chinese to specify important events. Indeed, being able to express a date accurately is essential to everyday life. This is why learning the Chinese calendar, as well as how to say dates in Chinese, is so important as you learn the language.

In this article, we’ll go over how to write dates in Chinese characters, as well as dates in Chinese pinyin, so that you’re never at a loss!

In Chinese, the use of dates is incredibly simple and convenient. As long as you put your brain to work, you’ll master it in no time. Talking about dates in Chinese, knowing the Chinese numbers will greatly complement your understanding—feel free to check out our article about Chinese numbers. Now, get ready to hunt some treasure with us in this vital step of your Chinese learning journey!

Table of Contents

  1. How are Dates Written in Chinese?
  2. How to Read Dates in Chinese: Years
  3. How to Say the Months in Chinese
  4. Talking About the Day in Chinese
  5. How to Say the Days of the Week
  6. Must-Know Phrases for Months and Dates in Chinese
  7. Bonus: Learn How to Find Your Animal of the Year in Chinese
  8. Conclusion: How ChineseClass101 Can Help You Master Chinese

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1. How are Dates Written in Chinese?


Dates written in Chinese are organized based on cardinal numbers, and when a date is expressed, the order is as follows: 年 – 月- 日 (nián – yuè – rì) or year – month – day.

In Chinese: 我是1998年出生的。
Pinyin: Wǒ shì yī jiǔ jiǔ bā nián chū shēng de.
In English: I was born in 1996.

In Chinese: 我的生日是八月三十号。
Pinyin: Wǒ de shēng rì shì bā yuè sān shí hào.
In English: My birthday is on August 30.

Dates are essential for everyone to learn.

2. How to Read Dates in Chinese: Years

It’s very simple to read a date in Chinese. While reading the year, all you need to do is read every single number out loud in order from left to right. And lastly, add 年 (meaning “year” in English) to the end. Here are a few examples for you to practice:

  • 1990[年]: 一九九零[年] (yī jiǔ jiǔ líng [nián])
  • 2008[年]: 二零零八[年] (èr líng líng bā [nián])
  • 2019[年]: 二零一九[年] (èr líng yī jiǔ [nián])
  • 1976[年]: 一九七六[年] (yī jiǔ qī liù [nián])
  • 2020[年]: 二零二零[年] (èr líng èr líng [nián])

3. How to Say the Months in Chinese

  • January: 一月 (yī yuè)
  • February: 二月 (èr yuè)
  • March: 三月 (sān yuè)
  • April: 四月 (sì yuè)
  • May: 五月 (wǔ yuè)
  • June: 六月 (liù yuè)
  • July: 七月 (qī yuè)
  • August: 八月 (bā yuè)
  • September: 九月 (jiǔ yuè)
  • October: 十月 (shí yuè)
  • November: 十一月 (shí yī yuè)
  • December: 十二月 (shí èr yuè)

Examine your schedule carefully and remember the important dates!

4. Talking About the Day in Chinese

All thirty-one days:

