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Business Chinese for Beginners Season 1 Lesson 19 - Presenting a New Product in China
Michael: Hi everyone, and welcome back to ChineseClass101.com. This is Business Chinese for Beginners Season 1 Lesson 19 - Presenting a New Product in China. Michael here.
Dehua: 大家好!(Dàjiā hǎo!) I'm Dehua.
Michael: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to describe a product. The conversation takes place at an office.
Dehua: The speaker is Tom.
Michael: The speaker is presenting in a business setting; therefore, he will speak formal Chinese. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
汤诚: 欢迎!谢谢大家的到来。
(Tāng Chéng: Huānyíng! Xièxie dàjiā de dàolái.)
汤诚: 现在我就介绍我们的新产品——冷冻草莓干。
(Tāng Chéng: Xiànzài wǒ jiù jièshào wǒmen de xīn chǎnpǐn - lěngdòng cǎoméi gān.)
汤诚: 我们的草莓很轻,只含有百分之七至八的水份。
(Tāng Chéng: Wǒmen de cǎoméi hěn qīng, zhǐ hányǒu bǎi fēn zhī qī zhì bā de shuǐ fèn.)
汤诚: 通过我们的创新科技,保持天然味道跟风味。
(Tāng Chéng: Tōngguò wǒmen de chuàngxīn kējì, bǎochí tiānrán wèidào gēn fēngwèi.)
汤诚: 而且颜色依然亮丽鲜艳。
(Tāng Chéng: Érqiě yánsè yīrán liànglì xiānyàn.)
汤诚: 我们草莓的主要特色是丰富的营养成份和绝佳的口感。
Tāng Chéng: Wǒmen cǎoméi de zhǔyào tèsè shì fēngfù de yíngyǎng chéngfèn hé jué jiā de kǒugǎn.)
Michael: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
汤诚: 欢迎!谢谢大家的到来。
(Tāng Chéng: Huānyíng! Xièxie dàjiā de dàolái.)
汤诚: 现在我就介绍我们的新产品——冷冻草莓干。
(Tāng Chéng: Xiànzài wǒ jiù jièshào wǒmen de xīn chǎnpǐn - lěngdòng cǎoméi gān.)
汤诚: 我们的草莓很轻,只含有百分之七至八的水份。
(Tāng Chéng: Wǒmen de cǎoméi hěn qīng, zhǐ hányǒu bǎi fēn zhī qī zhì bā de shuǐ fèn.)
汤诚: 通过我们的创新科技,保持天然味道跟风味。
(Tāng Chéng: Tōngguò wǒmen de chuàngxīn kējì, bǎochí tiānrán wèidào gēn fēngwèi.)
汤诚: 而且颜色依然亮丽鲜艳。
(Tāng Chéng: Érqiě yánsè yīrán liànglì xiānyàn.)
汤诚: 我们草莓的主要特色是丰富的营养成份和绝佳的口感。
Tāng Chéng: Wǒmen cǎoméi de zhǔyào tèsè shì fēngfù de yíngyǎng chéngfèn hé jué jiā de kǒugǎn.)
Michael: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
汤诚: 欢迎!谢谢大家的到来。
(Tāng Chéng: Huānyíng! Xièxie dàjiā de dàolái.)
Tom: "Welcome! Thank you for coming."
汤诚: 现在我就介绍我们的新产品——冷冻草莓干。
(Tāng Chéng: Xiànzài wǒ jiù jièshào wǒmen de xīn chǎnpǐn - lěngdòng cǎoméi gān.)
Tom: "I would like to present our new product: freeze-dried strawberries."
汤诚: 我们的草莓很轻,只含有百分之七至八的水份。
(Tāng Chéng: Wǒmen de cǎoméi hěn qīng, zhǐ hányǒu bǎi fēn zhī qī zhì bā de shuǐ fèn.)
Tom: "Our strawberries are very light and contain only 7-8 percent water."
