
Vocabulary (Review)

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Dave: Hi and welcome to chineseclass101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Chinese.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是Echo. (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.) and thanks for being here with us for this elementary series, season 2 lesson.
Dave: And I am Dave and this is our 22nd lesson in the series.
Echo: This lesson is hunting for jobs in China.
Dave: In this lesson, you will learn the secrets of the Chinese job market along with some helpful job hunting vocab.
Echo: This conversation takes place in an apartment.
Dave: The conversation is between two good friends.
Echo: And they are having a conversation about one of the person’s job prospects.
Dave: But before we listen to the dialogue, please take a moment to sign on to chineseclass101.com and sign up for a free life time account.
Echo: It will only take you couple of seconds.
Dave: You can sign up in no time and then have access to all of the special features available to students on chineseclass101.
Echo: 没错 (Méi cuò)
Dave: Okay let’s go on to the dialogue.
A:你找到工作了吗? (Nǐ zhǎodào gōngzuò le ma?)
B:还没有,我还在找。 (Hái méiyǒu, wǒ hái zài zhǎo.)
A:情况怎么样? (Qíngkuàng zěnmeyàng?)
B:不太好,我还没接到一个公司的电话。 (Bùtàihǎo, wǒ hái méi jiēdào yī ge gōngsī de diànhuà.)
A:那继续投简历呀! (Nà jìxù tóu jiǎnlìyā!)
B:我在投啊,我每天都投十份简历。 (Wǒ zài tóu ā, wǒ měi tiān dōu tóu shí fèn jiǎnlì.)
A:来,我看看你的简历。 (Lái, wǒ kànkan nǐ de jiǎnlì.)
B:给你。 (Gěi nǐ.)
A:笨蛋,你把自己的手机号码写错了! (Bèndàn, nǐ bǎ zìjǐ de shǒujī hàomǎ xiěcuò le!)
Dave: One more time, a bit slower.
A:你找到工作了吗? (Nǐ zhǎodào gōngzuò le ma?)
B:还没有,我还在找。 (Hái méiyǒu, wǒ hái zài zhǎo.)
A:情况怎么样? (Qíngkuàng zěnmeyàng?)
B:不太好,我还没接到一个公司的电话。 (Bùtàihǎo, wǒ hái méi jiēdào yī ge gōngsī de diànhuà.)
A:那继续投简历呀! (Nà jìxù tóu jiǎnlìyā!)
B:我在投啊,我每天都投十份简历。 (Wǒ zài tóu ā, wǒ měi tiān dōu tóu shí fèn jiǎnlì.)
A:来,我看看你的简历。 (Lái, wǒ kànkan nǐ de jiǎnlì.)
B:给你。 (Gěi nǐ.)
A:笨蛋,你把自己的手机号码写错了! (Bèndàn, nǐ bǎ zìjǐ de shǒujī hàomǎ xiěcuò le!)
Dave: One more time, with English.
Echo: 你找到工作了吗? (Nǐ zhǎodào gōngzuò le ma?)
Dave: Have you found a job?
Echo: 还没有,我还在找。 (Hái méiyǒu, wǒ hái zài zhǎo.)
Dave: No I haven’t. I am still looking.
Echo: 情况怎么样? (Qíngkuàng zěnmeyàng?)
Dave: What’s the situation like?
Echo: 不太好,我还没接到一个公司的电话。 (Bùtàihǎo, wǒ hái méi jiēdào yī ge gōngsī de diànhuà.)
Dave: Not good, I still haven’t received a phone call from any company.
Echo: 那继续投简历呀! (Nà jìxù tóu jiǎnlìyā!)
Dave: Then continue to send out resumes.
Echo: 我在投啊,我每天都投十份简历。 (Wǒ zài tóu ā, wǒ měi tiān dōu tóu shí fèn jiǎnlì.)
Dave: I’ve been sending them out. Every day I send out ten copies.
Echo: 来,我看看你的简历。 (Lái, wǒ kànkan nǐ de jiǎnlì.)
Dave: Come here, let me take a look at your resume.
Echo: 给你。 (Gěi nǐ.)
Dave: Here!
Echo: 笨蛋,你把自己的手机号码写错了! (Bèndàn, nǐ bǎ zìjǐ de shǒujī hàomǎ xiěcuò le!)
Dave: Fool, you wrote down your own phone number incorrectly. So Echo, would you hire this person?
Echo: Well writing the wrong telephone number isn’t a good start.
Dave: What’s it like for college graduates in China looking for their first job?
Echo: It depends. Most college students will find a job during their last year of college.
Dave: What about the people who don’t find a job right away?
Echo: Well they have to face a lot of competition because right now, there are far more applicants than jobs.
