
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Frank: Hey, everyone.
Echo: Da jia hao!
Frank: Welcome back to ChineseClass101.com, Season 1, Lesson 36 in our Beginner series.
Echo: 第三十六课。(Dì sānshíliù kè.)
Frank: I’m your host, Frank Fradella, and I’m joined in the studio, as always, by my amazing co-host, Echo.
Echo: 谢谢。(Xièxiè.)
Frank: Today’s lesson is about those dog days of summer, when you need to turn on the AC.
Echo: Yeah, like these days in Beijing actually.
Frank: Absolutely. Very hot here. This is a dialogue between two friends.
Echo: They are speaking casually.
Frank: They’re at home.
Echo: Yes.
Frank: Let’s get on to the dialogue now.
Echo: But before we do…
Frank: Oh, before we do, that’s right. We want to remind you, folks, to head up to ChineseClass101.com. Leave us a comment on today’s lesson. We’ll see you there. For now, on to the dialogue.

Lesson conversation

张颖: 这儿太热了。(ZHĀNG YǏNG: Zhèr tài rè le.)
Bunny: 要开空调吗?(BUNNY: Yào kāi kōngtiáo ma?)
张颖: 太好了,谢谢你。(ZHĀNG YǏNG: Tài hǎo le, xièxie nǐ.)
Bunny: 好的,马上。(BUNNY: Hǎo de, mǎshàng.)
Frank: One more time, just a bit slower.
张颖: 这儿太热了。(ZHĀNG YǏNG: Zhèr tài rè le.)
Bunny: 要开空调吗?(BUNNY: Yào kāi kōngtiáo ma?)
张颖: 太好了,谢谢你。(ZHĀNG YǏNG: Tài hǎo le, xièxie nǐ.)
Bunny: 好的,马上。(BUNNY: Hǎo de, mǎshàng.)
Frank: Okay, we’re back. You know, it really is kind of hot in Beijing these days.
Echo: Especially in the studio.
Frank: Especially in the studio. We’d love to turn on the air conditioning but unfortunately, our studio engineer would kill us.
Echo: Yeah.
Frank: So we’re just going to push on to the line-by-line and we’ll get cool later on.
Echo: 好。(Hǎo.)
张颖: 这儿太热了。(ZHĀNG YǏNG: Zhèr tài rè le.)
Frank: It's really hot here.
Bunny: 要开空调吗?(BUNNY: Yào kāi kōngtiáo ma?)
Frank: Want to turn on the AC?
张颖: 太好了,谢谢你。(ZHĀNG YǏNG: Tài hǎo le, xièxie nǐ.)
Frank: Awesome, thank you.
Bunny: 好的,马上。(BUNNY: Hǎo de, mǎshàng.)
Frank: Okay, right away.
Echo: Cute.
Frank: Okay, right away.
Echo: I would love to hear that...
Frank: I’m on it.
Echo: …to hear that myself.
Frank: Isn’t that great? It’s just like I’m on it. Dude, you want it, you got it. Let me go and do that.
Echo: Yeah.
Frank: Okay. Today’s vocab section has a lot of great stuff that we can turn on an off, including the air conditioner. Let’s get to the vocab section now.
Echo: 好的。(Hǎo de.)
Male: Now the vocab section.
Echo: 热(rè) [natural native speed].
Frank: Hot.
Echo: 热(rè)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 热(rè)[natural native speed].
Echo: 要(yào) [natural native speed].
Frank: To want.
Echo: 要(yào)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 要(yào)[natural native speed].
Echo: 开(kāi) [natural native speed].
Frank: To turn on.
Echo: 开(kāi)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 开(kāi)[natural native speed].
Echo: 空调(kōngtiáo) [natural native speed].
Frank: Air conditioner.
Echo: 空调(kōngtiáo)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 空调(kōngtiáo)[natural native speed].
Echo: 马上(mǎshàng) [natural native speed].
Frank: Right away.
Echo: 马上(mǎshàng)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 马上(mǎshàng)[natural native speed].
Frank: All right, Echo. The focus of this vocab section is turning things on using this verb.
Echo: 开。(kāi.)
Frank: Obviously, there’s lots of things that you could turn on in your house; things like lights.
Echo: 灯。开灯。(Dēng. Kāi dēng.)
Frank: Cell phone.
Echo: 手机。开手机。(Shǒujī. Kāi shǒujī.)
Frank: A fan.
Echo: 电扇。开电扇。(Diànshàn. Kāi diànshàn.)
Frank: The air conditioner.
Echo: 空调。开空调。(Kòngtiáo. Kāi kòngtiáo.)
Frank: The T.V.
Echo: 电视。开电视。(Diànshì. Kāi diànshì.)
Frank: Now some of these words you already know. Let’s go ahead and practice turning things on in these sample sentences. How do you say, “Turn on the lights”?
Echo: 开灯。(Kāi dēng.)
Frank: Turn on your cellphone.
Echo: 开手机。(Kāi shǒujī.)
Frank: Turn on the fan.
Echo: 开电扇。(Kāi diànshàn.)
Frank: Okay, easy enough. How about, “Is the restaurant open?”
Echo: 这个饭馆开了吗?(Zhège fànguǎn kāile ma?)
Frank: Open. Did I say open? I did say open. We start one in there for you. Actually, the verb for “open” is the same verb for turning things on.
Echo: 开。(Kāi.)
Frank: Let’s hear that one more time. “Is the restaurant open?”
Echo: 这个饭馆开了吗?(Zhège fànguǎn kāile ma?)
Frank: The air conditioning is on.
Echo: 空调开了。(Kòngtiáo kāile.)
Frank: Turn on the computer.
Echo: 开电脑。(Kāi diànnǎo.)
Frank: Drive the car.
Echo: 开车。(Kāichē.)
Frank: To another curve ball there. This is actually the same verb for driving the car.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.). Hey, Frank, do you know the opposite of 开(Kāi)?
Frank: I do. Let’s see if our listeners can pick it up from these sentences.
Echo: Okay.
Frank: Turn off the lights.
Echo: 关灯。(Guān dēng.)
Frank: Close the door.
Echo: 关门。(Guānmén.)
Frank: Turn off the air conditioner.
Echo: 关空调。(Guān kòngtiáo.)
Frank: Shut off the DVD player.
Echo: 关DVD机(Guān DVD jī)
Frank: There you go. So to turn something off, you just say 关.(Guān.)
Echo: Exactly. It’s the opposite of...
Echo: 开。(Kāi.)
Frank: You know what’s the opposite of vocab section? The grammar section.
Echo: What opposite?
Frank: It’s the Yin to the Yang. It’s the black to the white. It’s the balance. It’s…
Echo: Okay. Let’s just go to the grammar.
Frank: Let’s just go to the grammar section.
Echo: 马上。(Mǎshàng.)

