
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to chineseclass101. I am Dave.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是 (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì) Echo.
David: And we are here with an exciting lesson 29 in our first elementary series.
Echo: 第二十九课。(Dì èrshíjiǔ kè.)
David: Yes this is the culmination of our spy saga. It’s where we figure out what actually happens
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: And lessons are learned. Okay this is a casual dialogue. It takes place outside the embassy compound as our spies are running away.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: And we are going to take you to the dialogue now.
Echo: But before we do,
David: Before we do, we want to remind you, if you haven’t yet, come to chineseclass101.com and sign up for your free life time account.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: How long does it take Echo?
Echo: Couple of seconds.
David: It takes a couple of seconds and it is well worth it. So come to the site, sign up. Now the dialogue.
A:我们又成功了!又一次拯救了整个世界!(Wǒmen yòu chénggōng le!Yòu yī cì zhěngjiù le zhěnggè shìjiè!)
B:你什么意思?又是我一个人做了所有的事情!(Nǐ shénme yìsi? Yòu shì wǒ yī gè rén zuò le suǒyǒu de shìqing!)
A:行了,别废话,我们是个团队。团队需要合作!(Xíng le, bié fèihuà, wǒmen shì ge tuánduì. Tuánduì xūyào hézuò!)
B:为什么总是我一个人进去偷文件?(Wèishénme zǒngshì wǒ yī gè rén jìnqù tōu wénjiàn?)
A:下一次,我一定会进去,我保证!(Xià yī cì, wǒ yīdìng huì jìnqù, wǒ bǎozhèng!)
Once more slowly.
A:我们又成功了!又一次拯救了整个世界!(Wǒmen yòu chénggōng le!Yòu yī cì zhěngjiù le zhěnggè shìjiè!)
B:你什么意思?又是我一个人做了所有的事情!(Nǐ shénme yìsi? Yòu shì wǒ yī gè rén zuò le suǒyǒu de shìqing!)
A:行了,别废话,我们是个团队。团队需要合作!(Xíng le, bié fèihuà, wǒmen shì ge tuánduì. Tuánduì xūyào hézuò!)
B:为什么总是我一个人进去偷文件?(Wèishénme zǒngshì wǒ yī gè rén jìnqù tōu wénjiàn?)
A:下一次,我一定会进去,我保证!(Xià yī cì, wǒ yīdìng huì jìnqù, wǒ bǎozhèng!)
David: And we are back. Echo, why don’t we go through this line by line?
Echo: 我们又成功了!(Wǒmen yòu chénggōng le)
David: We’ve succeeded again.
Echo: 又一次拯救了整个世界!(Yòu yī cì zhěngjiù le zhěnggè shìjiè!)
David: Once again, to have saved the entire world.
Echo: 你什么意思?(Nǐ shénme yìsi?)
David: What do you mean?
Echo: 又是我一个人做了所有的事情!(Yòu shì wǒ yī gè rén zuò le suǒyǒu de shìqing!)
David: Once again it was me who did everything myself.
Echo: 行了,别废话.(Xíng le, bié fèihuà.)
David: Okay, okay stop the nonsense.
Echo: 我们是个团队。(wǒmen shì ge tuánduì.)
David: We are a team.
Echo: 团队需要合作!(Tuánduì xūyào hézuò!)
David: Teams need to cooperate.
Echo: 为什么总是我一个人进去偷文件?(Wèishénme zǒngshì wǒ yī gè rén jìnqù tōu wénjiàn?)
David: Why is it always me going into steal these documents alone?
Echo: 下一次,我一定会进去,我保证!(Xià yī cì, wǒ yīdìng huì jìnqù, wǒ bǎozhèng!)
David: The next time, I will definitely go in, I promise.
Echo: 有一个可怜的人又被骗了。(Yǒu yīgè kělián de rén yòu bèi piànle.)
David: Ah so you wouldn’t exactly call them a team.
Echo: Team!
David: Okay we’ve got some good vocab for you in this lesson. So we are going to move on to this right now. Echo, take us away.
Echo: 好的。(Hǎo de.)
David: And now the vocab section.
Echo: 成功 (chénggōng)
David: To succeed.
Echo: 拯救 (zhěngjiù)
David: To rescue.
Echo: 整个儿 (Zhěnggè er)
David: The entire
Echo: 世界 (shìjiè)
David: World.
Echo: 所有 (suǒyǒu)
David: All
Echo: 事情 (shìqing)
David: Matters
Echo: 行了 (xíng le)
David: Okay, okay!
Echo: 团队 (tuánduì)
David: Team.
Echo: 需要 (xūyào)
David: To need
Echo: 合作 (hézuò)
David: To cooperate.
Echo: 总是 (zǒngshì)
David: Always.
Echo: 保证 (bǎozhèng)
David: To guarantee.
Echo: 保证 (bǎozhèng)
David: And there is a really powerful colloquial expression tucked away right in the heart of our dialogue.
Echo: 没错,那就是:(Méi cuò, nà jiùshì:)
David: 行了,别废话。(Xíngle, bié fèihuà.)