汤诚: 通过我们的创新科技,保持天然味道跟风味。
(Tāng Chéng: Tōngguò wǒmen de chuàngxīn kējì, bǎochí tiānrán wèidào gēn fēngwèi.)
Tom: "Thanks to our innovative technology, they retain their natural taste and flavor."
汤诚: 而且颜色依然亮丽鲜艳。
(Tāng Chéng: Érqiě yánsè yīrán liànglì xiānyàn.)
Tom: "And the color is still bright and vivid."
汤诚: 我们草莓的主要特色是丰富的营养成份和绝佳的口感。
Tāng Chéng: Wǒmen cǎoméi de zhǔyào tèsè shì fēngfù de yíngyǎng chéngfèn hé jué jiā de kǒugǎn.)
Tom: "The main features of our strawberries are their rich nutrition and amazing texture."
Michael: We heard a nice sales pitch from Tom there.
Dehua: I really want some strawberries now!
Michael: It was definitely effective. The Chinese economy is very strong, isn’t it?
Dehua: Definitely! China is the biggest manufacturer and industrial producer in the world.
Michael: They’re the world’s largest exporter, too.
Dehua: And the second-largest importer. Plus, China has the fastest-growing consumer market.
Michael: What kind of industries are strong in China?
Dehua: Things like manufacturing and agriculture.
Michael: China is also well known for their telecommunication services.
Dehua: That’s right.
Michael: All of this adds up to why China is one of the most important economic powers on the world stage.
Dehua: And why Chinese is a good language to learn!
Michael: Okay, now onto the vocabulary.
Michael: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is…
Dehua: 冷冻(lěngdòng) [natural native speed]
Michael: "frozen"
Dehua: 冷冻(lěngdòng)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 冷冻(lěngdòng) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next is…
Dehua: 草莓(cǎoméi) [natural native speed]
Michael: "strawberry"
Dehua: 草莓(cǎoméi)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 草莓(cǎoméi) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next is…
Dehua: 干(gàn) [natural native speed]
Michael: "dry"
Dehua: 干(gàn)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 干(gàn) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next is…
Dehua: 轻(qīng) [natural native speed]
Michael: "light"
Dehua: 轻(qīng)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 轻(qīng) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next is…
Dehua: 含有(hányǒu) [natural native speed]
Michael: "to contain"
Dehua: 含有(hányǒu)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 含有(hányǒu) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next is…
Dehua: 百分之…(bǎi fēn zhī…) [natural native speed]
Michael: "percentage"
Dehua: 百分之…(bǎi fēn zhī…)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 百分之…(bǎi fēn zhī…) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next is…
Dehua: 保持(bǎochí) [natural native speed]
Michael: "to keep"
Dehua: 保持(bǎochí)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 保持(bǎochí) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next is…
Dehua: 鲜艳(xiānyàn) [natural native speed]
Michael: "vibrant; vivid"
Dehua: 鲜艳(xiānyàn)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 鲜艳(xiānyàn) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next is…
Dehua: 营养(yíngyǎng) [natural native speed]
Michael: "nutrition"
Dehua: 营养(yíngyǎng)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 营养(yíngyǎng) [natural native speed]
Michael: And last…
Dehua: 主要 [natural native speed]
Michael: "primarily"
Dehua: 主要[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 主要 [natural native speed]
Michael: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is
Dehua: 冷冻草莓干(lěngdòng cǎoméi gàn),
Michael: meaning "freeze-dried strawberry."
Michael: This is our first phrase of the lesson.
Dehua: First is 冷冻(lěngdòng).
Michael: "Frozen." Next is "strawberry."
Dehua: 草莓(cǎoméi). Last is 干 (gān).
Michael: "Dry." This word can be used as an adjective, verb, or noun.
Dehua: If you put a word for food in front of 干 (gān), it means that food is dried.