  • 1st: 一号 / 一日 (yī hào / yī rì)
  • 2nd: 二号 / 二日 (èr hào / èr rì)
  • 3rd: 三号 / 三日 (sān hào / sān rì)
  • 4th: 四号 / 四日 (sì hào / sì rì)
  • 5th: 五号 / 五日 (wǔ hào / wǔ rì)
  • 6th: 六号 / 六日 (liù hào / liù rì)
  • 7th: 七号 / 七日 (qī hào / qī rì)
  • 8th: 八号 / 八日 (bā hào / bā rì)
  • 9th: 九号 / 九日 (jiǔ hào / jiǔ rì)
  • 10th: 十号 / 十日 (shí hào / shí rì)
  • 11th: 十一号 / 十一日 (shí yī hào / shí yī rì)
  • 12th: 十二号 / 十二日 (shí èr hào / shí èr rì)
  • 13th: 十三号 / 十三日 (shí sān hào / shí sān rì)
  • 14th: 十四号 / 十四日 (shí sì hào / shí sì rì)
  • 15th: 十五号 / 十五日 (shí wǔ hào / shí wǔ rì)
  • 16th: 十六号 / 十六日 (shí liù hào / shí liù rì)
  • 17th: 十七号 / 十七日 (shí qī hào / shí qī rì)
  • 18th: 十八号 / 十八日 (shí bā hào / shí bā rì)
  • 19th: 十九号 / 十九日 (shí jiǔ hào / shí jiǔ rì)
  • 20th: 二十号 / 二十日 (èr shí hào / èr shí rì)
  • 21st: 二十一号 / 二十一日 (èr shí yī hào / èr shí yī rì)
  • 22nd: 二十二号 / 二十二日 (èr shí èr hào / èr shí èr rì)
  • 23rd: 二十三号 / 二十三日 (èr shí sān hào / èr shí sān rì)
  • 24th: 二十四号 / 二十四日 (èr shí sì hào / èr shí sì rì)
  • 25th: 二十五号 / 二十五日 (èr shí wǔ hào / èr shí wǔ rì)
  • 26th: 二十六号 / 二十六日 (èr shí liù hào / èr shí liù rì)
  • 27th: 二十七号 / 二十七日 (èr shí qī hào / èr shí qī rì)
  • 28th: 二十八号 / 二十八日 (èr shí bā hào / èr shí bā rì)
  • 29th: 二十九号 / 二十九日 (èr shí jiǔ hào / èr shí jiǔ rì)
  • 30th: 三十号 / 三十日 (sān shí hào / sān shí rì)
  • 31st: 三十一号 / 三十一日 (sān shí yī hào / sān shí yī rì)

In Chinese: 周末
Pinyin: zhōu mò
In English: weekend

In Chinese: 工作日
Pinyin: gōng zuò rì
In English: weekdays

Additional notes: As you can see, all days can be expressed through Chinese numbers, with the word 号 or 日 following behind. 号 is usually used informally when saying dates in Chinese in daily life, and 日 is used formally for dates in Chinese writing and sometimes in daily life as well.

5. How to Say the Days of the Week


In Chinese: 周一 / 礼拜一 / 星期一
Pinyin: zhōu yī / lǐ bài yī / xīng qī yī
In English: Monday

In Chinese: 周二 / 礼拜二 / 星期二
Pinyin: zhōu èr / lǐ bài èr / xīng qī èr
In English: Tuesday

In Chinese: 周三 / 礼拜三 / 星期三
Pinyin: zhōu sān / lǐ bài sān / xīng qī sān
In English: Wednesday

In Chinese: 周四 / 礼拜四 / 星期四
Pinyin: zhōu sì / lǐ bài sì / xīng qī sì
In English: Thursday

In Chinese: 周五 / 礼拜五 / 星期五
Pinyin: zhōu wǔ / lǐ bài wǔ / xīng qī wǔ
In English: Friday

In Chinese: 周六 / 礼拜六 / 星期六
Pinyin: zhōu liù / lǐ bài liù / xīng qī liù
In English: Saturday

In Chinese: 周日 /礼拜天 / 礼拜日 / 星期日 /星期天
Pinyin: zhōu rì / lǐ bài tiān / lǐ bài rì / xīng qī rì / xīng qī tiān
In English: Sunday

Additional note: As you can see, there are three different forms when “week” is expressed when talking about Chinese weekdays. The difference is that both 礼拜 and 星期 are used more informally in daily life, especially 礼拜 which means “chapel” and originated from the influence of western religion. The most formal is 周; a little less formal is 星期; the least formal is 礼拜.

6. Must-Know Phrases for Months and Dates in Chinese

You need to know when your school starts!

In Chinese: 你什么时候开学?
Pinyin: Nǐ shén me shí hòu kāi xué?
In English: When does your school start?

In Chinese: 你在二月十四号有什么安排吗?
Pinyin: Nǐ zài èr yuè shí sì hào yǒu shén me ān pái ma?
In English: Do you have any plans for February 14th?

Why not ask the person out on a romantic Valentine’s Day date?