Echo: 别废话。(Bié fèihuà..)
David: Yes and that is literally, don’t
Echo: 别。(Bié.)
David: And then garbage talk.
Echo: 废话。(Fèihuà.)
David: Yeah and it means don’t give me this nonsense.
Echo: 别废话。(Bié fèihuà.)
David: Stop talking rubbish.
Echo: 别废话。(Bié fèihuà.)
David: Yeah. Our vocab…
Echo: That’s your favorite.
David: It’s a really useful phrase yeah. I love it. Although it is maybe, it’s a bit strong. That said, we also run into a lot of these in Chinese. Ways of giving negative orders using
Echo: 别。(Bié.)
David: We are going to go over a bunch of these starting with
Echo: 别废话。(Bié fèihuà.)
David: Stop giving me rubbish as in the sentence, enough nonsense, let’s go.
Echo: 别废话,我们走吧。别管我。(Bié fèihuà, wǒmen zǒu ba. Biéguǎn wǒ.)
David: That’s like leave me alone. As in leave me alone, I am busy.
Echo: 别管我,我忙着呢。(Biéguǎn wǒ, wǒ máng zhene.)
David: Don’t worry.
Echo: 别担心。(Bié dānxīn.)
David: Don’t worry, I am on it.
Echo: 别担心,我正做着呢。(Bié dānxīn, wǒ zhèng zuò zhene.)
David: Don’t be angry.
Echo: 别生气。(Bié shēngqì.)
David: As in, don’t be angry but I crashed the car.
Echo: 别生气,不过我把你的车弄坏了。(Bié shēngqì, bùguò wǒ bǎ nǐ de chē nòng huàile.)
David: And then there is this which is useful in emergency situations. It’s don’t move.
Echo: 别动。(Bié dòng.)
David: As in don’t move, I’ve got a gun.
Echo: 别动,我手里有枪。(Bié dòng, wǒ shǒu li yǒu qiāng.)
David: Don’t cheat me.
Echo: 别骗我。(Bié piàn wǒ.)
David: And we’ve ran into that in our dialogue as well. Like wait! You said, you’d go in, you cheated me. So we have the sentence, don’t cheat me, I am not going to believe you.
Echo: 别骗我,我不会相信你的。(Bié piàn wǒ, wǒ bù huì xiāngxìn nǐ de.)
David: This is also really colloquial. It’s, don’t bother me.
Echo: 别烦我。(Bié fán wǒ.)
David: Don’t bother me, I am busy.
Echo: 别烦我,我忙着呢。(Bié fán wǒ, wǒ máng zhene.)
David: Now we’ve had two here that are pretty close. We’ve taught you
Echo: 别管我。(Biéguǎn wǒ.)
David: And
Echo: 别烦我。(Bié fán wǒ.)
David: What’s the difference?
Echo: 意思差不多,但是“别管我”,可能跟你说话的人是关心你。但是“别烦我”可能是他想让你帮他做什么事情。 (Yìsi chàbùduō, dànshì “biéguǎn wǒ”, kěnéng gēn nǐ shuōhuà de rén shì guānxīn nǐ. Dànshì “bié fán wǒ” kěnéng shì tā xiǎng ràng nǐ bāng tā zuò shénme shìqíng.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 或者说什么,其实差不多。(Huòzhě shuō shénme, qíshí chàbùduō.)
David: You’d use 别管我 (Biéguǎn wǒ) with someone who’s trying to kind of control you whereas you’d use 烦 (Biéguǎn wǒ) if it’s just an unsolicited interruption.
Echo: 对,但是很多时候都是可以替代对方的,可以通用的。(Duì, dànshì hěnduō shíhòu dōu shì kěyǐ tìdài duìfāng de, kěyǐ tōngyòng de.)
David: Okay.
Echo: 用哪个都可以。别管我,别烦我。(Yòng nǎge dōu kěyǐ. Biéguǎn wǒ, bié fán wǒ.)
David: Very useful stuff. How about don’t be afraid?
Echo: 别害怕。(Bié hàipà.)
David: As in don’t be afraid, I am here.
Echo: 别害怕,有我呢。(Bié hàipà, yǒu wǒ ne.)
David: Umm and then last, we’ve got a really useful phrase. It’s don’t listen to him, listen to me.
Echo: 别听他的,听我的。(Bié tīng tā de, tīng wǒ de.)
David: Useful stuff. Okay and that brings us to the end of our vocab section. Let’s move on to grammar.
It’s grammar time.

Lesson focus

David: Echo, what are we learning?
Echo: 今天我们学了两个意思很接近的词。“整个”。(Jīntiān wǒmen xuéle liǎng gè yìsi hěn jiējìn de cí.“Zhěnggè”.)
David: Which means the entire.
Echo: And 所有。(Suǒyǒu.)
David: Which means all. And we had them in two different sentences in the dialogue.
Echo: 又一次拯救了整个世界。(Yòu yīcì zhěngjiùle zhěnggè shìjiè.)
David: Once again, we had saved the entire world.
