Anthony: Welcome to chineseclass101, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Chinese. |
Echo: 大家好,我是Echo。 (Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.) |
Anthony: And I am Anthony. Today we have lesson 9, A Trip to the Cinema. |
Echo: In the second season of our beginner series. |
Anthony: Now Echo, I got a question for you. Do you think you are a punctual person? |
Echo: Yes I am always on time. |
Anthony: So what do you do when you have some friends who are lagging behind? |
Echo: Well I would just tell them 快点儿。 (Kuài diǎn er.) |
Anthony: Yeah hurry up! And that is what today’s lesson is about. Getting to places in a timely fashion. |
Echo: Right. Today you will learn how to make suggestions. |
Anthony: Now this conversation takes place on a sidewalk while two guys are loitering and since these guys are good friends, they will be |
Echo: Speaking casually. |
Anthony: Before we go to the dialogue, I want to make a suggestion. |
Echo: 快点儿。 (Kuài diǎn er.) |
Anthony: For $10 a month, you can become a premium subscriber at It’s a great deal. With this you will get access to the review and dialogue track. What this does is it gets you access to all the vocabulary… |
Echo: Right. |
Anthony: And sample sentences with the click of a button. |
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.) |
Anthony: With that said, on to the dialogue. |
我们走吧。 (Wǒmen zǒu ba.) |
去哪儿? (Qù nǎr?) |
去看电影! (Qù kàn diànyǐng!) |
哦,对,快走吧。 (O, duì, kuài zǒu ba.) |
Anthony: One more time a little bit slower. |
我们走吧。 (Wǒmen zǒu ba.) |
去哪儿? (Qù nǎr?) |
去看电影! (Qù kàn diànyǐng!) |
哦,对,快走吧。 (O, duì, kuài zǒu ba.) |
Anthony: One more time with English. |
Echo: 我们走吧。 (Wǒmen zǒu ba.) |
Anthony: Let’s go. |
Echo: 去哪儿? (Qù nǎr?) |
Anthony: Where are we going? |
Echo: 去看电影! (Qù kàn diànyǐng!) |
Anthony: We are going to see a movie. |
Echo: 哦,对,快走吧。 (O, duì, kuài zǒu ba.) |
Anthony: All right, hurry up. |
Anthony: So Echo, do you think the two people on our dialogue were going to see Avatar or the new Confucius movie? |
Echo: It’s hard to say but I think Avatar is more popular in China now. |
Anthony: Yeah it’s so popular that it’s already made a billion dollars in China. |
Echo: And there are still so many people who are waiting for seeing it. |
Anthony: Yeah and since there are so many people waiting to see it, ticket scalpers have begun to wait in line and buy tickets for them. |
Echo: Right. |
Anthony: And sell those tickets at a profit. |
Echo: And we call them 黄牛。 (Huángniú.) |
Anthony: Yeah yellow bulls. |
Echo: 黄牛。 (Huángniú.) |
Anthony: Trying to take advantage of excess demand. |
Echo: Yeah. |
Anthony: So Echo, besides waiting in line to see Avatar, we have some really important vocabulary to go over in this podcast. Isn’t that right? |
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.) And today’s vocab is mainly about time. |
Anthony: Yes time. So if you are on time running late or in a rush… |
Echo: Yeah. |
Anthony: We have a great vocab lesson for you today. |
Echo: Why don’t we go to our vocab section now? |
Anthony: Right now. |
Anthony: And now the vocab section. |
Echo: 走 (qù) |
Anthony: To go. |
Echo: 走, 走. 吧 (qù, qù. Ba) |
Anthony: Suggestive particle. |
Echo: 吧, 吧. 看 (Ba, Ba. kàn) |
Anthony: To watch. |
Echo: 看, 看. 电影 (kàn, kàn. diànyǐng) |
Anthony: Movie. |
Echo: 电影, 电影. 对 (diànyǐng, diànyǐng. duì) |
Anthony: Correct. |
Echo: 对, 对. 快 (duì, duì. kuài) |
Anthony: Fast. |
Echo: 快, 快. 一起 (kuài, kuài. yìqǐ) |
Anthony: Together. |
Echo: 一起, 一起. 先 (yìqǐ, yìqǐ. Xiān) |
Anthony: First. |
Echo: 先, 先. 稍等 (Xiān, Xiān. shāoděng) |
Anthony: Wait a moment. |
Echo: 稍等, 稍等. 按时 (shāoděng, shāoděng. ànshí) |
Anthony: To be on time. |
Echo: 按时, 按时. (ànshí, ànshí.) |
Anthony: Okay. So Echo, let’s go over that first word that we saw in the vocab list. |
Echo: 走。 (Zǒu.) |
Anthony: To go. |
Echo: 走。 (Zǒu.) |
Anthony: And that’s third tone. |
Echo: Right like 我走了。 (Wǒ zǒule.) |
Anthony: This is, I am leaving. |
Echo: 我走了。 (Wǒ zǒule.) |
Anthony: Okay and our next one. |
