
Vocabulary (Review)

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Maryssa: Hi everyone, and welcome back to ChineseClass101.com. This is Business Chinese for Beginners Season 1 Lesson 2 - Introducing a Coworker in China. Maryssa here.
Zeyu: 大家好!(Dàjiā hǎo!) I'm Zeyu.
Maryssa: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to introduce someone in a business setting. The conversation takes place at an office.
Zeyu: It's between Monica and John.
Maryssa: The speakers are employee and customer, therefore, they will speak formal Chinese. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
王芳: 这是我们的市场专员,张小姐。
(Wáng Fāng: Zhè shì wǒmen de shìchǎng zhuānyuán, Zhāng xiǎojiě.)
张丽: 我是张丽,英文名字是 Linda,请多多关照。
(Zhāng Lì: Wǒ shì Zhāng Lì, yīngwén míngzì shì Linda, qǐng duōduō guānzhào.)
李伟: 我叫李伟,请多关照。
(Lǐ Wěi: Wǒ jiào Lǐ Wěi, qǐng duō guānzhào.)
王芳: Linda,李先生想了解一下我们的新服务,你可以跟他談談細節吗?
(Wáng fāng: Linda, Lǐ xiānshēng xiǎng liǎo jiè yīxià wǒmen de xīn fúwù, nǐ kěyǐ gēn tā tán tán xìjié ma?)
张丽: 当然,李先生对哪方面感兴趣?
(Zhāng Lì: Dāngrán, Lǐ xiānshēng duì nǎ fāngmiàn gǎn xìngqù?)
Maryssa: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
王芳: 这是我们的市场专员,张小姐。
(Wáng Fāng: Zhè shì wǒmen de shìchǎng zhuānyuán, Zhāng xiǎojiě.)
张丽: 我是张丽,英文名字是 Linda,请多多关照。
(Zhāng Lì: Wǒ shì Zhāng Lì, yīngwén míngzì shì Linda, qǐng duōduō guānzhào.)
李伟: 我叫李伟,请多关照。
(Lǐ Wěi: Wǒ jiào Lǐ Wěi, qǐng duō guānzhào.)
王芳: Linda,李先生想了解一下我们的新服务,你可以跟他談談細節吗?
(Wáng fāng: Linda, Lǐ xiānshēng xiǎng liǎo jiè yīxià wǒmen de xīn fúwù, nǐ kěyǐ gēn tā tán tán xìjié ma?)
张丽: 当然,李先生对哪方面感兴趣?
(Zhāng Lì: Dāngrán, Lǐ xiānshēng duì nǎ fāngmiàn gǎn xìngqù?)
Maryssa: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
王芳: 这是我们的市场专员,张小姐。
(Wáng Fāng: Zhè shì wǒmen de shìchǎng zhuānyuán, Zhāng xiǎojiě.)
Monica: This is our marketing specialist, Miss Zhang.
张丽: 我是张丽,英文名字是 Linda,请多多关照。
(Zhāng Lì: Wǒ shì Zhāng Lì, yīngwén míngzì shì Linda, qǐng duōduō guānzhào.)
Linda: I am Zhang Li. You can call me Linda, nice to meet you.
李伟: 我叫李伟,请多关照。
(Lǐ Wěi: Wǒ jiào Lǐ Wěi, qǐng duō guānzhào.)
Maryssa: My name is John Li, very happy to meet you.
王芳: Linda,李先生想了解一下我们的新服务,你可以跟他談談細節吗?
(Wáng fāng: Linda, Lǐ xiānshēng xiǎng liǎo jiè yīxià wǒmen de xīn fúwù, nǐ kěyǐ gēn tā tán tán xìjié ma?)
Monica: Linda, Mr. Li would like to see our new offer. Could you tell him some details about it?
张丽: 当然,李先生对哪方面感兴趣?
(Zhāng Lì: Dāngrán, Lǐ xiānshēng duì nǎ fāngmiàn gǎn xìngqù?)
Linda: Of course. What exactly is Mr. Li interested in?
Maryssa: In the conversation this time, we heard an introduction of a third party.
Zeyu: That’s right. Miss Zhang was introduced by Monica.
Maryssa: I noticed that you’re using a formal title there, is that always necessary in a business setting?
Zeyu: Yes, it is. Always use Mr., Mrs., or Miss with their family name.
Maryssa: Or if they have a title such as professor, use that instead.
Zeyu: Chinese names have a family name, and then a given name.
Maryssa: They’re usually said in that order, too.
Zeyu: But many people in China also have English names. Only use these if they ask you to, though.
Maryssa: Only use a given name if you’re allowed to, as well.
Zeyu: If you’re not sure of someone’s name, you can ask 您贵姓? (Nín guì xìng?)
Maryssa: "What’s your surname?"
Zeyu: This is a polite way to ask.