In Chinese: 你什么时候有空?
Pinyin: Nǐ shén me shí hòu yǒu kòng?
In English: When will you be free?

In Chinese: 我只有周五晚上有空。
Pinyin: Wǒ zhī yǒu zhōu wǔ wǎn shàng yǒu kòng.
In English: I am only free on Friday night.

In Chinese: 那我们约七月五号晚上见吧。
Pinyin: Nà wǒ men yuē qī yuè wǔ hào wǎn shàng jiàn ba.
In English: Let’s meet on July 5 at night.

In Chinese: 我想在五月八号安排预约。
Pinyin: Wǒ xiǎng zài wǔ yuè bā hào ān pái yù yuē.
In English: I want to schedule an appointment on August 5.

In Chinese: 今天是几号?
Pinyin: Jīn tiān shì jǐ hào?
In English: What day is it?

It’s always important to keep your loved ones’ birthday in mind and give them a sweet birthday cake!

In Chinese: 你的生日是什么时候?
Pinyin: Nǐ de shēng rì shì shén me shí hòu?
In English: When is your birthday?

7. Bonus: Learn How to Find Your Animal of the Year in Chinese

Do you know that Chinese years are based on twelve animals?

Zodiac Animals

One fun fact about dates in Chinese calendars is that Chinese years have a unique traditional expression, which is based on the Chinese Zodiac as a twelve-year cycle, and each year represents an animal.

To find out which animal is associated with a certain year, be ready to do a bit of math. Here’s what you need to do:
          – Divide the number of the year by 12.
          – Find the remainder of the division. (Considering the number of the year may not be perfectly divided by 12, you’ll get a remainder between 0 and 11.)
          – Check the list below to see which animal corresponds to the remainder.

Remainder and Chinese zodiac in accordance:

  • 0: Monkey 猴 (hóu)
  • 1: Rooster 鸡 ()
  • 2: Dog 狗 (gǒu)
  • 3: Pig 猪 (zhū)
  • 4: Rat 鼠 (shǔ)
  • 5: Ox 牛 (niú)
  • 6: Tiger 虎 ()
  • 7: Rabbit 兔 ()
  • 8: Dragon 龙 (lóng)
  • 9: Snake 蛇 (shé)
  • 10: Horse 马 ()
  • 11: Goat 羊 (yáng)

For example, let’s find out what animal 1990 represents. Follow our step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Divide 1990 by 12.
          1990/12 = 165.8333…

Step 2: Ignore the decimals and take the quotient 165.

Step 3: Find the remainder of the division with this formula: Year – (12 x quotient without decimals) = remainder.
          1990 – (12 x 165) = 10

Step 4: Look at the list above. The remainder 10 corresponds to Horse. Now we know that 1990 is the Year of the Horse.

Let’s try another example and find out what animal 2016 represents.

Step 1: Divide 2016 by 12.
          2016/12 = 168

Step 2: Take the quotient 168.

Step 3: Find the remainder.
          2016 – ( 12 x 168 ) = 0.

Step 4: Look up at the list. The remainder 0 corresponds to Monkey. Now we know that 2016 is the Year of the Monkey.

Here are the most recent twelve years in Chinese Zodiac. You can try to practice using the steps above to see if you can get the answers right.

2019 – Year of Pig 猪年 (zhū nián)
2018 – Year of Dog 狗年 (gǒu nián)
2017 – Year of Rooster 鸡年 (jī nián)
2016 – Year of Monkey 猴年 (hóu nián)
2015 – Year of Goat 羊年 (yáng nián)
2014 – Year of Horse 马年 (mǎ nián)
2013 – Year of Snake 蛇年 (shé nián)
2012 – Year of Dragon 龙年 (lóng nián)
2011 – Year of Rabbit 兔年 (tù nián)
2010 – Year of Tiger 虎年 (hǔ nián)
2009 – Year of Ox 牛年 (niú nián)
2008 – Year of Rat 鼠年 (shǔ nián)

Now, are you able to find your own animal according to the year you were born? As you can see, birth dates in Chinese hold a lot of meaning.

