Lesson Transcript

In this lesson, you'll listen to a dialogue with the text.
Second, you'll review the key vocabulary followed by the English translations.
And finally, you'll review the dialogue with the text again to master what you've learned.
First, listen to the dialogue with the text on the screen.
这个茶馆真地道。 (Zhège cháguǎn zhēn dìdao.)
对,比星巴克好多了。 (Duì, bǐ Xīngbākè hǎoduōle.)
咱们来一壶龙井茶。 (Zánmen lái yī hú Lóngjǐng chá.)
太晚了,点菊花茶吧。 (Tài wǎn le, diǎn júhuāchá ba.)
才6点?你不能喝咖啡因吗? (Cái liù diǎn? Nǐ bùnéng hē kāfēiyīn ma?)
明天要早起。 (Míngtiān yào zǎo qǐ.)
Now you'll hear the key vocabulary followed by the English translation.
才 (cái), just
龍井茶 (Lóngjǐng chá), Longjing tea
菊花茶 (júhuā chá), chrysanthemum tea
壺 (hú), pot
咖啡因 (kā fēi yīn), caffeine
地道 (dìdào), authentic
早起 (zǎo qǐ), to get up early
茶館 (cháguǎn), tea house
普洱茶 (pǔěr chá), Puer tea
壺 (hú), pot
Finally let's review the dialogue again, see if you can understand more this time.
这个茶馆真地道。 (Zhège cháguǎn zhēn dìdao.)
对,比星巴克好多了。 (Duì, bǐ Xīngbākè hǎoduōle.)
咱们来一壶龙井茶。 (Zánmen lái yī hú Lóngjǐng chá.)
太晚了,点菊花茶吧。 (Tài wǎn le, diǎn júhuāchá ba.)
才6点?你不能喝咖啡因吗? (Cái liù diǎn? Nǐ bùnéng hē kāfēiyīn ma?)
明天要早起。 (Míngtiān yào zǎo qǐ.)
This is the end of the lesson.

