Lesson Transcript

In this lesson, you'll listen to a dialogue with the text.
Second, you'll review the key vocabulary followed by the English translations.
And finally, you'll review the dialogue with the text again to master what you've learned.
First, listen to the dialogue with the text on the screen.
这车到西直门吗? (Zhè chē dào Xīzhímén ma?)
到,上车吧。 (Dào, shàngchē ba.)
那动物园呢? (Nà dòngwùyuán ne?)
一站地,快上车吧。 (Yī zhàndì, kuài shàngchē ba.)
清华大学也到吧? (Qīnghuádàxué yě dào ba?)
终点站,你去哪儿? (Zhōngdiǎnzhàn, nǐ qù nǎr?)
哪儿也不去,就问问。 (Nǎr yě bù qù, jiù wènwen.)
Now you'll hear the key vocabulary followed by the English translation.
大學 (dàxué), university
動物園 (dòngwùyuán), zoo
終點站 (zhōngdiǎnzhàn), terminal station
車站 (chēzhàn), bus stop
一站地 (yī zhàndì), one stop
上車 (shàngchē), to get on the bus
問 (wèn), to ask
動物園 (dòngwùyuán), zoo
上車 (shàngchē), to get on the bus
終點站 (zhōngdiǎnzhàn), terminal station
Finally let's review the dialogue again, see if you can understand more this time.
这车到西直门吗? (Zhè chē dào Xīzhímén ma?)
到,上车吧。 (Dào, shàngchē ba.)
那动物园呢? (Nà dòngwùyuán ne?)
一站地,快上车吧。 (Yī zhàndì, kuài shàngchē ba.)
清华大学也到吧? (Qīnghuádàxué yě dào ba?)
终点站,你去哪儿? (Zhōngdiǎnzhàn, nǐ qù nǎr?)
哪儿也不去,就问问。 (Nǎr yě bù qù, jiù wènwen.)
This is the end of the lesson.

