
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to chineseclass101. I am David.
Echo: 大家好,我是 (Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì) Echo。
David: And we are here with series 1, lesson 6 in our elementary series.
Echo: 第六课。(Dì liù kè.)
David: Yeah. So this is a Chinese lesson for those of you who already got the basics down and you are looking to take the next step.
Echo: Right.
David: And Echo, what is our dialogue all about today?
Echo: It’s all about love.
David: Echo is a bit of a heartbreaker. You may not know.
Echo: No I am sweetheart.
David: She is maybe a bit like the girl in this dialogue.
Echo: No don’t trust him.
David: Okay. Well we are going to find out in a second but before we go to the dialogue, we do want to say something as usual. Echo.
Echo: 别忘了 (Bié wàngle) Leave comments on chineseclass101.com
David: That’s right. If you have any questions or comments, put them on the site. We’ve got teachers.
Echo: We have teachers and friends.
David: Waiting for your comments waiting to answer them.
Echo: Exactly.
David: So come on the site and check us out.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Let’s move on to the dialogue now.
张颖:今天情人节,你晚上有空吗?(ZHĀNG YǏNG: Jīntiān Qíngrén Jié, nǐ wǎnshang yǒu kòng ma?)
孙晨添:嗯,有啊,有啊。(SŪN CHÉNTIĀN: Ng, yǒu a, yǒu a.)
张颖:太好了!(ZHĀNG YǏNG: Tài hǎo le!)
孙晨添:你说吧,做什么都听你的。(SŪN CHÉNTIĀN: Nǐ shuō ba, zuò shénme dōu tīng nǐ de.)
张颖:我晚上有个约会,你能替我加班吗?(ZHĀNG YǏNG: Wǒ wǎnshang yǒu ge yuēhuì, nǐ néng tì wǒ jiābān ma?)
孙晨添:这。。。(SŪN CHÉNTIĀN: Zhè...)
Zhang Ying: Today is Valentine's Day, are you free tonight?
Andy: Oh, yeah, for sure.
Zhang Ying: That's great!
Andy: You say it, we'll do whatever you say.
Zhang Ying: I've got a date tonight, can you work overtime for me?
Andy: Er...
David: Okay we are back.
Echo: Uhoo I love the dialogue.
David: You would. She is so mean.
Echo: No I just…
David: How could you do that to someone?
Echo: I just love 情人节。 (Qíngrén jié.)
David: Ah!
Echo: Every girl loves 情人节。(Qíngrén jié.)
David: Yeah. Do you see the way she triggered this guy though. She was leading him on.
Echo: Ah.
David: You know it too. Okay.
Echo: That is all for love.
David: In case you didn’t pick up on what was happening, we are going to go through this line by line now. So Echo, why don’t you take us away?
Echo: 好的。(Hǎo de.)
Echo: 今天情人节,你晚上有空吗?(Jīntiān qíngrén jié, nǐ wǎnshàng yǒu kòng ma?)
David: Today is Valentine’s Day. Do you have any time this evening?
Echo: 嗯,有啊,有啊。(Ń, yǒu a, yǒu a.)
David: Umm yes, yes.
Echo: 太好了。(Tài hǎole.)
David: That’s great.
Echo: 你好吧,做什么都听你的。(Nǐ hǎo ba, zuò shénme dōu tīng nǐ de.)
David: You say it, what are we going to do?
Echo: 我晚上有个约会,你能替我加班吗?(Wǒ wǎnshàng yǒu gè yuēhuì, nǐ néng tì wǒ jiābān ma?)
David: I’ve got a date this evening. Can you work overtime for me? That’s crushing. She got his hopes up and then she just dropped him like that. Echo, would you do this?
Echo: 当然不会了。当然不会了。(Dāngrán bù huìle. Dāngrán bù huìle.)
David: I think you would. We will see.
Echo: 我是甜心。(Wǒ shì tiánxīn.)
David: Okay. We are going to move on now and we are going to cover some of the vocab that came up in this. And now the vocab section.
Echo: 情人节。(Qíngrén jié.)
David: Valentine’s Day.
Echo: 情人节。(Qíngrén jié.)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 情人节。(Qíngrén jié.)[natural native speed]
Echo: 有空。(yǒu kòng.)
David: To have free time.
Echo:有空。(yǒu kòng.) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 有空。(yǒu kòng.) [natural native speed]
Echo: 什么?(shénme?)
David: What?
