
Vocabulary (Review)

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Dave: Hi everybody and welcome to chineseclass101 Elementary series, season 2, Lesson 10. The Jealous Girlfriend.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是Echo. (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.) And welcome to chineseclass101.
Dave: And I am Dave and with us, you will learn to speak Chinese with fun and effective lessons.
Echo: And we also provide you with cultural insights
Dave: And tips you won’t find in a textbook. In this lesson, you will learn the best way to praise your wife or girlfriend.
Echo: This conversation takes place on the street.
Dave: The conversation is between a man and his girlfriend.
Echo: The speakers are boyfriend and girlfriend. Therefore they will be speaking casual Chinese.
A:你又看别的女人?! (Nǐ yòu kàn biéde nǚrén? !)
B:宝贝儿,别生气,你没有她难看。 (Bǎobèir, bié shēngqì, nǐ méiyǒu tā nánkàn.)
A:你说什么? (Nǐ shuō shénme?)
B:她没有你难看。 (Tā méiyǒu nǐ nánkàn.)
A:什么? (Shénme?)
B:我说,她比你好看。 (Wǒ shuō, tā bǐ nǐ hǎokàn.)
A:啊?? (A? ?)
B:你最好看,你最好看!! (Nǐ zuì hǎokàn, nǐ zuì hǎokàn! !)
Dave: One more time, a bit more slowly.
A:你又看别的女人?! (Nǐ yòu kàn biéde nǚrén? !)
B:宝贝儿,别生气,你没有她难看。 (Bǎobèir, bié shēngqì, nǐ méiyǒu tā nánkàn.)
A:你说什么? (Nǐ shuō shénme?)
B:她没有你难看。 (Tā méiyǒu nǐ nánkàn.)
A:什么? (Shénme?)
B:我说,她比你好看。 (Wǒ shuō, tā bǐ nǐ hǎokàn.)
A:啊?? (A? ?)
B:你最好看,你最好看!! (Nǐ zuì hǎokàn, nǐ zuì hǎokàn! !)
Dave: One more time with English.
Echo: 你又看别的女人?! (Nǐ yòu kàn biéde nǚrén? !)
Dave: Were you looking at another woman again?
Echo:宝贝儿,别生气,你没有她难看。 (Bǎobèir, bié shēngqì, nǐ méiyǒu tā nánkàn.)
Dave: Baby, don’t be angry. You are not as ugly as she is.
Echo: 你说什么? (Nǐ shuō shénme?)
Dave: What did you say?
Echo: 她没有你难看。 (Tā méiyǒu nǐ nánkàn.)
Dave: She is not as ugly as you are.
Echo: 什么? (Shénme?)
Dave: What!
Echo: 我说,她比你好看。 (Wǒ shuō, tā bǐ nǐ hǎokàn.)
Dave: I said she is prettier than you are.
Echo: 啊?? (A? ?)
Dave: Ah!
Echo: 你最好看,你最好看!! (Nǐ zuì hǎokàn, nǐ zuì hǎokàn! !)
Dave: You are the prettiest! You are the prettiest!
Echo: This is very interesting dialogue. I think almost every woman in the world hates when her boyfriend looks at other woman on the street.
Dave: Yeah but unfortunately almost every man will cast a side glance when a beautiful woman passes by. That’s just the way men are but it doesn’t mean we are in love with her.
Echo: Okay today we are going to give all the gentlemen some help. How to make up with your angry girlfriend when you are caught looking at other women.
Dave: Yes that’s what today’s vocabulary section is all about.
Echo: Right. Learn it today and start using it tomorrow.
Dave: Great. So let’s head to the vocabulary section right now. And now the vocab section.
Echo: 好看 (hǎokàn)
Dave: Good looking.
Echo: 难看 (nánkàn)
Dave: Ugly.
Echo: 有 (yǒu)
Dave: To have.
Echo: 没有 (méiyǒu)
Dave: Not to have.
Echo: 比 (bǐ)
Dave: To compare.
Echo: 比较 (bǐjiào)
Dave: Relatively.
Echo: 最 (zuì)
Dave: Most.
Echo: 宝贝儿 (bǎobèir)
Dave: Baby.
Echo: 宝贝儿 (bǎobèir)
Dave: Okay let’s take a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Echo: The first word is 好看。 (Hǎokàn.)
Dave: Good looking.
Echo: 好看。 (Hǎokàn.)
Dave: Third tone followed by fourth tone. Let’s hear one sample sentence.
Echo: 你真好看。 (Nǐ zhēn hǎokàn.)
Dave: You are really good looking. Thanks Echo.