Echo: 又是我一个人做了所有的事情。(Yòu shì wǒ yīgè rén zuòle suǒyǒu de shìqíng.)
David: Again it was me alone who did everything. What’s the difference Echo?
Echo: 我们先给几个例句吧,然后让大家感觉一下。(Wǒmen xiān gěi jǐ gè lìjù ba, ránhòu ràng dàjiā gǎnjué yīxià.)
David: Okay. How about starting with 整个。(Zhěnggè.)
Echo: 我整个上午都在学习中文。(Wǒ zhěnggè shàngwǔ dōu zài xuéxí zhōngwén.)
David: I studied Chinese all morning.
Echo: 整个房间都很乱。(Zhěnggè fángjiān dōu hěn luàn.)
David: The entire room is a mess.
Echo: 整个公司都在忙着一件事。(Zhěnggè gōngsī dōu zài mángzhe yī jiàn shì.)
David: The entire company is busy working on something.
Echo: 所以我们可以看到,“整个”的意思是一个东西,一个整体。(Suǒyǐ wǒmen kěyǐ kàn dào,“zhěnggè” de yìsi shì yīgè dōngxī, yīgè zhěngtǐ.)
David: Okay. So we use this when we are describing an entire thing such as the…
Echo: Like one thing.
David: The entire morning or the entire world.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: So this is indivisible. You can’t break the company up into smaller bits or the room into smaller bits.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Okay. What about our next word?
Echo: 所有的。所有的话我都听不懂。(Suǒyǒu de. Suǒyǒu dehuà wǒ dū tīng bù dǒng.)
David: Everything you say, I don’t understand.
Echo: 这是我所有的钱。(Zhè shì wǒ suǒyǒu de qián.)
David: This is all of my money.
Echo: 他浪费了所有的时间。(Tā làngfèile suǒyǒu de shíjiān.)
David: He wasted all his time. When do we use
Echo: 所有的。(Suǒyǒu de.)
David: It’s when we are describing things that can’t be broken into various bits and maybe assembled into a whole like people. Right?
Echo: 所有的人。(Suǒyǒu de rén.)
David: Or money.
Echo: 所有的钱。(所有的钱.)
David: Yeah we normally think about this as kind of fractured units and we are describing all of them put together.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò)
David: Okay. So that’s the difference. I have one question for you.
Echo: 说话。(Shuōhuà.)
David: Sometimes I noticed you adding 所有的 (Suǒyǒu de) you add this little 的 (De) sound and sometimes you don’t.
Echo: 其实你可以随便,你可以加“的”,也可以不加“的”。(Qíshí nǐ kěyǐ suíbiàn, nǐ kěyǐ jiā “de”, yě kěyǐ bù jiā “de”.)
David: Okay. So…
Echo: 但是有的时候我们的感觉有一些词和“所有”他们的联系很近,所以我们就不用“的”。(Dànshì yǒu de shíhòu wǒmen de gǎnjué yǒu yīxiē cí hé “suǒyǒu” tāmen de liánxì hěn jìn, suǒyǐ wǒmen jiù bùyòng “de”.)
David: Okay.
Echo: 就是一种感觉。(Jiùshì yī zhǒng gǎnjué.)
David: So we can add it and we cannot use it and Chinese people will use it or not depending on feeling.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: So this is one of these areas where there is no book that’s going to tell you exactly what’s right and what’s wrong.
Echo: 而且一般是这样,如果后边是一个字,比如说“人,所有人”,一般我们会说“所有人”。(Érqiě yībān shì zhèyàng, rúguǒ hòubian shì yīgè zì, bǐrú shuō “rén, suǒyǒu rén”, yībān wǒmen huì shuō “suǒyǒu rén”.)
David: I see.
Echo: 可能不会说“所有的人”。但是你说“所有的人”也可以。(Kěnéng bù huì shuō “suǒyǒu de rén”. Dànshì nǐ shuō “suǒyǒu de rén” yě kěyǐ.)
David: Aha so if it’s a two character phrase, then normally we do want to use 的。(De.)
Echo: Uhoo…
David: Okay guideline but this is not 100%.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: Okay. Now we know that that’s our grammar point for today. How not to confuse


Echo: 整个。(Zhěnggè.)
David: With
Echo: 所有。(Suǒyǒu.)
David: So that’s the end of our lesson.
Echo: 所有的语法都讲完了。(Suǒyǒu de yǔfǎ dōu jiǎng wánliǎo.)
David: Yeah and before we go, we do want to remind you. If you are following along by listening only, come to chineseclass101.com, download these PDF transcripts and you can actually follow what’s happening on paper or your computer screen.
Echo: 他们很有用。(Tāmen hěn yǒuyòng.)
David: It makes it much easier and it will help you make faster progress. From our studios right here in downtown Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是 (Wǒ shì) Echo.
David: And we are wishing you
Echo: 好好学习。(Hǎo hào xuéxí.)
David: 天天。(Tiāntiān.)
Echo: 向上。(Xiàngshàng.)
David: Take care guys.
Echo: Bye bye.
David: Bye.


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