8. Conclusion: How ChineseClass101 Can Help You Master Chinese

If you’ve followed along with this article, you must have grasped the essence of expressing dates in Chinese and leveraged your Chinese skills another rung up the ladder. Do you feel more comfortable writing dates in Chinese characters now? Let us know in the comments; we always look forward to hearing from you!

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How to Introduce Your Family in Chinese

Almost everyone holds a special place in their heart for families. A family is those you’re bound with from birth, the ones who will always be there for you unconditionally. When we first meet someone, we like to be familiar with their family background. Knowing this provides valuable information on that person’s upbringing, which could shape their personality dramatically. Thus, it’s important to learn how to talk about your family in Chinese.

In China, family has great importance. 孝顺 (xiào shùn), which means being responsible and obedient to parents, is one of the best qualities a person can have. While reading this article, keep in mind that the Chinese view of parent-child relationships differs in some ways from that of Western countries.

Now let’s get right into today’s adventure!

Table of Contents

  1. Family Perceptions in China
  2. Family Member Terms and Other Basics
  3. Terms for Relatives
  4. Family Member Terms as a Married Person
  5. Endearment Terms
  6. Bonus – Interesting Expressions about Family Members
  7. Conclusion: How ChineseClass101 Can Help You Master Family Terms

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1. Family Perceptions in China

Parents Phrases

The family institution in China is incredibly strong. China highly values family bonds, particularly parent-child relationships. When it comes to family in the Chinese culture, there are even traditions that say children should never travel far, and should always stay with their parents.

Even now, many men still live with their parents even after their marriage. In this case, the woman will have to move to the man’s house and live with his parents. This sometimes creates an unpleasant relationship between the wife and her mother-in-law, which is a situation you can see used as a stereotype in a wide variety of Chinese shows.

There are many different ways to name family members depending on your relationship to them. Age difference is the main factor in determining what to call a family member, since Chinese people heavily emphasize that youngsters should respect their elders.

One thing to keep in mind: Unlike in Western culture, it’s not respectful to directly call elders by their names. This matter will be introduced more thoroughly later in this article.

2. Family Member Terms and Other Basics

Family Words

Here are some Chinese words for family members to expand your family in Chinese vocabulary! With just these basic words and phrases, you have a great place to start a simple conversation about family.

  • In Chinese: 家人
    Pinyin: jiā rén
    In English: family


    In Chinese: 我的家庭很幸福。
    Pinyin: Wǒ de jiā tíng hěn xìng fú.
    In English: I have a happy family.

    In Chinese: 我是在单亲家庭中长大的。
    Pinyin: Wǒ shì zài dān qīn jiā tíng zhōng zhǎng dà de.
    In English: I grew up in a single-parent family.

  • In Chinese: 母亲
    Pinyin: mǔ qīn
    In English: mother
  • In Chinese: 父亲
    Pinyin: fù qīn
    In English: father
  • In Chinese: 妈妈
    Pinyin: mā ma
    In English: mom
  • In Chinese: 爸爸
    Pinyin: bà ba
    In English: dad
  • In Chinese: 姐姐 / 妹妹
    Pinyin: jiě jie / mèi mei
    In English: (older) sister / (younger) sister


    In Chinese: 我有个[姐姐].
    Pinyin: Wǒ yǒu gè [jiě jie].
    In English: I have a(n) [older sister].

  • In Chinese: 哥哥/弟弟
    Pinyin: gē ge /dì di
    In English: (older) brother / (younger) brother
  • In Chinese: 兄弟姐妹
    Pinyin: xiōng dì jiě mèi
    In English: sibling

Fun fact: The interesting thing about siblings in Chinese is that older and younger siblings have different terms, whereas English does not.

  • In Chinese: 姥爷 / 爷爷 / 祖父
    Pinyin: lǎo yé / yé ye / zǔ fù
    In English: (mother’s side) grandfather / (father’s side) grandfather / grandfather
  • In Chinese: 姥姥 / 奶奶 / 祖母
    Pinyin: lǎo lao / nǎi nai / zǔ mǔ
    In English: (mother’s side) grandmother / (father’s side) grandmother / grandmother
  • In Chinese: 父母 / 家长
    Pinyin: fù mǔ / jiā zhǎng
    In English: parents

Fun fact: The literal meaning of 家长 is the family’s leader.

