
Vocabulary (Review)

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Echo: 嗨,大家好 (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo) Welcome to chineseclass101.com. 我是 (Wǒ shì) Echo.
David: And 我是 (Wǒ shì) David.
Echo: Today we have elementary season 1, lesson 24.
David: Cleanliness in China.
Echo: Yes.
David: And this is actually another restaurant dialogue.
Echo: Yes. Two friends are in a restaurant.
David: Right and they are going to be complaining about the cutlery.
Echo: Right.
David: So we are going to take you through the dialogue as always and Echo, before we do that, you had something to remind people.
Echo: Yes comments, comments, comments
David: Yes if you have questions or if you have comments, we’ve got a discussion section online at
Echo: Chineseclass101.com
David: So come visit us, check it out and we will look forward to seeing you on the site.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: And now the dialogue.
A: 我的叉子有点儿脏,能换一把吗?(Wǒ de chāzi yǒu diǎnr zāng, néng huàn yī bǎ ma?)
B: 不脏,这不是干干净净的吗?(Bù zāng, zhè bù shì gāngānjìngjìng de ma?)
A: 不脏?你看这儿!(Bù zāng? Nǐ kàn zhèr!)
B: 哦,好像是有一点儿脏。我给你拿个新的吧。(ò, hǎoxiàng shì yǒu yī diǎnr zāng. Wǒ gěi nǐ ná ge xīn de ba.)
Once more slowly.
A: 我的叉子有点儿脏,能换一把吗?(Wǒ de chāzi yǒu diǎnr zāng, néng huàn yī bǎ ma?)
B: 不脏,这不是干干净净的吗?(Bù zāng, zhè bù shì gāngānjìngjìng de ma?)
A: 不脏?你看这儿!(Bù zāng? Nǐ kàn zhèr!)
B: 哦,好像是有一点儿脏。我给你拿个新的吧。(ò, hǎoxiàng shì yǒu yī diǎnr zāng. Wǒ gěi nǐ ná ge xīn de ba.)
Once more, with English translation.
A: 我的叉子有点儿脏,能换一把吗?(Wǒ de chāzi yǒu diǎnr zāng, néng huàn yī bǎ ma?)
A: My fork is a little dirty. Can I change it?
B: 不脏,这不是干干净净的吗?(Bù zāng, zhè bù shì gāngānjìngjìng de ma?)
B: It's not dirty, this isn't clean to you?
A: 不脏?你看这儿!(Bù zāng? Nǐ kàn zhèr!)
A: Not dirty? Look at this!
B: 哦,好像是有一点儿脏。我给你拿个新的吧。(ò, hǎoxiàng shì yǒu yī diǎnr zāng. Wǒ gěi nǐ ná ge xīn de ba.)
B: Oh. Looks like it is a little dirty. I'll give you a new one.
David: So we hope you never have this dialogue in China.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Although practically speaking you will.
Echo: And sometimes the problem is you can’t see but it doesn’t mean that it’s not dirty.
David: Right. There is a 90% solution now which is disposable chopsticks.
Echo: Umm yeah.
David: Although some places do reuse chopsticks.
Echo: Yeah.
David: So you are going to watch out for that anyway. We’ve got a lot of vocab here. And the vocab is all about cleanliness and dirt in cutlery and stuff.
Echo: Yeah.
David: So let’s get to it.
Echo: Okay. 脏 (zāng)
David: Dirty.
Echo: 换 (huàn)
David: To exchange.
Echo: 把 (bǎ)
David: A measure word for things with handles.
Echo: 干净 (gānjìng)
David: Clean.
Echo: 拿 (ná)
David: To fetch.
Echo: 卫生 (wèishēng)
David: Hygiene.
Echo: 洗 (xǐ)
David: To wash.
Echo: 双 (shuāng)
David: Pair.
Echo: 双 (shuāng)
David: Okay. Since we are in a restaurant, the first thing we want to do in our vocab section is review the names of cutlery. In an earlier lesson, we taught you the words for fork.
Echo: 叉子。(Chāzi.)
David: Knife.
Echo: 刀子。(Dāozi.)
David: Spoon.
Echo: 勺儿。(Sháo er.)
David: In today’s lesson, we learn the measure word for all of these.
Echo: Yes which is 把。(Bǎ.)
David: One fork.
Echo: 一把叉子。(Yī bǎ chāzi.)
David: Two knives.
Echo: 两把刀子。(Liǎng bǎ dāozi.)
David: Three spoons.
Echo: 三把勺儿。(Sān bǎ sháo er.)
David: And that measure word.
Echo: 把。(Bǎ.)
David: Is used for anything with handles.
Echo: Yes.
David: Right. So that’s why it’s being used for cutlery. In the previous lesson, we also taught you the word for chopsticks.
Echo: 筷子。(Kuàizi.)
David: How do you say a pair of chopsticks?
Echo: 一双筷子。(Yīshuāng kuàizi.)
David: Right and that measure word is in our vocab today too.
Echo: Yes 双。(Shuāng.)
David: We will use that for a pair of things.
Echo: 一双筷子。(Yīshuāng kuàizi.)
David: What else comes in pairs?
Echo: 比如说:一双袜子。(Bǐrú shuō: Yīshuāng wàzi.)
David: A pair of socks.
Echo: 一双手套。(Yīshuāng shǒutào.)
David: A pair of gloves but not a pair of pants.
Echo: No
David: No.
Echo: 一条裤子。(Yītiáo kùzi.)
David: Right that’s a long thin thing.
Echo: Yeah.
David: A long thin pant or object.
Echo: 对,没错。(Duì, méi cuò.)
David: So that’s cutlery and those are the two measure words. The rest of the vocab is about cleanliness.
Echo: Yeah.
David: We have the word clean.
Echo: 干净。(gānjìng.)
David: Clean.
Echo: 干净。(gānjìng.)
David: This fork is not clean.
Echo: 这把叉子不干净。(Zhè bǎ chāzi bù gānjìng.)
David: Right and another word for not clean is
Echo: 脏。(zāng.)
David: Dirty.
Echo: 脏。(zāng.)
David: And there is a slight difference there. Dirty means you know it’s got dirt and stuff and not clean just means
Echo: 有点不干净。(Yǒudiǎn bù gānjìng.)
David: Yeah. So there is one more word we’ve got for cleanliness here.
Echo: 卫生。(Wèishēng.)
David: This is a more formal word. It means hygiene.
Echo: Yes 卫生。(Wèishēng.)
David: So you will hear of the hygiene department.
Echo: 卫生部。(Wèishēng bù.)
David: Right and other such things. So most of the time you want to be going with dirty.
Echo: 脏。(Zàng.)
David: In our grammar point for today, we are going to talk about a really strange thing we had in the dialogue.
Echo: Yeah.
David: It’s related to that.