Michael: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Dehua: Sure. For example, you can say 冷冻草莓干好吃又有營養。(Lěngdòng cǎoméi gàn hào chī yòu yǒu yíngyǎng.)
Michael: which means "Freeze-dried strawberries are delicious and nutritious."
Michael: Okay, what's the next word?
Dehua: 主要营养成份(zhǔyào yíngyǎng chéngfèn),
Michael: meaning "primary nutrients."
Michael: This is our final phrase for this lesson.
Dehua: First is 主要(zhǔyào).
Michael: "Main." Next is "nutrition."
Dehua: 营养(yíngyǎng). Last is 成份(chéngfèn).
Michael: This is "ingredient, component, part." If you want to know the main ingredients of something, you can look for this phrase on the label.
Dehua: Another useful word you might see on food labels is 不含 (bù hán).
Michael: This means "not included." Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Dehua: Sure. For example, you can say… 生产商要注明食品的主要营养成份
Michael: which means "The manufacturer has to list the primary nutrients of the food product."
Michael: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Michael: In this lesson, you'll learn about giving a product presentation.
Michael: If you’re giving one of these, you should start by welcoming your customers.
Dehua: This happens a lot in China. Even when entering a store you’ll hear 欢迎!(Huānyíng!).
Michael: "Welcome!" This is the most common phrase for welcoming customers.
Dehua: A variation of that is 欢迎光临!(Huānyíng guānglín!)
Michael: It means "welcome to our store or restaurant!" You can use this basic phrase when speaking to customers at a business presentation.
Dehua: You just need to alter it a little.
Michael: Dehua, can you give us some examples?
Dehua: 欢迎!谢谢大家的到来。(Huānyíng! Xièxie dàjiā de dàolái.)
Michael: "Welcome! Thank you for coming here."
Dehua: 很荣幸今天有机会为大家介绍我们公司的新产品。(Hěn róngxìng jīntiān yǒu jīhuì wèi dàjiā jièshào wǒmen gōngsī de xīn chǎnpǐn.)
Michael: "I'm honored to have the opportunity to introduce our company’s latest product to all of you today."
Dehua: 很高兴大家今天出席我们的活动。(Hěn gāoxìng dàjiā jīntiān chūxí wǒmen de huódòng.)
Michael: "We’re very glad that you have all attended our event today." Now, let’s look at how we can describe our product.
Dehua: There are many ways to describe a product.
Michael: We can talk about its functions and physical characteristics such as size, color, and shape. For this, we can use adjectives. Let’s run through a few now.
Dehua: 轻 (qīng).
Michael: "Light."
Dehua: 重 (zhòng).
Michael: "Heavy."
Dehua: 鲜艳 (xiānyàn).
Michael: "Vibrant, vivid."
Dehua: 亮丽 (liànglì).
Michael: "Bright."
Dehua: 色彩缤纷 (sècǎi bīnfēn).
Michael: "Colorful"
Dehua: 亮眼 (liàng yǎn).
Michael: "Eye-catching." Let’s hear an example.
Dehua: 而且颜色依然亮丽鲜艳。(Érqiě yánsè yīrán liànglì xiānyàn.)
Michael: "And the color is still bright and vivid." You can make the presentation more persuasive by using numbers.
Dehua: You can use 百分之 (bǎi fēn zhī…), followed by a number.
Michael: That means "percentage," which you then follow by the number. For example,
Dehua: 我们的草莓很轻,只含有百分之七至八的水份。(Wǒmen de cǎoméi hěn qīng, zhǐ hányǒu bǎi fēn zhī qī zhì bā de shuǐ fèn.)
Michael: "Our strawberries are very light and contain only 7-8 percent water." Dehua, let’s finish this lesson with one more example.
Dehua: 我们的食品最新鲜。(Wǒmen de shípǐn zuì xīnxiān.)
Michael: "Our food is the freshest."


Michael: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Dehua: 再见!(Zàijiàn!)