Dave: Right. So since this is such a big issue, Echo and I have prepared a big vocab section.
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.)
Dave: Filled with all the essential words for landing in a decent job.
Echo: Right so let’s go to the vocab section now.
Dave: And now the vocab section.
Echo: 找 (zhǎo)
Dave: To seek or to find.
Echo: 情况 (qíngkuàng)
Dave: Circumstances or situation.
Echo: 接到 (jiēdào)
Dave: To receive.
Echo: 继续 (jìxù)
Dave: To continue.
Echo: 投 (tóu)
Dave: To send out.
Echo: 简历 (jiǎnlì)
Dave: Resume.
Echo: 面试 (miànshì)
Dave: Interview.
Echo: 招聘 (zhāopìn)
Dave: To recruit.
Echo: 应聘 (yìngpìn)
Dave: To apply for a job.
Echo: 笨蛋 (bèndàn)
Dave: Fool literally a dumb egg.
Echo: 笨蛋 (bèndàn)
Dave: Okay let’s take a closer look at the vocab in today’s lesson.
Echo: The first word is 找。 (zhǎo)
Dave: To seek.
Echo: 找。我现在还没找到工作。 (Zhǎo. Wǒ xiànzài hái méi zhǎodào gōngzuò.)
Dave: Right now, I still haven’t found a job.
Echo: 我现在还没找到工作。 (Wǒ xiànzài hái méi zhǎodào gōngzuò.)
Dave: Maybe the job market is quite difficult at this time.
Echo: Yeah.
Dave: It depends on the
Echo: 情况。 (qíngkuàng)
Dave: Circumstances or situation.
Echo: 情况。这里的情况很不好。 (Qíngkuàng. Zhèlǐ de qíngkuàng hěn bù hǎo.)
Dave: The situation here isn’t good.
Echo: 这里的情况很不好。 (Zhèlǐ de qíngkuàng hěn bù hǎo.)
Dave: Okay Echo, our next word?
Echo: 接到。 (jiēdào)
Dave: To receive.
Echo: 接到。 (jiēdào)
Dave: This is a two-character word and on the end of the word is a verb complement.
Echo: Right.
Dave: We will go into this later in the grammar section. So stay tuned. Echo, can you give us a sample sentence?
Echo: 我一直没接到他的电话。 (Wǒ yīzhí méi jiē dào tā de diànhuà.)
Dave: I have yet to receive his phone call.
Echo: 我一直没接到他的电话。 (Wǒ yīzhí méi jiē dào tā de diànhuà.) The next word is 继续。 (Jìxù.)
Dave: To continue.
Echo: 继续。你还想继续在那干吗? (Jìxù. Nǐ hái xiǎng jìxù zài nà gànma?)
Dave: Are you planning to keep working there?
Echo: 你还想继续在那干吗? (Nǐ hái xiǎng jìxù zài nà gànma?)
Dave: Our next word is familiar to people who have sent out a large amount of resumes.
Echo: 投。 (tóu)
Dave: To send out.
Echo: 投。他天天投简历,但没有一个公司找他。 (Tóu. Tā tiāntiān tóu jiǎnlì, dàn méiyǒu yīgè gōngsī zhǎo tā.)
Dave: He sends out a resume every day but no company contacts him.
Echo: 他天天投简历,但没有一个公司找他。 (Tā tiāntiān tóu jiǎnlì, dàn méiyǒu yīgè gōngsī zhǎo tā.) This brings us to the next word 简历。 (jiǎnlì)
Dave: Resume.
Echo: 简历,你的简历不错,你会法语? (Jiǎnlì, nǐ de jiǎnlì bùcuò, nǐ huì fǎyǔ?)
Dave: Your resume isn’t bad, can you speak French?
Echo: 你的简历不错,你会法语? (nǐ de jiǎnlì bùcuò, nǐ huì fǎyǔ?)
Dave: And that’s the sort of question that might be asked in a
Echo: 面试。 (miànshì)
Dave: Interview.
Echo: 面试。我面试失败了。 (Miànshì. Wǒ miànshì shībàile.)
Dave: I failed the interview.
Echo: 我面试失败了。招聘。 (Wǒ miànshì shībàile. Zhāopìn.)
Dave: To recruit.
Echo: 招聘。我们想招聘前台。 (Zhāopìn. Wǒmen xiǎng zhāopìn qiántái.)
Dave: We are recruiting for the front desk.
Echo: 我们想招聘前台。 (Wǒmen xiǎng zhāopìn qiántái.)
Dave: Okay Echo and the next word
Echo: 应聘。 (yìngpìn)
Dave: To apply for a job.
Echo: 应聘。请问你应聘什么职位? (Yìngpìn. Qǐngwèn nǐ yìngpìn shénme zhíwèi?)
Dave: May I ask what positions are you looking to apply for?
Echo: 请问你应聘什么职位? (Qǐngwèn nǐ yìngpìn shénme zhíwèi?)
Dave: Okay. So that does it for vocabulary. Let’s move on to the grammar section.
Echo: 好的。(Yìngpìn)