  • In Chinese: 祖父母
    Pinyin: zǔ fù mǔ
    In English: grandparents
  • In Chinese: 曾祖母
    Pinyin: zēng zǔ mǔ
    In English: great grandmother
  • In Chinese: 曾祖父
    Pinyin: zēng zǔ fù
    In English: great grandfather

3. Terms for Relatives

Family in Winter Clothes Outside
Who can say having a big family isn’t fun?

Now, let’s work our way around the Chinese family tree, so that you’ll never struggle to find the right word for a family member!

  • In Chinese: 亲戚/亲属
    Pinyin: qīn qi / qīn shǔ
    In English: relative

Fun fact: There’s a fun Chinese term called 走亲戚 (zǒu qīn qi), which literally means “walk through relatives.” This is a tradition that Chinese people normally have during Chinese New Year, which is also known as the Spring Festival. It’s a holiday where families spend time together and catch up, just like Christmas in Western cultures. If some families can’t make the reunion, you’ll need to 走亲戚, to visit them at their place and spend some quality time. This shows that the Chinese extended family is just as important as the Chinese immediate family.

  • In Chinese: 叔叔
    Pinyin: shū shu
    In English: uncle
  • In Chinese: 阿姨
    Pinyin: ā yí
    In English: aunt

Fun fact: In English, youngsters can usually call their elders who have no relations Mr. or Ms. and such, and sometimes if an elder is close enough, they can even directly call them by their names. This is quite different in China.

The young generation have to call adults who are older a certain term depending on the age difference. Usually, you can call people who are ten to twenty years older “aunt” (阿姨) or “uncle” (叔叔). For people who are at a similar age as your grandparents, you’re required to call them “grandmother” (奶奶) or “grandfather” (爷爷).

  • In Chinese: 堂兄弟姐妹/表兄弟姐妹
    Pinyin: táng xiōng dì jiě mèi /biǎo xiōng dì jiě mèi
    In English: cousin

Fun fact: Since “cousin” in Chinese is a relatively long word, Chinese people usually don’t use the word “cousin.” Instead, they’ll use the terms that can show the direct relation. There are eight different terms under the category “cousin,” including: 堂兄 (táng xiōng) [male, father’s side, older], 堂弟 (táng dì) [male, father’s side, younger], 堂姐 (táng jiě) [female, father’s side, older], 堂妹 (táng mèi) [female, father’s side, younger], 表兄 (biǎo xiōng) [male, mother’s side, older], 表弟 (biǎo dì) [male, mother’s side, younger], 表姐 (biǎo jiě) [female, mother’s side, older], 表妹 (biǎo mèi) [female, mother’s side, younger].

  • In Chinese: 外甥女 / 侄女
    Pinyin: wài shēng nǚ / zhí nǚ
    In English: niece
  • In Chinese: 侄子 / 外甥
    Pinyin: zhí zi / wài shēng
    In English: nephew

4. Family Member Terms as a Married Person

Once you’ve married in Chinese culture, you’ve gained several new Chinese family members. Here’s what to call them all!

  • In Chinese: 妻子
    Pinyin: qī zǐ
    In English: wife
  • In Chinese: 丈夫 / 先生
    Pinyin: zhàng fū / xiān shēng
    In English: husband

Family Smiling
I believe we all want a happy family!