Lesson focus

Male: It’s grammar time.
Frank: Today we’re going to focus on a special type of sentence. In this dialogue, we heard this:
Male: 要开空调吗?(Yào kāi kòngtiáo ma?)
Female: 要开空调吗?(Yào kāi kòngtiáo ma?)
Frank: Do you want to turn on the air conditioner?
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.) This is the 要 ...吗(Yào... Ma) sentence. It is how you say, “Do you want…”
Frank: Exactly. Like, “Do you want to see a movie?”
Echo: 要看电影吗?(Yào kàn diànyǐng ma?)
Frank: Do you want to sleep?
Echo: 要睡觉吗?(Yào shuìjiào ma?)
Frank: Do you want ice cream?
Echo: 要冰淇淋吗?(Yào bīngqílín ma?)
Frank: Echo, how do you say, “Do you want chocolate?”
Echo: 要巧克力吗?(Yào qiǎokèlì ma?)
Frank: I think we all know the answer to that one.
Echo: 当然。当然。(Dāngrán. Dāngrán.)
Frank: Do you want anything else?
Echo: 还要别的吗?(Hái yào bié de ma?)here means, “Do you want?” Do you know what I still want? I want to answer these questions.
Frank: Yeah.
Echo: Now we’ve told you before that you can actually use the same verb that’s in the question to answer with.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
Frank: In this case, that verb is…
Echo: 要。要。(Yào. Yào.)
Frank: Now if you want to say that in the negative, how do you say you don’t want something?
Echo: 不要。不要。(Bùyào. Bùyào.)
Frank: It’s just that easy.
Echo: 要。不要。(Yào. Bùyào.)
Frank: So the answer to any of the questions in this section, if you do want it, you can just say…
Echo: 要。我要。(Yào. Wǒ yào.)
Frank: If you don’t want it, you can say…
Echo: 不要。我不要。(Bùyào. Wǒ bùyào.)
Frank: That’s a really useful truth.
Echo: You know what I like? I like the phrase, “No, thanks.” This is very useful.
Frank: Very, very useful. Let’s hear it.
Echo: 不要,谢谢。(Bùyào, xièxiè.)
Frank: No, thank you.
Echo: No, thank you. 不要,谢谢。(Bùyào, xièxiè.)
Frank: We have to thank you, but we’re at the end of our podcast.
Echo: 不要。(Bùyào)
Frank: I know. It’s time to go.
Echo: 不要不要不要。(Bùyào bùyào bùyào.)
Frank: I’m sure it’s exactly our listeners are saying. It’s how I feel, too. But before we go, we do want to remind you, folks, to head up to ChineseClass101.com. Become a premium subscriber and check out that PDF transcript.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
Frank: I’m your host, Frank Fradella.
Echo: 我是(Wǒ shì)Echo
Frank: From our studios here in Beijing, it’s time for us to say 再见.(Zàijiàn.)
Echo: Bye-bye.


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