Echo: I am sorry. I didn’t mean you. Actually we don’t usually use 好看 (Hǎokàn)to describe a man. So we can say 你真好看 (Nǐ zhēn hǎokàn)to woman or a kid.
Dave: Oh I see! Okay what’s the next word Echo?
Echo: 难看 (Nánkàn)
Dave: Ugly.
Echo: 难看 (Nánkàn) Dave, I think you will be happy to hear this 难看. (Nánkàn
.) It can be used to describe a man as well.
Dave: That’s not fair.
Echo: 他太难看了。 (Tā tài nánkànle.)
Dave: He is too ugly.
Echo: 他太难看了。 (Tā tài nánkànle.)
Dave: He is too ugly. Then what about things that aren’t human? Can we use this word for objects as well?
Echo: Yeah we can use both 好看 (Hǎokàn)and 难看 (Hǎokàn) when talking about things like 这件衣服很难看。 (Zhè jiàn yīfú hěn nánkàn.)
Dave: This piece of clothing is very ugly.
Echo: 这件衣服很难看。 (Zhè jiàn yīfú hěn nánkàn.)
Dave: Okay. What’s our next word Echo?
Echo: 有 (Yǒu)
Dave: To have but here in particular, it implies comparison.
Echo: 有 (Yǒu)
Dave: To have. Let’s hear one example with this word being used for comparison.
Echo: 他有你瘦吗? (Tā yǒu nǐ shòu ma?)
Dave: Is she as skinny as you are.
Echo: 他有你瘦吗? (Tā yǒu nǐ shòu ma?)
Dave: This is a very good way to praise someone.
Echo: Right and our next word is to imply comparison too. 没有 (Méiyǒu)
Dave: Not to have.
Echo: 没有 (Méiyǒu)
Dave: Not to have. So let’s hear a sample sentence with this word.
Echo: 你没有她胖。 (Nǐ méiyǒu tā pàng.)
Dave: You are not as fat as she is.
Echo: 你没有她胖。 (Nǐ méiyǒu tā pàng.)
Dave: You are not as fat as she is. You need to be very careful when you use this sentence pattern. We are going to help you handle it in the grammar section later today.
Echo: Our next word is 比 (Bǐ)
Dave: We learned this word in a previous lesson. It means to compare.
Echo: 比,我哥哥比我帅。 (Wǒ gēgē bǐ wǒ shuài.)
Dave: My older brother is more handsome than me.
Echo: 我哥哥比我帅。 (Wǒ gēgē bǐ wǒ shuài.)
Dave: My older brother is more handsome than I am.
Echo: Next word looks very similar as 比. It is 比较 (Bǐjiào)
Dave: In fact, this is an adverb here meaning relatively.
Echo: Right 比较 (Bǐjiào) is totally different from 比. Let’s hear a sample sentence. 她比较一般。 (Tā bǐjiào yībān.)
Dave: She is relatively normal.
Echo: 她比较一般。 (Tā bǐjiào yībān.)
Dave: She is relatively normal.
Echo: Okay so today’s last two words are the trump cards to make your boyfriend or girlfriend happy. So let’s listen up. The first one
Dave: The most.
Echo: 最,我老婆最漂亮。 (Zuì, wǒ lǎopó zuì piàoliang.)
Dave: My wife is the most beautiful.
Echo: 我老婆最漂亮。 (Wǒ lǎopó zuì piàoliang.)
Dave: My wife is the most beautiful and what is the last word Echo.
Echo: It is 宝贝儿. (Bǎobèi er.) You can say 宝贝 (Bǎobèi) as well.
Dave: It means baby or babe.
Echo: Yeah.
Dave: You can use this word referring to your significant other, your kid, your pet or even things you like.
Echo: Right 宝贝儿,你比别的女人都好看。 (Bǎobèi er, nǐ bǐ bié de nǚrén dōu hǎokàn.)
Dave: Baby, you are prettier than any other woman.
Echo: 你比别的女人都好看。 (Nǐ bǐ bié de nǚrén dōu hǎokàn.)
Dave: Baby, you are prettier than any other woman.
Echo: How sweet!
Dave: Yeah I think it is a good idea to compare your girl with others and say she is the best to her face.
Echo: Right. You are actually talking about comparison. We have just prepared a grammar section focusing on it.
Dave: Okay great. So on to the grammar now. It’s grammar time. The focus of this lesson is the different ways to compare two things or persons.

