Lesson Transcript

In this lesson, you'll listen to a dialogue with the text.
Second, you'll review the key vocabulary followed by the English translations.
And finally, you'll review the dialogue with the text again to master what you've learned.
First, listen to the dialogue with the text on the screen.
你不下车吗? (Nǐ bù xiàchē ma?)
你还没找钱呢。 (Nǐ hái méi zhǎoqián ne.)
找钱?我已经找给你了。 (Zhǎoqián? Wǒ yǐjīng zhǎo gěi nǐ le.)
你就给了我30。 (Nǐ jiù gěi le wǒ sānshí.)
对呀,你给我50。 (Duì ya, nǐ gěi wǒ wǔshí.)
不,我给了你100。 (Bù, wǒ gěi le nǐ yībǎi.)
哦,对对对,我的错,不好意思。 (Ò, duì duì duì, wǒ de cuò, bùhǎoyìsi.)
Now you'll hear the key vocabulary followed by the English translation.
錯 (cuò), fault
對 (duì), right
整錢 (zhěngqián), large bills
給 (gěi), to give
零錢 (língqián), small change
下車 (xiàchē), to get out of the car
找錢 (zhǎoqián), to give change
大錢 (dàqián), old Chinese currency
不好意思 (bùhǎoyìsi), I'm sorry
對 (duì), right
Finally let's review the dialogue again, see if you can understand more this time.
你不下车吗? (Nǐ bù xiàchē ma?)
你还没找钱呢。 (Nǐ hái méi zhǎoqián ne.)
找钱?我已经找给你了。 (Zhǎoqián? Wǒ yǐjīng zhǎo gěi nǐ le.)
你就给了我30。 (Nǐ jiù gěi le wǒ sānshí.)
对呀,你给我50。 (Duì ya, nǐ gěi wǒ wǔshí.)
不,我给了你100。 (Bù, wǒ gěi le nǐ yībǎi.)
哦,对对对,我的错,不好意思。 (Ò, duì duì duì, wǒ de cuò, bùhǎoyìsi.)
This is the end of the lesson.