Echo: 吧。 (Ba.) |
Anthony: And this is a suggestive particle. |
Echo: 吧。你快来吧。 (Ba. Ba. Nǐ kuài lái ba.) |
Anthony: Come quickly. |
Echo: 你快来吧。 (Ba. Nǐ kuài lái ba.) |
Anthony: Hurry on over here. |
Echo: 对。 (Duì.) |
Anthony: Correct. |
Echo: Yeah if you want to agree with someone, you can use this word 对。 (Duì.) |
Anthony: Right. |
Echo: Okay right. 你说得对。 (Nǐ shuō dé duì.) |
Anthony: What you are saying is correct. |
Echo: Right Anthony, 你说得对。 (Nǐ shuō dé duì.) |
Anthony: Or I could say hey Echo, the summers in Beijing are really hot. |
Echo: 对,你说得真对。 (Duì, nǐ shuō dé zhēn duì.) |
Anthony: Yeah you are right on the money. |
Echo: Yeah and also this winter is really cold. |
Anthony: Yes Echo, you are very right. Okay so what’s our next word? |
Echo: 快 (Kuài) |
Anthony: And this means fast. |
Echo: Right 快。快点儿,好吗? (Kuài. Kuài diǎn er, hǎo ma?) |
Anthony: Hurry up, okay. |
Echo: 快点儿,好吗? (Kuài diǎn er, hǎo ma?) |
Anthony: Now you can also find this word for “fast” in another important word and what is that word? |
Echo: 快餐 (Kuàicān) |
Anthony: Literally fast food. |
Echo: 快餐 (Kuàicān) |
Anthony: Great. Okay our next one. |
Echo: 一起 (Yīqǐ) |
Anthony: And this is together. |
Echo: 一起 (Yīqǐ) |
Anthony: Let’s hear that in a sample sentence. |
Echo: 我们一起走吧。 (Wǒmen yīqǐ zǒu ba.) |
Anthony: How about we go together? |
Echo: 我们一起走吧。 (Wǒmen yīqǐ zǒu ba.) |
Anthony: And our next word. |
Echo: 先 (Xiān) |
Anthony: First. |
Echo: 先 (Xiān) |
Anthony: Now this is the same character that we see in Mr. |
Echo: Right 先生。 (Xiānshēng.) yeah but here the meaning is different, of course 先。你先走吧。 (Xiān. Nǐ xiān zǒu ba.) |
Anthony: How about you go first? |
Echo: If someone says 我们一起走吧 (Wǒmen yīqǐ zǒu ba) and you don’t really want to go with him or her, you can say 你先走吧。 (Nǐ xiān zǒu ba.) |
Anthony: Yeah how about you go first, I am going to hang back. |
Echo: Right or if you are busy with something else, yeah you can say 你先走吧 (Nǐ xiān zǒu ba) Okay next word. 稍等。 (Shāo děng.) |
Anthony: Wait a moment. |
Echo: Umm that’s very polite too 非常客气。 (Fēicháng kèqì.) |
Anthony: Now I hear this word most often at the restaurant when I am asking him, hey where is my food? |
Echo: Yeah they will say 稍等 (Shāo děng) yeah and after an hour… |
Anthony: After an hour, my food still hasn’t come. Where is it and then they will say this sentence. |
Echo: 稍等,马上来。 (Shāo děng, mǎshàng lái.) |
Anthony: Yeah wait a moment! It’s on its way. It’s coming quickly so… |
Echo: Yeah 稍等,马上来。 (Shāo děng, mǎshàng lái.) It’s coming right now. |
Anthony: But they are lying. That never comes right now. So this is our last vocabulary word of the vocab section. |
Echo: And we all love it. It’s 按时。 (Ànshí.) |
Anthony: Yes to be on time. |
Echo: Right. 按时。 (Ànshí.) |
Anthony: On time. |
Echo: 请按时来。 (Qǐng ànshí lái.) |
Anthony: Please come on time. |
Echo: Right, 请按时来。 (Qǐng ànshí lái.) |
Anthony: Now my parents when I was in high school, they would always say this to me on the weekends. |
Echo: 请按时回家。 (Qǐng ànshí huí jiā.) |
Anthony: Yeah please be home on time. |
Echo: Anthony, 请按时回家 (Qǐng ànshí huí jiā.) |
Anthony: But it is more like if you don’t come home on time, you are grounded. |
Echo: Yeah. |
Anthony: Well that’s it for vocab section. Let’s go to the grammar. |
Lesson focus
Anthony: Okay we are back and welcome to the grammar section. The focus of this lesson is about making a suggestion. |
Echo: Right. |
Anthony: In the dialogue, we heard this sentence. |
Echo: 快走吧。 (Kuàizǒu ba.) |
Anthony: Hey, how about you, hurry up. |
Echo: 快走吧 (Kuàizǒu ba.) and 吧 (ba.) really softens the sentence up. |
Anthony: Right so instead of making a command to hurry up, this turns into a suggestion, can you please hurry. |
Echo: 快走吧, (Kuàizǒu,) and the 吧 (ba) here changes the statement into a suggestion. |
Anthony: So we have a few examples here to show how this works. First we are going to say the statement. |
Echo: Yeah. |
Anthony: And then we are going to say the suggestion. |
Echo: Right with adding 吧 (ba) there. |
Anthony: That’s right. So let’s hear the first sample. |
