
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: So Miao Miao (Sylvia) where does this take place?
Sylvia: I think it’s in a shop.
David: Right it’s in a clothing store to be specific and it’s between two friends. One of them is buying clothes and the other is asking for their advice.
Sylvia: Yes.
David: And that’s what we are going to learn today.
A: 哎,这件怎么样?(Āi, zhè jiàn zěnme yàng?)
B: 颜色还可以。(Yánsè hái kěyǐ.)
A: 穿上试试。(Chuān shàng shìshi.)
B: 我觉得有点儿紧。(Wǒ juéde yǒudiǎnr jǐn.)
A: 那大号的呢?(Nà dà hào de ne?)
B: 又有点儿松。(Yòu yǒudiǎnr sōng.)
David: One more time a bit slower.
A: 哎,这件怎么样?(Āi, zhè jiàn zěnme yàng?)
B: 颜色还可以。(Yánsè hái kěyǐ.)
A: 穿上试试。(Chuān shàng shìshi.)
B: 我觉得有点儿紧。(Wǒ juéde yǒudiǎnr jǐn.)
A: 那大号的呢?(Nà dà hào de ne?)
B: 又有点儿松。(Yòu yǒudiǎnr sōng.)
David: And now with the English translation.
Sylvia: 哎,这件怎么样?(Āi, zhè jiàn zěnme yàng?)
David: Hey, how about this one?
Sylvia: 颜色还可以。(Yánsè hái kěyǐ.)
David: The color's okay.
Sylvia: 穿上试试。(Chuān shàng shìshi.)
David: Put it on and try?
Sylvia: 我觉得有点儿紧。(Wǒ juéde yǒudiǎnr jǐn.)
David: I think it's a bit tight.
Sylvia: 那大号的呢?(Nà dà hào de ne?)
David: What about the large size?
Sylvia: 又有点儿松。(Yòu yǒudiǎnr sōng.)
David: It's also a bit loose.
Sylvia: 颜色 (yánsè)[natural native speed]
David: color
Sylvia: 颜色 (yánsè)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sylvia: 颜色 (yánsè)[natural native speed]
Sylvia: 穿 (chuān)[natural native speed]
David: to wear
Sylvia: 穿 (chuān)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sylvia: 穿 (chuān)[natural native speed]
Sylvia: 试试 (shìshi)[natural native speed]
David: to try
Sylvia: 试试 (shìshi)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sylvia: 试试 (shìshi)[natural native speed]
Sylvia: 觉得 (juéde)[natural native speed]
David: to feel
Sylvia: 觉得 (juéde)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sylvia: 觉得 (juéde)[natural native speed]
Sylvia: 紧 (jǐn)[natural native speed]
David: tight
Sylvia: 紧 (jǐn)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sylvia: 紧 (jǐn)[natural native speed]
Sylvia: 松 (sōng)[natural native speed]
David: loose
Sylvia: 松 (sōng)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sylvia: 松 (sōng)[natural native speed]
Sylvia: 大号 (dà hào)[natural native speed]
David: big size (L)
Sylvia: 大号 (dà hào)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sylvia: 大号 (dà hào)[natural native speed]
Sylvia: 衣服 (yīfu)[natural native speed]
David: clothing
Sylvia: 衣服 (yīfu)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sylvia: 衣服 (yīfu)[natural native speed]
David: Now before we get to the clothing vocab, there is this word I’d like to touch on. It’s the one I translated as to feel 觉得,(Juédé,) to feel 觉得.(Juédé.) Now this isn’t an emotional feeling.
Sylvia: No.
David: It’s not I feel sad or I feel happy. For those, we’d use a different word.
Sylvia: Yes. We might use 感觉.(Gǎnjué.)
David: Right like I feel happy 我感觉很开心(Wǒ gǎnjué hěn kāixīn) or maybe even I feel really sad 我感觉很难过.(Wǒ gǎnjué hěn nánguò.) Right, so that’s emotions. This verb 觉得 (Juédé)it’s about feeling with your mind.
Sylvia: Yes.
David: It’s an opinion that you are expressing and the rest of our vocab here, it’s clothing related vocab. We have the word for color 颜色.(Yánsè.) We also have the words for tight 紧 (Jǐn) and loose 松. Let’s hear those again. Tight 紧(Jǐn) and loose 松.(Sōng.) Finally I want to touch on this verb that we covered which means to try 试试.(Shì shì.) To try 试试 (shìshi). A few lessons ago, we covered simple verb reduplication 笑一笑.(Xiào yīxiào.) It was a lesson about taking photos. It said smile for a bit 笑一笑. Here, we see exactly the same thing 试试 (shìshi). Only that number one is missing but it’s the same thing.
Sylvia: Yes.
David: This is just a really colloquial way of talking.
Sylvia: Right. You can also say 试一试.(Shì yī shì.)
David: Right.

Lesson focus

Sylvia: Okay David, today we are going to talk about asking for opinions.
David: Right. We are asking for advice. It’s the same thing and Sylvia, how do people do this in the dialog?
Sylvia: In the dialog, we hear 这件怎么样?(Zhè jiàn zěnme yàng?)
David: What about this one?
Sylvia: 这件怎么样?(Zhè jiàn zěnme yàng?)
David: Right. So someone is asking for an opinion and they are using a very specific grammar structure.
Sylvia: Yes. Something 怎么样.(Zěnme yàng.) For instance, 红色怎么样? (Hóngsè zěnme yàng?)
David: So you are putting the thing you are asking about in front of the phrase 怎么样.(Zěnme yàng.) So that would mean red, how about it? 红色怎么样?(Hóngsè zěnme yàng?) or what do you think about red 红色怎么样?(Hóngsè zěnme yàng?) what do you think about red?
Sylvia: 你觉得红色怎么样? (Nǐ juédé hóngsè zěnme yàng?)
David: and that’s just making you more explicit.
Sylvia: David, let me give you another example. 味道怎么样?(Wèidào zěnme yàng?)
David: The taste, what do you think about it 味道怎么样?(Wèidào zěnme yàng?) So a waiter or a waitress might ask you that at a restaurant. What do you think of the food?
Sylvia: 味道怎么样? (Wèidào zěnme yàng?)
David: Right, for another example, when you come to Beijing, people will often ask you what you think of the city 北京怎么样?(Běijīng zěnme yàng?) What do you think about Beijing?
Sylvia: 北京怎么样? (Běijīng zěnme yàng?)
David: Say the thing you are interested in and then say 怎么样 (Zěnme yàng) and one point before we leave, I want to stress you can do this with verbs as well as nouns.
Sylvia: Yes.
David: So you could say how about eating. 吃饭怎么样?(Chīfàn zěnme yàng?) or how about going out 出去怎么样?(Chūqù zěnme yàng?) and again you are asking someone for their opinion. You know, what do you think about going out for food, what do you think about eating.
Sylvia: Yes.