Maryssa: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Maryssa: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Zeyu: 市场专员(shìchǎng zhuānyuán) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "marketing specialist"
Zeyu: 市场专员(shìchǎng zhuānyuán) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 市场专员(shìchǎng zhuānyuán) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 想(xiǎng) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "to want to"
Zeyu: 想(xiǎng) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 想(xiǎng) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 了解(liǎojiě) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "to understand, to know"
Zeyu: 了解(liǎojiě) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 了解(liǎojiě) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 一下(yīxià) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "a bit"
Zeyu: 一下(yīxià) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 一下(yīxià) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 新服务(xīn fúwù) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "new service"
Zeyu: 新服务(xīn fúwù) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 新服务(xīn fúwù) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 解释(jiěshì) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "to explain"
Zeyu: 解释(jiěshì) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 解释(jiěshì) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 当然(dāngrán) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "of course"
Zeyu: 当然(dāngrán) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 当然(dāngrán) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 方面(fāngmiàn) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "aspect"
Zeyu: 方面(fāngmiàn) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 方面(fāngmiàn) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: And lastly...
Zeyu: 兴趣(xìngqù) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "interest"
Zeyu: 兴趣(xìngqù) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 兴趣(xìngqù) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Zeyu: 我想了解一下...(Wǒ xiǎng liǎo jiè yīxià...)
Maryssa: meaning "I want to understand a bit about..."
Maryssa: Let’s break this phrase down.
Zeyu: First is 我想(Wǒ xiǎng), which is “I want.” Then is 了解(liǎo jiè).
Maryssa: This means "to understand." The final part means "a bit."
Zeyu: 一下(yīxià). Altogether 我想了解一下...(Wǒ xiǎng liǎo jiè yīxià…)
Maryssa: You can use this phrase to get more information.
Zeyu: You can use 知道(zi1 dou3) instead of 了解(liǎo jiè) to show you want to know something more.
Maryssa: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Zeyu: Sure. For example, you can say... 我想了解一下你们的新服务。(Wǒ xiǎng liǎo jiè yīxià nǐmen de xīn fúwù.)
Maryssa: ...which means "I want to understand a bit about your new service."
Maryssa: Okay, what's the next word?
Zeyu: 当然可以(dāngrán kěyǐ)
Maryssa: meaning "of course; certainly."
Maryssa: Let’s break this down, too.
Zeyu: First is 当然(dāngrán), meaning "of course." Next is 可以(kěyǐ).
Maryssa: This is "can." This is another way of saying "yes."
Zeyu: It shows that something is certain and obvious.
Maryssa: Can you give us an example using this word?
Zeyu: Sure. For example, you can say... 当然可以,没问题。(dāngrán kěyǐ, méi wèntí.)
Maryssa: ... which means "Of course, no problem."
Maryssa: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Maryssa: In this lesson, you'll learn about how to introduce someone in a business setting.
Maryssa: This is pretty straightforward. Remember, you need their title and then their family name.
Zeyu: You can say 这是 [TITLE], X先生/Y小姐 (zhè shì [TITLE], X xiānshēng / Y xiǎojiě)
Maryssa: It means "This is [TITLE], Mr. X/ Miss Y." Let’s hear an example from the conversation we heard earlier.
Zeyu: 这是我们的市场专员,张小姐。(Zhè shì wǒmen de shìchǎng zhuānyuán, Zhāng xiǎojiě.)
Maryssa: "This is our marketing specialist, Miss Zhang."
Zeyu: You can also add 我想跟你介绍 (wǒ xiǎng gēn nǐ jièshào).
Maryssa: "I would like to introduce you to…" You can say that before you introduce the person.
Zeyu: 我想 (wǒ xiǎng) is very useful.
Maryssa: It means "I want to…" or "I’d like to…" and is followed by a verb. It’s an easy way to show your intention or desire. Let’s hear some more examples of introducing someone else.
Zeyu: 这是我们的经理,王先生。(Zhè shì wǒmen de jīnglǐ, Wáng xiānshēng.)
Maryssa: "This is our manager, Mr. Wang."
Zeyu: 这是我们的部门经理,Michael。 (Zhè shì wǒmen de bùmén jīnglǐ, Michael.)
Maryssa: "This is the manager of our department, Michael."
Zeyu: 我想听听你的意见。(Wǒ xiǎng tīng tīng nǐ de yìjiàn.)
Maryssa: "I would like to hear your opinion." Next, we’ll look at how to make sentences using "would you?"
Zeyu: When making a request, the most polite way is 可以请你...吗? (Kěyǐ qǐng nǐ... ma?)
Maryssa: This means "Would you… please?"
Zeyu: You can also use 你可以...吗? (Nǐ kěyǐ… ma?)
Maryssa: However, this is more like "Could you…?" in English. Can we hear some example sentences, Zeyu?
Zeyu: Sure! 可以请你带陈先生到会议室吗?(Kěyǐ qǐng nǐ dài chén xiānshēng dào huìyì shì ma?)
Maryssa: "Would you bring Mr. Chan to the meeting room, please?"
Zeyu: 你可以复印这份文件吗?(Nǐ kěyǐ fùyìn zhè fèn wénjiàn ma?)
Maryssa: "Could you copy this document?"
Zeyu: 你可以讲解一下这个报告吗?(Nǐ kěyǐ jiǎng jiè yīxià zhège bàogào ma?)
Maryssa: "Could you explain this report?"


Maryssa: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Zeyu: 再见!(zàijiàn!)