Echo:什么?(shénme?) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo:什么?(shénme?) [natural native speed]
Echo: 都。(dōu.)
David: All.
Echo: 都。(dōu.) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 都。(dōu.) [natural native speed]
Echo: 约会。(yuēhuì.)
David: Date.
Echo: 约会。(yuēhuì.) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 约会。(yuēhuì.) [natural native speed]
Echo: 替。(tì.)
David: In place of.
Echo: 替。(tì.) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 替。(tì.) [natural native speed]
Echo: 加班。(jiābān.)
David: To work overtime.
Echo: 加班。(jiābān.) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Echo: 加班。(jiābān.) [natural native speed]
David: So we are back and we are into the vocab section where we go into great depth about the vocab used by this girl in just crushing this guy’s heart.
Echo: Right. 我觉得有点儿太过分了。(Wǒ juédé yǒudiǎn er tài guòfènle.)
David: Yeah 有点儿。(Yǒudiǎn er.)
Echo: This is a bit too much.
David: Yeah. Our focus for the vocab section is on prepositions. Some textbooks will call these co-verbs. In English, these are words like with or for.
Echo: Right.
David: In Chinese, we’ve got
Echo: 替。(Tì.)
David: And we see it in this sentence.
Echo: 你能替我加班吗?(Nǐ néng tì wǒ jiābān ma?)
David: Yeah. Literally 替。(Tì.)
Echo: 替。(Tì.)
David: Translates as for somebody or in place of somebody.
Echo: Right.
David: So the sentence there was can you work overtime instead of me.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
Echo:你能替我加班吗?(Nǐ néng tì wǒ jiābān ma?)
David: Because it’s a preposition, we see it before the main verb.
Echo: 加班。(Jiābān.)
David: So the whole sentence again is
Echo: 你能替我加班吗?(Nǐ néng tì wǒ jiābān ma?)
David: Can you in place of me work overtime? Now we are going to focus on a bunch of words like
Echo: 替。(Tì.)
David: Which are also prepositions and also translate as for.
Echo: But before that, we will give our listeners some examples.
David: Yeah okay. Let’s go over some examples for 替.(Tì.)
Echo: 你能替我开会吗?(Nǐ néng tì wǒ kāihuì ma?)
David: Can you be at the meeting instead of me?
Echo: 他替我去约会了。(Tā tì wǒ qù yuēhuìle.)
David: He went on a date for me. That’s a weird sentence.
Echo: Well it depends on the situation.
David: That’s like I didn’t want to go on a date in the first place. So I agree that.
Echo: Or maybe somebody arranged the date for you.
David: Arranged dates, that happens here. Moving on, that’s 替.(Tì.)
Echo: Right.
David: Normally we are going to translate that as for. We’ve got some other prepositions though which will also translate as for but really mean different things.
Echo: Right.
David: Echo.
Echo: 给。(Gěi.)
David: We’ve learned this before as to give but we can also translate it as for.
Echo: Right.
David: For instance.
Echo: This is very useful. 我男朋友给我买了玫瑰花。(Wǒ nán péngyǒu gěi wǒ mǎile méiguī huā.)
David: My boyfriend bought roses for me.
Echo: 我喜欢给你做饭。(Wǒ xǐhuān gěi nǐ zuò fàn.)
David: I like to cook for you.
Echo: Uhoo how sweet!
David: Yeah it is kind of sweet yeah. What’s the third one?
Echo: Third one is 为。(Wèi.)
David: This is actually I think the trickiest one, the hardest one to understand.
Echo: Yeah. A little bit. Actually when we use this word, we would put 了 (Le) together and we will say 为了。(Wèile.)
David: Umm like..
Echo: It’s for. 他为了钱,什么都能做。(Tā wèile qián, shénme dōu néng zuò.)
David: He will do anything for money.
Echo: 为了你,我什么都愿意做。(Wèile nǐ, wǒ shénme dōu yuànyì zuò.)
David: I will do anything for you. Ah but you know it’s not Valentine’s Day but we’ve got the feeling going here.
Echo: 当然了,非常浪漫。(Dāngránle, fēicháng làngmàn.) Romantic.
David: Yeah except for the dialogue. Those last two sentences are actually really interesting and they bring us right into our grammar point for today.

Lesson focus

Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: So let’s go take a look at that.
Echo: My favorite part.
David: It’s grammar time. Our grammar point is something really interesting that’s happening with
Echo: 什么。(Shénme.)