Lesson focus

It’s grammar time.
David: Okay I know a lot of our listeners are confused at this point. Some may even be panicking because while we taught the word clean
Echo: 干净。(Gānjìng.)
David: That’s not what we heard in the dialogue.
Echo: Yes we heard another word.
David: Yes.
Echo: 干干净净。(Gàn gānjìng jìng.)
David: It’s actually the same word.
Echo: Yes.
David: Okay. I am not making stuff up here. What’s going on Echo?
Echo: It’s a two-character adjective duplication.
David: Yes which is another way of making people panic. Basically it means you can do this in Chinese.
Echo: Yes.
David: You are adding extra emphasis if you’ve got a two-character adjective like.
Echo: 干净。(Gānjìng.)
David: Or
Echo: 高兴。(Gāoxìng.)
David: Or
Echo: 清楚。(Qīngchǔ.)
David: Right. You can’t do it in every single case.
Echo: Yeah.
David: But for a lot of them, they do this reduplication.
Echo: Yes.
David: For instance.
Echo: 干净 (Gānjìng) becomes 干干净净。(Gàn gānjìng jìng.)
David: Right which is like going from clean to really clean.
Echo: Yes 高兴 (Gāoxìng) becomes 高高兴兴。(Gāo gāoxìng xìng.)
David: From happy to really excited.
Echo: Yes and 清楚 (Qīngchǔ) becomes 清清楚楚。(Qīng qīngchǔ chǔ.)
David: Really, really clear.
Echo: Yes.
David: Let’s hear this in context.
Echo: 我的房间里总是干干净净的。(Wǒ de fángjiān lǐ zǒng shì gàn gānjìng jìng de.)
David: My room is always spotless.
Echo: 他高高兴兴的来了。(Tā gāo gāoxìng xìng de láile.)
David: She came very happily.
Echo: 我们的合同上写的清清楚楚的。(Wǒmen de hétóng shàng xiě de qīng qīngchǔ chǔ de.)
David: Our contract is written very clearly, right or if someone asks you, do you understand, you can answer
Echo: 清清楚楚。(Qīng qīngchǔ chǔ.)
David: I am really clear about it.
Echo: Yes.
David: So a really simple grammar point, don’t let the word reduplication scare you.
Echo: Yes.
David: Okay.
Echo: Very simple.
David: Yeah. It’s very simple.
Echo: 简简单单。(Jiǎn jiǎndān dān.)


David: Right and with that, we are at the end of our lesson for today. Echo, before we go, you wanted to remind people about our one on one teaching.
Echo: 没错 (Méi cuò) If you are interested, you just write us the email and we will set up a free trial lesson for you.
David: Right. So you can test things out and see for yourself why 1 on 1 teaching is much more effective than traditional classes.
Echo: Yes.
David: That said though, if you have any questions, let us know. Our email address is
Echo: Contact us at chineseclass101.com
David: And we look forward to seeing you on the site.
Echo: Yes 我们网上见吧。(Wǒmen wǎngshàng jiàn ba.)
David: Bye bye.


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