  • In Chinese: 女儿
    Pinyin: nǚ ér
    In English: daughter
  • In Chinese: 儿子
    Pinyin: ér zi
    In English: son
  • In Chinese: 姐夫 / 妹夫
    Pinyin: jiě fū / mèi fū
    In English: brother-in-law
  • In Chinese: 嫂子 / 弟妹
    Pinyin: sǎo zi / dì mèi
    In English: (older brother’s side) sister-in-law / (younger brother’s side) sister-in-law
  • In Chinese: 婆婆 / 岳母
    Pinyin: pó po / yuè mǔ
    In English: mother-in-law (husband’s mother) / mother-in-law (wife’s mother)
  • In Chinese: 公公 / 岳父
    Pinyin: gōng gong / yuè fù
    In English: father-in-law (husband’s father) / father-in-law (wife’s father)

Fun fact: In Chinese culture, if you’re on good terms with your father-in-law and mother-in-law, and you feel comfortable, it will be good to call them “mom” or “dad,” just like your wife/husband does. This shows that you see them as your own mother or father. However, in many cases, it can be difficult to get along with your father-in-law or mother-in-law.

5. Endearment Terms

Family Walking by a Lake
Let’s use more endearment terms to call the ones you love!

  • In Chinese: 爹地 / 爸爸 / 老爸
    Pinyin: diē dì / bà ba / lǎo bà
    In English: daddy
  • In Chinese: 妈咪 / 妈妈 / 老妈
    Pinyin: mā mī / mā ma / lǎo mā
    In English: mommy
  • In Chinese: 老哥 / 老弟
    Pinyin: lǎo gē / lǎo dì
    In English: (older) brother / (younger) brother
  • In Chinese: 老姐 / 老妹
    Pinyin: lǎo jiě / lǎo mèi
    In English: (older) sister / (younger) sister
  • In Chinese: 老婆 / 媳妇
    Pinyin: lǎo pó / xí fù
    In English: wife
  • In Chinese: 老公
    Pinyin: lǎo gōng
    In English: husband

Elderly Person Lying in Bed

Fun fact: 老 means “old” in Chinese, which is a very common thing to call someone who is close to you in Chinese. If you notice, lots of the nicknames mentioned above begin with a 老. In this case, 婆 and 公 each means “old women” and “old men.” By calling your other half this, it shows your commitment that you want to grow old with each other.

  • In Chinese: 亲爱的
    Pinyin: qīn ài de
    In English: dear
  • In Chinese: 宝贝
    Pinyin: bǎo bèi
    In English: baby
  • In Chinese: 闺女
    Pinyin: guī nǚ
    In English: daughter

6. Bonus – Interesting Expressions about Family Members

Family Quotes

  • In Chinese: 虎毒不食子。
    Pinyin: Hǔ dú bú shí zǐ.
    In English: Even a vicious tiger won’t eat its own son.
    Actual meaning: Parents will always treat their own children kindly, no matter how evil their nature is.
  • In Chinese: 有其父必有其子。
    Pinyin: Yǒu qí fù bì yǒu qí zǐ.
    In English: Like father, like son.
    Actual meaning: A son’s character is very likely to resemble his father’s.
  • In Chinese: 不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。
    Pinyin: Bù tīng lǎo rén yán, chī kuī zài yǎn qián.
    In English: If you don’t listen to elders’ advice, you will learn your lesson.

7. Conclusion: How ChineseClass101 Can Help You Master Family Terms

I hope you’re now more fascinated with the unique Chinese culture after reading this article about Chinese family. Continue to binge on learning the most native and entertaining Chinese lessons at; here, Chinese is no longer an excruciating language that’s hard to master. It’s a paradise where you can enjoy yourself even while studying!

Before you go, let us know in the comments how confident you feel naming your family members in Chinese now! And tell us common sayings or idioms about family in your own language while you’re at it! 😉 We look forward to hearing from you!

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Dōngzhì Festival: Celebrate Winter Solstice in China

The Dōngzhì Festival in China, also called the Chinese Winter Solstice Festival, is one of the most important and popular holidays in China. Some argue it’s actually more important than the Chinese New Year!

In this article, you’ll learn about Chinese Winter Solstice traditions and why this holiday was significant in the past.

Are you ready? Let’s get started!

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1. What is the Winter Solstice?

Essentially, the Chinese Winter Solstice is a time to prepare for the New Year and spend time with family and loved ones.

In Chinese tradition, there’s a saying that says Winter Solstice is more important than the Lunar New Year. That is because ancient China was an agricultural community, and cultivation had to be done according to the season.