Lesson focus

Echo: Yes. The first way we are going to talk about is to compare using this word 没有。 (Méiyǒu)
Dave: Right. In the dialogue, we have two sentences with this word. Let’s hear it one by one. So Echo, the first one.
Echo: 你没有她难看。 (Nǐ méiyǒu tā nánkàn.)
Dave: You are not as ugly as she is or implying, she is more ugly.
Echo: Yeah.
Dave: And the second one.
Echo: 她没有你难看。 (Tā méiyǒu nǐ nánkàn.)
Dave: She is not as ugly as you are implying you are more ugly.
Echo: Yeah. So in those two sentences, the basic pattern is, somebody plus 没有 (Méiyǒu) plus somebody else implies the adjective.
Dave: Right. So let’s hear some sample sentences. Echo?
Echo: 她没有你好看。 (Tā méiyǒu nǐ hǎokàn.)
Dave: She is not as pretty as you are suggesting you are more pretty.
Echo: 她没有你好看。 (Tā méiyǒu nǐ hǎokàn.)
Dave: She is not as pretty as you are.
Echo: 姐姐没有我瘦。 (Jiějiě méiyǒu wǒ shòu.)
Dave: My older sister is not as skinny as I am.
Echo: 姐姐没有我瘦。 (Jiějiě méiyǒu wǒ shòu.)
Dave: My older sister is not as skinny as I am.
Echo: 他没有我男朋友帅。 (Tā méiyǒu wǒ nán péngyǒu shuài.)
Dave: He is not as handsome as my boyfriend.
Echo: So my boyfriend is more handsome.
Dave: Exactly.
Echo: 他没有我男朋友帅。 (Tā méiyǒu wǒ nán péngyǒu shuài.)
Dave: He is not as handsome as my boyfriend.
Echo: So you just remember the basic pattern. Somebody plus 没有 (Méiyǒu) plus somebody else and plus the adjective.
Dave: I also heard that when we use this pattern, there is one thing we need to be really careful about right?
Echo: Right. If the adjective we use at the end of the sentence is negative like 难看 or 不好, (Nánkàn or bù hǎo,) it means both of these two people or things are 难看 or 不好。 (Nánkàn or bù hǎo.)
Dave: Right. Why don’t we hear some examples?
Echo: Okay. So let’s say 你没有那个人胖。 (Nǐ méiyǒu nàgè rén pàng.)
Dave: It means you are not as fat as that guy but you are both fat.
Echo: Right 你没有那个人胖。你哥哥没有你弟弟矮。 (Nǐ méiyǒu nàgè rén pàng. Nǐ gēgē méiyǒu nǐ dìdì ǎi.)
Dave: Your older brother is not as short as your younger brother but still both of your brothers are short.
Echo: Yeah 你哥哥没有你弟弟矮。这么没有那个难吃。 (Nǐ gēgē méiyǒu nǐ dìdì ǎi. Zhème méiyǒu nàgè nán chī.)
Dave: This one does not taste as bad as that one.
Echo: 这么没有那个难吃。 (Zhème méiyǒu nàgè nán chī.)
Dave: This one does not taste as bad as that one but in this case, they are both still pretty bad.
Echo: Yeah. So that’s the way to compare two persons or things with 没有。 (Méiyǒu)
Dave: And in the previous lesson, we learned another word for comparing things.
Echo: 比 (Bǐ)
Dave: Right and in this dialogue, we heard
Echo: 他比你好看。 (Tā bǐ nǐ hǎokàn.)
Dave: She is prettier than you.
Echo: So that’s all for today’s grammar.


Dave: Okay. That just about does it for today. Before we go, we want to tell you about a way to improve your pronunciation drastically.
Echo: The voice recording tool.
Dave: Yes the voice recording tool in the premium learning center.
Echo: Record your voice with a click of a button
Dave: And then play it back just as easily.
Echo: Right. So you record your voice and then listen to it.
Dave: Compare it to the native speakers
Echo: And adjust your pronunciation.
Dave: This will help you improve your pronunciation fast.
Echo: Right.
Dave: Okay that’s all for today. From Beijing, I am Dave.
Echo: 我是Echo. (Wǒ shì Echo.)
Dave: And we will see you next week.
Echo: Thanks for listening. Bye bye.
Dave: Bye bye.


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2010-05-18 18:30:00

What is the best complement, and worst complement you have ever received?

2020-07-22 23:59:54

你好 robert groulx!

不用谢。(Bú yòng xiè.) = No need for thanks. You're welcome. 😇

谢谢 (Xièxie) for studying with us, it's great to have you here!

Let us know if you have any questions.

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robert groulx
2020-07-22 23:03:06

thanks for the lesson

my favorite words are 她没有你难看。


2010-06-17 10:28:55

William Shakespeare said, "Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned". This phrase is well entrenched in the English language, especially when someone angers a woman in a love relationship.

Does Chinese have a similar phrase?

2010-05-19 21:13:01

A guy once told me he liked me because I didn't care how I looked when I was dancing :???:

2010-05-19 11:46:11

Someone told me I have many zits...how nice...LOL