Echo: 我们一起走。 (Wǒmen yīqǐ zǒu.) |
Anthony: We are going together. |
Echo: 我们一起走。 (Wǒmen yīqǐ zǒu.) |
Anthony: Yeah we are going together. |
Echo: That sounds like an order. |
Anthony: Yeah. So let’s hear the suggestion. |
Echo: 我们一起走吧。 (Wǒmen yīqǐ zǒu ba.) |
Anthony: And this is how about we go together? |
Echo: 我们一起走吧。 (Wǒmen yīqǐ zǒu ba.) |
Anthony: This version is a little less forceful. You are not dragging somebody against their will. |
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.) |
Anthony: Okay another example. |
Echo: 你先走。 (Nǐ xiān zǒu.) |
Anthony: You go first. |
Echo: 你先走。 (Nǐ xiān zǒu.) |
Anthony: Now the suggestion. |
Echo: 你先走吧。 (Nǐ xiān zǒu ba.) |
Anthony: So this is a really easy way to soften a sentence up. |
Echo: 没错, (Méi cuò,) to make it more polite. |
Anthony: So the last thing we are going to go over in this grammar point is a little trick. |
Echo: Right a lot of times you can drop that subject like instead of saying 你快一点儿吧。 (Nǐ kuài yīdiǎn er ba.) |
Anthony: You please hurry up. |
Echo: We can say 快一点儿吧。 (Kuài yīdiǎn er ba.) |
Anthony: And this is just, let’s hurry up. |
Echo: Yeah. |
Anthony: So this is more general and it can be used to address a lot of people or just one person. |
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.) |
Anthony: So this next example sentence, I get a lot of usage out of. |
Echo: 说慢点儿。 (Shuō màn diǎn er.) |
Anthony: Yeah this is, speak slower please. |
Echo: Yeah 说慢点儿。 (Shuō màn diǎn er.) |
Anthony: Yeah so I find that a lot of people, you know if you say a few sentences to them in Chinese, they will get the impression that you are fluent speaker. |
Echo: Yeah. |
Anthony: And you may even be a fluent speaker but they will start talking really fast and you want to tell them please slow down. |
Echo: 说慢点儿。 (Shuō màn diǎn er.) |
Anthony: If you don’t want to forcefully tell them and you want to just suggest it, you should say |
Echo: 说慢点儿吧。 (Shuō màn diǎn er ba.) |
Anthony: That’s right. So let’s take a look at one more example where we can omit the subject of the sentence. |
Echo: 过来吧。 (Guòlái ba.) |
Anthony: Yeah this is come over. Now you don’t need to specify who. Just say this in a general direction of a large group of people and then all of them will kind of come over. |
Echo: 过来吧。 (Guòlái ba.) |
Anthony: Okay great. So in review, when you want to change a statement into a suggestion, all you do is |
Echo: Adding a 吧 (ba) at the end. |
Anthony: Right. Now if you want, you can also omit the subject from the beginning of the sentence. |
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.) |
Anthony: Okay so that does it for our grammar section. |
Echo: Right. |
Anthony: Okay now before we go, don’t forget to stop by and pick up the latest lesson notes. It has vocab, sample sentences, a grammar explanation and cultural insights. So with that, from Beijing, I am Anthony. |
Echo: 我是Echo。 (Wǒ shì Echo.) |
Anthony: And we will see you next time. |
Echo: 下次见! (Xià cì jiàn!) Thanks for listening. |
Anthony: Bye bye. |
Echo: Bye bye. |
HideWhat in China moves faster than you'd expect? Or slower?
你好 robert groulx!
不用谢。(Bú yòng xiè.) = No need for thanks. You're welcome. 😇
谢谢 (Xièxie) for studying with us, it's great to have you here!
Let us know if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
雷文特 (Levente)
thanks for the lesson
my favorite words are 说慢点儿。
Hello Gerald,
Thank you for your comment. 这课容易 => 这课很容易。
Ngai Lam
Hello, Albert Wingate,
Thank you for your sharing.
We're glad to receive your comments.
And don't forget to try to write them in Chinese~
Hi 卫力,
They are added now. Thak you-
On the transcript in the vocabulary section, they go through words that are not included in the vocabulary section under lesson materials. Could you add 按时, 稍等, 一起?
well i Love chinese movies mainland & Hongkong.
I would pay 8 Dollars to see alot of them in a theater ones i have already seen on DVD like wheels on meals, inspector wears skirts, yes Madam
, Police story 1 & 2 85-88