Why do the Chinese celebrate the Winter Solstice?

Chinese people observed astronomy and the laws of nature, and found that the Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year. After that day, the daytime gradually becomes longer, and spring comes as winter fades away. Hence, the start of a new year actually starts on Winter Solstice instead of the Lunar New Year.

As a matter of fact, in the past, Winter Solstice was said to have been New Year’s Day. No wonder that in the south of the Yangtze River, there’s a saying: “You will be one year older after having the Winter Solstice dinner.”

2. When is the Dōngzhì Festival?

Frosty Winter Scene

Each year, the Winter Solstice occurs somewhere between December 21 and 23.

3. How the Chinese Celebrate Winter Solstice

Family Getting Together

1- Chinese Winter Solstice Traditional Food

Okay, so first things first: What do people eat on Winter Solstice?

People in the North eat dumplings during the Winter Solstice. Dumplings are a very popular folk food with a long history in China. There’s a saying that “there is no better food than dumplings.”

In many places, there’s a custom of eating lamb during the Winter Solstice Festival. Since China enters its coldest time after Winter Solstice, traditional Chinese doctors regard lamb as a food that can help people tonify Yang (an aphrodisiac effect) and make the body strong.

Eating Tangyuan is another traditional custom for Winter Solstice and is particularly popular in southern China. Tangyuan is also called Tangtuan (gnocchi) or Tuanzi (dumpling) and is a dessert made from glutinous rice flour. The character yuan (round) indicates reunion and that something is perfectly successful. There’s a saying among the people that “you will be one year older once you eat Tangyuan.”

2- Counting Nine

There’s also the custom of “counting nine.” In the lunar calendar, ancient Chinese people created a way to count days in winter: starting from the Winter Solstice day that begins with the “first nine,” to the “ninth nine.” There’s an old saying: “During the time of the first and second nine, you don’t put your hands out of your coat; on the third and fourth nine, you can skate on the ice…” Finally, after eighty-one days, the cold winter is gone.

4. Dumplings and Frostbite

During the Chinese Winter Solstice, dumplings are a longtime favorite food! Do you know why the custom of eating dumplings was handed down in northern China?

Eating dumplings during the Winter Solstice Festival is to commemorate an ancient doctor named Zhang Zhongjing, who is thought to have invented dumplings. Because the dumpling soup he made had successfully cured the frostbitten ears of many people, a saying was born: “If you don’t eat dumplings at Winter Solstice, your ear will be frostbitten.”

5. Must-Know Vocabulary for the Chinese Winter Solstice

Glutinous Rice Ball

Here’s the essential Chinese vocabulary you should know for the Chinese Winter Solstice!

  • 馄饨 (húntun) — Wonton dumpling
  • 冬天 (dōngtiān) — Winter
  • 合家团聚 (héjiā tuánjù) — Family reunion
  • 糯米团子 (nuòmǐ tuánzi) — Glutinous rice ball
  • 桂花酒酿圆子 (guìhuā jiǔniàng yuánzǐ) — Glutinous rice balls in sweet osmanthus and glutinous rice wine
  • 和家人吃冬至团圆饭 (hé jiārén chī dōngzhì tuányuánfàn) — Have dinner with family on Winter Solstice evening
  • 午夜阳光 (wǔyè yángguāng) — Midnight sun
  • 极夜 (jí yè) — Polar night
  • 冬至 (Dōng Zhì) — Winter Solstice Festival
  • 冬至大如年 (Dōng Zhì dà rú nián) — Winter Solstice is more important than Chinese New Year

To hear the pronunciation of each vocabulary word, and to read them alongside relevant images, be sure to check out our Chinese Winter Solstice vocabulary list!

Final Thoughts

What are your thoughts on the Chinese Winter Solstice holiday? Are there any special winter-related holidays in your country? Let us know about them in the comments!

Chinese culture is so rich and full. If you’re interested in learning more about China and her people, or if you want more wintery Chinese words, you may find the following pages useful:

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Happy Chinese learning, and stay warm out there! 🙂

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