Lesson focus

Dave: It’s grammar time. So today the grammar point is actually a review.
Echo: Today we are talking about 结果补语 (Jiéguǒ bǔyǔ) resultative verb complements.
Dave: A resultative verb complement directly follows the verb predicate. We use it when we need to convey the meaning that not only the action has taken place but results have also been obtained. That’s when we add the resultative verb complement.
Echo: Where the complement or a adjective directly follows the verb.
Dave: Echo, why don’t we go over the sample from the dialogue.
Echo: Okay. 你把自己的手机号码写错了。 (Nǐ bǎ zìjǐ de shǒujī hàomǎ xiě cuòle.)
Dave: You wrote down your own phone number incorrectly.
Echo: 你把自己的手机号码写错了。 (Nǐ bǎ zìjǐ de shǒujī hàomǎ xiě cuòle.)
Dave: The more informal way to say this in English might be, you got your own phone number wrong. And the resultative verb complement in action here is
Echo: 写错了。 (Xiě cuòle.)
Dave: To have written incorrectly.
Echo: 写错了。 (Xiě cuòle.) The verb 写 (Xiě) is followed by an adjective 错 (Cuò) that completes the action.
Dave: Right. So we know that the action was completed, the writing was finished and it was done wrong.
Echo: Right.
Dave: Okay we have the basic premise down. Now let’s go through some more sample sentences.
Echo: 你把自己的名字写错了。 (Nǐ bǎ zìjǐ de míngzì xiě cuòle.)
Dave: You wrote down your own name incorrectly.
Echo: 你把自己的名字写错了。 (Nǐ bǎ zìjǐ de míngzì xiě cuòle.) And here the verb 写 is followed by the adjective 错。写错。 (Cuò. Xiě cuò.)
Dave: Again to write incorrectly. Okay and our next example.
Echo: 我刚刚找到工作。 (Wǒ gānggāng zhǎodào gōngzuò.)
Dave: I recently found a job.
Echo:我刚刚找到工作。 (Wǒ gānggāng zhǎodào gōngzuò.) The verb is 找 (Zhǎo) and the resultative action is 到,找到。 (Dào, zhǎodào.)
Dave: To have found. First, you were looking and the result of the action is that you arrived or you found the thing you were looking for.
Echo: Right 我想到了一个好主意。 (Wǒ xiǎngdàole yīgè hǎo zhǔyì.)
Dave: I thought of a good idea.
Echo: 我想到了一个好主意。(Wǒ xiǎngdàole yīgè hǎo zhǔyì.) And the verb complement here is 到,想到。 (Dào, xiǎngdào.)
Dave: To have thought of and to have arrived – to literally have arrived at a thought.
Echo: Right.
Dave: As in Eureka.
Echo: 应该怎么做,你想好了吗? (Yīnggāi zěnme zuò, nǐ xiǎng hǎole ma?)
Dave: How should we do it? Have you finished thinking about it?
Echo: 应该怎么做,你想好了吗?“好了” (Yīnggāi zěnme zuò, nǐ xiǎng hǎole ma?“Hǎole”) alone means to be ready or to have finished. So when we combine it with 想,想好了 (Xiǎng, xiǎng hǎole) means
Dave: To have finished thinking.
Echo: 我把工作做完了。 (Wǒ bǎ gōngzuò zuò wánliǎo.)
Dave: I finished working.
Echo: 我把工作做完了。(Wǒ bǎ gōngzuò zuò wánliǎo.) The word 做 (Zuò) means
Dave: To work.
Echo: It is completed by the adjective 完。(Wán.)
Dave: To finish working.
Echo: 做完了。 (Zuò wánliǎo.)
Dave: Okay. So to review, we’ve gone over some different types of resultative verb complements.
Echo: 写错。 (Xiě cuò.)
Dave: To write incorrectly.
Echo: 找到。 (Zhǎodào.)
Dave: To find.
Echo: 想到。 (Xiǎngdào.)
Dave: To have thought of.
Echo: 想好。 (Xiǎng hǎo.)
Dave: To finish thinking.
Echo: 做完。 (Zuò wán.)
Dave: To have finished doing something and with that, we are nearly finished with our podcast but before we go…
Echo: Right.
Dave: We want to tell you about a way to improve your pronunciation.
Echo: The voice recording tool.
Dave: Yes the voice recording tool in the premium learning center.
Echo: Record your voice with a click of a button.
Dave: And then play it back just as easily.
Echo: So you record your voice and then listen to it.
Dave: Compare it to native speakers
Echo: And adjust your pronunciation.
Dave: This will help you improve your pronunciation fast.
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.)


Dave: Okay that does it for today. From Beijing, I am Dave.
Echo: 我是Echo. (Wǒ shì Echo.)
Dave: And we will see you next week.
Echo: 下次见 (Xià cì jiàn) bye bye.
Dave: See you then.


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