David: In our dialogue.
Echo: Because we learned 什么 (Shénme) before which means like what.
David: Yeah when we learned it before, it was a question word but in the dialogue here, it’s not acting as a question.
Echo: Right because we’ve put 什么 (Shénme) and 都 (Dōu) together.
David: Yeah. Why don’t we take a listen to this line again?
Echo: 你说吧,做什么都听你的。(Nǐ shuō ba, zuò shénme dōu tīng nǐ de.)
David: So literally we are translating that as you tell us what we are going to do.
Echo: Whatever you say.
David: We will listen to what you say.
Echo: Yeah. I would just do it.
David: Yeah. So 什么 (Shénme) here it’s not a question.
Echo: Uhoo it’s like whatever.
David: Let’s have some more example sentences of this.
Echo: 什么都可以。(Shénme dōu kěyǐ.)
David: Anything is okay. If we go back to the vocab usage section, you gave us a really interesting sentence about money. Raw money.
Echo: 他为了钱什么都能做。(Tā wèile qián shénme dōu néng zuò.)
David: Yeah and that’s the same. We will do anything for money. There is something here in these sentences that you might have missed. We are not just saying 什么.(Shénme.) We also have to add something into very end of that.
Echo: 都。(Dōu.)
David: Right.
Echo: 做什么都听你的。(Zuò shénme dōu tīng nǐ de.)
David: Yeah and that’s really the clue that you want to listen for…
Echo: Right.
David: For this kind of meaning. It’s that 都 (Dōu) tagged on at the end. Sometimes we will actually hear another particle.
Echo: 也。(Yě.)
David: Both of them are okay.
Echo: But there are some different here. It’s that 他什么也不说 (Tā shénme yě bù shuō) that is fine but you can’t say 什么也可以 (Shénme yě kěyǐ) that is wrong.
David: Right. So if you use 也 (Yě) you have to use the sentence in the negative sense.
Echo: Right.
David: Good point. And both of these are used really to add emphasis.
Echo: Right.
David: Okay we can also use this with 谁。(Shéi.)
Echo: 谁。(Shéi.)
David: Echo, can you give us some examples?
Echo: 谁都不想去。(Shéi dōu bùxiǎng qù.)
David: Nobody wants to go.
Echo: 谁都可以参加。(Shéi dōu kěyǐ cānjiā.)
David: Anyone can participate.
Echo: And just like 什么都 (Shénme dōu) we can use 也 (Yě) instead of 都 (Dōu) and here we can say 谁也 (Shéi yě) that is still we need to use it in the negative sentence 谁也不喜欢他。(Shéi yě bù xǐhuān tā.)
David: Hmm nobody likes him at all. That’s why she didn’t go on a date with him.
Echo: 没错。可能是这样的。(Méi cuò. Kěnéng shì zhèyàng de.)
David: Are you free tonight? Yeah I’ve got to work overtime. Anyway, that’s our grammar section. So in review today, we’ve looked at two really important things. We’ve looked at some really nice vocab especially prepositions and we’ve looked at three of them that can translate as four.
Echo: 替,给,为了。(Tì, gěi, wèile.)
David: Yeah. Remember to put those in front of the verb and you are going to do fine. The second thing we looked at in the grammar section was the new usage of two question words. What
Echo: 什么。(Shénme.)
David: And who
Echo: 谁。(Shéi.)
David: And we came up with sentences like this.
Echo: 什么都可以。(Shénme dōu kěyǐ.)
David: Anything is okay.
Echo: 谁也不喜欢他。(Shéi yě bù xǐhuān tā.)


David: Nobody likes him at all. So that’s our podcast for today. And we hope you’ve enjoyed it. We hope you learned something. Before we go, we want to mention to you. If you are just listening through your mp3 player, you are missing out on a lot of great features. If you come to the premium learning center that we’ve got online, we’ve got a lot of tools that are going to really help this vocab.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: And the grammar points stick. It’s really going to help you learn faster and better.
Echo: Yeah.
David: So come on over the site and check it out.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Okay. From Beijing, I am David Lancashire.
Echo: 我是(Wǒ shì) Echo。
David: And we are wishing you
Echo: 情人节快乐。(Qíngrén jié kuàilè.)
David: Happy belated Valentine’s Day.
Echo: Yeah but every day is Valentine’s Day.
David: Okay take care guys and we will see you next week.
Echo: Bye bye.
David: Bye.


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